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World Linking Error 21 December 2018

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Farout.8207" said:

> > Technical limitations, lol. Don't insult our intelligence, just call it what it is. People are spending time with their families and this isn't important enough to call them back in. Honestly that is fine with me, it's really not that big of a deal, but don't blame it on technical limitations. If it can be fixed on the 28th it could have been fixed on the 21st. Enjoy your holiday Anet but don't be disingenuous about it.

> >


> Well, they can't just flip a switch and do a relinking. That IS a technical limitation. As well as the system that they've worked out. I'm sure the entire cycle would get messed up the moment you relink outside the planned schedule/reset day.


They have been linking WvW servers for almost three years now. As someone who has been working in IT for over twenty years I can gaurantee you that any task that has been reoccurring on a regular basis for the past 32 months is pretty much automated, so yeah it's basically a switch in the IT world.


Like I said, it's Christmas time and I don't want to deny anyone time with their family but it is slightly aggravating that the week I have off work we are facing the four server megablob. I'm sure it sucks for our opponents as well, nobody likes a completely lopsided match especially during a break when they have a little extra time to play.

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Looking at how it unfolded out in T3, the 4 servers combined seems to have just enough people playing all throughout the day that there are groups to run with. Aside from the ridiculous ques on reset, coverage seems to be just right.


Perhaps Anet should abandon the 4 Tiers and move to a 2 Tier system instead, combining 12 servers per tier into 2 tiers making it essentially a 4 server vs 4 server vs 4 server match. Try that out and see what the numbers are like throughout the week and if ques remain too high with that many players at once. If it works, it wouldn't hurt to leave it that way till alliances are ready.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Looking at how it unfolded out in T3, the 4 servers combined seems to have just enough people playing all throughout the day that there are groups to run with. Aside from the ridiculous ques on reset, coverage seems to be just right.


> Perhaps Anet should abandon the 4 Tiers and move to a 2 Tier system instead, combining 12 servers per tier into 2 tiers making it essentially a 4 server vs 4 server vs 4 server match. Try that out and see what the numbers are like throughout the week and if ques remain too high with that many players at once. If it works, it wouldn't hurt to leave it that way till alliances are ready.


In my opinion, 2-tier system will make matches so dull. Only one host server will go up and only one another will go down. Many people don't like T1 or T4 for that specific reason. Thus, 2-tier system might hurt WvW in general due to lackluster matches, very high ques on prime times, more frequent server-wide skill lags, etc. Having said that, coverage across all host servers will increase greatly because the players are divided into 6 host servers instead of 12.


But with regarding to GoM and CD situation, perhaps, new relink might be necessary if there were lot of transfers because of the mishap.



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> @"Izaak.3945" said:

> What was the root cause of this linking issue?


> What precautions are being taken so this does not happen in the future?


THIS. When SoR became a first-time host it lost its link too and that's how the server died now. Is there a bug where when a server becomes a host for the first time it loses its link?


Like right now it's so clear because 4 servers are linked into one. But what about if a server becomes a host and loses its link when it apparently doesn't have enough population to stand on its own? Because if it's a bug, then it could have been happening even before this one.

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> @"Calli.6309" said:

> THIS. When SoR became a first-time host it lost its link too and that's how the server died now. Is there a bug where when a server becomes a host for the first time it loses its link?

SoR did not immediately go without a link when it became a host.

July > August - SoR was a link to HoD

September > October - SoR was a host with IoJ (I believe) as a link

November > December - SoR was a host with no link

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"Calli.6309" said:

> > THIS. When SoR became a first-time host it lost its link too and that's how the server died now. Is there a bug where when a server becomes a host for the first time it loses its link?

> SoR did not immediately go without a link when it became a host.

> July > August - SoR was a link to HoD

> September > October - SoR was a host with IoJ (I believe) as a link

> November > December - SoR was a host with no link


That's what happens when the bandwagon hits a server. And once the steam went out of their engine the wheels came off and they transferred again. It's happened again and again to servers in WvW.

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> @"Mazreal Blackknight.1564" said:

> > @"Lady Sapphirah.6234" said:

> > > @"Kilo.2539" said:

> > > > @"Mazreal Blackknight.1564" said:

> > > > > @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > > > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" Can CD and GoM get a special title for this mistake: "Lonely"?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Why BG was alone for YEARS and never got a title for it.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > That’s because they stacked the server and ultimately got us into the mess we’re in today.

