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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > I didn't need to .. I learned to play to avoid them and so can anyone else. I don't see what the bad behavior of PUG meta teams has to to with Anet changing the game though ...

> > >

> > > You say updates shouldn't change the class? OK, that has nothing to do with being forced to play a meta class (which you aren't). I still don't agree or see that this balance patch did that to any class in the game.

> >

> > What class do you play?


> The magic one ...

> >

I though as much.

> > Any way it should not change a class other then letting it build in the way it wants to. I cant make tempest ele ever give support stab and i cant make weaver ele ever boon strip THAT is a problem.


> No, it's not a problem that you can't just do whatever you please with whatever class you want; classes are built on themes and theme determines what a class can do. Classes exist in more than just name only. This appears to be a significant barrier to you understanding what's happening in the game as it evolves and why those things happen. If you don't understand this very fundamental concept of what a class is, them I am certain you will continue to be frustrated by any MMO you play where they exist.


That was the point of GW2 to start with to play the classes as you want and adding in elite spec was going to add more to it. You sound more like the meta type i think.


> > Players should be able to chose how there class changes base off there builds the only thing anet should be doing it better let the players do that any thing out side of that is NOT balancing in gw2.


> That makes no sense. Players do not decide how the class changes. That's Anet's job; classes are confined by the skills Anet decides they have base on their theme. That will always be the case.


Anet job is to make FUN content for ppl to play the last patch was not fun and they know it.


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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Funny, some have posted they don't care for the smaller tweaks and adjustments, and state the game must have the bigger changes.

> > It truly doesn't matter what ArenaNet does; _someone_ will be disappointed.


> When people want big changes.. I don't think they mean repeated nerfs to classes accompanied with rendering some builds either unplayable or unusable in content.


> If "x" class has say 5 usable builds throughout all the content, it doesn't make sense to reduce "x" class down to 2-3 usable builds; it makes more sense to add more usable builds boosting them up to 7-8. But this isn't the stance they take, they nerf classes thus pigeonholing the class into a particular build which in their vision how the class should be played. We can't call these "big" changes.


I'm not sure that has anything to do with the playerbase being disappointed no matter what ArenaNet does. Changes are embraced by some, and vex others. It always is, and always will be. That was the message, as I have absolutely no stake in balance.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > I didn't need to .. I learned to play to avoid them and so can anyone else. I don't see what the bad behavior of PUG meta teams has to to with Anet changing the game though ...

> > > >

> > > > You say updates shouldn't change the class? OK, that has nothing to do with being forced to play a meta class (which you aren't). I still don't agree or see that this balance patch did that to any class in the game.

> > >

> > > What class do you play?

> >

> > The magic one ...

> > >

> > > Any way it should not change a class other then letting it build in the way it wants to. I cant make tempest ele ever give support stab and i cant make weaver ele ever boon strip THAT is a problem.

> >

> > No, it's not a problem that you can't just do whatever you please with whatever class you want; classes are built on themes and theme determines what a class can do. Classes exist in more than just name only. This appears to be a significant barrier to you understanding what's happening in the game as it evolves and why those things happen. If you don't understand this very fundamental concept of what a class is, them I am certain you will continue to be frustrated by any MMO you play where they exist.

> >

> That was the point of GW2 to start with to play the classes as you want and adding in elite spec was going to add more to it. You sound more like the meta type i think.


Playing how you want is not the same as being able to do anything you want on a class; the class was always still going to be limited by the skills it's designed with. I mean, it's a class-based game, how else would it work? It doesn't make sense to have classes in name only. I don't even get how after 6 years, you can validly complain about it. Clearly, the classes are intended to be limited by their themes that determines the skills they have; it's worked that way since day 1 and it's not unique idea to GW2. If you have a problem with that, you just need to get over yourself.


Again, if you think that understanding the game and it's basic concepts makes me a 'meta-type' then you are demonstrating you don't understand some fundamental concepts that you are trying to talk about. Maybe you should be listening more than telling.

> >

> > > Players should be able to chose how there class changes base off there builds the only thing anet should be doing it better let the players do that any thing out side of that is NOT balancing in gw2.

> >

> > That makes no sense. Players do not decide how the class changes. That's Anet's job; classes are confined by the skills Anet decides they have base on their theme. That will always be the case.

> >

> Anet job is to make FUN content for ppl to play the last patch was not fun and they know it.


That's subjective. It's not reasonable to expect Anet to be able to make changes that everyone like and has fun with. Somethings just need to be done. You want all classes buffed to meta? how you think that's going to happen ay?


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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> Meta is only meta because of obsessed people who want to do everything as fast as possible. News flash: if feel that your time is so kitten valuable that you need to exclude a player or a class because it has 1% less than "optimum" DPS, then frankly, you should be doing something more important with your oh so precious time than playing video games.


Never heard of anyone being kicked for doing 1% less than optimal damage. Strawman is strong here.

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