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What is your favorite characters backstory?


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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> What I think you're trying to say is that the behaviour of all races is going to be anthropomorphised, which makes sense, but it's not related to my concerns with the storyline. The problem I'm seeing is exemplified by the Shining Blade arc in LS3 ep 6, where norn, charr, asura and sylvari are required to swear fealty to an alien nation in order to progress the plot. That decision would likely be questionable to sylvari, distasteful to norn and asura, and treasonous to charr. It only makes sense if the player's character is human.


Yes, that was what I meant. And I fully understand your concerns as you express them there. Which is why my own characters haven't played through that particular episode except for my human main. My non-human characters will not play through that episode, period.


Besides, both I and my human main have lost all respect for Jennah anyway. My human character only obeys her because she's the queen. Neither I nor my character like or trust her. But without its monarch, Kryta falls, and the last bastion of humanity falls with it. Needs must when the devil drives.

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My female charr warrior, Nyoka, was born in Flame Legion. Her mother despised her and her father ignored her as just another slave.

Nyoka's brother, Tionvrath, received special attention from their father--but this attention was highly abusive, and sensitive Tionvrath wasn't able to "toughen up" to their father's expectations. Tionvrath secretly confided in Nyoka--she was the only support he had, and poor support at that.

Nyoka is a sociopath like her father, and she exploited Tionvrath's emotional vulnerability to get him to teach her basic fire magic. Unfortunately, Tionvrath was not very sneaky, and their father found out.

For the sin of teaching magic to a woman, Nyoka and Tionvrath's father gave them to the Godforged to be sacrificed to the eternal flame. As they were being brought for sacrifice, the Legions launched a surprise attack on the Citadel of Flame. Nyoka managed to escape in the confusion, and wandered Fireheart Rise for days, injured and starving. She was found by an Ash and Blood legion patrol, nursed to reasonable health, and transported back to the Blood Citadel for placement in a fahrar (at this point, she was still a cub, young enough for fahrar training)

Nyoka was initially smaller and weaker than other cubs in the fahrar (since she was malnourished and untrained), and she was bullied harshly. However, she had inherited her father's complete lack of empathy and talent for plotting. She terrorized and injured her fahrar mates by getting them blamed for her actions, causing "accidents" during training, and finding ways to cause emotional harm. With good food and training, she grew much larger and went from being a malnourished cub, to being a huge, hulking adult. Her ruthlessness and bloodthirst allowed her to gain respect and rank in the Blood Legion.

As an adult, Nyoka has taken after her father in many ways--she just fights for a different side. She is not a good person. She uses her military rank to dominate and abuse others. Basically, she's my villain character.

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In real life, I write stories. I can't help myself to start weaving something at the very beginning when making a character to a game. So, yes, all my toons have some sort of background story sketch, half made, half picked from in-game choices and events, all incomplete.


My ranger Tamyeth lived in Divinity's Reach with her little sister. As a responsible person, she joined to military ranks to protect their people against centaurs. In one of their patrols, they got ambushed, and Tamyeth got lost in Harathi Hinterlands near the border to Snowden Drifts. She would died to cold and hunger, if not found by Norn hunters. She has lived and traveled with Norns since that, and nowadays people who meet her first time think she's just bit short Norn.


My elementalist is Tamyeth's little sister. She is performance actor traveling with circus, and while not on tour, she used to aid in local tavern and entertain customers with fire shows. Eventually she learned that fire and flashlights can have also other uses than entertaining.


My guard is a Norn, who was initially a Raven shaman trainee, but her mentors said she is still too hotblooded for such art, and adviced her to go to find inner peace from world around.


My necromancer is a daughter of Elonian plantage owner. During the uprisal of their slaves, her parents were killed and she fled to north with her bodyguard (my warrior), to seek allies and mercenaries to help her take her property back, by promising them portion of wealth and slaves if they success. She was pulled to events against dragons making the road longer, but she has not forgotten her cause.

