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Gold Farming Techniques?

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Hey guys, I was just looking around to see if anyone might have some quick and efficient gold farming techniques that might help? I currently do not have access to fractals, and I've yet to find a party willing to "train" me with each fractal instances. I know Fractal 40 is a "Good" Gold Farm, but I don't have the Agony Resistance nor the technical experience/training to perform on Fractal 40.


Currently, I'm making approximately 10 gold per day with an additional 20 gold per 10 days through the Time Gated crafting materials, along with 27 gold every week through sPvP. However, with sPvP coming to an end soon and other reasons for me wanting to farm gold - and the recent market crash on Materials due to PoF's release - does anyone have any other tips for making gold? I'm really wanting to get a Griffon...


(Edit) - Are Dungeons a good way to make gold? 8 Gold 60 Silver per dungeon rotation once per day would seem reasonable, but I'm only able to play for ~2-4 hours a day after work. Considering PvP normally takes 30-60 minutes, my daily timegated crafting takes about an hour depending on how active Dry Tops is, and still time to play around with story and stuff, I don't know if Dungeons would be a "fast" way of making gold every day. Opinions?

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Why don't you have access to Fractals? You don't need training to do Fractals, they may have many mechanics but they are not dificult to learn at all. I jumped into them as a clueless noob, didn't take me more than a couple of days of casual play to learn the mechanics.

I'm a working person too so my time is just as limited as yours and I do my dailies through sPvP cause it's the fastest content to complete but there are many ways to make gold in this game and 250g is not as much as you may think. Check out this

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"list") by [Gaming with GS](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTuOrFFpmY8gtz17-e6uKFA "Gaming with GS"), some videos are outdated but he is up to date with the "newer" techiniques too. His videos helped me quite a bit and I'm sitting on 1k gold all the time now by using several of those tips in his videos.
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@"MikeL.8260" Hm.... but when did you actually START them? I've only gotten up to Fractal 5 - whenever I start a new "Raising Fractal Level" room, I'm normally stuck with people who are just as - if not more - clueless then I am on how the fractal runs. And soloing Fractals just doesn't feel possible in the current state I'm at. On top of that, if you "skip" fractals with using a friend, you still need Agony Resistance, which you guessed, cost gold. So I'm currently farming gold in order to get several things that I need to improve the character I'm currently using.


@"Felicity.9406" Hm... I guess that's a good point - but then, couldn't I do the same with PoF's maps and farm contracts to sell to venders (which caused the material market to crash)? Tbh, I'd prefer endlessly circling an area pressing the F button without doing much else, especially when I still need EXP for Mastery points. That, and the number of "Meta Event" silver-wastes normally only pop up during the weekend when I am working, and when I get home I can only find chest farming rooms (if any).


Btw, one of the original (albiet it was introduced into an edit) questions had been ignored... Are Daily Dungeon runs an okay source of money until I can invest into Agony Resistance? (Because farming from level 0 to 20 is neigh impossible unless you have friends - which I don't).

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You don't really need to do specific 'raising fractal levels' parties. You should just join parties that are doing "Tier 1 Dailies" and do those Dailies for some time (read: a week or two) until your Fractal Level naturally increases. Most dailies are generally done by people with a modicum of experience. And if you still feel clueless, you can always look at some videos or read up on the mechanics of each Fractal. Dailies will also give you a goodly amount of gold to buy Agony Infusions with, as well as +1 infusions and Pristine Relics to buy Ascended Rings with.


Dungeon runs are a decent source of money, by doing 8 different paths each round, but the problem is finding a good party to efficiently run dungeons. If you can't efficiently run them, they're not too hot.

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@"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" Yeah, but you need... what was it, 27 Agony resistance?, for the Fractal 40 Gold Farm. I've got.... 5, lol. Like I said, I'm probably not going to be able to rely on Fractals for a little while, especially if I only do the tier 1 dailies, cuz I don't have the gold at the moment to invest into them. Which is why I was asking if there was any other content that could be used to get gold until I got enough Agony Resist (or gold to purchase thereof) for higher level fractals.

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> @AlphaWolvesGamer.5790 said:

> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" Yeah, but you need... what was it, 27 Agony resistance?, for the Fractal 40 Gold Farm. I've got.... 5, lol. Like I said, I'm probably not going to be able to rely on Fractals for a little while, especially if I only do the tier 1 dailies, cuz I don't have the gold at the moment to invest into them. Which is why I was asking if there was any other content that could be used to get gold until I got enough Agony Resist (or gold to purchase thereof) for higher level fractals.


Fractals don't have any agony at all until I believe scale 15? You can go without any agony resistance without much trouble up through around scale 20. By then, you should have plenty of +1 agony infusions that you can use to get you up to scale 25 easily.

