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Your GW2 wishlist ?


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Realistically? (and in no order of importance)

-Build Temlates

-WvW Alliances as originally presented way to long ago

-Universal gobbler that can be changed by Anet to help consume all the no-value trash like leaf fossil's, barbed thorns, leeks, etc. and bring down the cost on other items

-Movement bug on the flute harvesting tools fixed.

-more effect themed harvesting tool skin sets (would love to see matching miner and gathering tool skins to match the lightning logging tool (yes, I know, there are similar "natural" themed ones, I mean lightning specifically))

-wider variety of 4 dye channel glider and mount skins

-~~Furrocious cat tail to go with the Furrocious cat ears~~KIDDING!! I'M KIDDING!

-Food/Utility UI item (similar to the toy/mount buttons on the UI). Dropdown to choose, click once to consume, turns red or something when food/utility is not in effect

-Lockable bank tabs that prevent auto-transfer from inventory from moving items to a locked tab.

-Crafting menu/recipe list collapsed by default (or checkbox in game options to have it that way)

-Visible colored outline around map zones that are complete or incomplete (yes Virginia, we've been through this before, I know you can mouse over each zone individually to see how complete it is, this is a QoL thing)

-White Kitten, complete with bow dye channel skin for the Warclaw



-A portal in either the guild hall or even LA that leads to a completely green room (#00FF00) for screen shot purposes

-Removal of soul binding from all items, and removal of account binding on everything but finished ascended items and legendary items

-re-assignment of the rarity on 100+ items that are currently "exotic" level, but are actually one or two time use trash items (Boar Bristle, for example).

-2 maps per living story episode: 1 story related, and one for just exploration and variety (plus potential future story use)

-Legendary level crafting path to Chak Egg Sac

-Town Clothes restored properly to wardrobe items

-Architect Entertainment style system to allow users to create their own fractals

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> -Build Temlates

> -Universal gobbler that can be changed by Anet to help consume all the no-value trash like leaf fossil's, barbed thorns, leeks, etc. and bring down the cost on other items

> -Movement bug on the flute harvesting tools fixed.

> -wider variety of 4 dye channel glider and mount skins.

> -Visible colored outline around map zones that are complete or incomplete (yes Virginia, we've been through this before, I know you can mouse over each zone individually to see how complete it is, this is a QoL thing)

> -A portal in either the guild hall or even LA that leads to a completely green room (#00FF00) for screen shot purposes

> -Removal of soul binding from all items, and removal of account binding on everything but finished ascended items and legendary items

> -2 maps per living story episode: 1 story related, and one for just exploration and variety (plus potential future story use)

> -Town Clothes restored properly to wardrobe items

> -Architect Entertainment style system to allow users to create their own fractals


A lot of awesome ideas great job! ;D Dunno for fractals editor... a contest "design your fractal" can be done but have no ideas about a system. Also all others can be added in QOL sticked thread imo :)

Kudos to you.

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- completion of SAB with last 2 worlds

- Return of TA fw-up

- Return of LW season 1 in episodic format

- rework of outfits and armor to be fully customizable.

- build templates

- tengu race with their own personal story and home map

- customizable home instance

- raids and expansion content to continue to be in development.

- mirage nerf in pvp

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In terms of big expansion features -


Underwater expansion featuring general improvements/overhaul to UW content, and at least 2 UW mounts


Another sea based expansion, but more islands and a POTC style, including masteries that unlock ships, to fight other ships, be a pirate or privateer, etc.


Final expansion-seller idea for an underwater expansion, playable Largos


Player housing


Fishing, a mastery line that unlocks the feature. The main point would be to allow players to have safe, small spaces in zones (or shared instances) that lets them interact with each other, or play mostly AFK, just to relax. most of what would be earned by fishing would only be related to fishing itself, like fishing rod skins? IDK.


More playable races, preferably Tengu, Dwarves, and Kodan.



Otherwise, stuff that may not be an expansion seller but I personally need to see -


The woodland cascades and unending ocean! NEED to see those regions! I like to explore anywhere, so any new map is great but those regions most of all.


A Dragon mount, complete with dozens or even hundreds of skins! Four-legged dragons could potentially be skins for griffon, _maybe,_ so perhaps the dragon mount should be a two legged dragon that walks on its wings in the front? Then there could be two separate mounts producing dragon skins. I would especially love a green lightning dragon.