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I don't have too much prescribed in terms of backstory (like I would for a D&D character, for instance). I have some loose ideas that float around the established in game origins.


My main is Zola, a human ranger of Elonian descent. She grew up as a commoner and worked on the family farm. In her free time she took to wandering through the wilderness in Queensdale and picked up her skills as a ranger there over the years. Developed her talents through working with the farm animals and exploration. Her first animal companion was a hawk named Jetaya. That's pretty much it lol. The rest of her story follows the plot of the game. Personality wise she's direct and bullheaded, but she also has a pretty good sense of humor.


I have 9 other characters but I won't subject you to all of them. xD

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  • 6 months later...

My Ascalonain male human fighter is the foster son to a female charr mother Oganna Yimshi (my female charr character.) who's cubs were sent to a fafer without her consent by her mate who left not long afterwards cause he could leave Oganna, and by chance Oganna found Tarwin, and has cared for him since she had found him abandon in the Fields of Ruin he owes Oganna everything she did not have to care for him but Oganna Yimshi choose too, she even has fallen in love with him on the account she wants to be loved as well, and my character Tarwin chooses to return his forster mothers love to her as its because of his foster mother Oganna Yimshi he lives added that a bouns Oganna is both cute and beautiful. Oh and Oganna Yimshi is quite young and for some reason Tarwin says she dose not seem to be ageing all Tarwin has got from asking his mother is that she found somthing to keep them both young so they can be together forever.

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I really like my old main. Hvit was born as a Norn blessed by Raven with wisdom. While young, her father defected to the Sons of Svanir and killed her mother. She tried to join the Sons herself but she was a daughter. After this rejection, she journeyed to Hoelbrak where she was taken in by a havroun because of her affinity with spirits. After learning that she was unsuited for becoming a shaman, she was trained as a guardian. Not an uncommon story. Unlike most Norn, she was more interested in gaining knowledge than building a legend. Eventually, Eir took her under her wing and taught her to make a difference using what she learned. After Zhaitan's death, Hvit had felt that Eir was like a mother to her. Then Braham entered stage right. Hvit saw Braham as a thief trying to steal her mother, but tried her best to stifle these feelings. HoT made things a lot more complicated for her.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > > Owing to railroading and human-centric writing, I've skipped the idea of having a sensible backstory for any of my characters.

> >

> > It's pretty much impossible to not have human-centric writing since being human is our only perspective.


> Not sure I follow how this could be the case. Supposing there is an RPG where humans don't exist, this would require the dialogue and choices of all characters to be more consistent with a storyline that didn't exist than any of the storylines that did.


> What I think you're trying to say is that the behaviour of all races is going to be anthropomorphised, which makes sense, but it's not related to my concerns with the storyline. The problem I'm seeing is exemplified by the Shining Blade arc in LS3 ep 6, where norn, charr, asura and sylvari are required to swear fealty to an alien nation in order to progress the plot. That decision would likely be questionable to sylvari, distasteful to norn and asura, and treasonous to charr. It only makes sense if the player's character is human.


> And we see that issue repeatedly in the current GW2 storyline, albeit seldom with that degree of absurdity. That's the reason why I've given up on RP backstory to any of my characters; it would ruin the only part of GW2 I still enjoy in its other facets.


Why must your RP backstories be linked to the commander's? I enjoy both the main story (which was heavily sylvari centric for chunks of early living story and in HoT, and switched to human as we went into Elona. We'll see where we go next) and various RP stories by having the two be distinct from each other.


For example: Only one of my characters actually has plot relating somewhat to the commander, and that's my Vigil character. Almost all others, including my gameplay main have personal stories that are totally unrelated to what the commander does entirely. The commander is, basically, Anet's character. I will never RP as "The commander", therefore I'm not going to make backstories for that character.


I love when people who RP, are heavily involved and have their custom backstory, do not RP as the commander, then promptly go into a mission and complain "Well my character would never be at this party!" Well, that's because your character is not the commander, so...


