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Short term plans?


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With the "plethora of new information" regarding world restructure we got recently I can't help but wonder if you guys have a plan to stop WvW from COMPLETLY DYING in the short term? I can't even play atm because T4 has a server with coverage all hours of the day while the other two servers are fucking dead! Population balance is borderline criminal in this game mode.


No worries I will roam I guess. Oh wait, every roamer is a damn condi mirage because it's completely broken as well. It sure isn't hard to see which builds/ classes are broken.


I have supported this franchise since 2005 but I'm furious at the lack of initiative here. All the time and money we've spent on this game just to be completely ignored is unacceptable.



-Unsatisfied customer


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Crickets and tumbleweeds. That's all you should expect. Heck, they even stopped their weekly "_Anet plays WvW with a server for an hour-and-a-half" posts_".


It would be nice if at least they could do an AFC for WvW, just to know how we feel, get some suggestions and answer some questions or at least a pinned discussion in here where we can list known bugs and issues that's been plaguing WvW since forever.


Nope, not the WvW community sir!

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WvW makes no money, therefore it deserves no content from a business perspective. It generates zero revenue, zero interest, and the community burns them at every turn. The community doesn't believe in ANET and ANET doesn't believe in the community. With all due respect, the fact that WvW rank after 1000 made zero difference in the game mode up till legendary armor (oh boi 2000) means they are totally disconnected from the entire theme of WvW or even Realm vs Realm combat at its core. The disconnect is just finally becoming visible because nothing significant has changed in years. Anet isn't totally to blame. It's just a manifestation of their "butter scraped over too much bread" approach for content. Many of their game modes will fail till they fall back on the few that generate money.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> People have been saying WvW dead since at least 2015. Yet there always seems to be plenty of people available to complain about the mode dying. Funny how that works.

Well, aside from PvE people farming their GoBs and leaving, it sure as hell ain't gaining new players.

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> @"borgs.6103" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > People have been saying WvW dead since at least 2015. Yet there always seems to be plenty of people available to complain about the mode dying. Funny how that works.

> Well, aside from PvE people farming their GoBs and leaving, it sure as hell ain't gaining new players.


I still see plenty of bronze & silver players. These are players that have been around for ~1 year.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> They don't have to answer to the players. It's their game. They can dish out information when and if they want. You don't own a majority stock in the company so you can't make demands of them. Just be happy with any information they give us and deal with it.


Then players will leave and the game will be dead.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"borgs.6103" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > People have been saying WvW dead since at least 2015. Yet there always seems to be plenty of people available to complain about the mode dying. Funny how that works.

> > Well, aside from PvE people farming their GoBs and leaving, it sure as hell ain't gaining new players.


> I still see plenty of bronze & silver players. These are players that have been around for ~1 year.


Did you ask them one-by-one? Roamers and alt accounts have those ranks. I would've believe you if you have said plenty of ranks below bronze.


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> @"borgs.6103" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"borgs.6103" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > People have been saying WvW dead since at least 2015. Yet there always seems to be plenty of people available to complain about the mode dying. Funny how that works.

> > > Well, aside from PvE people farming their GoBs and leaving, it sure as hell ain't gaining new players.

> >

> > I still see plenty of bronze & silver players. These are players that have been around for ~1 year.


> Did you ask them one-by-one? Roamers and alt accounts have those ranks. I would've believe you if you have said plenty of ranks below bronze.



People below bronze are new people who have not proven they are going to stick around, or they are twinks. I'm not really sure why it matters to you what type of player has the bronze and silver ranks since it represents an amount of game time spent in WvW regardless.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"borgs.6103" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > @"borgs.6103" said:

> > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > People have been saying WvW dead since at least 2015. Yet there always seems to be plenty of people available to complain about the mode dying. Funny how that works.

> > > > Well, aside from PvE people farming their GoBs and leaving, it sure as hell ain't gaining new players.

