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Mesmer Patch Notes 12/11/18


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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> This update: Hey is it just me, or are we back on the free lunch menu for thieves?


Depends, you save that apple gag from 2012?...cause you may need to put it back in your mouth and get into the pot for tenderizing.

IF you don't have it, we can come up with a mesmer dinner menu instead.

Or Brunch..

Brunch sounds good ..

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> @"Zoe.8310" said:

> > Signet of Inspiration: The active effect of this signet no longer shares the mesmer's boons with allies. Instead, it now extends the duration of all allies' current boons by 5 seconds.


> Is this still affected by boon duration?



> Based on another thread, it appears that it does not scale. So we can throw all that boon duration gear, rune, sigil, food, utility in the garbage can since it is worthless now.


Better off just dumping the Chrono as a whole at this point... Why take Chronos when you can just replace it with Firebrands and Renegades?

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> @"Nepster.4275" said:


> As far as i seen people experimenting in guild, you can get 100% quickness and alac with only 60-70% boon duration solo,but this is all, no other boons, maybe if you take inspi and use distort but your kit is actually not letting you boon share, only wells are the ones and some traits but those are usually long on CD so you better of getting 70% boon duration and share quickness and alac like mad, so basically chrono rollback 1-1,5 years but the difference is that its more useless now compared to other classes combined(for example rev+2fb), and from this all i can say is that maybe even heal tempest will get some attention too

Well, I just started GW2 and never really fully utilized the class, so I guess I'll get used to be being the class other people discuss as being kicked out of the party for playing. As far as I can tell Chrono can still do do the roles it really did bets which was tank and support, but less good at it now or not the best pick.

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> @"Veluna.7316" said:

> As far as I can tell Chrono can still do do the roles it really did bets which was tank and support, but less good at it now or not the best pick.

Not really. You can support now only 2 boons, and only if everyone is throwing away their mobility and sitting in your tiny wells, and your teammates have to compensate for your nonexistant damage. On the other hand you can take 2 FB and a Rev that serve the same function and each of them has damage of a normal DPS.

As for tanking - you know, who also tanks well? Scrappers and reapers, also known as "T4 daily fast no reapers" and "dude, respec to holo pls". The "tanks" are not working anywhere exapt raids (and only some bosses there), so, if the don't have other pros, no one wants them.

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I think they did the right thing overal in the patch notes? Gw is a universe where every profession has its value, that wasnt the case maybee for a long while, but atleast now its more balanced out? They are not trashed at all, but we are just pulled back, we were too much upfront. This is a good move by cutting down some tall tree's and a good chrono will be able to do what he needs to. Cant go full support anymore tho.. we'll see, but its realy smart overal in the notes.

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> @"Heartsfield.2684" said:

> I think they did the right thing overal in the patch notes? Gw is a universe where every profession has its value, that wasnt the case maybee for a long while, but atleast now its more balanced out? They are not trashed at all, but we are just pulled back, we were too much upfront. This is a good move by cutting down some tall tree's and a good chrono will be able to do what he needs to. Cant go full support anymore tho.. we'll see, but its realy smart overal in the notes.


Jeeze, if I was a dev, I would try to make every class viable and have an importance in a group.

Completely throwing a class out the window so another fills its place and then claiming the game is balanced really never occurred to me.

The devs must be geniuses.


Instead of cutting down a tree so it can no longer collect sunlight and goes extinct, why not plant a variety of different species of trees that each fulfill a specific niche?

Oh well, I guess the axe is easier to implement.

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Friend: Hey we were thinking about starting to do fractals and raids again. Do you wanna start a group up?

Me: Ya, it's been awhile. I would love to start it up again. That would be a lot of fun.



Me: Ummmmmm . . . . . . Soooooooo . . . . . . . . .I won't be playing anymore.


**Last Week**

Me: Hey ____ I was thinking about buying the living stories for you for Christmas.

___: Ya, that would be awesome. I wanted to catch up on the game again.



Me: Aaaaaaaa, Hey, want this new board game instead? Looks pretty cool to me.

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I have two Mesmers I keep around, one of them a boon share/support/tank Chrono. Easily the most expensive to gear of my 15 characters. It's not my main, but people often want me to play it for support purposes.

If I were maining that, I'd hope these forums are fireproof.

Anet, you need to get it together. You 100% completely destroyed a build, you didn't just "nerf" it.

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I simply can't get my head around the Jaunt nerf. They've made it as lacklustre for PvP and WvW as the other Elites (except Gravity Well of course). It needs to have its ammo recharge time reduced or each Jaunt needs to do more than it currently does (more condi clear, confusion or damage). It does not feel like an elite skill anymore.


Also, claiming to want to reduce Mesmer burst to allow them to fight for longer and then not bothering to reduce condi burst is a bit hilarious.

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~~Mesmer~~ Mirage has been a broken spec for its entire existence. It needs more than nerfed; it needs to be completely rewound and rebuilt from square one.


The Chrono boon changes were arguably overdue. As Blizzard once explained during some changes in WoW back in the day, builds and group compositions are supposed to be flexible. You're supposed to always have viable options and not be locked into one thing. But when a class or ability is so powerful that it effectively becomes mandatory to have, then you lose that flexibility. Boon Chronos were mandatory, to the detriment of other classes and builds, and I'm betting they probably still will be once players adjust to the changes. But now, there hopefully will be more options to include other classes and builds.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> ~~Mesmer~~ Mirage has been a broken spec for its entire existence. It needs more than nerfed; it needs to be completely rewound and rebuilt from square one.


> The Chrono boon changes were arguably overdue. As Blizzard once explained during some changes in WoW back in the day, builds and group compositions are supposed to be flexible. You're supposed to always have viable options and not be locked into one thing. But when a class or ability is so powerful that it effectively becomes mandatory to have, then you lose that flexibility. Boon Chronos were mandatory, to the detriment of other classes and builds, and I'm betting they probably still will be once players adjust to the changes. But now, there hopefully will be more options to include other classes and builds.


Reeeaaallllly, now please, go on to explain to us how implementing such a strategy in gw2 has led to such a wide variety of viable builds.


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> @"Curunen.8729" said:


> Anyway I'll be dabbling in Snowball Mayhem a bit because that's always fun, but otherwise looking forward to playing Fortuna part 2, nyx rework and baruuk in warframe, if they get it out in the next week and a half or so.


Heck yeah and I think Titania is getting a quality-of-life update as well, but any reason to bust out the Grakatas is a good one. :grin:

![](https://i.imgur.com/LhaBcEB.gif "")


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