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> @Vindicus.2130 said:

> They're mostly empty already because people have finished mapping and their story and there's really nothing else to do in PoF that's rewarding enough to warrant being there.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease. I'm going to stay on the PoF maps and get that money. All that ore! All that ancient log! All those ectos! Ca-ching!


#Broke #PoorPeopleProblems #IWantToEnjoyTheGameButINeedToKeepFarmingMoney


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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @Vindicus.2130 said:

> > They're mostly empty already because people have finished mapping and their story and there's really nothing else to do in PoF that's rewarding enough to warrant being there.

> Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease. I'm going to stay on the PoF maps and get that money. All that ore! All that ancient log! All those ectos! Ca-kitten!


> #Broke #PoorPeopleProblems #IWantToEnjoyTheGameButINeedToKeepFarmingMoney



Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease....all that ori and ancient wood is near worthless now.........enjoy wasting your time! You can run around Silverwastes and mine mithril instead...make more money!

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> @Ahlen.7591 said:

> Is the player cap on PoF maps too low? I'm running around and if I want to do an event there's nobody anywhere. Everything is solo.


One time, this happened to me. Every PoF zone was empty in LFG. And I was about to come unload on the forum. But I just updated my game's build, logged back in, and every zone was popping with players. Make sure your game is completely updated (latest build). That has some definite connection with the amount of people you see in LFG.

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> @Antiks.4960 said:

> > @Ahlen.7591 said:

> > Is the player cap on PoF maps too low? I'm running around and if I want to do an event there's nobody anywhere. Everything is solo.


> They are done story and in Silver wastes again.


This is the sad reality.


The only farm my guild could come up with and has published on Reddit, requires extreme organisation and participation from every single person in the squad. Alongsides that, any bounty + Forged camp clear rotation we've tried, as simply fallen drastically short of RIBA gold per hour - thus concluding our time in PoF until we can perfect our CO CF.

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From what I've seen, everyone's idling on the waypoints, or in various safe spots such as in Lily of Elon or Springer village. The aggro range and respawn are so annoyingly high that most players rush past the content, from safe point A to safe point B, without stopping for events.


Which also means that hardly anyone's doing bounties, unless you specifically go with a group for that purpose. So I have no idea how anyone would think that it's designed for 'casual solo', when most of it isn't soloable and far from casual. Metas were far more suited for casual play than this.

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> @Ahlen.7591 said:

> Is the player cap on PoF maps too low? I'm running around and if I want to do an event there's nobody anywhere. Everything is solo.


Maybe it's because of the daytime you choose to play? If you are on EU servers, your post was made at 3 a.m. ;)


Otherwise, I assume people are in story missions. I never have an issue with not enough players in a region, to be honest.

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HoT was a real meta orgy where you need constantly to grp up with tons of people, now is the opposite most content you can do in solo , a bit imba I must say, I think gw2 vanilla had the best map content, they should add one a few more meta event in PoF .

Have been away from GW2 for about a year and I must say that the maps feels a bit empty indeed , and I played all day since Wednesday,and I only see few player pop-up only in few events.

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> @Ahlen.7591 said:

> Is the player cap on PoF maps too low? I'm running around and if I want to do an event there's nobody anywhere. Everything is solo.


most people have already completed a personal story, finished collecting mounts and achivments. Thats all. there is nothing to do more, in the crystal desert. actually, what did you expect from the addon for 30 bucks ?

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