Character backstories? Well my human necromancer noble is heir to a proud Kurzick family that migrated to Kryta during the rise of the Ministry of Purity, and established a small, but high end school of magic in their manor grounds. She currently acts as the necromancy headmaster, and teaches classes relating to minions, both crafting and maintaining, and using them. She's got contacts within the Priory, and some old family connections into the order of whispers. If she's not teaching classes or dealing with family matters she may go out with a bunch of fellow priory members and explore a bit.


Another character is my Vigil warmaster, an ancient norn, slightly younger then Forgal was. She's served on many fronts and fought many battles, including being on the ground at Arah and fighting through the first few nights in Verdant Brink. She knew Traehearne, but not closely. She's fought all five known dragon minions and was even in Thunderhead Keep and Dragonfall. She's got a lot of stories to tell, and wants the world to be safe again, whether the dragons are resting, friendly, or dead.





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Think of my charr engineer as that one recurring character you meet in your travels with a different job or assignment each time. Corsair, pest (read dragon minion) control, infiltration, study, caravan security, desert marauder, diplomatic relations (mosty with dredge). Not more courageous than any other person but always getting by.


Started doing jobs the day Lion's Arch became a trading hub, his only moment of glory was during the attack on Lion's Arch, he equipped his toughest armor and drank an Elixir X to confront a rampaging Molten Berserker while civilians were evacuated.

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I have 7 characters, with all having their own backstories.


Too much to type but simply, there are three characters under the family Silverlake and it's just one clusterfuck of regrets, sorrow and betrayal.


A seraph and a bandit hooking up to give birth, then warring with each other, after finding out true identity. enough said.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My human female Mesmer Jennifer Darkhaert (poetic license on the spelling), was orphaned when her parents were killed by the White Mantel in service to the crown. She was then taken to Divinity's Reach by fellow agents where a kind tavern over named Andrew, along with his wife Allison, took in baby girl to raise her as their own. A couple of years later, Andrew and Allison gave birth to their own daughter, Petra, and raised the two girls as sisters. Years pass and Allison falls ill to a mysterious illness and dies, leaving Jennifer and Petra without a mother and Andrew without a wife.


Jennifer takes her adoptive mother's death very hard, having already lost her biological one, and begins to lose herself in her imagination and fantasy. She begins seeing illusions everywhere, created from her own mind, and in her anguish she withdraws into herself even more. Petra and Andrew have no idea what they can do to help and the little girl falls more into darkness and shadow.


It isn't until Petra is nearly killed by her then boyfriend a few years later that seems to wake her up. Realizing she hasn't truly lost everything dear to her, though nearly through her inactions, Jennifer withdraws from the shadows and begins using her newfound power over illusions to not only help those who need it, but to pay bloody retribution on those who would dare harm her friends and family.


And thus, Jennifer Darkhaert, Mesmer, was born and the insecure little girl afraid of her own shadow started to disappear.

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> @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> My female charr warrior, Nyoka, was born in Flame Legion. Her mother despised her and her father ignored her as just another slave.

> Nyoka's brother, Tionvrath, received special attention from their father--but this attention was highly abusive, and sensitive Tionvrath wasn't able to "toughen up" to their father's expectations. Tionvrath secretly confided in Nyoka--she was the only support he had, and poor support at that.

> Nyoka is a sociopath like her father, and she exploited Tionvrath's emotional vulnerability to get him to teach her basic fire magic. Unfortunately, Tionvrath was not very sneaky, and their father found out.

