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What happened in pug raiding? Skill level is really low (RANT THREAD)


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> @"polvere.2805" said:

> What happened in pug ? I haven't pugged in a while since i have a static. This week due to irl things i was not able to join my static for the weekly clears so i decided to pug. Oh boy it was nightmarish. Some bosses are absolutely impossible for the average pug:


> (I was playing as chrono in most of the encounters, either tank or off tank)


> First of all, Deimos: i have been in various party of deimos this week, ages to full the whole group since it requires some particular roles. With one group i had to gg 3 TIMES in the first phase (yeah deimos was not even on the field) cause dps could not dodge his smash in the underground. YEAH 3 TIMES

> I cant count how many groups had people happily walked into blacks, even in ranged strat. In some groups where i swapped to bs i was doing more dps than most dps.

> Notice: in most of the encounters the group was 250li+.


> Dhuum : have been in 3-4 party of 30kp+ , hard to get even to 50%, there is always the dude screwing up with greens (i usually take one green myself in order to at least have a sure one), or even worse, the dude screwing up with the bomb, killing the whole group by not noticing the afflicted. Oh i have seen a group where basically the whole squad decided after some time that walking in front of dhuum and facetanking his scythe was a good idea...(notice, they walked in front of him, dhuum was facing the right direction, tank was doing a good job)


> Luckily i cleared Xera with static the only day i could play with them.

> The only clean run i had was the W1 run. I commanded it and required almost 30 min to full the group (i was asking for a 250li ping plus some more after them in rapid succesion, just to reduce the proabbility of a fake pinger)

> I will not go into details of the absoultely trash dps most pugs do (can't even reach 20 k personal dps which is not even that high), and the capability to NEVER stay in the right position.


> DISCLAIMER NO PUGS WERE FLAMED (even though they probably deserved it)

> I tend to be a cheerful person, i NEVER flamed a single person. If the group is not ok by my standards i just write, "sorry this is going nowhere" and leave.


> Just what is happening in pugs ? All the good players must be in statics obv.

> Now i understand why so many posts about "dps shaming" or "meta trash" or whatever complaint some people come up with for not wanting to invest 20 min of their life in gearing and learning a decent rotation and some mech on their main char.


That's because raiders ask people who just want to start raiding for 250+ LI and KPs. How are they supposed to get that or learn if nobody wants them?

It's the same as entry level job requiring 3+ years of experience.

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> @"AoTsuki.8675" said:

> > @"polvere.2805" said:

> > What happened in pug ? I haven't pugged in a while since i have a static. This week due to irl things i was not able to join my static for the weekly clears so i decided to pug. Oh boy it was nightmarish. Some bosses are absolutely impossible for the average pug:

> >

> > (I was playing as chrono in most of the encounters, either tank or off tank)

> >

> > First of all, Deimos: i have been in various party of deimos this week, ages to full the whole group since it requires some particular roles. With one group i had to gg 3 TIMES in the first phase (yeah deimos was not even on the field) cause dps could not dodge his smash in the underground. YEAH 3 TIMES

> > I cant count how many groups had people happily walked into blacks, even in ranged strat. In some groups where i swapped to bs i was doing more dps than most dps.

> > Notice: in most of the encounters the group was 250li+.

> >

> > Dhuum : have been in 3-4 party of 30kp+ , hard to get even to 50%, there is always the dude screwing up with greens (i usually take one green myself in order to at least have a sure one), or even worse, the dude screwing up with the bomb, killing the whole group by not noticing the afflicted. Oh i have seen a group where basically the whole squad decided after some time that walking in front of dhuum and facetanking his scythe was a good idea...(notice, they walked in front of him, dhuum was facing the right direction, tank was doing a good job)

> >

> > Luckily i cleared Xera with static the only day i could play with them.

> > The only clean run i had was the W1 run. I commanded it and required almost 30 min to full the group (i was asking for a 250li ping plus some more after them in rapid succesion, just to reduce the proabbility of a fake pinger)

> > I will not go into details of the absoultely trash dps most pugs do (can't even reach 20 k personal dps which is not even that high), and the capability to NEVER stay in the right position.

> >

> > DISCLAIMER NO PUGS WERE FLAMED (even though they probably deserved it)

> > I tend to be a cheerful person, i NEVER flamed a single person. If the group is not ok by my standards i just write, "sorry this is going nowhere" and leave.

> >

> > Just what is happening in pugs ? All the good players must be in statics obv.

> > Now i understand why so many posts about "dps shaming" or "meta trash" or whatever complaint some people come up with for not wanting to invest 20 min of their life in gearing and learning a decent rotation and some mech on their main char.


> That's because raiders ask people who just want to start raiding for 250+ LI and KPs. How are they supposed to get that or learn if nobody wants them?

> It's the same as entry level job requiring 3+ years of experience.


The same how every one else got their experience:


- practice, training and preparation


Nobod started raids with 250 LI and groups with all boss mechanics mastered. Most raiders had to learn fights with 9 other inexperienced people.


