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Ban ArcDPS and any third party program

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Had two instances today, before anyone comments on gear, my guild and rotation comes from snowcrows to the T, including food. Went in for nostalgia on a dungeon run and got kicked towards the end of AC P2 because "Dps sucks", really? On AC P2? , 2nd instance was at VG was hitting 30-40k+ but it was "too low" and people started to get boot left and right. How do you expect people to learn and stay end game, when its filled with elitism? Ban ArcDPS please. It breeds toxic people.

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> @"Applejuice.4083" said:

> Had two instances today, before anyone comments on gear, my guild and rotation comes from snowcrows to the T, including food. Went in for nostalgia on a dungeon run and got kicked towards the end of AC P2 because "Dps sucks", really? On AC P2? , 2nd instance was at VG was hitting 30-40k+ but it was "too low" and people started to get boot left and right. How do you expect people to learn and stay end game, when its filled with elitism? Ban ArcDPS please. It breeds toxic people.



Damage Per Second? or your hits/attacks did so much damage? not trying to offend here, but to get this sadly common mistake out of the way.

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I don't think the analytics tools are the issue here; and this isn't the first time I've seen this issue brought up. The real issue is that some commanders have poor communication skills and just want everything for themselves by setting unrealistic expectations.


My suggestion would be to find groups that can actually communicate well and have realistic expectations - they do exist if you look for them.

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> @"tasmaniajones.4376" said:

> I don't think the analytics tools are the issue here; and this isn't the first time I've seen this issue brought up. The real issue is that some commanders have poor communication skills and just want everything for themselves by setting unrealistic expectations.


> My suggestion would be to find groups that can actually communicate well and have realistic expectations - they do exist if you look for them.


How do you explain that some people can literally read your gear/build/inventory/bank.

The thought of that is terrifying right?! But I was a victim to this kind of shit several times.

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> @"Applejuice.4083" said:

> Had two instances today, before anyone comments on gear, my guild and rotation comes from snowcrows to the T, including food. Went in for nostalgia on a dungeon run and got kicked towards the end of AC P2 because "Dps sucks", really? On AC P2? , 2nd instance was at VG was hitting 30-40k+ but it was "too low" and people started to get boot left and right. How do you expect people to learn and stay end game, when its filled with elitism? Ban ArcDPS please. It breeds toxic people.


As noted above, toxic people are everywhere, especially in old group content like dungeons, but the analysis omits one other thing that shows up sometimes in this sort of discussion.


Let's say they ban DPS meters. The elitism would still be there, and the wish to pile through the dungeons / fractals / whatever in "speedrun" mode would *also* still be there. What would be missing is an "objective" measure of performance (the DPS meter results), and it would be replaced by more subjective measures. Examples? Well, "Oh, you're playing core Guardian, /kick" and similar things. That's unlikely to improve the toxicity problem, and would make it tend to seem, well, personal. (The cited example would be likely to be expressed as "What kind of useless noob plays core Guardian? /kick".)

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Download ARC, yourself. It's quite interesting to see how your dps fairs against others.


I often struggle with dps rotations, I find them tricky to memorize. Still, I now know if my dps is as terrible as they say of if not.


Although, I've not come across anyone using it in Dungeons. Why bother. The power creep trivalises them.

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> @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> I just want an option to hide my data from the party/squad if I so wish. If said group demand data to be public I did not want to run with them to begin with. If said group don't care then I don't want to share my data anyhow.


Problem is that it is N O T your data.


Its data everyone had accessed too.


ArcDps only makes it more useful to the player.



Again: Your Dps is public information the moment you join a group!


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If they ban addons without adding in-game build templates I'll probably ragequit : P.


Also - I get it, its sad when youre kicked out due to low dps (some people kick others when its 100% doable with them in group, thats awful). But there are many learning groups etc. Join them or create one.


It's good that people can know WHO is the problem and arcDPS helps with that a lot.

See it that way: 10 people are in raid team. None of them is dying. 7 is doing their job good. Buffs and heals - you can see without arc. But who is the problematic dps then? 3 people are not doing anything and doing like 2-3k dps because they only basic attack. from time to time because they're trolling or lazy or just new.

You can't see that with all that is going on on map yet all other 7 people can't complete the content even though they're doing good. Do you think it's fair?


If the person bringing the group down is uknown it is a problem because he or she is trolling and it makes content uncompletable for X other people who are trying their best and doing good.

If the person bringing the group down doesn't know he/she is very bad compraed to all other people, how can they know they're not doing good if there is no meter?


