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A sincere thank you for this patch

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I'll be the first to admit that I give Anet A LOT of sh*t for their patches. I've had huge problems with almost every past patch because it never felt like they understood the game modes. BUT I can finally gladly say that this is the first patch that feels like a definitive step in the right direction, as well as shows they've at least started to understand the issues players have had with classes like warrior, holo or mesmer in wvw/pvp. Taking away traits/skills that had no counter or very limited reaction time, if any at all, and promoting more skillful play.


So while this will probably get buried, I would at least like to express my thanks for a wonderful winters-day patch, because everyone should be praised for their well doings. Even if it took a bit to get there. And I hope the rest of the community will express their thanks as well.


Happy Holidays, from a happy post-patch player.


PS: please keep up the good work. It's so much nicer to praise the company than having to be disappointed over poor direction.



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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> Meanwhile on every sub-forum except Elementalist, Thief and Ranger:




> So yeah. 3/8 approves.

> ... What's a _Revenant_?


> I'm glad you're enjoying it, OP.


Ehh.. even on Ele its a little bit "anet doesnt care about us" but its been that for a long time, so the positivity is nice.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > Meanwhile on every sub-forum except Elementalist, Thief and Ranger:

> >


> >

> > So yeah. 3/8 approves.

> > ... What's a _Revenant_?

> >

> > I'm glad you're enjoying it, OP.


> Ehh.. even on Ele its a little bit "anet doesnt care about us" but its been that for a long time, so the positivity is nice.


Oh yeah for sure! But we are comparing outcry right now, not the usual _friendly_ banter, eh?

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> Meanwhile on every sub-forum except Elementalist, Thief and Ranger:




> So yeah. 3/8 approves.

> ... What's a _Revenant_?


> I'm glad you're enjoying it, OP.


Are you sure? I thought "Must be nobody at ANET plays this class" was the standard post-balance patch meme....

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > Meanwhile on every sub-forum except Elementalist, Thief and Ranger:

> >


> >

> > So yeah. 3/8 approves.

> > ... What's a _Revenant_?

> >

> > I'm glad you're enjoying it, OP.


> Are you sure? I thought "Must be nobody at ANET plays this class" was the standard post-balance patch meme....


You know, it's entirely possible I got them mixed up, but they are so interchangeable I am hardly going to go through ALL that effort of editing my post.

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I've been reading through the patch-notes for my class and it felt like riding a rollercoaster. There were ups and downs, nerfs and boosts and balances - as it should be. A lot of the annoying stuff, which caused plenty of conflicts, is finally gone. But most important for me:




It is a great relief and cheers me up more than Wintersday itself atm. Thanks for giving the elite a 2nd chance. I still cannot trust my eyes. Thank You!

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> Favorite profession gets buffed - "Thank you Anet, you really got it right this time!"


> Favorite profession gets nerfed - "Does Anet even play their own game?!?"


Hrm, I think you nailed it there.


Hey, at least I haven't seen "slap in the face" yet. That was the go-to back in the day on the WoW forums...

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > Favorite profession gets buffed - "Thank you Anet, you really got it right this time!"

> >

> > Favorite profession gets nerfed - "Does Anet even play their own game?!?"


> Hrm, I think you nailed it there.


> Hey, at least I haven't seen "slap in the face" yet. That was the go-to back in the day on the WoW forums...


I don't think this is so easy Chronos are super important part of the game and what they did will cause huge problem . I'm an Ele so by that theory I should by happy I'm aren't because I know my chrono can't give me the boons I used to have from him/her. Dd can be swapped out , heal can be replaced Chronos became the core of any PvE endcontent group

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> Chronos became the core of any PvE endcontent group


I think that's the point though, no? I don't have any position on this issue, but I've certainly seen many a complaint thread about Chrono being irreplaceable for certain content. I would think players would welcome the plan to break that dependency on a single elite spec.