Asking new players to start with practice and training runs which often are semi filled with experienced raiders is not to much.


I know, practice and wiping on bosses sucks. To bad it's an integral part of raiding (and let's not get into progress raiding).

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> @"AoTsuki.8675" said:

> That's because raiders ask people who just want to start raiding for 250+ LI and KPs. How are they supposed to get that or learn if nobody wants them?


Raiders ask for LI/KP in order to avoid players that want to start raiding. Those that want to -start- raiding shouldn't be looking at experienced raid groups that want to clear the content, the other players aren't your friends and their time needs to be respected. If you want to learn there are three choices:

1) Join a good/friendly guild that has a raid team. Chances are they will take you, at least on the easier bosses first so you get experience, or if one of the static players quits for whatever reason you can replace them. This is by far the best option, in the process you'll make some friends too.

2) Join a raid training run. Similar to the above, only less personal and with higher chance of letting you go once you actually learn the encounters (to make room to train new people)

3) Start your own group, advertise it as "anyone welcome" or "training run". Don't expect miracles but it might work out in the end. That's how lots of other raiders started anyway, by teaming up with other players in order to learn the content as a team, you will simply go through the same process instead of being spoon fed the loot/rewards.


I'd go with 1) as the by far best option. 2) If you can't find a nice/friendly guild to join and want to train and 3) as the absolute last resort when all else fails.

But under no circumstances go for

4) Join an "experienced only" run by faking your LI/KP

This is what gives Raids a bad name, behind all the so called toxicity and "unjust" kicks due to low dps, this is why it happens and raiders sometimes are trigger happy. This is also a prime reason why high numbers of KP+LI checks exist in the first place. To filter out frauds and cheats.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:


> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > 99% of time is just needed 111111 and lots of mobs get killed....

> >

> > The game isn't only about open world farming.


> Well the story is great i must say, until u start figthing mobs 11111 dodge 11111 dodge 1111.


gawd it takes forever to kill mobs with just 1111111, doing that is just counter productive, i use the same rotation in raids that i do out in the open world as its 1000 times faster to kill mobs with it.


Also, i dunno what other mmos youve played, you mention them alot, but(im taking a guess here) im assuming they are "asian" mmos? if so those are often far more difficult than western mmos. ive only played western ones and GW2 is pretty average in difficulty compared to others, especially if you power level like i do and are over leveled by far when you go into the next higher zone.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> >

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > 99% of time is just needed 111111 and lots of mobs get killed....

> > >

> > > The game isn't only about open world farming.

> >

> > Well the story is great i must say, until u start figthing mobs 11111 dodge 11111 dodge 1111.


> gawd it takes forever to kill mobs with just 1111111, doing that is just counter productive, i use the same rotation in raids that i do out in the open world as its 1000 times faster to kill mobs with it.


Well that actually depends wich toon im playin, my condi renegade drops huge stack of torment just by 1111 :} dont need anything else.

For most mobs in this game AA chain does the trick since its cleave or aoe based it has condis, i use the other skills more deppending the situation im in.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > >

> > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > > 99% of time is just needed 111111 and lots of mobs get killed....

> > > >

> > > > The game isn't only about open world farming.

> > >

> > > Well the story is great i must say, until u start figthing mobs 11111 dodge 11111 dodge 1111.

> >

> > gawd it takes forever to kill mobs with just 1111111, doing that is just counter productive, i use the same rotation in raids that i do out in the open world as its 1000 times faster to kill mobs with it.


> Well that actually depends wich toon im playin, my condi renegade drops huge stack of torment just by 1111 :} dont need anything else.


Ah, well thats understandable then, my Condi SB is the same, but ive been running that build set up with SB since launch. Its boring, but easy thankfully(who i play when i dont want to try.) Ele in open world is way harder as everything can kill you in one or two hits and you cant really return the favor(full zerker S/D) so spamming one will just get one killed.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:


> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > 99% of time is just needed 111111 and lots of mobs get killed....

> >

> > The game isn't only about open world farming.


> Well the story is great i must say, until u start figthing mobs 11111 dodge 11111 dodge 1111.


Have you ever tried fighting mobs in high level fractals or raids? or even the ls story? using 1111 dodge there won't do you any good but I get your point, the open world mobs of the core game are really easy but they are designed to be like this.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> >

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > 99% of time is just needed 111111 and lots of mobs get killed....

> > >

> > > The game isn't only about open world farming.

> >

> > Well the story is great i must say, until u start figthing mobs 11111 dodge 11111 dodge 1111.


> Have you ever tried fighting mobs in high level fractals or raids? or even the ls story? using 1111 dodge there won't do you any good but I get your point, the open world mobs of the core game are really easy but they are designed to be like this.


Ohh yeah, i totally ment core mobs...


Mobs that are based on the races, like thieves, centaurs etc etc, should at least do condi and remove condi, ttry to evade etc.

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