**TLDR: arcDPS is good tool for self improvement and for ensuring all other people are not punished because of 1 person.**

The only problem are elitists that want you to always do your 100% possible when content is pretty doable with everyone doing 50-60%. They would find different way to do this if you removed dps meters anyway, because assholes are assholes.


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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > @"tasmaniajones.4376" said:

> > I don't think the analytics tools are the issue here; and this isn't the first time I've seen this issue brought up. The real issue is that some commanders have poor communication skills and just want everything for themselves by setting unrealistic expectations.

> >

> > My suggestion would be to find groups that can actually communicate well and have realistic expectations - they do exist if you look for them.


> How do you explain that some people can literally read your gear/build/inventory/bank.

> The thought of that is terrifying right?! But I was a victim to this kind of kitten several times.


first: these are in fact bannable offenses, and have been removed as feature from arc dps a long time ago. (inventory and bank was never been able to read though)

second: i couldn´t care less if someone did that with my account. i wouldn´t go so far and call myself victim.

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > @"tasmaniajones.4376" said:

> > I don't think the analytics tools are the issue here; and this isn't the first time I've seen this issue brought up. The real issue is that some commanders have poor communication skills and just want everything for themselves by setting unrealistic expectations.

> >

> > My suggestion would be to find groups that can actually communicate well and have realistic expectations - they do exist if you look for them.


> How do you explain that some people can literally read your gear/build/inventory/bank.

> The thought of that is terrifying right?! But I was a victim to this kind of kitten several times.


Except they can't with arc. Unless they are violating the TOS and deltaconnect is certainly not supporting those functions any longer meaning people must have deliberately changed their arc version, or the simpler explanation: you are incorrect.


Arc gives data on the damage you do (not even healing, to the group, only personal visible) and the boons you put out. That's it.

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> @"Applejuice.4083" said:

> Had two instances today, before anyone comments on gear, my guild and rotation comes from snowcrows to the T, including food. Went in for nostalgia on a dungeon run and got kicked towards the end of AC P2 because "Dps sucks", really? On AC P2? , 2nd instance was at VG was hitting 30-40k+ but it was "too low" and people started to get boot left and right. How do you expect people to learn and stay end game, when its filled with elitism? Ban ArcDPS please. It breeds toxic people.


What you were hitting for means nothing. How much damage you did over x seconds is of interest. Those occasional 40k spikes you might have hit could just as well been followed by a huge amount of nothing.


Download arc, go to the test golem, check your rotation. Then tell us how well you perform. Until then we have to take the commanders word at face value since you were not running arc to make a counter claim.




That ironically is exactly the reason WHY dps meters are useful. Since people run around thinking they are doing amazing damage based off of peak performance numbers instead of actual performance over time. It's the exact same reason why people thought warrior Greatsword was "the be-all end-all" with its Hundred Blades since that attack gives amazing numbers.


Instead of relying on subjective believes one can take proper metrics and draw objective conclusions.

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > @"tasmaniajones.4376" said:

> > > I don't think the analytics tools are the issue here; and this isn't the first time I've seen this issue brought up. The real issue is that some commanders have poor communication skills and just want everything for themselves by setting unrealistic expectations.

> > >

> > > My suggestion would be to find groups that can actually communicate well and have realistic expectations - they do exist if you look for them.

> >

> > How do you explain that some people can literally read your gear/build/inventory/bank.

> > The thought of that is terrifying right?! But I was a victim to this kind of kitten several times.


> first: these are in fact bannable offenses, and have been removed as feature from arc dps a long time ago. (inventory and bank was never been able to read though)

> second: i couldn´t care less if someone did that with my account. i wouldn´t go so far and call myself victim.


I would care as I was a victim a few times.

I will give you an example something that happned 3 months ago:

If people get information from my bank guessing how many LI's I have judging me for how many times I was raiding resulting with shaming me in the aerodrome proceeding with me being kicked for being unworthy for some of the most saltist raiders in history. YES DUDE IT DOES MAKE ME A VICTIM!

And let me tell you something this guy guess exactly the right number of LI's I had sitting in my bank in my crafting section and he wasn't even in my squad.

I didn't even bother to argue with him and called him a liar and he guessed the number of mystic coins as well.


I don't know if ArcDPS is casuing it or not.

If it doesn't then my apologies I don't care if people can examine my dps even if I didn't follow rotations.

But if it does it should be banned without a doubt and send it to hell.

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > > @"tasmaniajones.4376" said:

> > > > I don't think the analytics tools are the issue here; and this isn't the first time I've seen this issue brought up. The real issue is that some commanders have poor communication skills and just want everything for themselves by setting unrealistic expectations.

