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The world should be divided into pre-full level(PVE) and full level world(PVEandPVP) world


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Devs already closed tha case about this matter. Too much work for a very little player base. I've played a game where they had 2 identical maps one pve and one pvp, of course the maps where like 1/50 of tyria size and the game was developed to be that way since the beggining. PvE and PvP didnt have separeted mechanics and still the pvp map was a ghost towns compared to PvEs.


It's fun to imagine a world boss attempt where everyone hits each other, the boss would giggle for sure.


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open world pvp breeds toxicity and frustration. it's only fun for a small amount of people who do nothing but gank less skilled players (even though they aren't usually very good themselves ).


you already see this to an extent in wvw. duo or trio groups running around killing 1 or 2 players at a time. jumping on their corpse, etc. they are usually mediocre in skill when they are alone and raqequit once you catch them in a 1v1 :)


but still. terrible idea.

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