> For the sin of teaching magic to a woman, Nyoka and Tionvrath's father gave them to the Godforged to be sacrificed to the eternal flame. As they were being brought for sacrifice, the Legions launched a surprise attack on the Citadel of Flame. Nyoka managed to escape in the confusion, and wandered Fireheart Rise for days, injured and starving. She was found by an Ash and Blood legion patrol, nursed to reasonable health, and transported back to the Blood Citadel for placement in a fahrar (at this point, she was still a cub, young enough for fahrar training)

> Nyoka was initially smaller and weaker than other cubs in the fahrar (since she was malnourished and untrained), and she was bullied harshly. However, she had inherited her father's complete lack of empathy and talent for plotting. She terrorized and injured her fahrar mates by getting them blamed for her actions, causing "accidents" during training, and finding ways to cause emotional harm. With good food and training, she grew much larger and went from being a malnourished cub, to being a huge, hulking adult. Her ruthlessness and bloodthirst allowed her to gain respect and rank in the Blood Legion.

> As an adult, Nyoka has taken after her father in many ways--she just fights for a different side. She is not a good person. She uses her military rank to dominate and abuse others. Basically, she's my villain character.


Dose Nyoka hate humans cause my male human fighter character Tarwin Steel loves female charr even if they are ruthless, or hate humans, Tarwin also has never has killed a female charr cause he loves female charr to much to do it, so he just ties up female charr after beating them in combat and leaves them alone. One of Tarwin's big advantages is making a female charr stumble in wanting to attack him, by saying how cute a female charr is which may make a female charr depending if he fighting them or not, either one blush, and then outright attack Tarwin for saying that, after a female charr says she tear him apart. Oh and if Tarwin is able hug or even kiss a female charr, well either a female charr will be too shocked to do anything as Tarwin gets away, or a female charr will then after blushing shortly will then maybe scream out at Tarwin that she did not ask for a hug and or a kiss, and that she will tear him apart and make him suffer. Tarwin will defend himself to the point he has to disarmed a female charr and try wear them down so he can just walk or run away but he dose not have it in his heart to kill any female charr no matter if they want to kill him.

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  • 8 months later...

Mine is an asuran thief, who's original name was **Tnavas**. He raised in Rata Sum, but he didn't interested in science, he wanted to be a comedist. He got insulted countless times, because of he's dream, so when he turned to a young adult, he left he's home. Before this, he changed he's name, because he wanted to leave it behind with he's past. So he's new name is **Yagnon Tsuide**, what is absolutely not an asuran name. He planned to go to Queensdale and join to a carneval, so Yagnon planned to go across Gendarran Fields. He stayed at a pub for the night. He met a seraph, named Bryce Wildburg. In the middle of the night, the village is got attacked by centaurs. Yagnon woke up just in time, and he warned Wildburg. They started to fight, and Yagnon got knocked out, he also almost died. When he woke up, he found out, that he got robbered while he was asleep. He didn't find anyone, who remembered him, the half of the pub got killed, so he moved on. When he arrived to Beetletun, he found the carnival, but they didn't accept his join request. After that, Yagnon started to steal fruits, jewells, and other small things, planned to sell them somewhere else. However, he got caught by a seraph, who transported him to Shaemoor. Then he met again with Wildburg, who left him free, because Yagnon saved his life. The asuran told, that he got rejected, so he don't have a job. Wildburg offered a rent to Yagnon in Claypool, where he can train with the millitary. Yagnon accepted this, and after a year, he joined to Wildburg in the fight against Balthazar.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Saddly..i cant post my favorite characters story, its super dark(and mature) :(


> So ill post a simple version: Amana Wildshard(formerly Firehide) is an escaped flame legion female, currently detached from her new warband while being investigated.


> if anyones curious, i can give them a full version via whispers or whatever, but it is very dark.


As a matter of fact, i am curious. Considering the their view on female charr, the flame-legion does indeed leave plenty room for dark stories, so i wonder what yours looks like (also you can consider me mature enough^^). The most convenient way would probably be a PM here on the forums.


Peace out. Charr forever.

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I generally try to roll with the backstory Anet gave us in character creation but I do headcanon extra info in like,


1. "Deborah looks nothing like me because we had different moms. Same goes for our six other siblings."

2. "I hope Eir doesn't notice that I'm copying her hairstyle. And her pet. And maybe everything else about her."

