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What theme would you like for the next elite spec?


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I would like to know what people expect the next Elite Spec to be for my favourite class. Which theme should it have? What kind of weapon would you like to see for it? What should be its role?


Personally, I hope that it will extend the alchemy theme of the engineer. We have the low-tech scrapper, using junk and electricity to bunker. Then we have the high-tech theme with holosmith, using holograms and lasers to cut through enemies.


So I think it is time to look at the chemistry side of engineering for the next expansion (which is hopefully settled in Cantha). I could see 2 approaches for this:


Either use alchemy offensively, giving the engineer an elite spec to control enemy boons just like the spellbreaker. It would revolve around acids and other aggressive chemicals alot, using an axe (maybe both main- and offhand?).


The other way would be to give the engineer a healing and support elite spec, something like a medic. In this case, the engineer would be using healing tinctures, syringes and stuff like that to keep his allies alive. My weapon choice for this theme would be a dagger. Might seem odd, but I like the idea of having a scalpel skin for a dagger on engineer and using this weapon to heal instead of damage this time.

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I agree about alchemy and I disagree at the same time on your view of the final product.


For me, expanding alchemy is a good way to introduce skills that are close to signets which could be called implant. Simply put, it would give a passive stat boost to the engineer when sloted and a burst of boons when used. Belt skills and weapon skills, thought, could integrate this idea of offensive acidic effect. The big question thought would be the special mechanic associated to the e-spec.

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Since arenanet wants to make the scrapper more selfish instead of less selfish (big fundamental mistake) i would like a support. If it also brings something unique that isn't just second hand watered down stuff from some other class i would be delighted. And i would also like for there to not be a single damage modifier on it as long as the eye can see.

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I have created a whole engineer elite spec based around a once rumored Charr expansion. One of the facets of the engineer that I don't think got expanded upon enough was their use of orbital bombardments. I think it would be cool to have an engineer that coordinates tactical bombardments and strike teams between the Iron, Ash and Blood legions.

Tactical Commander

**Weapon:** Main hand torch(signal flare) or an off-hand focus (signal beacon)

**Class Mechanic:** Legion support

You lose access to the F1 tool-belt skill. Instead you can now use F1 to switch between which charr legion you are currently coordinating with. Which legion you are currently coordinating with affects your command strike utility skills. The Iron legion would focus on more defensive/support and condi based attacks. The blood legion would focus on lots of power and offensive boons. The Ash legion would focus on stealth, blindness and quickness/haste.

**Utility Skills:** Command Strikes

These are various attacks that would be called in via a signal flare or beacon. Each charr legion modifies the type of attack based on their specialty. These can vary from long range bombardments to calling in drop pods full of allied charr.


The goal is to give the Engineer a variety of ways to modify their utility skills to suit the situation. What kits do for weapon skills, the Legion support now does for some utility skills. Having each legion bring something different to the table allows for players to play their way. I don't want them to feel that there is only one way to play the spec.

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> @"Enforcer.1702" said:

> I have created a whole engineer elite spec based around a once rumored Charr expansion. One of the facets of the engineer that I don't think got expanded upon enough was their use of orbital bombardments. I think it would be cool to have an engineer that coordinates tactical bombardments and strike teams between the Iron, Ash and Blood legions.

> Tactical Commander

> **Weapon:** Main hand torch(signal flare) or an off-hand focus (signal beacon)

> **Class Mechanic:** Legion support

> You lose access to the F1 tool-belt skill. Instead you can now use F1 to switch between which charr legion you are currently coordinating with. Which legion you are currently coordinating with affects your command strike utility skills. The Iron legion would focus on more defensive/support and condi based attacks. The blood legion would focus on lots of power and offensive boons. The Ash legion would focus on stealth, blindness and quickness/haste.

> **Utility Skills:** Command Strikes

> These are various attacks that would be called in via a signal flare or beacon. Each charr legion modifies the type of attack based on their specialty. These can vary from long range bombardments to calling in drop pods full of allied charr.


