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[Feedback] Snow Stalker, Timberland Badged, Oceananic Broadtail

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Am I the only one who is creeped out by mount skins that combine several animals in one? It really causes me unease to look at those. :s


**Example: Snow Stalker**

Great idea, but why couldn't it be an owl in every aspect? Why did it have to be an owl combined with a leopard combined with a griffon?


**Example: Timberland Badged**

The gigantic, strong bunny legs and long tail on that thing - it could have been such a cute skin if they fit the head and torso.


**Example: Oceananic Broadtail**

This one was the first skin that creeped me out in that way (half whale, half skimmer). It looks like a lab experiment gone wrong...

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Well..by definition griffons *are* combination animals, even the ones we see in GW2 around the maps /are/ combination animals, so i really dont see an issue with an owl griffon that has the tail of a cat.


Okay, I get it, griffons are mythical creatures - like a chimera, a manticore etc. Still, the aforementioned examples of skins in this game look extreme to me and do creep me out like you wouldn't believe. ;)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Well..by definition griffons *are* combination animals, even the ones we see in GW2 around the maps /are/ combination animals, so i really dont see an issue with an owl griffon that has the tail of a cat.


> Okay, I get it, griffons are mythical creatures - like a chimera, a manticore etc. Still, the aforementioned examples of skins in this game look extreme to me and do creep me out like you wouldn't believe. ;)


Certainly, and i agree with you on the whale looking xD

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I think my biggest reservation with the Snow Stalker is that the size of the head/neck make it look like a balloon animal. Other than that it's fairly nice. Although I'll probably just carry on with the Northern Featherwing skin for most of my characters... wasn't really a fan of the leathery wings anyway and that one also has a decently sized beak.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> **Example: Snow Stalker**

> Great idea, but why couldn't it be an owl in every aspect? Why did it have to be an owl combined with a leopard combined with a griffon?


A griffon is a combination of a bird and a cat (usually an eagle and a lion, but there are variations). If it was an owl in every aspect, it wouldn't be a griffon - it would be an owl!


I really don't understand this objection. Do you think ANet designers should only use established mythological creatures and never their own hybrid animals? Do you object to the regular springer, since it's a hybrid of a rabbit and a kangaroo? What about the raptor, a hybrid of various different dinosaurs? Or the ladybird rollerbeetle, a hybrid of a ladybird and whatever kind of beetle the rollerbeetle is based on (not sure, but not a ladybird)? What about charr?!

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I actually use the oceanic broadtail and I quite like it. Ofc. I don't have other skins besides that and the base skin yet... but I do genuinely like it.


Regarding the timberland badge, omg I want it! It is so adorably cute <3


And as others said... griffons are per definition a mix of things. Normally eagle/lion. The ingame griffon... regardless of skin, is some combination of bird and feline... well there is the raccoon one too. Owl and snowleopard are actually a pretty good combination for a griffon, now about the size and shape of the head... that does seem a bit off to me. But that is the owl features to it, not the leopard features, which I love (omg that fluffy tail). So in my opinion it is just that the owl features of the head could have been done differently.

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I mean... the base Griffon ingame isn't exactly cute or pretty either. That's a face only a mother could love. I actually quite dislike them.


Which makes me glad that after I talked to my friend about it for weeks, how awesome a lion themed griffon would be, the skin came out and I threw all my money that month at anet.


Imo this set of skins was really nice. I like it when they try to really shake things up, obviously without destroying the original theme of the mount. Bringing in more than basic recolors or different patterns, but actual tweaks to shape are always welcome.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > Well..by definition griffons *are* combination animals, even the ones we see in GW2 around the maps /are/ combination animals, so i really dont see an issue with an owl griffon that has the tail of a cat.

> >

> > Okay, I get it, griffons are mythical creatures - like a chimera, a manticore etc. Still, the aforementioned examples of skins in this game look extreme to me and do creep me out like you wouldn't believe. ;)


> Certainly, and i agree with you on the whale looking xD


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Certainly, and i agree with you on the whale looking xD


> Isn't it the worst? =)


It's one of my favorite skimmer skins, I used a select contract for it. It's sturdy and majestic and built for charr/norn players. I bet you're afraid of spider pets too. :-1:

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I can't say this has ever bothered me. Some of them do look odd when they're obviously a combination of two other animals, but no more so than existing combinations like a centaur or a griffon.


I really like my whale skimmer and I'd be tempted to buy the red panda springer except it's expensive for something which is literally just a novelty for me, rather than something which suits my characters or fills a gap in my existing mount skin options. (Which doesn't mean I won't get it ever.)


Also I'm just happy we've got a variety of options for mount skins, ranging from ones almost exactly like the base mount but with more dye channels to ones that look totally different, and a range of options for how we buy them. For a long time it looked like we weren't going to get that. Hopefully it means everyone can get mount skins they like.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> I really don't understand this objection.


I think I explained my "objection" in detail. I am creeped out by those skins. Are you asking arachnophobes why they are repulsed by spiders? It is what it is.


> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I mean... the base Griffon ingame isn't exactly cute or pretty either. That's a face only a mother could love.


LOL! That is actually true. ;)


This topic, however, isn't about "pretty or not". It really is about something that causes some sort of phobia inside of me.

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What are you hoping for here? Some sort of solution to the problem, or just to find out if anyone else feels the same? I have this annoying impulse to want to 'fix' anything which comes up on the forum and in this case since it's highly unlikely Anet will change the skins I feel like the only practical option is to find a way to help you accept them, or at least not be as bothered by them. But I'm getting the impression that's not what you want, and if so I'll try to ignore that impulse when replying because I know it's not always helpful.


If it's any reassurance phobias can come up over all kinds of things and they are by definition irrational, so if you feel that way then it's entirely valid, regardless of whether anyone else feels the same. For one weird example check out Trypophobia - the phobia of clusters of tiny holes. No, really, that is a phobia, and a surprisingly common one as well. I'd caution anyone to be careful about googling it because not only is it one of those things you may never have noticed you have until you're confronted with dozens of images which trigger it but there are also some genuinely disturbing images related to it, even for people who don't have the phobia at all.


Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do about a phobia. If you can't avoid the thing which triggers it your only option is to learn ways to manage it. For example I'm arachnophobic and cannot avoid spiders completely (although I do avoid situations I know make it more likely I'll see them) so I've learned a whole variety of ways to cope, depending on the situation. For example in GW2 I always stay at range when fighting them, keep the camera fully zoomed out and overhead and use tab targeting to avoid putting the mouse over them and as much as possible avoid thinking about what they are - just see them as an enemy rather than a spider.


Finally, if you don't mind me asking: does this bother you with real animals which look like a combination of other animals - like the platypus? Or only fictional ones? What about familiar but fictional creatures, like griffons? Could it be the 'clash' of something familiar in a strange combination or setting? (In which case maybe the feeling will lessen over time.)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > Griffons will always have traits of both carnivores and birds of prey


> Of course, but the combination of three (or four?) absolutely different animals combined in said skin - IMO they don't fit together and look weird (or "creepy" to me).


There's never a combination of 3 or four. It's always a combination of 2 that makes 1.


There's no "eagle + tiger + griffon".It's not 1+1+1=3.

It's combinations like "Phoenix+ Tiger = Imperial griffon". It's 1+1=1.

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I love the Snowy Stalker. Real Snowy Owls can be heavily spotted.


These are all mythical creatures so weird combinations don't bother me. The recent "Sphinx Cat" griffon is one of my favorites. I'll admit I'm not a Jackal fan and really only like the husky and mastiff skins, so I hope they make more semi-realistic dog breeds as skins.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > I really don't understand this objection.


> I think I explained my "objection" in detail. I am creeped out by those skins. Are you asking arachnophobes why they are repulsed by spiders? It is what it is.


I understand that it's an emotional reaction. In your first post you rationalised that reaction as being caused by the designs being hybrid animals - I was just wondering whether that applied consistently to all hybrid mount skins, or even all hybrid creatures in the game. Those were genuine questions. (And my answer to your question is no, but I'm also not asking you why you're creeped out by these mount skins.)


> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> It's combinations like "Phoenix+ Tiger = Imperial griffon". It's 1+1=1.


I want to congratulate you on using such a wonderful equation! Also, there's a phoenix/tiger griffon?! That sounds magnificent - now if only I'd actually bothered to unlock the griffon...

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> There's never a combination of 3 or four. It's always a combination of 2 that makes 1.


> There's no "eagle + tiger + griffon".It's not 1+1+1=3.

> It's combinations like "Phoenix+ Tiger = Imperial griffon". It's 1+1=1.


Apparently, you have not really checked out the new Snow Stalker yet... Since all its different animals combined don't fit together, there is no "1".

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > There's never a combination of 3 or four. It's always a combination of 2 that makes 1.

> >

> > There's no "eagle + tiger + griffon".It's not 1+1+1=3.

> > It's combinations like "Phoenix+ Tiger = Imperial griffon". It's 1+1=1.


> Apparently, you have not really checked out the new Snow Stalker yet... Since all its different animals combined don't fit together, there is no "1".


You are seeing things where there's none. The Snow Stalker is a mix between a Snow Owl and a Snow Leopard. There's no third in the mix. The griffon is not another one, the griffon **is** the mix of those two. Snow Owl + Snow Leopard = Snow Stalker Griffon.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > There's never a combination of 3 or four. It's always a combination of 2 that makes 1.

> >

> > There's no "eagle + tiger + griffon".It's not 1+1+1=3.

> > It's combinations like "Phoenix+ Tiger = Imperial griffon". It's 1+1=1.


> Apparently, you have not really checked out the new Snow Stalker yet... Since all its different animals combined don't fit together, there is no "1".


The snow stalker is a mix between a snowy owl and a snow leopard.


Just like most other griffons in the game are a mix between an owl and a big cat.

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