3. "I'm a little annoyed that someone else thought to put a murder routine into my Val-A golem before I did."

4. "Faolain does have some good points. Make the Grove great again!"

5. "You know, making me kill my own sire is all sorts of fucked up. I'm outta this nuthouse the first chance."

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I have only 4 characters, but I use them almost equally. A male human guardian, male sylvari revenant, female asura mesmer and female charr engineer. I like to picture them as a team of adventurers that kinda live together and do stuff.


The human, for exemple, started as a lone militia trying to defend others that couldn't defend themselves. He lost his family and was alone so he was like " might as well die doing some good things ".


One day, he was traveling by the swamp and then decided to bash some undead, but then discovered a Vigil squad trying to evacuate some villagers out of it. Skipping on the long stuff, but he eventually found a new family in the Vigil, which also made him discovers his new good friends (my other 3 characters).


After the creation of the pact, they formed together an independant team working for them.


Not gonna write all of them since it will be a very long post, but they all have a very different origin but still something that managed to tie them together.

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Oh, I guess I should have included my main character's story in a post.


"You can't kill a god without getting a little of it on you."


![](https://i.imgur.com/JBjRFTo.jpg "")


Bodkin Fletcher never set out to be a hero. Born under Melandru's sign, he was raised as an orphan in the Salma District, adopted by the family who ran the inn there, and spent his youth providing meat for the inn's tables from the woods and hills of Kryta. He spent more time with animals rather than people, and with his physical outdoor life, he grew up big. Big enough to sometimes be mistaken for a small Norn, at least as long as there weren't any REAL Norn present. It was an independent, undemanding life, and he enjoyed it greatly. Until one fateful day, as he was stopping for a rest in Shaemoor, the centaurs attacked. Simple reflex made him grab his weapon, and what followed is now written in Krytan history. Though if he could go back to that day, knowing what he does now, perhaps he might not have...


After helping save Shaemoor, Bodkin was engaged by Logan Thackeray to help the Seraph with other problems, during which time he learned that his real parents were members of the Shining Blade, as he too is now. Before long, he was invited into the Order of Whispers, and from there rose to become the Pact Commander; his exploits are widely known, but he takes little joy in them. Bodkin has few close friends and no real family; his role as the Commander has kept him from enjoying anything like a normal life, much less returning to his youthful hunting freedom, and he often contemplates simply walking away and letting others shoulder Tyria's burdens. But he continues to do the right thing just because it's right, and even more concerning, because there are few others he trusts to be up to the magnitude of protecting Tyria. "If you want something done right, do it yourself," is a mantra which he has lived far too often after others' failures. Particularly Caithe's...


Bodkin might take greater joy in his tasks if he had more faith in those giving them. He respects Jennah's position and political acumen as Queen, but after her mistreatment (in his judgment) of Logan, and witnessing the subtle sadism of the Queen's Jubilee, he has lost much respect for her as a person. "I bow to the Crown, not the person wearing it." Similarly, after too many backhanded comments and too much manipulation from Anise, he doesn't trust her out of direct eyesight.


It also bothers Bodkin that after all he has experienced -- the deaths of three Elder Dragons, a fallen god and various other evil beings of power, the explosion of a Bloodstone, literally fighting his way back from death, and other events -- he isn't sure he is truly human anymore. The fiery magic that envelops him in battle, manifesting burning mounts and War God's weapons on demand, clearly indicates that he absorbed at least one tiny droplet of Balthazar's power; what else may have affected him and how is anyone's guess.


Among his associates, Bodkin genuinely likes Logan, Canach, Taimi, Gorrick, Kasmeer and Marjory -- even if some of them do get on his nerves sometimes. In fact, Kasmeer might be the only mesmer Bodkin truly trusts, because unlike Anise or Jennah, Kasmeer wears herself openly. He respects well defined, open personalities like that. He wants to like Rytlock as much, but Rytlock's gruffness, backhanded jokes and subtle jealousy have limited their friendship. Bodkin despises Braham's man-child petulance and privately fears that Braham is not up to the task he faces against Jormag, but still does what he can to support him. And Caithe...while Bodkin admits a slight attraction to her, he also knows that her bad decisions caused many of the messes he has had to clean up, so he trusts her far less than either of them would like.


