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Are there plans to turn down auras?

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I'm not sure if we have ever gotten an answer to this but (at least nothing I could find searching) are there plans to either turn down the effects of certain auras or limit how many can be used at one time? This whole thing has seriously gotten out of hand and it is flat out horrid to play through most days. Anet do you have plans to tune these things to an acceptable level or give others the opportunity to reduce them on their settings without impacting other graphics? Can we get some kind of clear and concise response to this please and thank you!

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The closest answer I've seen is (paraphrased): no, not really.


There are a couple of things going on.

* People paid for auras and _any_ change (good or bad _for the game_) is bad for a lot of the owners.

* There isn't a really good set of tools in the game to limit specific effects, i.e. they'd have to create new methods of displaying effects to make that work... which means stopping work on other graphics-related projects which they consider more important.

* Only a minority agrees that "this whole thing has seriously gotten out of hand" or is "flat out horrid."


> Can we get some kind of clear and concise response

Very rarely is ANet going to do that. In fact, it is often bad business for them. If they say "no, never," people flip their lid. If they say, "yes, we have plans" and it doesn't happen within six months, people flip their lid. If they say, "not at this time; we'll revisit it," then people flip their lid. Better to remain vague, sometimes, so that if they actually put something together, we don't come at it with too many expectations.


For example, ANet never said anything about mounts that was anything more than vague.

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> @"Ill-conceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The closest answer I've seen is (paraphrased): no, not really.


> There are a couple of things going on.

> * People paid for auras and _any_ change (good or bad _for the game_) is bad for a lot of the owners.

> * There isn't a really good set of tools in the game to limit specific effects, i.e. they'd have to create new methods of displaying effects to make that work... which means stopping work on other graphics-related projects which they consider more important.

> * Only a minority agrees that "this whole thing has seriously gotten out of hand" or is "flat out horrid."


> > Can we get some kind of clear and concise response

> Very rarely is ANet going to do that. In fact, it is often a bad business for them. If they say "no, never," people flip their lid. If they say, "yes, we have plans" and it doesn't happen within six months, people flip their lid. If they say, "not at this time; we'll revisit it," then people flip their lid. Better to remain vague, sometimes, so that if they actually put something together, we don't come at it with too many expectations.


> For example, ANet never said anything about mounts that was anything more than vague.


Actually, there was an answer from a dev, acknowledging the issue with the visual noise and the aura was specified. There are solutions to it and nobody asks for an option to remove them but an option to reduce them or remove on the side of the one who wants to. And btw,if you think it's a minority you are very wrong,not only that there are several groups that dislike it,there is the group that require it for fps issues on lower spec pcs,the one who dislikes visual noise,the one that like more the simple style, no flashy and the one that just doesn't like the direction anet took with the infusions and considering that it's too much.

As long as the people who don't want to see them, get the option to not see them, it's fair for everyone.

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Well as far as Anet responding i guess the answer is a "somewhat". Anyway I never claim to speak for everyone but i can tell you that within my circle of friends the majority thinks it's gotten way out of hand. I think it like any other major issue that comes up would and could be resolved by having an in-game poll taken with several options. I do agree that those who have paid for them should not be punished but there should be an option to toggle on or off for others who dislike the blinding light pollution of multiple auras.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> Well as far as Anet responding i guess the answer is a "somewhat". Anyway I never claim to speak for everyone but i can tell you that within my circle of friends the majority thinks it's gotten way out of hand. I think it like any other major issue that comes up would and could be resolved by having an in-game poll taken with several options. I do agree that those who have paid for them should not be punished but there should be an option to toggle on or off for others who dislike the blinding light pollution of multiple auras.


Or even a setting to allow the user to turn them off if he/she wants

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Yes, we definitely need an option to turn all these effects off, or at least reduce them very significantly. Current settings do jack. Though for me, it's not so much about the auras (I love my glowy Exalted Sky Sentry) as much as the flashes from skills. The bright camera flashes from skills hurt my eyes and I can't play some specs like Holosmith because of that. And in a group, I can't see the enemy's attacks, which is not very engaging gameplay. Heck, I don't even know what some of the PoF bounties look like since all I see are flashing lights. This is very poor design, both in terms of health and gameplay.

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