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Interesting video on game balancing

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The problem with this that some players will have is that they want their challenge. Focusing mostly on buffs will make the game easier for them, and these players generally aren't ok with self-imposed challenges alone. Personally, I get nothing out of challenge, so I'd vastly prefer buffs. I think more frequent changes are the best solution as, at least in theory, this *should* give all classes periods in which they shine.

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This video is telling us that the following needs to happen

- Warriors attacks are always unblockable

- Guardians heals allies and burn foes with every strike

- Revenants can alter any legend (skills) regardless of what they channel

- Thieves have always perma stealth. No reveal debuff

- Engi's can change build (armor, weapons, trinkets, traits, skills) while in combat

- Rangers can fire across the entire map

- Mesmers needs to dish out every boon and condi with every strike

- Ele's have no attunements. Can cast any elementary skill at will. Skills have no end till the player decides to, or gets interrupted.

- Necro's are godlike. Instantly rises back from the death.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> The problem with this that some players will have is that they want their challenge.


But that seems to be a rather flawed argument now doesn't it? Everyone who truly wants to play for the sake of challenging themselves is free to put on a handicap, no one is going to stop these players from doing something like[ this](

" this").


> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> much more relevant to a purely PvP game, particularly a fighting game, such as used in the example, than any other genre.


Not really, the core argument holds true for every kind of game regardless of whether or not PvP is involved.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > The problem with this that some players will have is that they want their challenge.


> But that seems to be a rather flawed argument now doesn't it? Everyone who truly wants to play for the sake of challenging themselves is free to put on a handicap, no one is going to stop these players from doing something like[ this](

" this").


> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > much more relevant to a purely PvP game, particularly a fighting game, such as used in the example, than any other genre.


> Not really, the core argument holds true for every kind of game regardless of whether or not PvP is involved.


I disagree.


Power creep via character buffs has already had a negative impact on the PvE aspect of this game.


Even in competitive games adding more options or complexity is not necessarily a good thing. Id hate to think that a reigning chess champion earned his position by choosing the OP color to play.


I know that in a ww2 fps I would be dismayed by the addition of superpowers in order to buff rather than nerf an unbalanced weapon.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > The problem with this that some players will have is that they want their challenge.


> But that seems to be a rather flawed argument now doesn't it? Everyone who truly wants to play for the sake of challenging themselves is free to put on a handicap, no one is going to stop these players from doing something like[ this](

" this").


> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > much more relevant to a purely PvP game, particularly a fighting game, such as used in the example, than any other genre.


> Not really, the core argument holds true for every kind of game regardless of whether or not PvP is involved.


That kind of reasoning eventually leads to everything being oneshotred by the player which most of the time is horrible gamedesign

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