> The goal is to give the Engineer a variety of ways to modify their utility skills to suit the situation. What kits do for weapon skills, the Legion support now does for some utility skills. Having each legion bring something different to the table allows for players to play their way. I don't want them to feel that there is only one way to play the spec.


sounds cool! thats why I got a bit sad when the renegade got that theme and not engis

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Engine + current e specs already cover a lot. We got guns, explosives, alchemy, quirky gadgets, asura-themed high-tech (holo) and charr-themed recycling/mechanical tech (scrapper). For the future I could see biomechanic enhancements, some kind of sylvari-plant tech or a spec focused on electricity (maybe with time / space travel aka ports and dipping a bit into chrono territory). Please no more AI though.

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A Support-focused elite with a Jetpack. For gameplay purposes, a Jetpack offers unparalleled avenues for mobility that would be a blast to play with. I see it as a replacement for dodge that applies the Engineer versatility theme to dodging where you can utilize it in a lot of different ways (like dodging up). Mobility also plays well with a lot of Engineer's current short-ranged support effects.


As for the elite spec's theme, it'd be an Airship Engineer utilizing weather effects and aerial support. Engineer does need more access to aerial bombardment abilities, and weather/wind-based abilities also mesh well with a Jetpack, like creating tailwinds that help allies you dash past.







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**THE KITMASTER!** New kits, condi kits, power dmg kits, an awesome new kit in elite skill slot for heavy AoE dmg with at least 900 range.

Improve older kits with new traitline: stuff like -20% cooldown and more Burning for Flamethrower, stronger condi dmg and stun break for Elixir Gun, better heals for Medkit, etc.

Weapon: Axe in both hands, melee with some pulls and leaps, condi dmg, fury, might.

I CAN DREAM, RIGHT? :D I want to press so many BUTTONS!!!

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> @"Silinsar.6298" said:

> Engine + current e specs already cover a lot. We got guns, explosives, alchemy, quirky gadgets, asura-themed high-tech (holo) and charr-themed recycling/mechanical tech (scrapper). For the future I could see biomechanic enhancements, some kind of sylvari-plant tech or a spec focused on electricity (maybe with time / space travel aka ports and dipping a bit into chrono territory). Please no more AI though.


You do know that Holo is quirky Elonian themed tech, right? The entire photon forge and holo skills are based around Elonian reverence for the sun. We actually haven't gotten anything that is truly Asuran.


> @"Enforcer.1702" said:

> I have created a whole engineer elite spec based around a once rumored Charr expansion. One of the facets of the engineer that I don't think got expanded upon enough was their use of orbital bombardments. I think it would be cool to have an engineer that coordinates tactical bombardments and strike teams between the Iron, Ash and Blood legions.

> Tactical Commander

> **Weapon:** Main hand torch(signal flare) or an off-hand focus (signal beacon)

> **Class Mechanic:** Legion support

> You lose access to the F1 tool-belt skill. Instead you can now use F1 to switch between which charr legion you are currently coordinating with. Which legion you are currently coordinating with affects your command strike utility skills. The Iron legion would focus on more defensive/support and condi based attacks. The blood legion would focus on lots of power and offensive boons. The Ash legion would focus on stealth, blindness and quickness/haste.

> **Utility Skills:** Command Strikes

> These are various attacks that would be called in via a signal flare or beacon. Each charr legion modifies the type of attack based on their specialty. These can vary from long range bombardments to calling in drop pods full of allied charr.


> The goal is to give the Engineer a variety of ways to modify their utility skills to suit the situation. What kits do for weapon skills, the Legion support now does for some utility skills. Having each legion bring something different to the table allows for players to play their way. I don't want them to feel that there is only one way to play the spec.


The only way I see this working is if each Utility was themed around a single Legion as opposed to having each Legion replace your entire set of utilities. If it was done your way it would need to work like Revenant Legend swap. Otherwise, you run a high risk of the utility skills being underpowered due to all the possible balance interactions that would result from having 3 utilities that were really 12 skill sets. This is one of the issues we see with kits, their possible interactions and ability to mix and match lowers their overall potential effectiveness.


I can get behind the concept of letting a player play their way but I'm beginning to think that what works best for Elites is a very tight focus since it only has one weapon, one specialization, and 5 skills to work with. The more you make possible the more diluted each individual segment becomes. Notice that Holosmith doesn't try to do too much and while that locks a player into a specific set of playstyles it has also freed it up to be more powerful with a tighter focus. Photon Forge is really just one tightly focused kit, after all.


