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Where are the mount skeptics from the old forums?


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> @Ryvaken.3261 said:

> They control like a drunk motorcycle, the camera hates you from the moment you get on them, the animation is both annoying and kitten, the attack skills are basically pointless, the implementation is awkward, they look ugly, and they gate content to force you to keep playing in this travesty of Guild Wars history to build up masteries AGAIN.


> But who cares? As long as the unwashed masses have new things to show off and grind for, that's the majority of the playerbase. People that actually want quality can suck it.


Personally, I disagree. I love the way they control. It feels natural and like a real creature.

I have played games that have mounts and there is no feeling to them. They turn instantly wherever your camera goes in other games and it looks unnatural.

These mounts look and feel great. I feel like at times that is what I would experience riding a creature like that. I have experienced zero issues with the camera.

The engage skills feel more fluid entering into battle, I feel many of them each have their place in initiating a battle.

These masteries were INFINITELY EASIER TO EARN COMPARED TO HEART OF THORNS and even those were not hard to obtain.

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Where are they? It's kind of hard to fight "the mount thread" when mounts were confirmed to be in the expansion and usable in core Tyria.


And to be honest, many of the responses in those threads were "Yes!", "Yes with caution", or "It'd be cool, I guess." The really loud "No" responses were few. It might have seemed like the Cautious ones were against it, but it's more they were concerned about interference and graphical load.


PS: Having a thread asking about that seems kinda . . rubbing it in and being ungracious. Can we just be glad that it's over?

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Here I am, I was one of those who didnt like the idea (never went in a fight about that though) but more so because I couldnt imagine mounts with different functionalities and wide open maps like the ones we got in this expac. So Anet proved me wrong and I have no problems with aknowledging that. I was surprised how good they feel and how much fun they are. Still there are a few problems showing up here and there, like people not having the expansion are a bit angry about all those mounted players killing theyre stuff so fast in low level maps.


It doesnt surprise me though, that there are waypoint unlocks to buy in the lion trading shop now, it is a logical follow up to what the mounts do to the smaller maps. Not that this is a problem to me due to the fact that I will never buy one of these unlocks, but at least this is - for me - the only thing I do consider a bit of a weak solution.


At the same time I feel like the mounts are a good way to help players getting map completion faster. Since ages I finally took the time to play my Mage again which has around 76% map completion on central tyria, and I have to say the speed in which in can finish the smaller maps now is crazy. I will try to complete one map every day now, no matter on what character, its too easy now.


Now I still think usual mounts like the ones in WoW would not have been a great addition to GW2 due to the fact that waypoints make them completely obsolete, but the devs again had another good idea how to seperate their game from all the WoW clones and how to give the mounts meaning through mechanics that do not simply nullify old mechanics like waypoints. Instead they are integral to the new maps and therefor feel authentic and reasonable. In decreasing the amount of waypoints and making the maps bigger and adding otherwise unreachable locations they smartly avoided what I had been afraid of could appear to be a questionable and unjustifyable addition to the game.


Well done!


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My grip against mounts, was that the way people wanted them, they would have been nothing more then large obnoxious store bought run-speed boosts. Needless to say, I am still very much against that kind of mount being put into the game.


I was against mounts, because they would not have added anything of value to the game, now with PoF, they have a reason to exist, and they don't disrupt the core game.


Thankfully, Anet made it so they con't congest active areas, like banks and crafting areas, which was another objection to them being put in.


Now, I am all for added cosmetics for mounts, like for example, being able to apply the magic carpet effect to the Griffin mount for example.

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I hated the idea of mounts. This was largely based on how they were implemented in other games as a pure cosmetic that allowed you faster movement with little else to add to gameplay. Another reason was because I didn't feel they were necessary with so many waypoints around on core maps. I've since changed my mind because of how well the mounts were implemented into this game with their own unique abilities and actually have a good use, I also like the way you can engage into combat with them and gain buffs, barrier, CC etc depending on the mount used. I've gone from absolutely hating the idea to enjoying them quite a bit.


I agree that to begin with, some of them felt horribly sluggish and unresponsive, I absolutely hated the Springer when I first unlocked it, but you get used to how to control them pretty quickly.