> > >

> > > I still see plenty of bronze & silver players. These are players that have been around for ~1 year.

> >

> > Did you ask them one-by-one? Roamers and alt accounts have those ranks. I would've believe you if you have said plenty of ranks below bronze.

> >


> People below bronze are new people who have not proven they are going to stick around, or they are twinks. I'm not really sure why it matters to you what type of player has the bronze and silver ranks since it represents an amount of game time spent in WvW regardless.


Oh of course. My bad. You're right. It isn't dying. They did server linkings just to spite the players so they'll have 2-digit queues 24/7.

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> @"borgs.6103" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"borgs.6103" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > @"borgs.6103" said:

> > > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > > People have been saying WvW dead since at least 2015. Yet there always seems to be plenty of people available to complain about the mode dying. Funny how that works.

> > > > > Well, aside from PvE people farming their GoBs and leaving, it sure as hell ain't gaining new players.

> > > >

> > > > I still see plenty of bronze & silver players. These are players that have been around for ~1 year.

> > >

> > > Did you ask them one-by-one? Roamers and alt accounts have those ranks. I would've believe you if you have said plenty of ranks below bronze.

> > >

> >

> > People below bronze are new people who have not proven they are going to stick around, or they are twinks. I'm not really sure why it matters to you what type of player has the bronze and silver ranks since it represents an amount of game time spent in WvW regardless.


> Oh of course. My bad. You're right. It isn't dying. They did server linkings just to spite the players so they'll have 2-digit queues 24/7.


Servers that were dead were dead for years. This was the glut of servers from launch. One server I can remember being absolute dead from that era was et and I was never even on it.


Back when I played warrior (2013) I could flip an entire map's camps and sentries before the first sign of competition was putting swords on a camp or making the sentries/yaks move irregular. Now? I'm able to enter a map and check timers and pretty much go straight to the action. Smallscale now is 5x more lively than it was back before HoT.

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> @"Kilo.2539" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > They don't have to answer to the players. It's their game. They can dish out information when and if they want. You don't own a majority stock in the company so you can't make demands of them. Just be happy with any information they give us and deal with it.


> Where did I demand anything? I asked a question which is the god kitten purpose of online forums. I won’t “just be happy” because I’m a paying customer who’s not happy. Gfy.


You are a "one time" paying customer. You bought the game and then you don't have to pay another penny after that. If you choose to do so then that is on you. If you are not happy with the product you purchase then you don't have to use the product and can go somewhere else and try something else instead. Sorry I struck a nerve there fella, just stating the facts.

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > They don't have to answer to the players. It's their game.


> Grade A business model there.


Again, their game, not ours. We purchased the ability to play their game. They have the control to develop the game however they want. Honestly if the developers listened to the ideas of all the players, the game would be a crappy game. They are doing the best they can to try to satisfy the people playing the game all while trying to stay within the vision they had of the game. Try starting your own business or game and do nothing but listen to what everybody else tells you you should do with it and see how well it goes.

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > They don't have to answer to the players. It's their game. They can dish out information when and if they want. You don't own a majority stock in the company so you can't make demands of them. Just be happy with any information they give us and deal with it.


> Then players will leave and the game will be dead.


Wrong. Some players will leave the game and the game will go on until they decide they are done with the game and want to move on to something else. Just remember that the people that post on the forums are of the minority when it comes to players in the game. So what you see on the forums is not exactly representative of what is actually going on in game. I'm sure there are plenty of people that are happy with how the game is being done. WvW'ers are NOT the majority that play this game.

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> @"LightBrave.5638" said:

> WvW makes no money, therefore it deserves no content from a business perspective. It generates zero revenue, zero interest, and the community burns them at every turn. The community doesn't believe in ANET and ANET doesn't believe in the community. With all due respect, the fact that WvW rank after 1000 made zero difference in the game mode up till legendary armor (oh boi 2000) means they are totally disconnected from the entire theme of WvW or even Realm vs Realm combat at its core. The disconnect is just finally becoming visible because nothing significant has changed in years. Anet isn't totally to blame. It's just a manifestation of their "butter scraped over too much bread" approach for content. Many of their game modes will fail till they fall back on the few that generate money.


