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Gold Farming Techniques?

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> @"Lankybrit.4598" said:

> I thought I'd add to this thread. Any gold making advice for a casual player who doesn't do dungeons or fractals? I was doing Dredgenaught Cliffs to gather Iron Ore and Seasoned Wood, but those have really dropped in price lately.


What I do is varying a bit. I have aa couple characters that I'm not currently actively playing parked at various fixed rich nodes (Iron in the Gallowfields, Platinum in Timberline, don't remember the sub-area) and a few at Tomb of the Primeval Kings for the Treasure Chests (selling all Unidentified Gear). Cycling through those characters take only 10 or so minutes.


I usually do Dailies - that's 2 gold in usually no more than 20 minutes, but skip if they seem tedious.


I sometimes do material promotions in the MF, most often Cores to Lodestones.


Also, accept that as a casual, we're not going to make as much gold/hour as dedicated farmers or even those that just do daily t3/t4 fractals. *The most important* part of getting gold to buy something is **managing your spending** - make sure you don't start trickling out gold for random other stuff if you have a goal for your saving.

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I found that farming the various chests in Ishtan can be quite profitable. Once you figure a pattern, it's pretty easy to make a lot of gold quickly. To be clear, I'm not speaking about the event chests, but the hidden stash ones. Also, you might want to look into the Tactical Overlay. This will help farming those chests a lot. And yes, it's legal. :)


Here's what TacO is about:



Download is here: http://tekkitsworkshop.net/index.php/gw2-taco/download & http://tekkitsworkshop.net/index.php/gw2-taco/download for specific maps.


And here is the TacO route farming for the hidden stashes looks like:



Once done, reload into another map, rinse and repeat. Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Get a routine going and do some simple node farming for less then the first hour each day when you log in. (Much like doing your dailies). You don't need to spend alot of time doing them either. There are some quick guides [here](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWejbevQ-nnwQ32eVf7uHeA?view_as=subscriber "here") and after you do em a couple times, you'll know exactly where to waypoint for them you won't have to look at a guide. I find Iron ore, Platinum, Elder, hard and flax can still generate some nice & easy profit. You can do em all on the same day or rotate days during the week and then spend the majority of your time doing metas or whatever you like. Over time this will be a nice extra gold source for you or if you need some fast gold quick, sell a stack of those hoarded mats :D**Iron**


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So I’ve explored a few ways to make gold:


- ranked pvp season: I enjoy pvp so I just made gold while I played. Can make a couple hundred gold per season with casual play.


- silver wastes: I honestly don’t know what I was doing wrong, but I don’t feel like I earned much gold doing this through selling mats.


- Lake Doric leather farm: up until recently this seemed to net me the most gold per hour of the activities I had been doing. Could spend 30-40 minutes there and make 8 gold.


- Istan: I recently discovered how to do this better (I’m sure most figured this out way befor me). Before I had done the events and just sold my unidentified gear and other drops. Would get me about 8-10g after an hour. Still pretty good, but I though lake Doric was better. Until I discovered trophy shipments. I started buying those with volatile magic and now I get the 8-10g in drops plus an additional 20g (reduced by the cost) from the shipments. So I would earn about 30g per hour. Last night I got lucky. I spent just over an hour there and then spent the volatile magic on trophy shipments. Got 85 tier 6 mats, which I saved and another 25g worth of mats and other drops that I sold.

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> @"Kelly.7019" said:

> As far as Lake Doric per hour... Straight node farming iron & Platinum(easy to sell fast) would net you much more. With the Watchwork Mining pick, that Iron route above can get upwards of 19g/hr and the plat route 17g/hr. Not bad for a easy daily run before doing other stuff.


does it really make a differance what tool i use?

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