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Your GW2 wishlist ?


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I dare to dream.


1. Option to alter pitch for voice. Kind of always wanted that for some reason.


2. Class inspired armor sets. Could go even further in depth with spec inspired FULL armor sets.


3. Hairstyles/Faces/Tattoos-more options in general, multi-dye or colors also.


4. Cat/Big Cat Mount. Just want to ride a panther/lion/tiger.

5. Horse mount. Reintroduce the species to known Tyria.


6. Polymock. Seems like this could be interesting mini game.


7. PvP game modes not conquest. Expand on stronghold idea, didn't work for me due to two lanes. Could have been bigger. Could even bring in something with the Warcraft Alterac Valley type feel. I don't exactly want stuff like capture the flag but something that uses the whole map and has objectives. Mini Focused WvW battle. 10v10.


8. Library. Got a taste of what that could look like in Sun's Refuge. Time to scale up. Personally so far, I've kept many pieces of correspondence, diaries, letters, journals and books that I have received over the years. Would be nice to take these items out of my bank and mules and place them centrally in a place that resembles the priory library in function.


9. Outfits. When it comes to these, I would like to treat them like a magic trick or glamour. I would like to be able to turn off portions of them to reveal the armor below. Greatest example in my mind would be to turn off outfit helm to reveal the turned on armor helm below it. I think that is how outfits should have been designed at the beginning but that's just me.


10. Selectable weapon animations. Selectable Archtype animations. If not selectable then change all together. To me this mostly pops out when thinking about thief. I hate the way thieves hold two weapons, staff and sword. Guess I want something more dynamic than what is there currently. Give me actual martial art stances. Mind you this is for how they are carried idle or running un-stowed. In combat I care a little less I guess but I do think about it. Example: thief-> can be modeled after several archetypes which hold swords differently. Samurai hold swords differently than say a Viking or someone practicing kung fu or a swashbuckling pirate with a rapier.


I know number 10 seems a little out there, but has been a wish when it comes to customization.



Honorable mentions:

New Races


Unseen Territories in places never visited in GW or GW2.

Build Templates

More emotes+ some to include voice.

More Dances or even additional volumes of the dance toy/novelty/tome or w/e. For some reason I want something that when synced it looks like two people are performing a waltz or something classical like that. I'd even take an item that acts like the special edition canthan/Factions assassin dance emote from GW. Kind of have clones dancing with you.


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1. Tengu, and finnaly go behind this kitten wall.

2. Cantha

3. Filling the little holes on the map with small explorable map (even there's nothing special in it, just for the fun of exploration)

4. Build templates (including fashion build template)

5. Less time between Living World update.

6. Underwater content

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The title of this was **"Your GW2 Wishlist"** right?


1) a gold chain Mr. T style necklace/ shoulder replacement for my Mr. T cosplay :D It could have a 4 dye channel and have the chains on its own dye channel so everything else could be dyed black (or something) and the chain bits stand out! (so it wouldn't just have to be a chain necklace but could be someother cool liking shoulder replacement too. :D

2) **Personal Housing/Instanced villages/neighborhoods**/ a place to decorate for yourself and have ownership of those decorations. Also you could **revamp the chef** or push it to 500 with crops to plant around these homes. (Optional -don't do this, but if anet really needs money) You could use gemstore (500 gems or less) to purchase plots of land for these homes. Basically some kind of player housing that is outside a solo instance. Or **a group instance where anyone can see your wonderful designs without being tied to a party**. What we want is truely MMO housing, not housing just for yourself/ PC offline which is what the home instance feels like if you have no friends. :( and please don't just add decorating to home instance and say Tada we done. :( :( :( that misses the point.

3) Make Tengu Great Again and make them a playable race!

4) More mounts! UNDERWATER MOUNT!!! is one that seems most needed. An option is to add a dive feature to skimmer to allow it to be an under water mount. But i think most would enjoy an entirely seperate new mount for that. Stealth mount might be fun. People have mentioned climbing mount now, but pretty sure players would h8 that when they realize invisible walls are plastered everywhere.

5) LFR "Looking For Raid" mode - Like fractals & dungeons a method for people to participate/ A beginners mode for raiding. A simpler/ raid training/ **learn the mechanics**/ **less rewards**/ allows pugs and everyone to learn how to raid and get in on the action.

6) 6 Layouts/ Build Templates for WvW, PvP, Raids, Fractals, Dungeons, Open world. There are currently only 3.

7) obtainable skins for mounts from achievements ingame.

7b) craftable skins for mounts/gliders ingame!

**8) make all gear slots checkable so i can run around seemingly in the nude except for my boxer shorts =D**

9) More HUGE, exploration fun, guildhalls! Dwavern Winter guildhall like the Western area of Desert Highlands! Core Tyria Guild halls.

10) Larger font size for chat windows, yea i'm getting old :/

11) forget about Cantha, lets go to **Far shiverpeaks**, Woodland Cascades & the Isles of Janthir!


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Fix auto-targeting so it doesn't select mobs that are obstructed or out of range. It should prioritize mobs you are in combat with first, followed by the closest mob in your direct line of sight.


Get rid of the "combat speed" running and just let us move at the same speed in or out of combat.


Build templates, as many others have said.


A much larger selection of emotes. I'd love to be able to /flex on somebody.

