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Monetizing WvW, without breaking it


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I know most of us who frequent this forum wish that ArenaNet could dedicate more resources to wvw development, for example finishing the alliance system. Unlike other game modes, I can't imagine wvw is a big money maker and anet is a business. The only gem store items for wvw I can think of are server transfers and finishers (and wvw shares finishers with spvp).


So I think it's reasonable to have a discussion on things that might generate some income from at least some of the wvw player base, without affecting game performance or visual clutter. Think things like mount skins in pve, with an option to display defaults.


One thing I think could work is:

* alternative projectiles for catapults and trebs, the framework for this already exists - during wintersday people without upgraded catapult skills fire wintersday presents. Firing a choya at a wall could be satisfying to some people


What else could be added that wouldn't fundamentally change wvw, but would allow a greater justification for more development?

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You monetize it the same way as the rest of the game ... with overpowered elite specs :3


No seriously, just make WvW-themed gem skins if you specifically want to appeal to the WvW audience (if it is not buying enough of the normal skins).


Server-finishers, Guild-finishers - it would sell like hot cakes.


Fancier guild (or server/alliance/w/e) armor. I remember mentioning capes in some other thread, that's a classic (I mean, guild groups have been buying "uniforms" for almost as long as the mode has existed: rucksacks, quaggan hats and whatnot). There is a proven demand, with history.


More of a far-out approach could be:


Since there are already banners on claims, maybe full reskins of objectives - turning a claimed tower into a different look. A wooden palisade camp etc. Fancier stuff as objectives upgrade (where the skin is acc permanent but only starts showing if the claiming party actually makes sure it upgrades).


Imo, siege is too temporary to skin. I'm not saying objectives are any more lasting but at least they are highly visible (and could make a group who has claimed it and spent fancy fluff on it actually fight to defend it - to maintain their bragging right and prove to the surroundings that they are wealthy buggers - assuming the skin is at lower cost [10-50, or packs] but not permanent).


It's not that hard to come up with a swath of things that could make WvW more fun for the players while making a buck on the side. That of course hinges on the game mode doing well enough to make the players see the value in more fun. Ie., if you want to ramp up guild prestige there actually has to be some gameplay that brings about an initial pride. As long as the mode is fundamentally broken I doubt we will see much such sales. However, there certainly is potential to monetize a healthy, competetive mode where players feel for their player-groups and identities.

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Largely, you don't want them to monetize specific parts of the game. If we did, then it would be the most rabid and rich fans directing game development and... last I checked, ANet's been more successful at deciding what works. Dedicated funding streams are generally awful, whether corporate, governmental, or philanthropic. It ties the hands of those responsible and adds responsibilities.

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WvW is already monetized. Expansion builds are meta, so everybody need to buy that. And then you got transfer fees on top of that. And you can bet your kitten *alot* of WvWers use the BL shop every now and then, probably far more than you think.


But granted, there all lots of skin areas where Anet hasnt really added any options.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> there all lots of skin areas where Anet hasnt really added any options.


This seems like a popular idea, regardless of whether it means more development for WvW or not.

(And it seems to me, that if it were implemented **and** if people spent a lot of gems for such skins, ANet would be inclined to throw more money towards WvW.)

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It's often simple: more ppl, more money. Not sure why you think WvW would need more stuff to sell.




I'm a WvW-only player with only a decent amount of hours played (compared to the hard-cores), and still spent real money for both expansions, a lot of additional treasure and bag space, some gold to get new toons and gear when I want to test something immediatly, some QoL, and cosmetics. You don't get much gold in WvW (in fact I spent a ton for structure upgrades, and siege, in the first 3 years), so you inevitably have to spend some money for those shiny gems.


Anet stated several times, that they will ballance Alliances not only by hours played, but also by skill. Whatever that means, maybe it could attract more casuals, and simultaneously give the elite more of a comopetitions. So, more ppl, more money.

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'Hours played' could be a very misleading metric, as there are dozens of players who just sit in base (or elsewhere on map) and only pop out when they are decaying. These people count as 'playing' so unless they use deeper metrics Alliances are going to be just as bad as server based is at present.

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The main thing is for Anet is how much money they will make from the skins. If its just a more simple rework with some color changes, its not that expensive for them to make. If its an entirely new model like some of the mount skins, its very expensive. If they can't turn a good profit on that, they won't bother. The other thing to also keep in mind is that a lot more people play PvE. Its a much bigger opportunity for Anet to reach a lot of people in hopes they buy up the skins. 100 people buying 1 skin is better than 50 people buying one skin even if the latter still turns a profit.


This isn't to say I don't think they should do skins or anything as I think they should, I'm just trying to show some reason why they might not have done it up to this point. QoL items like skipping queues (or having your spot held for say 5 minutes) if your game crashes would be great gem store additions as well. There is room for a lot of additions but PvE will always remain their main focus.

