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Worth spending lvl 80 pass just to get mount for main character ?

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I bought both expension so i get 2 lvl 80 pass, and i wonder if it's ok to spend one of them on a ramdom alt character just to unlock mount for my main character ?

I always play healer/support in MMO but this time i want to main guardian so spending lvl pass on mesmer for later ( raid ) for exemple could be worth but i know that mesmer is hard class to play and having it lvl 80 right away will propably screw me cause i will be very bad at it.


Is mount pet super useful or it's ok to just wait to be lvl 80 on my main ?


( other question about leveling, is it best to do every starter zone of every race or it's better to just stick to my race zone )

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Depends on you. If you don't care about following the story in a role-playing sort of way, do every zone you can, collects waypoints and hero points. Levelling doesn't take that long, but mounts are very nice. Whether it's worth blowing your lvl 80 boost is again dependent on whether you want the mount badly enough. I personally would do it, but try to use the boost to make a toon you will actually use eventually. Making that backup mesmer should be fine as you aren't comitting to a build or anything, and it will come with basic functional gear to get you started when you do decide to use it.

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For the second question - do however much you feel like. "Your own" area is enough to level, but it can be fun checking out the other areas as well.


As to the main question - that's very individual.

Personally, I always prefer playing through a game roughly "as designed" one run, but fully understand the desire for mounts.

PoF intro is quite rough if you're inexperienced with the game. I'd recommend playing for a bit before boosting an alt and getting mounts.

Also, the intro does spoil plot reveals of the story preceding it.

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I'd say: don't use it on your main, since jumping to 80 will throw too much at you and undermine the learning process that goes with leveling.


That said: sure, use it to get a mount. Mounts are great. And leveling to 80 isn't so bad that you're really going to be hurting for the boost on a different character later -- the shared inventory slot is way more useful than the boost.

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Worth it? Yes.

Do I recommend it? No


Mounts make it much, much easier to get around. Which is great for doing map completion, for chasing achievements, for getting to events. They are a huge quality of life change, even if you just get the first tier of raptor.


However, they also shortcut you past what some people like best about the game. And you won't know if it will also make you fall in love with the game unless you take the opportunity to play without it. In a lot of games, getting to max level with max gear is critical; the game doesn't really start until then. In GW2, the end-game (for many people) begins when you finish the tutorial.


Or in other words: there's no rush. If you find yourself impatient, you can always insta-80. But if you find yourself wondering what the fuss was, you can't easily go back to getting a feel for the game without mounts.

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If you enjoy the game without mounts, it’s up to you. Core Tyria does not require mounts.


If you don’t enjoy the game without mounts, but don’t want to use up your level 80 pass, you can ask a level 80 player to help you get a mount regardless of your character’s level. This way, you can get the base raptor at low level, and you’ll have your level 80 pass for when it’s more appropriate to use.


If you don’t enjoy the game without mounts, and you want a level 80 character right now, then it makes sense to use up the level 80 pass and get a mount on your own.

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