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I would like to see some new rewards for PVE gameplay that will make the game worth playing again.

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I've actually quit playing for lack of rewards and am about to quit supporting this game.


The Ascended crafting grind got boring for a whole 5 damage,

Legendary isn't worth the grind.

Nothing to buy to grind gold for.

The last time I I had fun in game was during Haloween farming Lab for skins and bags.

I bought Lake Doric before I found out the leather farm had already been removed which made it a rip off to buy afterwards.

Wintersday this year was another disappointment because there really wasn't anything enjoyable or rewarding for a PVE single player.

I'm feeling really ripped off and disappointed for a player that has been supporting this game since 2013.

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As a casual PvE player, I see the rewards not as physical, but rather as a means of advancing myself whether it be learning something new, doing a collection for the fun of it, or helping guild members out. Don't worry about ascended or legendary gear if you don't intend to do endgame content. One fantastic feature in this game I love is the achievement tab, which is a huge to-do-list. So, try out something new each time you log in. Ask around for help if needed. Don't worry about the rewards in the form of gold or equipment and just have fun. Also, try to find a guild or a better one if you're in one already. Once you find a guild that you love, you'll grow with the members, make new friends, go on fantastic adventures and most of all, be part of a family. This will greatly enhance your experience. The rewards multiply when you play with others -- you can bring in your knowledge and also learn along the way. Even if the guild meets for a few hours due to work/school, that moment is precious. Don't forget the people are the best part of this game! :)

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What kind of rewards do you want?


If ascended and legendary equipment is not worth it, and you don't like any of the skins and cosmetics currently in the game (except the Halloween ones presumably) what would make you happy? Are you asking for equipment with a bigger stat increase over exotics than ascended has, or different kinds of cosmetics (and if so what?), or something entirely different?


At the moment you've got a short list of things you don't like, but nothing to say what you want instead...which makes it almost impossible for anyone else to support your request or for Anet to act on it. You're asking them to add...something to the game, but if you don't like anything they've done so far there's a pretty safe bet that without clearer direction they'll only add more stuff you don't like.

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you've played for 5 years, clearly there was plenty you enjoyed. ..perhaps, you just need a break?


I always wonder with these kind of posts how many hours the people have played.

They usually claim there's nothing the to do but have clocked thousands of hours. So whats really happening is that they feel there's nothing *more* to do. Take a break, come back next LS.

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> @"Malandrazi.6742" said:

> I've actually quit playing for lack of rewards and am about to quit supporting this game.

> WHY?

> The Ascended crafting grind got boring for a whole 5 damage,

> Legendary isn't worth the grind.

> Nothing to buy to grind gold for.

> The last time I I had fun in game was during Haloween farming Lab for skins and bags.

> I bought Lake Doric before I found out the leather farm had already been removed which made it a rip off to buy afterwards.

> Wintersday this year was another disappointment because there really wasn't anything enjoyable or rewarding for a PVE single player.

> I'm feeling really ripped off and disappointed for a player that has been supporting this game since 2013.


Other than your enjoyment you do realize that none of this is real in the tangible real life rewards or material possessions that most people are totally obsessed with these days right?


It is nothing but light and data. You only are deriving satisfaction or happiness from actually playing. None of this is actually permanent.


If you don't get good feelings being in world and participating why would you play at all?


How is anyone ripping you off except yourself. Your are not a slave and could have left at any point to pursue something more fulfilling in life.


You might try these things for better rewards...


Help a child learn to read better

go volunteer to give out meals to people that cannot leave their homes because they are crippled or sick.

help build a house for a family in need.

grow a garden

learn a programming language you don't already know.

read a book or watch a movie

eat something you really enjoy

go to the park and throw bread at children thus leading the geese to them to chase around

...this list pretty much goes on forever as there are about 8 billion of us here (on earth) and a large number of those don't even get to eat a full meal each day.




nothing is as rewarding as your own imagination. Are you sure you are cultivating yours in the right way?


Can you imagine what rewards you might like and list those instead of a list of stuff you don't like?

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