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Skins for siege and structures have been suggested multiple times over the years, they never seemed interested in exploring it.

Their artist are too busy working on the monthly black lion weapons and outfits, mounts and gliders.

They probably never made much on the finishers since the pricing is low, notice how many of them they bother to make these days? not a lot beyond HoT.


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Skins for siege and structures have been suggested multiple times over the years, they never seemed interested in exploring it.

We have no idea if they have spent any time on this at all.


If they explored it intensely and encountered a technical obstacle that prevented its implementation _until_ something else changed, they wouldn't tell us. The gem shop team would put in their suggestion and move on to other ideas until the stumbling block was removed or could be worked around.


> Their artist are too busy working on the monthly black lion weapons and outfits, mounts and gliders.

Clearly they have time for other things, too, since we get other things, too.


> They probably never made much on the finishers since the pricing is low, notice how many of them they bother to make these days? not a lot beyond HoT.

This is probably true. A lot of finishers got added to wardrobe unlocks, and via statuettes. They seem relegated to special occasions and achievements now.



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If Anet were to actually balance this game mode and stop hemorrhaging players,it would mean more player that are a potential paying customers.


I used to purchase things from gem store while I played. Haven’t logged in for the last two weeks and won’t in the immediate future until the next balance update.


Moved on to other games as being one shot, by three different classes from stealth, isn’t enjoyable gameplay.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Skins for siege and structures have been suggested multiple times over the years, they never seemed interested in exploring it.

> We have no idea if they have spent any time on this at all.


We have no idea either way. They supposedly had like 15 spvp maps laying around and not being used.

But I'll just believe they haven't bothered given the amount of time they've given to wvw development over the years compared to the rest of the game.


They have had holiday skins for siege since like year two, so I can't imagine there's a huge technical hurdle they can't get over there, would be no different than having regular or superior siege plans, dump them into the mythic toilet to change the skin. Skins for structures are also just skins, nothing else needs to move or change, banners change when you claim something I also find it hard to imagine there's a huge technical hurdle involved here too.


> Clearly they have time for other things, too, since we get other things, too.


Clearly they work on a bunch of other things that I don't need to list other than quick listing the major money making pve/store stuff they need to work on every month.

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I've thought before that adding another guild slot and charging a gem fee for it would bring in some gems for sure. Really any of the marvelous ideas we all have had here over the years could be implemented in such a way as to generate cash. For this to really work you'd need items that are continuous or seasonal. Giving the players something to choose from with the knowledge there are upcoming items to save up for in the 'dark' months with no updates. My impression of the updates we've been given is that Anet is attempting to overhaul the entire system along with the UI and matchmaking. Considering how small the team is (TEAM OF 1 IT IS MIGHTY) its no wonder this is taking a long time.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> new commander icons

> auras and infusions

> gliders

> sets of cool looking wvw specific rare+exotic armor+weapons

> mount and/or skin available through some new wvw achievements

> new race skills available through some new wvw achievements

> wvw specific crafting materials

> new skin themes for claimed objectives



Ya, new commander tags that can be bought with gems would do well.

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> I know most of us who frequent this forum wish that ArenaNet could dedicate more resources to wvw development, for example finishing the alliance system. Unlike other game modes, I can't imagine wvw is a big money maker and anet is a business.


> What else could be added that wouldn't fundamentally change wvw, but would allow a greater justification for more development?


Well, even if we wvw'ers spent more money, how would we know our money goes back into wvw development?


You already saw in the other thread, Arenanet's parent company NCSoft used a lot of money to make 2 new games that have been cancelled. Some of that money probably came from GW2 gem store sales and expansion sales. They could have reinvested the money back into GW2, but they instead put it into something else. If Arenanet starts getting more money from us, would NCSoft let Anet use it for wvw and other gw2 development?


We would need some kind of promise from Arenanet that any extra money we spend would be kept by them and used for the game, not something else

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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> > I know most of us who frequent this forum wish that ArenaNet could dedicate more resources to wvw development, for example finishing the alliance system. Unlike other game modes, I can't imagine wvw is a big money maker and anet is a business.

> >

> > What else could be added that wouldn't fundamentally change wvw, but would allow a greater justification for more development?


> Well, even if we wvw'ers spent more money, how would we know our money goes back into wvw development?


> You already saw in the other thread, Arenanet's parent company NCSoft used a lot of money to make 2 new games that have been cancelled. Some of that money probably came from GW2 gem store sales and expansion sales. They could have reinvested the money back into GW2, but they instead put it into something else. If Arenanet starts getting more money from us, would NCSoft let Anet use it for wvw and other gw2 development?


> We would need some kind of promise from Arenanet that any extra money we spend would be kept by them and used for the game, not something else


Uhm, I am pretty sure ANet is an independent subsidiary of NCsoft, which means the latter gets a part of the former's income, but ANet is free to do whatever they want with their share. Think of it as paying your taxes.

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