One of Bodkin's qualities as Commander is that he pointedly does not care about anyone's race unless they force the issue. In fact, his closest friend in his own circle is a female Charr (Eris Paleshade, one of my other characters). She explains: "It took me a while to understand why a human liked me so much, until one day I saw him talking to a bunch of Pact soldiers. He talked to all of them exactly the same -- the humans, the Charr, even the Quaggans. That was when I realized, he didn't see me as a Charr; he just saw ME. And after that, I finally began seeing him that way too." Snargle Goldclaw could write one heck of a book about their relationship...


Another of Bodkin's qualities -- not necessarily a good one -- is his driven ruthlessness. Anyone who gets between him and doing what is right is putting themselves in physical danger; anybody threatening Bodkin or what he cares about can expect to be cut down, stepped over and forgotten two paces later. He tries to build bridges, but as the Steel Warband learned, he is quick to burn them when others refuse to cross. He does not give trust easily, is slow to forgive wrongs, and NEVER forgets them. On that particular note, Bodkin and Almorra were as close as Almorra would let them be; she never could see past the differences between humans and Charr. But even so, Bangar has a bad end coming, and Bodkin WILL make sure he gets it when that time comes.

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It's inevitable that I create backgrounds for my characters as I continue playing them. It adds another layer of immersion, figuring out what their personalities are and what motivates them as I explore their fictional worlds. In World of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic, this has lead to some lenghty documents detailing various character backgrounds, but I haven't done such a thing for GW2. Partly because of my poor grip of the lore and world building of Tyria, and partly because I haven't played GW2 as much as I've played the other two. That said, I've still developed the characters in my head, and I figure I'll share the background of one of them as I think it's kind of simple and charming!


Enter Osuvi!

![](https://imgur.com/FFnX0eF.jpg "")


Osuvi is my Asuran ranger. She's a student of biology with zoology as her primary focus. She wrote a doctoral dissertation revolving around the study of the suidae animal branch, which is how she befriended her lovely sidekick on the picture above: the warthog Growbor. She took an interest in boars and pigs early on as she noticed that, contrary to what their appearance might suggest, they possessed a level of intelligence rarely seen among quadrupeds. Growbor became the focus of her research as he proved capable of understanding complex commands and was able to use simple tools to complete various tasks. When she presented her findings she was largely mocked by other Asurans. Some thought her findings ludicrous and biased, and others mocked her simply because she had tamed a wild pig and housed it as a pet. She had had a burning passion for her research and she was proud of what she had discovered, so she was devastated by what she considered an unprofessional examination of her work by her peers.


After the academic kerfuffle among her own people she decided to try and share her findings with human scholars instead, but found even less interest among them. It dawned on her that part of the problem was that pigs were viewed as filthy and unclean animals. People already had an established perception of pigs and any claim that countered that perspective was brushed off as something unserious. After three long years of study, Osuvi found herself on the brink of giving up on her research for good. She figured she'd have to find a new subject matter to research if she wanted to be taken seriously. It was with heavy heart that she decided to release Growbor back into the wild... but Growbor was a smart warthog. When she tried to push him away, he'd keep following her. Regardless of what she did, he could tell that Osuvi was upset, even if he didn't understand why. It didn't matter what she tried, he wouldn't leave her side. At the end of the day, she'd fall asleep, snuggled up right next to him. Growbor was a truer friend to her than anyone else had ever been. She found renewed determination for her academical pursuit thanks to the loyalty of Growbor.


