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Help - cannot rez due to long combat lock


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I'm a Guardian combat healer who often can't rez people for 20 seconds or more after the fighting has finished.

While all around me. players who were fighting just a few seconds earlier are rezzing people, while I'm useless as still stuck in combat lock.

I've tried clearing conditions etc but haven't found anything that works. Even moving out of the fighting to try and let combat lock cool down.


Could this be because some opponent has targeted me with some long lasting damage?


At other times, I can be in the commanders stack, AoE all around and on us, and yet I can rez someone who goes down. Perhaps because I wasn't targeted directly?


On occasion I've asked about this in WvW chat but never had a reply - perhaps its a newbie question.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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@"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> In my experience, if I do not have condi’s on, then someone that has hit me for damage, or that I have hit for damage, is still alive and within a certain distance (can at least be as far as 2000) but not sure when the disengage kicks in.


Thank you, perhaps it is this.


I've even had this happen in our inner garri, opponents are all dead(apparently), yet my group are rezzing people but i'm still locked out - driving me crazy - a healer who cannot heal :(

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> @"Malkom.5607" said:

> At other times, I can be in the commanders stack, AoE all around and on us, and yet I can rez someone **who goes down**. Perhaps because I wasn't targeted directly?

Just to make sure: Down or defeated (=completely dead)? You can rez downed players during combat, but have to get out of combat to rez defeated players. Sometimes, defeated players with web connection issues can't be rezzed, because the location of their body is not exactly where it is displayed. Maybe run around then and try to start rezzing in close proximity. Only 5 (I think) players can rez a defeated one at a time. But then a message pops up, that you cant rez because of that.

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> @"Malkom.5607" said:

> I'm a Guardian combat healer who often can't rez people for 20 seconds or more after the fighting has finished.

> While all around me. players who were fighting just a few seconds earlier are rezzing people, while I'm useless as still stuck in combat lock.

> I've tried clearing conditions etc but haven't found anything that works. Even moving out of the fighting to try and let combat lock cool down.


> Could this be because some opponent has targeted me with some long lasting damage?


> At other times, I can be in the commanders stack, AoE all around and on us, and yet I can rez someone who goes down. Perhaps because I wasn't targeted directly?


> On occasion I've asked about this in WvW chat but never had a reply - perhaps its a newbie question.


> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



weapon stow also helps you to come faster ooc.


but like some People mentioned sometimes you are Infight on objects or Maybe a thief that is still next to you but invis. everything possible.

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Thank you for all the tips here - I think they have helped.


I've now a key bind for weapon stow - while using it so far haven't had the combat locked message appear.


Another thing - I'm quite clumsy when fighting and often hit objects instead of people so perhaps that associated 10 second combat lock is part of my problem.


Hopefully these will help others stuck in my situation.




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