> >

> > > @"Mazreal Blackknight.1564" said:

> > > Yeah but then again you have to remember BG also lots about 7 guilds since linking became a thing, so I don't know why everyone is still blaming a server that is only holding on a thin string.

> > >

> > > OMG, THEY GOT A LINK sorry you don't like them. And I am happy to see them get a link, their small (er) wvw community has been through hell these last few months to a year losing about 7 guilds and being locked for 2 years straight, no new players. Hell even on the small window of a mistake opening a few months ago, Agg moved over and they left cause they couldn't get their people in...

> >

> > Lolz... Please stop.

> >

> > BG was stacked and closed for ages and never lost until, I think it was JQ and SBI stacked, doubled up and beat them one week (cant be stuffed looking back to make sure who it was). When that happened BG started to bleed and lose.... why? Oh yeah because BG had transferred themselves full of players who just wanted to be in T1 and win.


> Actually it was when KN got their 3 links and SoS had their link so a 5v1 was great fun, they had already lost their guilds and still remained locked. And people had transferred to BG 6 years ago... being locked for nearly the last 3 aside from the small window of opportunity that had zero impact on that server. Seems like a lot of people are just pissy they have a stronger base than most servers, its been years. So please stop trying to make it about being 1 single servers fault for everything wrong with wvw.


Bloatgate going on a recruiting spree after every loss did indeed cause a lot of persistent problems in WvW


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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> Morning world!


> Let's see. Looks like the long weekend is just.....gonna be sad long weekend for some who did not plan for a short vacation.


> I do hope that the relink will not follow the planned relink as the planned relink is based on a dated population data. I am confident that many have transferred due to this incident thus the link should be reviewed to ensure that the population disparity between servers is at the optimal range.


> I hope anet understood clearly that furthermore mismanagement will simply enrage your players and angry players are not gonna be pleasing.





PS: Feel free to stack yo. Another sad 2 months of linking.

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> So CD lost CL (fairly significant guild), VR transferred off of Mag (potentially temporarily)... Yet we'll end up in the same links.


Well, I guess T4 might be all the servers that Arena Net messed up with this link... I honestly don't see much potential in YB with only FC as it's link since a bunch of people that were here just to coat tail KN alliance already moved either to DR (KN link) or to ET (to coat tail BG)

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As a Dragonbrand resident, I'm sorry for the other servers affected by this. I can empathize from my position. We are queued with HoD, YB and FC and me and my guildmates came out on reset night and we were basically confined to our home BLs with nothing to do except chase the same 3-4 roamers at their spawn. Our entire home BL was capped and we couldn't even sniff the other BLs. EB had a queue of 100+! The rest 60 and 40.


I guess all the other servers just get a big lump of coal this Christmas.

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> As a Dragonbrand resident, I'm sorry for the other servers affected by this. I can empathize from my position. We are queued with HoD, YB and FC and me and my guildmates came out on reset night and we were basically confined to our home BLs with nothing to do except chase the same 3-4 roamers at their spawn. Our entire home BL was capped and we couldn't even sniff the other BLs. EB had a queue of 100+! The rest 60 and 40.


> I guess all the other servers just get a big lump of coal this Christmas.

I have accounts on both sides of the match. As bad as it is for blue, playing green is far worse. Q ebg or nothing to do for long stretches of the day (at least when I play)


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This entire relink is a joke. There's no way in this universe that BG needed a link server at all and something has definitely happened to the population of the BG server. We have been matched up against them several times in T1 and they were always very good and respectful players. What I saw today when I logged in was atrocious. BG practically owns everything including nearly every keep and garrison and are in EBG spawn camping SBI players with siege. No way to even get out of spawn as they hit you with the siege as soon as you try any of the three exits. This is not the BG I remember from previous matchups. No wonder CD isn't showing up this week. If BG keeps at this pace and Anet does nothing about it, people on CD and SBI/IoJ will not play for the next 9 weeks or will play very sparingly at best. No one wants to play when they can't accomplish everything because they can't even get out of their spawn locations.

