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Remove soulbinding of 24- and 28-slot bags


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I would've gladly make a 24 or 28 as that seems more reasonable of a price to make than a 32.

Either I spend gold that's worth over the cost of a bag slot expansion on a character... (over 400 gems), or I spend that 400 gems and just make a new 20 slot bag for 10 gold (or buy one for slightly more).

One gives me 20 slots. One gives me 12.


After getting the Copper and Silver O Matic, this soulbound and gold sink nonsense in making these bags just looking more and more of a "No thanks..." situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say this actually makes me mad. I made a 24 slot for a different character than my Tailor/leathersmith/armorsmith and never suspected for a second that I would not be able to upgrade it. That makes 2 soul bound bags I have now... and I was mad when I got the first 10 slot Trick-or-Treat bag from the first Halloween. I still have the bleedin' thing hoping one day the devs will realize their mistake and just leave all craft-able bags under 20 as sell-able and make all the rest account bound. I understood the "soulbind" mechanic when each character had it's own Karma pool but it really is just a punishment now. Birthday gifts are the ONLY thing that should still be soulbound and released to account bound once they have been opened.


As someone else said. do away with soulbound or make crafting account wide. You're almost there now since you made unlocking recipes account wide.

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> @"DarkForcE.9210" said:

> Didn't they add NPC to convert soulbound to account bound version of the bag slots?


> It's in Amnoon near wp if I'm right


Only the 32-slot ones, not the intermediate steps of 24- and 28-slot.

So you have three options:

1) Don't use the middle steps, craft all the way to 32 before you equip the bag.

2) Only equip the bag *on the character that crafts that type of bag*.

3) Dead-end the bag, comitting to *not* using it to make a bigger one.

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> @"Evolving Minotaur.5871" said:

> I have to say this actually makes me mad. I made a 24 slot for a different character than my Tailor/leathersmith/armorsmith and never suspected for a second that I would not be able to upgrade it. That makes 2 soul bound bags I have now... and I was mad when I got the first 10 slot Trick-or-Treat bag from the first Halloween. I still have the bleedin' thing hoping one day the devs will realize their mistake and just leave all craft-able bags under 20 as sell-able and make all the rest account bound. I understood the "soulbind" mechanic when each character had it's own Karma pool but it really is just a punishment now. Birthday gifts are the ONLY thing that should still be soulbound and released to account bound once they have been opened.

> .

> As someone else said. do away with soulbound or make crafting account wide. You're almost there now since you made unlocking recipes account wide.


As I said on a reddit thread; I wonder how many support tickets have been made for this exact reason, clogging up the system from people making this 'mistake'? Surely it would be better to either:

* Make them all accountbound to keep them usable whatever happens.

* Allow us to use SOULBOUND items in crafting (which also solves the guild weapons issue of buying the base weapons on the wrong alt)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Adding to this thread. I rarely get mad at Anet design choices but this made me extra mad. This is a horrible sink and now I won't be crafting higher slot bags ANYMORE. A simple design change would make me craft all them (and in consequence, spend money contributing to the sink) eventually but now I don't want to contribute to it at all. I'd rather use my money on something else. Way to enrage players.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is an older thread, but I would like to add my own voice to this chorus asking for bags to not be soulbound. It's ridiculous for ANY crafting material to be soulbound. I have 24-slot bags on my main character who is Jeweler and Chef, and who will now never be able to get an upgrade to any bigger bags. It would be fine for me if you made other characters unable to equip the bags, but at least to be able to upgrade them to bigger bags for my main character if I place them in the bank.

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  • 4 months later...

> @"totallyTim.9041" said:

> Either a really dumb design decision or pure greed. This needs to change!


Or its doing exactly what its designed to do, and force you into a huge gold sink for a QOL improvement.


Side note..... whats the logic behind calling it "pure greed"? Serious question.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"totallyTim.9041" said:

> > Either a really dumb design decision or pure greed. This needs to change!


> Or its doing exactly what its designed to do, and force you into a huge gold sink for a QOL improvement.