> > > >

> > > > My suggestion would be to find groups that can actually communicate well and have realistic expectations - they do exist if you look for them.

> > >

> > > How do you explain that some people can literally read your gear/build/inventory/bank.

> > > The thought of that is terrifying right?! But I was a victim to this kind of kitten several times.

> >

> > first: these are in fact bannable offenses, and have been removed as feature from arc dps a long time ago. (inventory and bank was never been able to read though)

> > second: i couldn´t care less if someone did that with my account. i wouldn´t go so far and call myself victim.


> I would care as I was a victim a few times.

> I will give you an example something that happned 3 months ago:

> If people get information from my bank guessing how many LI's I have judging me for how many times I was raiding resulting with shaming me in the aerodrome proceeding with me being kicked for being unworthy for some of the most saltist raiders in history. YES DUDE IT DOES MAKE ME A VICTIM!

> And let me tell you something this guy guess exactly the right number of LI's I had sitting in my bank in my crafting section and he wasn't even in my squad.

> I didn't even bother to argue with him and called him a liar and he guessed the number of mystic coins as well.


> I don't know if ArcDPS is casuing it or not.

> If it doesn't then my apologies I don't care if people can examine my dps even if I didn't follow rotations.

> But if it does it should be banned without a doubt and send it to hell.


Then he was running an addon or 3rd party program beside arc. Arc has not supported this function in a while.


Inspecting someones gear, inventory or bank, or what ever is specifically not allowed currently. Deltaconnect has so far complied with his design of arcdps and build templates.


BGDM, a discontinued damage meter, had far more options and allowed inventory inspection. Maybe some one used that one and adapted it for the current game version, discontinued since April 2018. Once again that is against the TOS and has nothing to do with either damage meters or arc.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > > > @"tasmaniajones.4376" said:

> > > > > I don't think the analytics tools are the issue here; and this isn't the first time I've seen this issue brought up. The real issue is that some commanders have poor communication skills and just want everything for themselves by setting unrealistic expectations.

> > > > >

> > > > > My suggestion would be to find groups that can actually communicate well and have realistic expectations - they do exist if you look for them.

> > > >

> > > > How do you explain that some people can literally read your gear/build/inventory/bank.

> > > > The thought of that is terrifying right?! But I was a victim to this kind of kitten several times.

> > >

> > > first: these are in fact bannable offenses, and have been removed as feature from arc dps a long time ago. (inventory and bank was never been able to read though)

> > > second: i couldn´t care less if someone did that with my account. i wouldn´t go so far and call myself victim.

> >

> > I would care as I was a victim a few times.

> > I will give you an example something that happned 3 months ago:

> > If people get information from my bank guessing how many LI's I have judging me for how many times I was raiding resulting with shaming me in the aerodrome proceeding with me being kicked for being unworthy for some of the most saltist raiders in history. YES DUDE IT DOES MAKE ME A VICTIM!

> > And let me tell you something this guy guess exactly the right number of LI's I had sitting in my bank in my crafting section and he wasn't even in my squad.

> > I didn't even bother to argue with him and called him a liar and he guessed the number of mystic coins as well.

> >

> > I don't know if ArcDPS is casuing it or not.

> > If it doesn't then my apologies I don't care if people can examine my dps even if I didn't follow rotations.

> > But if it does it should be banned without a doubt and send it to hell.


> Then he was running an addon or 3rd party program beside arc. Arc has not supported this function in a while.


> Inspecting someones gear, inventory or bank, or what ever is specifically not allowed currently. Deltaconnect has so far complied with his design of arcdps and build templates.


> BGDM, a discontinued damage meter, had far more options and allowed inventory inspection. Maybe some one used that one and adapted it for the current game version, discontinued since April 2018. Once again that is against the TOS and has nothing to do with either damage meters or arc.


Alright mate.

I never used ArcDPS so I don't know much about it but OP sounded like he experienced the same issue I did.


> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > > > @"tasmaniajones.4376" said:

> > > > > I don't think the analytics tools are the issue here; and this isn't the first time I've seen this issue brought up. The real issue is that some commanders have poor communication skills and just want everything for themselves by setting unrealistic expectations.

> > > > >

> > > > > My suggestion would be to find groups that can actually communicate well and have realistic expectations - they do exist if you look for them.

> > > >

> > > > How do you explain that some people can literally read your gear/build/inventory/bank.

> > > > The thought of that is terrifying right?! But I was a victim to this kind of kitten several times.

