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what do you think about WvW maps? I'm bored.


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Adding a new map just for the sake of having something new and shiny should not be a priority for the Dev's. If they ever decide to work on a new map, this is what they need to do-


-Present the idea to the community

-Allow for proper testing of it

-Actually listen to feedback and engage with players. Don't ignore all feedback like they did during HoT beta and launch a broken product.

-A map needs to focus on strategy and progress, like alpine. Where every objective has a strategic value. One of the biggest failures of dbl is that objectives are only useful for points, and serve virtually no purpose aside from that. There is no reason to capture/defend anything on it unless you care about points.

-The classic K.I.S.S., don't make traveling around the map feel like a chore. Nobody wants to get lost, or feel like it takes forever trying to get to a fight. Don't make a map feel like a jp+maze.

-Don't add a bunch of broken and annoying mechanics.

-PvE is not the objective, its a WvW map, fighting players is the objective and that is how the map needs to be designed, that is what the focus should be.

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> @"Mrs Qurly.9372" said:

> How would people feel about WvW being offered as a subscription add-on? Even if just $1 per month, it might be enough for Anet to employ some devs to work on WvW exclusively?


Nope. I'm not paying for something that should already exist. If Anet chooses to ignore wvw, that's their business decision.

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> @"Mrs Qurly.9372" said:

> How would people feel about WvW being offered as a subscription add-on? Even if just $1 per month, it might be enough for Anet to employ some devs to work on WvW exclusively?


So wvw players should pay extra for development time for a game mode that was sold as part of the original release, they ignored for 3+ years, already chased off most of the gvg players, destroyed balance with elite specs and condition vs boons combat, destroyed population balance, repackaged wvw buffs behind a pay grind wall of HoT, released a terrible map that took them more than 6 months to bother tweaking, finally put in real rewards to match pve after 5 years? We should be paying extra for what now?


Hey maybe we should offer the dungeon runners to pay an extra $5 a month to bring their dead content back.

Or maybe, Anet should do a better job at planning and allocating resources to develop content for their entire game. Heard they had like 15 spvp maps still in storage somewhere, talk about a waste and you want us to pay extra?

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> @QuantumCat.9051 said:

> New maps would be great if there were unlimited WvW development resources. As compared to other QoL and balance changes needed, they're simply not a big priority.


Remember the outrage about desert bl,no one liking it and they removed it even and then made a poll to have it in rotation i believe or have one desert and 2x alpine.Think anet wont be making another map anytime soon.


@Lambros Augustus.6594 , if they do that then the new people will choose eotm over wvw and were gonna have less populated maps again.

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