> Side note..... whats the logic behind calling it "pure greed"? Serious question.


It's just another thing that pushes you to buy gems. In this case to buy more bag slots for each of your characters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to add, since this bag deviates from how other bags function, in that you can craft them and then transfer to the character you're actually playing, the soulbind part of it should at the very least be stated IN BIG BOLD RED GLOWING TEXT!


My crafting character now has a bag he'll never use. I've wasted alot more gold on a lot sillier things, but this really grinds my gears.

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I run meta events all the time, and I have no trouble running with only 18-slot bags, and on extra bag slots. I'm even someone who doesn't clean out their bags the way they should.


I have a few 20 slot bags from achievements, but I won't even consider crafting 24+ slot bags as the material requirements are, to me, obscene. Sure if you have the mats and gold to spend, you may not think it's a big deal, but I'd rather sell those mats and take that gold and buy gems, and then use the gems to buy skins and such off the store. If ever I reach a point where I have everything I want off the gem store, I suppose then I wouldn't object to sinking mats into bags.


I mean, the difference in cost of crafting a 20 slot bag vs. 18 slot is silly, considering you only get an additional 2 spaces in your inventory.


Crafting in GW2 is one of the very few things I dislike about this game - far too many fixed costs that crafters cannot avoid paying through farming (looking at you Icy Runestone).


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  • 4 months later...

> @"alexdpsg.8549" said:

> i would like to upgrade some 24 and 28 slot bags to 32 on my other char® but somehow they are still soulbound. Could this be fixed that 24 and 28 slot bags are not soulbound anymore


There are traders that will swap the 32 slot bag into an account bound one, but not the intermediate ones.

Another post here about this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/6479/remove-soulbinding-of-24-and-28-slot-bags

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> @"tekfan.3179" said:

> I second making them account bound.

> I can't even understand how they came to such a half-thought decision as to make them soulbound


They did so that people would spend more materials crafting the 32-slot account-bound ones.


However, I also consider that to be an outrage. What if I decide to delete a character that has one of the soulbound 24- etc. slot versions equipped?

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  • 1 month later...

I had no idea this was an issue until I equipped a 24-slot bag I was working on upgrading, decided to see if this was actually possibly an issue(just by chance this crossed my mind while equipping it), and saw that it couldn't be used in the crafting of the 28-slot. I rarely use the forums nowadays and when I came back to the game(after a very long break), 32-slot bags we're a thing so I just assumed Anet wasn't a$shats about this and implemented it correctly(you can argue it is correctly implemented just as much as you can say it isn't, I get this, don't bother arguing against me on this though because clearly I believe it isn't).


A year and a half ago this thread was created and they've still got this as a possible issue?

How? I've now got two 28-slots(don't have the recipe for 32 unlocked yet) and a 24-slot bag soulbound to my main and unable to upgrade because of this horrible design choice. This game is, in my opinion, the definition of "we're really making attempts to please the fans" and doing a solid job at it, but its the little things like this that.. Idk. Irk me the wrong way, you know? Solid, fun gameplay, grinding for things isn't a horrible chore in my opinion, but then things like this just.. Well you know.


Lesson learned! If I want more bag space, I need to go straight from 20 to 32 slot bags. Actually glad I didn't spend money on gems to get the last 4 bag slots unlocked, as well as crafting those three useless bags now.. At least all I wasted was time and gold and not my hard earned cash. Thanks Anet!

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"tekfan.3179" said:

> > I second making them account bound.

> > I can't even understand how they came to such a half-thought decision as to make them soulbound


> They did so that people would spend more materials crafting the 32-slot account-bound ones.

Actually, they simply forgot about the intermediate bags when the forum threads pointed to them how not so well-thought that soulbinding business was which made them change 32-slot bags to acc bound. They simpy do not want to admit to that, because that would clearly show how little forethought went into the whole design in the first place.


As it is, the intermediate bags are nothing more than crafting materials. Their primary function is way too crippled at the moment. And probably will be in the future, because anet doesn't like to bring light on their past failures.


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