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(Could've sworn I submitted this before but I don't see it) My wishlist for GW2:

- Proper high heel armor skins

- Unlimited Gathering Toolset that allows for unlimited glyphs (or at least one of each glyph) to be applied

- Build templates

- An item that makes all the home instance gatherables into rich versions

- A merchant in the home instance where you can buy keys for the various chests in the home instance

- A place where we can visit the grave of the character from whom we had reserved the name in Guild Wars 1

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Meaningful class balancing and a real end to the class favoritism.


Were I a dev intent on considering the merits of peoples' wishes as expressed in this thread, I would be unable to consider these two wishes. It is not at all clear what you mean by "meaningful class balancing," or "a real end to the class favoritism." This doesn't even work as a complaint post (if that was your intent), for the same reason. All that is clear is that you dislike the way ANet does profession balance. How would anyone fix that besides the "blindfolded dart-throwing" method?


If all you intended was to make your displeasure with profession balance known, with no hope of any changes, then please forgive my question.

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Improve the Stronghold game mode into something like a moba, with archers and a new spawn type of warriors regularly spawning to attack the enemy. More lanes, spawns on all lanes for both teams. All lanes lead to the Lord room.


Control points to spawn door breakers. Control points (instead of channeling) to summon heroes - heroes summoned on the lane the control point is designated for.



These probably belong in the pinned QoL suggestions thread? Probably.

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My wish list:

-Build templates

-Underwater mount

-Home instance/guild hall libraries

- A NPC that tells you the remaining upgrades you can get from the TP, various achievements or LS

- Wall crawling mount that isn't a spider

- Connecting maps between core Tyria and POF

- Having the option to talk to a NPC and sail from each island map to each port

- Having the LS Season 3 skills have a presence in future content or rolled into current/future mounts

- After learning a race/tribe's language having more dialogue options opened, not just vendor items

- More side stories that get us to explore the current or future maps that don't have anything to do with the current LS episode

- More races in Core Maps outside the current Beetle race event

- Side stories that involve going to dungeons and fractals to get upgraded armor and weapon skins

- Stronghold maps option for a future PVP season with additional future stronghold maps

- Finally getting to see how Polymock looks like in GW2 and having an activities revamp

- Letting the CAT team actually finish World 3 and 4 from Super Adventure Box and bring back all of the abandoned festivals in the festival rotation

- Season 1 with phasing technology

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Build templates: Please. I really hate that PvP & WvW thing, that well, remembers your traits, but not your gears / weapons. It is really useless. You still need to use ArcDPS build templates all the time switching between PvE and WvW. Why does ArcDPS not work in PvP? You want to switch your traits when you see what you have and what you have against, you really think you can manually do that in that time? Why does ArcDPS nor PvP nor WvW remember ranger pets?


Please. It is already hard to keep all the stuff in the inventory. It is really hard to manually go through every single piece and all the traits and switch the pets etc. You really could do better in this front.


PvP: Ranked PvP is IMO wrongly designed. When the game mode needs co-operation and communication, you should understand the frustration people have when they are teamed with random people. And not like in fractals, that you know that T4 people are T4 people, but in such way that you never know what ranks you are getting with you and against you. You really have no opportunity anywhere to even learn the conquest, except banging your head against the wall enough. In unranked, people are not necessarily even trying to win - which is perfectly OK because it serves other purposes - and in ranked you are mixed up with people at all ranks.


Please, change it. My suggestion is that ranked is replaced with premade tournaments, and we are given tools to create competitive groups. For example: make it a default for guilds with halls to be able to create custom arenas. Encourage guilds to have several teams, one of their all stars, and huge bunch of practising groups and "bubbling under" people. Make us real opportunities to impress guilds who practise for tournaments, some sort of show ups or so, 1vs1 matches to pick people.


Today, ranked PvP is horrible game mode to play, but it is the one that gives really needed rewards, so you are forced to go through the pain. Unlike e.g. fractals, you really can't go with builds that are reliant on team support, instead, you want to go with builds that are self sufficient enough, and hope for the best from RNG, I mean MMR to get a team you can play with. As a disclaimer, I am usually around lower gold in ranked seasons, but I'd really like to be better: I just can't figure out how I can team up with more experienced people and/or replay the match with same team & opponents to learn, unlike with WvW, raids and fractals.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Random Wax Orc.7695" said:

> - Improved Guild Hall decoration placement (options to snap to location xyz, relative location and angle)

> - Tree decorations for each of the Lumber Core types.

> - Embiggened (or scale-able) versions of Guild Hall decorations, and focus on larger decorations in the future, since the decoration limits are so restrictive. Specifically, trees need proper big tree version for each type, in addition to those small decorative trees. Same goes for potted plants, some of which are practically invisibly small.

> - Add Horizontal Elonian Lattice to Guild Hall decorations.

> - Remove the invisible obstructions near the gathering nodes/scribe areas in both Gilded Hollow and Windswept Haven.

> - Convert the Guild Hall gathering nodes into placeable decorations.

> - More Guild Halls before xpac 3... two seasons is too long a wait after getting just one new Guild Hall with xpac 2.


I agree with the tree decorations. Krytan, Arid and Alpine lumber cores are only used for 1 thing. Can't even make a tree with them like the other cores.

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