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I'm starting to think people are running around in circles with their fractal advice. I said I was having trouble queuing with people who wanted to play low level and grind, and I got advice to start at a higher level. I say I don't have enough agony resist, and I'm told to go back and play through low level fractals for agony resist.


I think I'll just be happy with the 10g per day and just play normally. I think it'll be easier to get Griffon in 25~30 days without spending gold on anything else.

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> @AlphaWolvesGamer.5790 said:

> I'm starting to think people are running around in circles with their fractal advice. I said I was having trouble queuing with people who wanted to play low level and grind, and I got advice to start at a higher level. I say I don't have enough agony resist, and I'm told to go back and play through low level fractals for agony resist.


> I think I'll just be happy with the 10g per day and just play normally. I think it'll be easier to get Griffon in 25~30 days without spending gold on anything else.


No, no, you misunderstand. You can join up to Tier 19 on Fractals without any need whatsoever for Agony Resistance, as there simply is no Agony. Even Tier 20 you can easily get away without having any (it's only 10% max health/tick at 20, which isn't hard to survive). You can almost always join people doing the daily runs for these and make a fair bit of gold while also collecting agony infusions that you can use to complete higher tiers as well.


If a group wants to go above 20, you either drop out, or ask them if they're fine with giving you a bit of extra support, since you don't have the Agony Resistance recommended. Many groups will be willing to lend you a hand in this situation, especially if you've already completed a fractal on the daily run with them (most groups start with low scales and go up).


Whenever you complete a fractal equal to or higher than your personal Fractal level, you advance your personal fractal level. This only relates to the rewards you get (not including dailies) and how high of a scale you yourself can open up. You can still join higher tiers.

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SW is still a good farming spot. although since the release of PoF, there is less SW runs than before. they still do (which is amazing) xD but not as many as they were if you know what i mean.

there's the leather farm in Lake Doric (one of the LWS3 maps), fractal 40 farming, and world boss trains. to me the world boss train is not much a farming method but you got rare items and stuff while leisurely run around. i just realize it by now cuz i was in a world boss train with my friends the other day when we were bored before raid time. speaking of rares, don't forget about Auric Basin as well since you'll get a guarantee of 5 rare items from 5 grand chests and other loots. make sure to join a high population map (usually on LFG) so your meta map won't fail.


doing dungeons is another good way of making golds. if you know most the dungeons' paths well enough and have high dps. basically you'll want to finish a dungeon like Ascalonian Catacombs with its 3 paths in as less as 10 mins as you can. then onto the others. doing any 8 explorable paths will grant you a dungeon frequenter box and 5g. the box contains 150 currencies of your choosing dungeon. i'm not a big fan of dungeons so i don't do this. but in the past, i used to join my friends to do some paths. then some other times i just got a dungeon frequenter box drop and i'm like yea ok. lol. and most of these less than 10 mins everything run is speed clear and usually quite toxic since they're there to make money, they'd want it as fast as possible.


sPvP is another nice way to make gold regarding the season is on or off. of course it doesn't have the Byzantium chest that is repeatable. but you could still choose a reward track and start working on it. winning or losing, you'll still get some.

if you like sPvP, and like open world map, you could head over to WvW. i'd say it's not cheap to start doing anything in WvW (it never does anyways. lol.) but if you think you're a skillful sPvP player, then heading into WvW may just give you lots of loot bags each time you kill an enemy. so the more you kill, the more bags that drop. i usually just sell the bags straight instead of opening them. and a few bags is almost 1g already. so i could earn a lot in an hour depending on the raid and the servers we're matching up with.


i run fractal trainings for my guildies usually an hour or something after reset, if it doesn't conflict with anything irl. if it is, then i'd run a bit later then bed time for others.

you're making 10g/day is more than a lot of us already, kinda xD i'm just a filthy casual and if some days i don't do my dailies or fractals, i don't earn anything. lol. i do have a chunk of golds since i've been playing for at least a year now and i'm a savvy buyer. i don't spend that much. plus, t4 fractals generate a lot of golds too, more than any other game modes combine, imo. short runs and high rewards. but it needs teamwork so it's a hit or miss when it comes to LFG in higher tiers.


i wouldn't suggest you do the "raising fractal" group thing, or go to a higher tier than yours. i trained a lot of groups, randoms more than guildies. and to be fair, they're just as clueless as you are. everyone wants to get started somewhere in fractals, which makes sense. but getting to higher levels without knowing the basics is the worst thing you could do to yourself and others. i know some people may say otherwise.

i see so many in t4s with broken knowledge and half ass no clue what they're doing. it's very annoying when you have to rez someone who is downed about every 25-30s. it just costs more time for everyone. time that could have been spent somewhere else instead. if that same person could have done more homework in lower tiers, he/she wouldn't waste at least 10-20mins per fractal/day. it's a lot of time wasted if you add up.