> > >

> > > first: these are in fact bannable offenses, and have been removed as feature from arc dps a long time ago. (inventory and bank was never been able to read though)

> > > second: i couldn´t care less if someone did that with my account. i wouldn´t go so far and call myself victim.

> >

> > I would care as I was a victim a few times.

> > I will give you an example something that happned 3 months ago:

> > If people get information from my bank guessing how many LI's I have judging me for how many times I was raiding resulting with shaming me in the aerodrome proceeding with me being kicked for being unworthy for some of the most saltist raiders in history. YES DUDE IT DOES MAKE ME A VICTIM!

> > And let me tell you something this guy guess exactly the right number of LI's I had sitting in my bank in my crafting section and he wasn't even in my squad.

> > I didn't even bother to argue with him and called him a liar and he guessed the number of mystic coins as well.

> >

> > I don't know if ArcDPS is casuing it or not.

> > If it doesn't then my apologies I don't care if people can examine my dps even if I didn't follow rotations.

> > But if it does it should be banned without a doubt and send it to hell.


> could have been a hacker if i take your example at face value (i have never heard of such hack though).

> Edit while writing this post: after reading it again, i actually have doubts of the truthfullness. you story makes no sense at all.


> its not as a stated before.

> i have been" harrased" for beeing an asura , some people always find something. block & move on.


I understand why you wouldn't believe this story, And why would someone harass me out of nowhere?!

Maybe because I was sitting on W5 chair at the time maybe it gave him a reason to inspect my account and interrogate me...And yes I did purchase it for being lazy to do it enough times to get it from the raid itself.

To this day I don't know their motive and if to be honest I don't really care. I did my part and reported and moved along.

But this is not a problem of being "harrased" for a marginal detail.

Some people can read your inventory is not ok at all and its not even ethical. It did happen a few times and to others at the time it happned to me I was searching for any information about it and saw a few people complaining in reddit as well.

Its wrong whatsoever and when it has its consequences its just gets worse!


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So am I the only one who thinks the problem here is someone using ArcDPS and worrying about hitting raid-level DPS _in Ascalon Catacombs_?


The dungeon is really not that difficult and certainly does not need raid builds or performance to complete. I know some people like to speed run dungeons but even then you probably waste more time monitoring everyone's DPS and complaining at them for not doing enough than you save by hitting higher numbers.


I get that people like to aim for perfect scores even in games without scores, but honestly it's ridiculous to do that in a GW2 dungeon.

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> @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> I just want an option to hide my data from the party/squad if I so wish. If said group demand data to be public I did not want to run with them to begin with. If said group don't care then I don't want to share my data anyhow.


there's no escape even if you could. even if arcDPS somehow was given by it's dev an option to hide personal DPS, you will eventually run into groups or people who would demand that you make your DPS public or risk getting yourself kicked off the group

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> @"santso.9201" said:

> Yeah just remember The old days when i was instantly booted out from some pug groups because i was playing ranger...


It was even worse when you got kicked for _not_ playing warrior or when PUGs still stacked in FGS spots (and flame you for not doing so, too) even after its nerf xD

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It is a reappearing siutation. If there was no ArcDPS people would be toxic as well, but it would be a lot harder for them to actually kick a certain person.


The toxic response in here is also quite repetitive. So in return, I react with the same phrases as well. Thank you for bringing up the discussion once more and having the guts to speak up. ArcDPS is third party software and should have never been allowed to GW2 (imho). We have the training Golem in the Special Forces Training Area for dps-measurement.


The topic will reappear over and over until a solution is found for it, get used to that.

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> @"Astyrah.4015" said:

> > @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> > I just want an option to hide my data from the party/squad if I so wish. If said group demand data to be public I did not want to run with them to begin with. If said group don't care then I don't want to share my data anyhow.


> there's no escape even if you could. even if arcDPS somehow was given by it's dev an option to hide personal DPS, you will eventually run into groups or people who would demand that you make your DPS public or risk getting yourself kicked off the group


But being asked about your DPS, rather than players passively checking your data without permission, sets the precedent of either being open and honest, or being private and then players accepting that or find someone else. When it's just being checked regardless players have no control over whether they even get checked out and strip searched for anything that could be not entirely perfect. Noone likes unwanted comments about how good their build/gear/DPS when they don't ask about it specifically.


Would you like it when people go rummage through your stuff when they meet you? I don't. If I want to show what I have, I show what I have. SO even if they demand to see it, then it's on the player themselves to decide whether that's okay or not.


It's about giving consent. Not immediately, although for some people definitely also a problem, about whether people will demand or want access to that information regardless.


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