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Let's play two goods & a bad!


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Not really a game but the title sounds interesting...but let's play i!

What are your 2 goods and 1 bad when you think about GW2?

Goods :

- World Design and Aesthetics

- Lore

Bad :

- Too casual and too many systems and features created to remove any kind of rivalry.(which is good and bad in the same time)


Now,what about you?

(let's keep it short and fun and not deviate from the subject)

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2 goods:

+ Best open world PvE (meta events), fun, chill, profitable and accessible for anyone with any gear/build.

+ "Cheapness": No monthly sub, we can convert Gold to Gems (not many MMOs allow this), we get to unlock living world episodes for free when they are active, no pay 2 win stuff in Gem Store.


1 bad:

- Abandoning Gem Store armor skins for boring Outfits.

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-> Solid episodes, personnal story 0-40

-> Always new map with great design and side events full of creativity.


->Bad habit of giving up about several awesome potential ideas. (Canthan district, SAB, unfinished map areas,/jp ,wyvern/spider mount, even killing good characters...)

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* Casual and many systems and features created to remove any kind of rivalry

* Mostly balanced classes with a variety of roles, as long as you don't go into raids.



* Why, oh why, can we not save and swap builds? Most people have a solo build and a group build at the very least and an item or a mastery or or something to allow us to flip between them would save us from the "hang on" *click click click click click* thing.

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* The atmosphere throughout each area. It's captivating, to say the least.

* Vistas. Although some of them can be challenging to get to - sometimes frustratingly so - it often pays off when you get a nice, almost cinematic view to admire.



* Pocket Raptors. I've fallen to a swarm of them way too many times - the pesky little vermins. Funnily enough, that's my only big gripe with GW2.

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+ Coop nodes and loot drops (versus competitive)

+ Fluidity of combat movement and skill use on-the-move



+ Hard to pin down why, but I feel disinterested when I think about playing Warrior, Guardian, Revenant, Mesmer, Elementalist or Engineer


I had to cycle through a lot of other "bads" to isolate just one, but on reflection, I'd say that finding 6 of 9 professions to be uninteresting is by far the reason I play less than I might.

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> @"AsPeeXXXVIII.9571" said:

> **Good:**

> * The atmosphere throughout each area. It's captivating, to say the least.

> * Vistas. Although some of them can be challenging to get to - sometimes frustratingly so - it often pays off when you get a nice, almost cinematic view to admire.


> **Bad:**

> * Pocket Raptors. I've fallen to a swarm of them way too many times - the pesky little vermins. Funnily enough, that's my only big gripe with GW2.


And if you get away from them you will most likely run into those rolling devils who get you with their fast attacks and if they don't finish you off the creatures that shoot their spines at you will.


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