WvW does make money. Why people think it doesn't' I don't know. Lots of people, such as myself, are WvW only, and I buy gems regularly. Guess what....That is revenue from WvW. WvW players buy skins, boosts, primers, logging tools, account upgrades etc etc, just like PvE players, granted WvW does not have the player base it once had, and is not close to PvE levels, but we also don't get even remotely close to the content that PvE does either. Hell, there is 10 times the amount of content in a single Living Story than all of WvW has gotten since Beta, and even still, WvW content is mostly maps etc, unlike PvE where you need story, characters, events, voice acting etc etc. WvW content should be FAR easier to produce than PvE content with a few exceptions.


That content could have been great as well, but anet had a huge disconnect between what it was doing and it's player base. I think they got upset how disappointed and even mad the WvW player base was at those updates, they just forgot about it, rather than trying to figure out where they went wrong. Or ask them selves why they have ignored actual requests from the community that have had almost universal support for years and we still don't have.

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> @"borgs.6103" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"borgs.6103" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > People have been saying WvW dead since at least 2015. Yet there always seems to be plenty of people available to complain about the mode dying. Funny how that works.

> > > Well, aside from PvE people farming their GoBs and leaving, it sure as hell ain't gaining new players.

> >

> > I still see plenty of bronze & silver players. These are players that have been around for ~1 year.


> Did you ask them one-by-one? Roamers and alt accounts have those ranks. I would've believe you if you have said plenty of ranks below bronze.



Started GW2 Feb 2018. First tried WvW around March. Currently farming up the remaining skirmish tickets for Warbringer.

Now you've met one. :)

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"LightBrave.5638" said:

> > WvW makes no money, therefore it deserves no content from a business perspective. It generates zero revenue, zero interest, and the community burns them at every turn. The community doesn't believe in ANET and ANET doesn't believe in the community. With all due respect, the fact that WvW rank after 1000 made zero difference in the game mode up till legendary armor (oh boi 2000) means they are totally disconnected from the entire theme of WvW or even Realm vs Realm combat at its core. The disconnect is just finally becoming visible because nothing significant has changed in years. Anet isn't totally to blame. It's just a manifestation of their "butter scraped over too much bread" approach for content. Many of their game modes will fail till they fall back on the few that generate money.


> WvW does make money. Why people think it doesn't' I don't know. Lots of people, such as myself, are WvW only, and I buy gems regularly. Guess what....That is revenue from WvW. WvW players buy skins, boosts, primers, logging tools, account upgrades etc etc, just like PvE players, granted WvW does not have the player base it once had, and is not close to PvE levels, but we also don't get even remotely close to the content that PvE does either.


Agreed, I assume every time I see this argument it's a freeloader trying to assure itself it's surrounded by like souls which is far from true.

Remember when white wings came out? Whole zergs in chicken form

Remember when a month later black wings? Not a white one in sight.

I only WvW. Max bank tabs and capacity, Max bag slots, multiple sets of gathering tools, multiple accounts, dressed all in gemstore skins, and I'm not alone.

Go to a world boss and you'll see over half of them haven't spent a cent...

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > > @"LightBrave.5638" said:

> > > WvW makes no money, therefore it deserves no content from a business perspective. It generates zero revenue, zero interest, and the community burns them at every turn. The community doesn't believe in ANET and ANET doesn't believe in the community. With all due respect, the fact that WvW rank after 1000 made zero difference in the game mode up till legendary armor (oh boi 2000) means they are totally disconnected from the entire theme of WvW or even Realm vs Realm combat at its core. The disconnect is just finally becoming visible because nothing significant has changed in years. Anet isn't totally to blame. It's just a manifestation of their "butter scraped over too much bread" approach for content. Many of their game modes will fail till they fall back on the few that generate money.