Two-handed, normal length swords! I'm thinking this could be an animation bundle in the gemstore. Activating it on a character changes a sword to the two-handed classification. One sword gives you all 5 skills, and everything that needs to be remade to work as a two-handed weapon is changed, such as the basic combat stance, running animation, autoattacks, etc. For professions with mainhand and offhand, it's simply a combination of the two, where one sword works like any other single weapon, like staff or greatsword, except the sword isn't ridiculously huge. For professions with only mainhand or offhand, it may not be available. Or, it could be modified to include other weapons. For example, the two-handed sword for Elementalist could take the 4 and 5 skills from focus - the focus isn't really used in the skill animations, so they can basically be left the same. Or it simply would only be usable for professions with both swords already. Personally I just don't care much for the sword animations as they are - especially the way the character holds them, it just looks weird. I always picture my character fighting with only one sword, and carrying it on their back (as other two-handed weapons are)

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1. More exciting and unique skins as (reasonable) RNG loot drops in game instead of the cash store. There is a reason Teq is still popular after all these years, take a hint Anet.

2. More rewarding metas with fun mechanics that are player-driven and not on a timer. Again there is a reason Silverwastes is still such a popular map after all these years.

3. New cultural armors. It was a nice little gold sink and offered some unique looks especially for races like the sylvari.

4. Bring back (skipable) cutscenes for story dialogue. There is nothing more immersion-breaking that trying to talk to a NPC to continue your story only to find them buried under a pile of other player characters. Not to mention instances where your story NPCs decide to throw exposition at you mid-battle and you end up missing all of it.

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Build slots.

-By that extent, remove skins from armor and let us have multiple cosmetic loadouts we can switch between.


Custom home/base integrated with the entire game, both story, PvE and even competitive modes.


New masteries for Core game, likely through Living World seasons.


A bigger Current Events team for more content/sidequests between LW episodes.



I'm pretty satisfied with the content schedule and output as long as we get an expansion after LW5.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> Mine :

> - The ability to pick a normal utility spell in the "elite" slot

> - A Revenant overhaul, or at least big changes in its design

> - More PvP content, such as 10v10 or 15v15 players battlegrounds

> - New haircuts


> What about you ? ;)


DISCLAIMER: Consider this a wishlist. I'm not expecting these things to be added, but kitten, some of you guys are just the most cynical out there. Reign it in.


Everything you said PLUS....




Both weapons have seen iterations in actual combat applications in the real world used in one hand or as two-handed weapons! Spear and Shield has been #IndustryStandard for warfare for MANY countries throughout the course human history. We have the skins, we just need animations. This is a much more accessible addition in my opinion compared to the next point.




Yeah. I know. "Animations are expensive," "They already have a hard time balancing what we have," "They need more skins," ~~"No! Bad idea, waaaah, /cry"~~… Two handed axe would be dope. Crossbow would be dope. Glaives of some sort would be dope. Shoot, surprise me at this point. We have ranged 2handed hammers and greatswords in the game, go for it, jeez!


Every single updated emote that we're missing from GW1 *and more...*


This one kinda stings: more content that's got... well... more to do per release. Yeah I said it.

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First on my wishlist is a difficulty slider for the supposedly soloable Living World story...I know, I know, the young whippersnappers among us can solo it with ease, but, there are some of us old folk here who have problems completing it.


Second, on my wishlist is more hairstyles that are not direct copies from another race...new faces would be nice too.


OHHH..this should be number one on my wishlist...more character slots :)

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1. Build Templates

2. More character customizations (also options that could be earned by playing the game, particularly metas)

3. Cantha (please, please, please)

4. More incentives to do do metas. Currently, the rewards are quite uninspiring (particularly for PoF). I would particularly like an opportunity to earn a specific currency that can be traded for mounts, armor and weapon skins that otherwise are unavailable to you (new or old).

5. An in-game dps meter

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1. Build templates. Specifically, limitless client-side templates for swapping skills/traits, with full equipment swaps (that also load associated skills/traits) as a gemstore item.


2. OW design that permits support/healing builds -- probably by having competent NPC allies that can benefit from them (and maybe removing friendlies as more players participate or are close by).


3. A proper GW take on tanking mechanics -- smart aggro management mechanics (e.g. giving enemies specific dislikes that can be triggered to get their attention), group-support active defenses (tied to stats), and better AoE counters.


4. Improvements to the combo system, to make it a more legible and intentional part of play. Probably also have limited uses of fields for combos.


5. Maybe WvW-specific elite specs that have abilities that are specifically built for (or perhaps useless outside of) WvW. Maybe UW e-specs as well?


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