the reason fractals are divided into 4 tiers is because of progression. each tier will add some more mechanics on top. and t4s would be all hell got loose with all the mechanics you've seen in lower tiers. although when you get yourself up to t3s, at this point you should focus on gearing yourself to max out the AR at 150, then ask some openers to open t4s for you. since both t3 and t4 aren't that much of a difference but the stuff added in t3s are horrible. t3s usually make people give up if they don't have friends to play/run with.


you don't need AR (agony resistance) or any infusion up until fractal lvl 19. by the time your personal level is somewhat closer to 19, you may just as well have a bunch of infusions without worrying too much about farming golds or AR itself. i run anything from t1, t2, to t3, and t4. and i'd say the drops are nice too. you still get ascended boxes dropping in t1, believe it or not. but you do the math, since doing 1 daily of t4 will grant you boxes of that daily for lower tiers too, so more percentage of drops. don't let others tell you otherwise. the drops are good enough for the tier itself. so just start playing and keep going at it.

i want to correct someone above though. you can't really join higher tiers unless the person(s) are already in your party, and of higher tier lvl than you. then when yall are together, you're allowed to set the scale to whatever. but on your own, you can't just LFG for t4s when your lvl is at t1s.

you can only post LFG for that same tier or lower tier than your personal lvl. you're able to put LFG in the next tier when your personal fractal lvl is 5 lvl lower than the requirement of that next tier. sound very confusing aye? lol. for instance, adept scale from 26-50, you'll be able to put an LFG ad there when your personal lvl is at 21, 5 lvl lower than next tier.


i think your problem is not about joining a group but to find groups that teach/mentor. if you want something more, people would be like join higher tiers. since going higher without the AR, and/or having no knowledge about the runs, people would just treat you differently, usually bad, and tell you to go back to lower tiers. there aren't best/worst advice, but rather what makes sense. and that's the current state of fractals. it's worse in raids though. trust me on that. i usually jump in training raid run and take over but it costs a lot more time than devoting to some fractals.

you can contact me in game if you need a run down on fractals. i halted a lot of them dailies due to PoF and i've been working on some side projects too. but dailies should be alright =] hope it helps clearing some misunderstanding and/or answering some of ya questions.

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If you are looking for people to play fractals with, I created a guild not too long ago that for now will act kinda as a hub for people who want to (mainly) play fractals. So, if you are interested, and/or want some help when it comes to fractals, mail me in-game. Note, I am on EU

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PoF maps has some pretty good gold farm. 20-45g an hour depending on what you do. Some easily farmed items are worth about 7g too and does not take much effort to get them. Despite it being easy to make, I doubt the price is going to go down due to both how visually pleasing the product is that it creates, the stats it gives, and how low effort most of the player base is, and most of the player base do not know how to craft said item (information not shared on the wiki).

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> PoF maps has some pretty good gold farm. 20-45g an hour depending on what you do. Some easily farmed items are worth about 7g too and does not take much effort to get them. Despite it being easy to make, I doubt the price is going to go down due to both how visually pleasing the product is that it creates, the stats it gives, and how low effort most of the player base is, and most of the player base do not know how to craft said item (information not shared on the wiki).


Any chance you could point me in the right direction of these PoF farms, and the easily framed 7g items you mention? Would really appreciate it, as at the moment I'm not really making any gold as I relied on selling mats & ectos from AB etc, all of which are almost worthless at the moment, so I'm hanging onto them for now, but not getting gold as a result.


>@"AlphaWolvesGamer.5790" said:

>Currently, I'm making approximately 10 gold per day with an additional 20 gold per 10 days through the Time Gated crafting materials


Any advice on which time gated materials are still viable to make gold from? I've been looking at spirit wood planks, dredimor (sp?) ingots, bolts of damask and elonian leather squares, but even before the PoF market crash when I worked those out it seemed just selling the raw mats was more profitable, or almost the same. In fact on some of the time gated materials it seemed I'd get less gold that if I just sold the mats for them. So I think I must be looking at the wrong time gated stuff to craft.



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For Fractals and other like areas, i'd suggest a Good PVE guild like Starbuck. I know they do fractal training, raid Training, Events, fractals, raids, Guild Events, and more. I'm sure there are other guilds out there that do the same thing, but I know Starbuck has an easy rep Policy and participation policy. Other then that I know there is a Daily Karka Train that runs from 8 am EST to 11 am EST and ends with the Queen

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1) Fractals Of The Mists


You should know that Fractals are easy and best way to obtain few extra gold if you're doing it casual. How ever they can be one of the best gold methods in the game! I won't get too much into them but i will say that all you have to research are Fractals 40 farm. Here are some written guides for you to follow :



2) Gathering


Gathering is more of a casual non stressed and action relief of gold farming. It can be relaxing and also pretty effective if you know for what materials to go for and how to abuse it to the fullest potentional . One of the prime examples would be the Elder wood squads. It can be gathered every hour on each character. There are raids that have multiple instances (usually 3) to which you can switch on one character before going to another. This method could bring up around 20 ish gold per hour , all depending on your loading screen time and how many characters you have.