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > Chronos became the core of any PvE endcontent group


> I think that's the point though, no? I don't have any position on this issue, but I've certainly seen many a complaint thread about Chrono being irreplaceable for certain content. I would think players would welcome the plan to break that dependency on a single elite spec.




If you mitigate the point between chronos and other support specs like rev yes but this is more like deleting.

Also the timing is really bad Anet forced to change the equipment and spent a lot of gold with the last patch and now this

On top of this with the changes other builts are forced into the meta like Tempest and Firebrand to do the jobs which result in less optional slots in the group design with result in the average case in lower dps . Which means I can't drag some through the raid(possible from my gilde) or at least it become harder same goes for fractals.


Same goes also for the completion in general for fractals and raids also it becomes harder to find all the needed player/classes.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > Chronos became the core of any PvE endcontent group

> >

> > I think that's the point though, no? I don't have any position on this issue, but I've certainly seen many a complaint thread about Chrono being irreplaceable for certain content. I would think players would welcome the plan to break that dependency on a single elite spec.

> >

> >


> If you mitigate the point between chronos and other support specs like rev yes but this is more like deleting.

> Also the timing is really bad Anet forced to change the equipment and spent a lot of gold with the last patch and now this

> On top of this with the changes other builts are forced into the meta like Tempest and Firebrand to do the jobs which result in less optional slots in the group design with result in the average case in lower dps . Which means I can't drag some through the raid(possible from my gilde) or at least it become harder same goes for fractals.


> Same goes also for the completion in general for fractals and raids also it becomes harder to find all the needed player/classes.


Can pretty much guarantee that outside of "meta" groups for fractals(which arent needed outside of perhaps CM for 100) groups will continue to complete fractals with whatever classes they feel like. Raid group im in has already come to the conclusion that we will be loosing some DPS, but otherwise we will be fine with these changes as they are.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> I guess sarcastic no one with the right mind would say that otherwise . They obliterated the meta in wvw and pve with a single patch with no replacement


A meta exists because one build is better than another. So if they obliterated the meta in WvW and PvE with no replacement then logically that means that no build is better than any other build and they’ve reached perfect parity on all builds.

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> @"Draco.9480" said:

> reapers got demolished in pve and pvp. nice. now i can't play reaper anymore properly cuz it forces me to be 10s each mode and switching but you can't do it with the current rotation and other rotations are just bad.


Exaggeration much?


Reaper did not get "demolished", just a few changes with a SLIGHTLY net nerf. For PVE, Reaper still remains one of the best builds with insane sustain and unthinkable damage.


For PVP, I cannot speak much. I personally stay away from reaper in that format so I cannot be eligible to comment on it. Anyone else got a more detailed opinion?

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> @"CnaeusDane.2938" said:

> I'll be the first to admit that I give Anet A LOT of kitten for their patches. I've had huge problems with almost every past patch because it never felt like they understood the game modes. BUT I can finally gladly say that this is the first patch that feels like a definitive step in the right direction, as well as shows they've at least started to understand the issues players have had with classes like warrior, holo or mesmer in wvw/pvp. Taking away traits/skills that had no counter or very limited reaction time, if any at all, and promoting more skillful play.


> So while this will probably get buried, I would at least like to express my thanks for a wonderful winters-day patch, because everyone should be praised for their well doings. Even if it took a bit to get there. And I hope the rest of the community will express their thanks as well.


> Happy Holidays, from a happy post-patch player.


> PS: please keep up the good work. It's so much nicer to praise the company than having to be disappointed over poor direction.



From the words of a guard,prob an FB.Counter had no counter ? How about you stow weapons/stop attacking ? Its sad how anet caters to these casual fucks,hence pvp and wvw is in the state it is.Run some Fb/nec group and ur fine,throw those aoes around ! Block forever,heal forever,much healthy skilfull gameplay cus i got no ideas how to stow weapon or make counter not proc durhurhur.

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