Eventually she did manage to publish her findings: A Method for Measuring the Intelligence Quotient of Animals: an In-Depth Analysis of the Complex Behaviours of the Suidae Family.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My Asuran Revenant, Cookie Layin Jack, is a bit of a madcap. He's super into studying the mists and used programs to have his mind to freely traverse the mist. He took it a little too far and now has gone a little crazy and he can no longer control how his brain interacts with the mist. This often results in seeing, speaking, and interacting with spiritual beings in the mists as if they were there on Tyria with him. After being almost driven mad he invented a chip that was implanted in his brain that helps control the flow of magic and so he is no longer at the mercy of the spirits. Now he is able to control his powers and invoke those he wishes.

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**Eros of Ascalon**



The commander we know and love has her roots as a spoiled noble brat. Lines can be easily drawn from her to the Flameseeker Prophecies, and some scholars speculate her lineage draws all the way back to Melandru. It can be seen that in almost every great or important event in human history, there was a Slaystealth on standby. Legends, tales, and rumors spread, that the Slaystealth's were descendent from the goddess of nature herself. The presence of a Slaystealth was said to inspire humans throughout the ages that the human gods were still with them.


Tyrian lore is littered with Slaystealths, but the earliest one to rise in prominence was the legendary Ascalonian, Moros Slaystealth. There are few remaining stories prior to his ascension in the crystal desert & victory over Kryta's unseen gods, but the agreement is that he was definitely among The Runners guild & legendary cartographers that helped all heroes of that time reach Droknar's Forge. Droknar's Forge was a popular destination for aspiring heroes, since the dwarves were the finest smiths known in Tyria. He was also the earliest tie the Slaystealths had to the elder dragons, since he was the first human friend of Glint. We know for certain he must have existed because Canthan lore makes no small mention of him either.



When Shiro Tagachi returned & the afflicted began running across Cantha, Moros was one of the first to run to the aid of Emperor Kisu. He played a pivotal role in Shiro's defeat, and was the first to bring back the legendary phoenix; which were not sighted since before the Jade Wind. This caused him to become known as the _"Phoenix Ranger."_ After the Phoenix Ranger became Weh No Su lore says he fell in love with an Envoy. The two conceived a son, who was bequeathed to the Dragon Emperor on account of some Canthan prophecy regarding the elder dragons. Krytan scholars mostly regard the unnamed son as a literary device--mostly because this half-human half-envoy could not have been raised as a royal (since the Empire of the Dragon was well documented). The Krytan consensus is that the son was a myth related to the season of the phoenix, and was used to tie the Slaystealths to the Dragon Empire to secure their reign.



When Moros returned to Lions Arch, he fell in love with a surviving Ascalonian priestess of Dwayna. Her name was only written in old Ascalonian, and there are no translations currently. Their daughter, however, was written about extensively. Eros Slaystealth was a ranger widely regarded as a goddess walking amongst mere mortals, and was whom our beloved commander was named after. There's all kinds of solo adventure tales involving Eros, from the Underworld to the Fissure of Woe to the Realm of Torment. One story says she was the one who released Palawa Joko back into the crystal desert, to enlist his assistance against the fallen god Abaddon. The story goes further and says she was one of the legendary sunspears that aided in the Abaddon's defeat, and that she was there when Kormir became the Goddess of Truth.


`Eye of the North`

Eros was one of the first humans to venture farther up the northern shiverpeaks, and is among the first humans to show up in both Asuran and Norn folklore. The Norn tales make light of her short but voluptuous stature, and recount her ferocity in battle as _"Slayer of All"_. The Asurans also regard her highly, and at least said she was _"Not Too Shabby"_...which in itself was a major compliment coming from the Asurans. She died of old age amongst the last dwarves, and even assisted them with performing the Rite of the Great Dwarf that helped defeat The Great Destroyer. It is unfortunate that this was the same event that caused the latest dragon rising. Some legends say she never died at all, and instead retired (alive) to the Hall of Heroes.


The rest of the commanders story starting in Shaemor is all recent history.


![](https://i.redd.it/i6w2gohvpze41.png "")


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