3) Silverwaste and Dry Top


Silverwaste is probably good gold starting method for most new players as it's accessible to everyone! Even free-to-play players. How ever , you should know how can you make gold off the silverwaste . Tekkit's has a nice video explaining the maps mechanics so i will link it for you here


http://silverwastes.loltools.net/index.html? <<<<<< This shows you on what lvl you should open up bags you get to get most profit out of silverwaste


Dry Top how ever isn't all abou the loot, it's more about farming Geodes. There is item that is time gated called clay pot for which you need clay to make it 25 pieces of it. The higher the tear of the map is the merchants will sell it for less gold (t6 maximum requires 100 geodes to buy 25 of them resulting into clay pot). Clay pot sells for 9g but take in consideration that you can farm it once large number of geodes and buy them all at once at t6 and then just craft it daily and make your money (400 artificer is required).


4) Mystic Forge


We all know that we do hate the Mystic "Toilet" sometimes but it can actually be good sorce of gold for those who don't like to invest alot of efford into it. It comes down to materials promotion or trying to get that precursor so you can sell it later. One of the High Risk High Reward methods.


5) Ecto Gamble


As much as i don't want this to be a gold method it actually is... All depending on your luck tho and taking own risks. I've seen people make up to 3k per day using this for 1 or 2 hours of gamble. If you're feeling lucky go for it


There is many methods on how you can make gold , that's the beauty of Guild Wars 2 , but these are some of mine favorite ones . Hopefully this helped you a bit

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Maybe PoF Bounty train. Probably less, but not as brain dead as SW. I had a 1 1/2 stack of blue and 1 1/2 stack of green unidentified gear. Popped Magic Find boosters to get my mf up too 450. Savaged rares for about 110 ectos and a dozen exotics .(2-3 worth 5-9g) common ones 1-2g. + whatever dropped from the Champ bags and Legendary bounty drops. (I opened unidentified gear with an alt that had the bag space, so couldn't consolidate what I got)


Also 3 blooming passifloria flowers from southsun, 75s - 1g for 5min of work/looking for them (spots change daily).

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  • 1 month later...

Good luck making any gold when your new, I remember working all day on gathering items and for some reason at the end of the day I didnt accumulate anything because any silver coins went back to purchasing mining gear, salvage gear, and crafting. I noticed I get less materials from salvaging lately, I mostly get small runes and sigils worth about 16 copper each. Waypoints also cost more to travel if you're not in a guild.

Later I learned salvaging stuff doesnt pay off. Occasionally you get lucky getting a material worth something, but usually just a small piece of silk or mithral if anything at all.


Looking for nodes is the easiest way, but not worth very much. Best way to make gold is PvP rated games.

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Its always hard to make some hundred of golds when yo are a new or just never tried to do it before.

Try to harvest everything what you can, keep them in your banks matt tab, and when its fulled just sell them (or if you can, craft ascendent matts which are really expensive imo).

This just a suggestion, anyways thanks for the replies about Silverwastes.

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> @"Lemondrop.5216" said:

> Good luck making any gold when your new, I remember working all day on gathering items and for some reason at the end of the day I didnt accumulate anything because any silver coins went back to purchasing mining gear, salvage gear, and crafting. I noticed I get less materials from salvaging lately, I mostly get small runes and sigils worth about 16 copper each. Waypoints also cost more to travel if you're not in a guild.

> Later I learned salvaging stuff doesnt pay off. Occasionally you get lucky getting a material worth something, but usually just a small piece of silk or mithral if anything at all.


> Looking for nodes is the easiest way, but not worth very much. Best way to make gold is PvP rated games.


You are doing things wrong if mining is going in the negative. Even when using a orichalcum pick it is only 4c per strike. With the worst case scenario of mining silver and instant selling there is still and profit of 0.25c.


You really shouldn't be bothering with anything besides iron and platinum unless you are literally running right by them. A single iron ore is a minimum of 5s per node. Often more since it often gives more than one ore per strike. That aside running around and gathering random ones is not as efficient as going to spots or routes with known high node density such as Gallowsfields in Brisban Wildlands for iron as well as the various permanent rich nodes(one is at Gallowsfields as well).


Are you only selling the items gathered to the NPC merchants? O_o

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