> @"Atmaweapon.7345" said:

> A Support-focused elite with a Jetpack. For gameplay purposes, a Jetpack offers unparalleled avenues for mobility that would be a blast to play with. I see it as a replacement for dodge that applies the Engineer versatility theme to dodging where you can utilize it in a lot of different ways (like dodging up). Mobility also plays well with a lot of Engineer's current short-ranged support effects.


> As for the elite spec's theme, it'd be an Airship Engineer utilizing weather effects and aerial support. Engineer does need more access to aerial bombardment abilities, and weather/wind-based abilities also mesh well with a Jetpack, like creating tailwinds that help allies you dash past.




Dodging up would be such a nightmare.



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I think that engineer has many many different options available for the next xpac. Depending how much Anet wanna be original or just bring mechanics that we had already with different classess, it could be sth like:

* power-suit armor based spec with tanking skills,

* similar to rangers pet companion like golem / robot / mech-spider with more commands options than gyros,

* turrets 3.0 engi with new turrets that provide boons like laser targeting turret granting crit chance, bosting dmg etc

* potion / gas based aoe supporter

* camouflage based wanna-be-thief glass canon spec (so in some way similar to sneak gyro but without tanking elements of scraper and aoe effect for teammates)

* gadgets 2.0 based spec providing mechanics that were unique to mesmer/chronomancer - mobile teleporter, portal with continuum shift etc


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Another theme that would please me is: steam.

From a distant point of view, we have:

- scrapper: elctricity, special mechanic developed from turrets.

- holosmith: light, special mechanic developed from kits.


And I'd suggest:

- Plumber: water, special mechanic developed from gadgets.


The e-spec would use the tool belt as a gadget, the plumber being able to fwitch from the common set of F skill to a specilization specific set of F skill, the steambelt, by using F5 (Yes the elite F skill is lost). Those skills would be related to water (steam) and would all leave a water field with various effects:

- F1: water field + heal

- F2: water field + CC

- F3: water field + invisibility

- F4: water field + damage (or whatever)


Weapon would be focus:

- skill#4: Create a cloud of scalding hot steam that blind and burn foes around you while applying regen on allies.

- skill#5: Just like DE kneeling skill change it's weapon kit, this skill would change the pistol auto-attack aoe damaging effect to an healing effect. No CD.


Minor traits:

- Adept: classic, grant access to plumber's tools.

- Master: Increase duration of water fields by 2 seconds.

- Grandmaster: Combo in water field also burn foes for 2 seconds.


Upper traitline: Enhance steambelt

- Adept: Entering or leaving the steambelt blast the area.

- Master: Gain increased healing power and expertise while using the steambelt

- Grandmaster: Steambelt's water fields cleanse condition every seconds.


Middle traitline: Burn!

- Adept: Explosions burn (1s) foes.

- Master: Utility skills trait.

- Grandmaster: Water fields apply burn (2s) on foes every seconds.


Lower traitline: Regeneration.

- Adept: Regeneration you apply have increased potency. Focus#5 apply regeneration (3s) around you whenever you use it.

- Master: Gain might (8s) whenever you gain regeneration.

- Grandmaster: Your water fields apply regeneration (1s) and slow (1s) foes every seconds.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Another theme that would please me is: steam.

> From a distant point of view, we have:

> - scrapper: elctricity, special mechanic developed from turrets.

> - holosmith: light, special mechanic developed from kits.


> And I'd suggest:

> - Plumber: water, special mechanic developed from gadgets.


> The e-spec would use the tool belt as a gadget, the plumber being able to fwitch from the common set of F skill to a specilization specific set of F skill, the steambelt, by using F5 (Yes the elite F skill is lost). Those skills would be related to water (steam) and would all leave a water field with various effects:

> - F1: water field + heal

> - F2: water field + CC

> - F3: water field + invisibility

> - F4: water field + damage (or whatever)


> Weapon would be focus:

> - skill#4: Create a cloud of scalding hot steam that blind and burn foes around you while applying regen on allies.

> - skill#5: Just like DE kneeling skill change it's weapon kit, this skill would change the pistol auto-attack aoe damaging effect to an healing effect. No CD.


> Minor traits:

> - Adept: classic, grant access to plumber's tools.

> - Master: Increase duration of water fields by 2 seconds.

> - Grandmaster: Combo in water field also burn foes for 2 seconds.


