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What is your most favorite soundtrack/tune/song in the game?


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  • ArenaNet Staff

I'm not on the Audio Team, but I'm a major, major fan of their work. And Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 music is the best!!


I have more favorites than I can name, but some a **few** of the many that come to mind:

* [Crystal Desert Redux](

"Crystal Desert Redux") (based on a theme from the original Guild Wars) -- so gorgeous!

* The Auric Basin theme ([Tarir, the Forgotten City](

"Tarir, the Forgotten City")) -- beautiful transitions and subthemes.

* [Lion's Arch Reborn](

"Lion's Arch Reborn") -- It's LA and it's great.

* [The Silverwastes](

"The Silverwastes") -- I go there sometimes just to hear this music!

* [bazaar of the Four Winds](

"Bazaar of the Four Winds") aka Labyrinthine Cliffs -- I think I spent even more time in the FotFW than I would have because of the music.

* [Wintersday in Tyria](https://soundcloud.com/arenanet/wintersday-in-tyria "Wintersday in Tyria") -- This juxtaposition of a favorite traditional carol with the iconic theme of Guild Wars is sublime!

* [Temple of Tolerance](https://soundcloud.com/search?q=Guild%20Wars%202%20Temple "Temple of Tolerance") -- Perhaps my favorite Guild Wars piece and I'm so glad that it also is heard in Guild Wars 2!

* [blish's Sacrifice](

"Blish's Sacrifice") -- So haunting, with a fascinating reverberation.

* "Fear Not This Night:" Both the original and the [spooky](

"spooky") version.

* [The Golden Cave](

"The Golden Cave") -- it captures a feeling of wonder.

* [Rata Novus](https://soundcloud.com/search?q=rata%20novus "Rata Novus") -- almost forgot this one. Love the "ping" metronome sound.

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Rata Novus - poss the best they've done considering how well it fits and instantly recognisable it is

Auric Wilds - a very cool, unique piece

The Olmakhan - perfectly captured the feel and spirit of the Charr tribe and their way of life

Sands of Chaos - has a real flavour of Hollywood desert epics

Battle on the Breachmaker - by far the best boss battle accompaniment in the game


honorary mentions

Welcome to the desert - perfectly captures that Lawrence of Arabia feel

The Nightfall music from Istan when it kicks in. Oh that was sooo cool



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Just because this is one of those threads...


Far from Home, Crystal Oasis redux - both from HoT or just prior. I should stop and listen to the music more often lately, because I think I liked The Olmakhan but I can't actually remember it. :/


From Jeremy Soule's old work, I'm happy to hear Garden of Seborhin and The Forgotten God make it back to Elona. At least, I think I've heard The Forgotten God... if not, then I should. ;)


Two that I'd like to hear make a comeback are Borlis Pass from the GW1 Battle Pack 1 soundtracks, and Wilderness of Bahdza from the Nightfall collectors' edition. The latter, bordering on ambient music, was a great fit for Vabbi.

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I've had an almost unhealthy obsession with Nightfall music since launch.


Especially Festival of Lyss. Best track in the entire series. Mysterious, soothing, uplifting, powerful.


Nightfall's combat music is also so darn catchy I'm a bit sad it wasn't just recycled into Path of Fire, at least for Istan or Kourna. I'm not for recycling anything with sequels, but sometimes things just work.

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