> >

> > WvW does make money. Why people think it doesn't' I don't know. Lots of people, such as myself, are WvW only, and I buy gems regularly. Guess what....That is revenue from WvW. WvW players buy skins, boosts, primers, logging tools, account upgrades etc etc, just like PvE players, granted WvW does not have the player base it once had, and is not close to PvE levels, but we also don't get even remotely close to the content that PvE does either.


> Agreed, I assume every time I see this argument it's a freeloader trying to assure itself it's surrounded by like souls which is far from true.

> Remember when white wings came out? Whole zergs in chicken form

> Remember when a month later black wings? Not a white one in sight.

> I only WvW. Max bank tabs and capacity, Max bag slots, multiple sets of gathering tools, multiple accounts, dressed all in gemstore skins, and I'm not alone.

> Go to a world boss and you'll see over half of them haven't spent a cent...


Same here. Almost every finisher in the game, at least half of the gem skins/outfits, logging tools for each character, max bag slots, bank slots and shared inventory slots, I am lazy so I buy primers all the time and since WvW doesn't make money and is even a money sink if you are really active and use lots of siege like myself, I use gems to turn into gold.


I really think they have no idea what the community wants however, so they don't do anything. Hell, it has been asked since Beta for a GvG arena, and it took years and we end up with only an area in guild hall thats so small it's not even really big enough for 1vs1's as ranger etc skills can reach from one side to the other, no less trying to do a proper GvG with 10vs10, 20vs20 etc, it was even suggested (many times) that OS could be used for this, so no new map needs to be made, just make it customizable with the same matching and team ability as guild hall uses, so you don't have to worry about randoms jumping in and ganking. That and guild hall uses all PvE balance and not WvW or PvP. So many small changes, or some type of progression that would bring life into WvW.

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WvW may not bring in the cash that anet is after but since launch WvW has been the last straw that keeps people playing GW2. This is something anet is too blind to figure out which is sad.

Anyone with a brain knows that people who get tired from PVE allways go to PvP. If your PvP mode is being hard neglected then you wont stick to the game for long, regardless of your PVE achievements.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Kilo.2539" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > They don't have to answer to the players. It's their game. They can dish out information when and if they want. You don't own a majority stock in the company so you can't make demands of them. Just be happy with any information they give us and deal with it.

> >

> > Where did I demand anything? I asked a question which is the god kitten purpose of online forums. I won’t “just be happy” because I’m a paying customer who’s not happy. Gfy.


> You are a "one time" paying customer. You bought the game and then you don't have to pay another penny after that. If you choose to do so then that is on you. If you are not happy with the product you purchase then you don't have to use the product and can go somewhere else and try something else instead. Sorry I struck a nerve there fella, just stating the facts.


I've probably spent more on this franchise then you make in 6 months, fella.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"borgs.6103" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > @"borgs.6103" said:

> > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > People have been saying WvW dead since at least 2015. Yet there always seems to be plenty of people available to complain about the mode dying. Funny how that works.

> > > > Well, aside from PvE people farming their GoBs and leaving, it sure as hell ain't gaining new players.

> > >

> > > I still see plenty of bronze & silver players. These are players that have been around for ~1 year.

> >

> > Did you ask them one-by-one? Roamers and alt accounts have those ranks. I would've believe you if you have said plenty of ranks below bronze.

> >


> People below bronze are new people who have not proven they are going to stick around, or they are twinks. I'm not really sure why it matters to you what type of player has the bronze and silver ranks since it represents an amount of game time spent in WvW regardless.


Im bronze ranked right now, ive been here for six years. All i do is roam so i dont get massive amounts of wvw exp, takes me a few hours of wvw at a time to even gain one rank.

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