> Upper traitline: Enhance steambelt

> - Adept: Entering or leaving the steambelt blast the area.

> - Master: Gain increased healing power and expertise while using the steambelt

> - Grandmaster: Steambelt's water fields cleanse condition every seconds.


> Middle traitline: Burn!

> - Adept: Explosions burn (1s) foes.

> - Master: Utility skills trait.

> - Grandmaster: Water fields apply burn (2s) on foes every seconds.


> Lower traitline: Regeneration.

> - Adept: Regeneration you apply have increased potency. Focus#5 apply regeneration (3s) around you whenever you use it.

> - Master: Gain might (8s) whenever you gain regeneration.

> - Grandmaster: Your water fields apply regeneration (1s) and slow (1s) foes every seconds.


All things considered, given the lack of one-handed main hand weapons, I don't see them giving us an off-hand weapon like a focus. However, if the theme is a plumber then why not a mace that looks like a plunger? Seems like the most natural choice.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > _snip_

> All things considered, given the lack of one-handed main hand weapons, I don't see them giving us an off-hand weapon like a focus. However, if the theme is a plumber then why not a mace that looks like a plunger? Seems like the most natural choice.


True, but scrapper is about making small drones and yet wield a big hammer so...

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > _snip_

> > All things considered, given the lack of one-handed main hand weapons, I don't see them giving us an off-hand weapon like a focus. However, if the theme is a plumber then why not a mace that looks like a plunger? Seems like the most natural choice.


> True, but scrapper is about making small drones and yet wield a big hammer so...


True, but plunger .....plunger .....

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Guess I'll push the suggestion I made in another thread. Make all core speclines have the potential to be elites. Just make what we currently do with elite specs- where the elite spec has to be the bottom specline. So say if you take Inventions top, Explosives middle, and Firearms bottom - Firearms becomes your elite(or primary) specline. All the traits inside the primary tree are made better/more effective in some way. This way if you have a particular tree or play style you favour most you just slot that line into the bottom slot to make it elite.


In this way I'd hope it would make balancing old elites and new elites simpler because the secondary versions(top and middle) of the core trait lines would stay static so that instead of butchering those whenever an elite line has to be adjusted only the elite lines themselves would be compared against one another for that purpose. It would also allow core players to keep playing core if that's what they want a more Core-Engineer(or any other profession) centric play experience.

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I would love to see something truly Asura. Core engi is more about Charr technology. Scrapper is well... a scrapper, and holo is themed around Elonian connection to Sun. I would really love to see some heavy Asura influence, technology, tinkering, alchemy and innovation is 'their thing' after all. This can be realised in very different ways. Condi/support alchemist mentioned earlier is one of them. What I would LOVE to see is some kind of golemancy, or at least powersuit. Something like extension of Asura racial elite skills to something actually usable and cool.

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These are my three major engineer elite specialization ideas:


* **Golemancer:** The theme is mechas, with asura elements. You transform into a golem, a combat suit of sorts. Transforming grants a health bonus and modifies the weapon skills (you now use the golem fists to attack), but the slot skills remain unaffected. You can equip kits while in golem form. For example, equipping a flamethrower kit makes the fists retract and get replaced by flamethrower heads, the mortar spawns as artillery cannons from the shoulders, etc. New weapon is the focus, and the new slot skills are glyphs, gaining new effects when the golem suit is activated.

* **Occultist:** The theme is ancient advanced demonic technology. You summon various possessed artifacts (working similarly to scourge shades). New weapon is the staff, having good synergy with the artifacts, and the new slot skills are shouts, demonic screams that reverberate like echoes at the positions of the artifacts you summoned.

* **Technopriest:** The theme is technology plus religion, with charr elements. These guys are a secret unit from the Iron Legion, the imperator doesn't like their devotion to machines as a god, but they do a good job, so they're tolerated and have their own monastery, away from the public eye. You summon swarms of self-replicating mechanical minions, similar to [twisted watchworks](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twisted_Watchwork). New weapon is the [polearm](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/712235/#Comment_712235) (two-handed axe/scythe), and the new slot skills are mantras, praying to dark machine gods.


You can read more about these ideas in [my engineer redesign thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/22222/how-would-you-redesign-the-engineer), where I expand them a bit more.

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