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Your worst losing streak?


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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > The longest losing streak from season 11 to now is 26 games.


> Thank you for the information.


> But I really hope you work about the algorythm that create those streaks.


It is not really dependent on the algorithm tbh .....lets say i am plat 2 and playing @ 4 in the morning when no other plat player is Qing Ranked. As is obvious no one wants to get more than 5 mins Q time. Sooo the only way for the system to work is maybe give a full gold team on the other side while i get a few silvers ....all in all the average elo in each team is more or less the same. Now if i am playing something like FB .......i can't carry the match as my dpsers would never be able to dps vs gold tier dpsers. So in these games u can either carry so hard your eyes fall off and you end up with a +5 or you lose -20. I usually get 300-800 games per season.So what i usually do is play casually till last 2 weeks then climb back to plat 2.

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I think about 8. Nothing serious, it knocked me out of plat 3 to plat 1 though. Pretty annoying to be honest. They weren’t close games either, they became stomps after 1 particular teammate (each match) decided to tank, feed or afk. Oh well. Ded game mode so who cares.



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If the matchmaker is truly giving you a 50/50 odds game, in theory you have:


* 1 in 32 chance of a 5 loss streak

* 1 in 1024 of 10 loss streak

* 1 in 67108864 of 26 loss streak


So either the odds are actually frequently way off 50/50, or, people tilting and raging has a way bigger impact on their play than they appreciate. Or both.


My personal theory is that the matchmaker doesn't re-evaluate rating "live", but rather re-calculates every hour, or 3 hours, or whatever. So, if you've just lost 5 games and immediately re-queue, you're still getting matched based on your old higher rating, until everything gets re-calculated, and then suddenly your rating drops 100 and you start going on a win-streak, until it re-calculates again in 3 hours time.


But then, that's reinforced by observing that stepping away after losing 2 games and coming back tomorrow is the best way to avoid losing streaks, which is also explained by having a night's rest and re-focusing.

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For a better understanding of the problem we must point something about those "losing streaks".


I'm pretty sure that most of you experienced a winning streak either before or either after your losing streak. Right ? Both come together but people are emotionally more affected by the loses and don't mention all aspects of the thing.


So, for the streaks, It's as if the system is working like this

- after a small streak (like 3 wins or 3 loses), it doesn't take into account only your ranking for matchmaking, but it takes into account a new factor - something like that I will call a "buff" (after your 3 loses) or a "debuff" (after your 3 wins) that affects the teams composition. So if you have the debuff, then the system will puts you the 3 or 4 worst players of the 10. And if you have the buff, you will be with the 3 or 4 best.

- And this buff or debuff disappear after some time. But if you persists you will suffer from it as long as you will not take a break. (it's why the streak continues and people can lose 200 ranks points in 1 evening).

- So how can the system evaluate a bad or a good player ? Maybe by doing a mix of number of pvp matches played (and won/lost) since beginning, the streaks of each...


There were some feedbacks of people telling that their matchmaking were working very differently depending on which account they were doing their pvp. So their real lvl didn't change but their end season rank were very different.


Well, it's my own personnal theory. But I really have this feeling. (I have 12 818 pvp matches played atm and +5k in ranked).


I think that dev. should try something. Remove all factors used to calculate the matchmaking and the team compostion and keep only the rank. After that, only "luck" will determine if you will be with the best or the worst players. Because with luck, you should theorically not experience an ugly 20 streak of something.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> For a better understanding of the problem we must point something about those "losing streaks".


> I'm pretty sure that most of you experienced a winning streak either before or either after your losing streak. Right ? Both come together but people are emotionally more affected by the loses and don't mention all aspects of the thing.


> So, for the streaks, It's as if the system is working like this

> - after a small streak (like 3 wins or 3 loses), it doesn't take into account only your ranking for matchmaking, but it takes into account a new factor - something like that I will call a "buff" (after your 3 loses) or a "debuff" (after your 3 wins) that affects the teams composition. So if you have the debuff, then the system will puts you the 3 or 4 worst players of the 10. And if you have the buff, you will be with the 3 or 4 best.

> - And this buff or debuff disappear after some time. But if you persists you will suffer from it as long as you will not take a break. (it's why the streak continues and people can lose 200 ranks points in 1 evening).

> - So how can the system evaluate a bad or a good player ? Maybe by doing a mix of number of pvp matches played (and won/lost) since beginning, the streaks of each...


> There were some feedbacks of people telling that their matchmaking were working very differently depending on which account they were doing their pvp. So their real lvl didn't change but their end season rank were very different.


> Well, it's my own personnal theory. But I really have this feeling. (I have 12 818 pvp matches played atm and +5k in ranked).


> I think that dev. should try something. Remove all factors used to calculate the matchmaking and the team compostion and keep only the rank. After that, only "luck" will determine if you will be with the best or the worst players. Because with luck, you should theorically not experience an ugly 20 streak of something.


The match maker doesn’t make streaks happen.

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Still my same old argument on this. Streaks do happen quite often, but many of the wins i'm getting could have been lost, and alternatively many of the loses i got could have been wins. I mean, quite often i'm losing matchs that could have been won if one player didn't decide to afk, or if 2 players did accept to read the chat. I cannot believe the matchmaker knows which player is willing to afk or not play as a team.

If i had chain wins of 500-10 followed by chain loses of 10-500, i would for sure call it strange and rigged. But that's not really the case..


My concern is more likely that i'm pretty sure most complainers are in gold 2 division, which is the most diversified in terms of players level, thus it can happen to have streaks of +/-3.

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:


> My personal theory is that the matchmaker doesn't re-evaluate rating "live", but rather re-calculates every hour, or 3 hours, or whatever. So, if you've just lost 5 games and immediately re-queue, you're still getting matched based on your old higher rating, until everything gets re-calculated, and then suddenly your rating drops 100 and you start going on a win-streak, until it re-calculates again in 3 hours time.


> But then, that's reinforced by observing that stepping away after losing 2 games and coming back tomorrow is the best way to avoid losing streaks, which is also explained by having a night's rest and re-focusing.


i never thought about that :open_mouth:

i always did assume that it was calculated live.... this would explain so much!

any insights on when someones MMR (or the values for calculating matches) gets updated ben? like every 3 hours or less?

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