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I hate seeing other players in the Winter Wonderland JP


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Even though I can do the jp easily enough when the instance is crowded I contantly fall down due to players ahead of me collapsing the platforms and no point waiting at the start cause there are others waiting and they will go for it and if they are even a little bit faster it kills you, or they block your view for the next jump and it kills you.


How do you handle it???

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Doesn't the quaggan (easy) path have unbreakable snowflake platforms at the begining? If you're having trouble with the speed at which the snowflakes break, then I'd say practice jumping on the quaggan path. Anyway, I deal with the zergs of people on my same platform by simply going faster and passing 'em. Nonetheless, I still like the amounts of people, it makes the JP feel - well, definitely not deserted.

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Use free camera, when a charr or norn is on your run, shift camera to overhead so you can see where you're going and turn off double tap to dodge. Practice all 3 paths in a non crowded timezone.


Sometimes, people are purposefully trying to troll, with the tallest characters, biggest hair, outfit and wings. Other times they know they're blocking others views and choose to run naked, but still manage to obstruct some people.


If you're dealing with trolls or characters you can't see around or get away from, switch paths or instances.



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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> The platforms collapse on a timer. Its not the other players that collapse them.


This is correct. However, I am with the OP on the whole "seeing other players" thing. Often, you have deliberately huge Charr or Norn completely blocking your player model, as in "standing inside of it and covering it completely". That sometimes leads to you misstepping or missing a jump because you don't see your own character - that can get pretty annoying.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Turin.6921" said:

> > The platforms collapse on a timer. Its not the other players that collapse them.


> This is correct. However, I am with the OP on the whole "seeing other players" thing. Often, you have deliberately huge Charr or Norn completely blocking your player model, as in "standing inside of it and covering it completely". That sometimes leads to you misstepping or missing a jump because you don't see your own character - that can get pretty annoying.


I guess they could do the same thing as with the tower that others look like orbs. But WW is not even near the difficulty of the tower and not seeing other players would take away part of the fun of it.

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I mean I won't lie, the huge ass characters that completely block out my body is a bit annoying. I am completely used to the JP so it's more of a bother then an issue. I know when to jump, but it still makes me feel uneasy at times not being able to clearly see what i'm doing. Only issues I have with other players are the jackasses who wait at the gifts, then trigger them as you are coming.

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> @"DiabolicalHamSandwich.8756" said:

> I mean I won't lie, the huge kitten characters that completely block out my body is a bit annoying. I am completely used to the JP so it's more of a bother then an issue. I know when to jump, but it still makes me feel uneasy at times not being able to clearly see what i'm doing. Only issues I have with other players are the jackasses who wait at the gifts, then trigger them as you are coming.


Trigger gifts? You mean the part after the snowflake platforms? I've always been under the impression that those auto triggered. They get triggered by other players?

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> The most fun I have in this JP is when one of the Charr or Norn falls down.


Hah hah, same here! :p First I rub my hands in evil joy when some huge Charr or Norn that has been covering my player model falls off a snowflake - then I start feeling bad, because I think karma is going to get me and I will be the next to slip and fall. ;)


> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> Trigger gifts? You mean the part after the snowflake platforms? I've always been under the impression that those auto triggered. They get triggered by other players?



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I already told it in many other threads - so sorry for the repeat - I would love that Anet does it same than for the Mad Clock Tower JP: Other players changed into little pale color twister.


I love this JP that I repeat a lot every day on all paths. Though, me too I hate to be lost in middle of many other players, especially when there are norns and charr, completely hiding the view. Since I know the paths very well, to jump blind is not such a problem to me, however, it is true that for the gifts part, that's a bother.

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> The platforms collapse on a timer. Its not the other players that collapse them.




The entire collapse of platforms is determined by jumping on the very first platform.


TC, what you might be experiencing is that you are more careful when jumping with other players and thus being slower, which leads to you running into collapsing platforms.


> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> The most fun I have in this JP is when one of the Charr or Norn falls down. Second most fun I have if I can jump with no Charrs and Norn around.


At least the amount of people who intentionally go in as huge norn/charr drops in my experience as the event goes on. The first day is usually most crowded.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Turin.6921" said:

> > The platforms collapse on a timer. Its not the other players that collapse them.


> This.


> The entire collapse of platforms is determined by jumping on the very first platform.


> TC, what you might be experiencing is that you are more careful when jumping with other players and thus being slower, which leads to you running into collapsing platforms.


> > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > The most fun I have in this JP is when one of the Charr or Norn falls down. Second most fun I have if I can jump with no Charrs and Norn around.


> At least the amount of people who intentionally go in as huge norn/charr drops in my experience as the event goes on. The first day is usually most crowded.


Kind of a technicality but the very first jump is determined by other players speed which means if another player starts one jump before you, you will always be one jump late during the whole cycle.

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> @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Turin.6921" said:

> > > The platforms collapse on a timer. Its not the other players that collapse them.

> >

> > This.

> >

> > The entire collapse of platforms is determined by jumping on the very first platform.

> >

> > TC, what you might be experiencing is that you are more careful when jumping with other players and thus being slower, which leads to you running into collapsing platforms.

> >

> > > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > > The most fun I have in this JP is when one of the Charr or Norn falls down. Second most fun I have if I can jump with no Charrs and Norn around.

> >

> > At least the amount of people who intentionally go in as huge norn/charr drops in my experience as the event goes on. The first day is usually most crowded.


> Kind of a technicality but the very first jump is determined by other players speed which means if another player starts one jump before you, you will always be one jump late during the whole cycle.


True, I assumed this would be clear. Technically though yes, other players do influence how or when platforms spawn.


Good clarification.

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