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> @"Mystic Moon Maiden.3786" said:

> This entire relink is a joke. There's no way in this universe that BG needed a link server at all and something has definitely happened to the population of the BG server. We have been matched up against them several times in T1 and they were always very good and respectful players. What I saw today when I logged in was atrocious. BG practically owns everything including nearly every keep and garrison and are in EBG spawn camping SBI players with siege. No way to even get out of spawn as they hit you with the siege as soon as you try any of the three exits. This is not the BG I remember from previous matchups. No wonder CD isn't showing up this week. If BG keeps at this pace and Anet does nothing about it, people on CD and SBI/IoJ will not play for the next 9 weeks or will play very sparingly at best. No one wants to play when they can't accomplish everything because they can't even get out of their spawn locations.


They won’t be matched against BG for 9 weeks. It’s one up, one down.

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I just hope no one will forget any of this...

As a previous 6 year Player. I Literally just came back to game _seriously_ about 2 weeks ago mainly for friends, but also heard balance was better. I left before because PoF was Pure Cancer, Win or Lose. Also, Yes, I am a CD Player. So, it shouldn't hurt for me to be one of many to confirm... That this match up is disgusting. Playable? Debatable. Enjoyable? Not even considerably so.


@Anet I appreciate the apology. Even if it's "to save face" perhaps. Though, I think it's important to express what I am disappointed about versus what I am not. So here I go...


What I Am Not Disappointed About

- "**An error was made**"... Assuming the fact that it was. Accident's are what they are. Therefore, there is no reason for me to hold any kind of Anger. Frustration maybe, but certainly not anger.

- **The Apology**: Again, if it was an accident. Resulting in the current situation and it's overall surprising "technological limitations". Which, is all to which you (Anet) are apologizing for. I'll still say... Thank You very much for the attempted apology. Seriously, but that is not actually core issue here BECAUSE... it was an accident. Regardless of what _may_ have followed. So What's the Core issue I find? Well Let's get into that next.


What I Am Disappointed About

- **No Appearing Concern On Making It Right**: If the error, that was made, could be fixed quickly. That would be one thing to be able to indeed, fix it quickly. However, this is not the case here. Instead now we have a prolonged "Accident" with a prolonged negative outcome. Point is there's a difference between a **big** accident and a **small** one... and bigger accident's are harder to ignore reasonably so. So, coming back after Christmas and "fixing" the match-ups (error) isn't called "Making It Right" (as I would state). That's just called doing your freakin Job. Or at least to the degree of whatever individual(s) burdened with the task. Though, if your going to state an apology addressed as a company... Then consider the "Job" mutual in that respect from which you took the blame, as a company. Don't just say your sorry; prove it. Or at the very least address that you will properly.


- **Years of WvW Neglect**: While I do recognize most of the advances in WvW over the Years (and am mostly very Grateful for). To say WvW has been put on the back burner would almost be an understatement. So the feeling of Neglect tends to linger. Thus, it has fueled my disappointment around the Lack of Importance to do anything more than your (Anet's) typical Job. That of which seems to have been displayed here as I've read. Also, I'm certain other's experience this level disappointment as well.

Infact, I know some do personally. So that, on top of being a CD player experiencing this first hand. Just add's another nail right back into the coffin. Which is to why I even bothered typing this up. While still giving as fair as a response as possible.


Final Thoughts

@Anet What will you do to make it Right? and if you can't answer that. Then instead please do answer... Do you have any Intentions to make it Right? Outside of just doing... You know... your Job.


Anyways, Merry Christmas all... Not interested in being a Scrooge, but I felt the need to contribute in saying how it really is.

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This re-linking error not only affects CD and GoM, for some strange reasons and i believe it's no error, they gave BG a link, making BG once again King of T1 for the next two months. BG by itself is already consistantly moving in and out of T1 and yet ANet feel the need to give them a link?


Now BG is so fat that they have won every skirmish since re-link and have been camping enemies Garri Keep for more than 10 hour now. And this is happening on a week long holiday break for most players. Well done ANet!


I guess what many players are saying is true that ANet doesn't care much about WvW, and instead of actually being there to observe what is really happening, ANet chose to rely on the forum cry wolves to make their decisions on linking.



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