I don't understand why there are people advocating their removal in core maps citing things as easily avoiding enemies (something most people did in the first place unless doing quests or events) or how trivial it makes map completion - sorry, but map completion when you've done it a quite a few times is just boring as all hell, so being able to complete the task quicker is welcome to me. Mounts also don't stop you exploring, the chances are, if you are running through the maps as quickly as possible on a mount, you weren't going to just stop and smell the roses on foot either. Some people go to maps because they want to explore, they can do this on amount, others want to get through a zone as quickly as possible, whether this means completing the map 100% or just passing through, but they'll do that as quickly as possible - I don't understand why people are concerned about what others are doing when it doesn't affect you, why do you care if someone uses a mount to get to a vista? Some people forget that back at the start, people were begging for mesmer portals to get up to some of them and at JPs, so it's not like there wasn't any elimination of thought there either, should we have banned mesmer portals?


I also find it somewhat comical how the people still staunch about how mounts are bad are using them anyway. Surely if you're advocating something being bad, you should stick to your guns and ignore their existence otherwise your argument doesn't really amount to much when you can't stand by it.


Also, why does anyone think that people against mounts will have left the game? If something like mounts make you leave, then you can't really have cared much about the game anyway. If I still didn't like the idea of mounts, I wouldn't be ditching out when I enjoy playing GW2 as it is.


> @Tumult.2578 said:

> Personally, I'd expect many of those non mount players are taking some time off. To make an accurate, unbiased comment here would require PoF owners to play a few days in Core Tyria without mounts. That way they would see things that are happening to non mount players. For example, doing the Teq World boss fight now consists of being constantly trampled or having several mounts standing on top of you, obstructing your view, and then when Teq arrives and those same players miss time their jump or dodge and are downed, they yell at you for not instantly rezzing them. Having to defend the batteries seems to have become a perfect example of pay to win because there is no way a non mount player can do equal damage to Teq and then get to the batteries and do equal damage there too and get back again. The mount speed difference is massive and allows doing more damage, for longer periods, and still get back in time to beat the non mount players back.

> While this should be fine in PoF maps, but I'm afraid it will destroy cooperative PvE if it remains unchanged. If you think this inaccurate, please try it without mounts and watch all the mounted players way off ahead of you in the distance already doing damage.


This is a perfect example of ludicrous hyperbole. You're using Teq as an example here thinking that mounts now mean the difference between gold and lower tier awards? What are you doing to get such a low tier, just sitting AFK until the last 1%? Having a mount doesn't give you any massive advantage by arriving a to a battery a few seconds before anyone else because of the number of mobs that are around in that phase allows any player to arrive and do damage, as does returning to Teq. If you're at Teq from the start, you're getting gold no matter what. This is the absolute worst example you could have possibly used to try and make any kind of point about why you don't like mounts and think they are ruining anything.


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I was a mount skeptic from the beginning, I didn't see a point to mounts bc of all of the WPs & I thought we'd get silly, stiff mounts (like rainbow unicorns or rainbow something silly) that would take away the last bit of aesthetic gw2 has for me. I loved wildstars mount animations; when you ran or walked on a mount, it seemed genuine like the animators took their time to look at how a Boar ran, or thought of how a raptor would run or walk. That was Wildstar though, So coming from a long history of Gw1 that had NO mounts, or a reason for them pissed me off when people believed gw2 needed them. It's not that I was entirely against mounts, but we had no need for them. With the release of PoF the mount system has blown me away in a positive direction. The little bounce animations when you're on the jerboa-springer mount I adore. I was a skeptic turned into a defender, I'll defend the heck out of the mounts now!

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I just had a rather jaw-dropping experience doing the Agent Rexx Event. I was on my 55 Ranger doing the Event with a 5 Elementalist.; an honest-to-goodness level-number-is-gray-to-me level 5. We were at the part where the giant undead spawns. I had shot one of the smaller undead so they all grouped up around my pet and she rides in on her Raptor and one shots the group. I was shocked. I had come to accept that level 80s on Raptors did a significant amount of damage with mounts but a level 5 one-shoting a pack of at-level MObs was completely unexpected.

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> @Jaquelidor.2618 said:

> I just had a rather jaw-dropping experience doing the Agent Rexx Event. I was on my 55 Ranger doing the Event with a 5 Elementalist.; an honest-to-goodness level-number-is-gray-to-me level 5. We were at the part where the giant undead spawns. I had shot one of the smaller undead so they all grouped up around my pet and she rides in on her Raptor and one shots the group. I was shocked. I had come to accept that level 80s on Raptors did a significant amount of damage with mounts but a level 5 one-shoting a pack of at-level MObs was completely unexpected.


I think they still need to look at the numbers for the engage skills in lower level zones because there was a statement that they were fixing it.

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I'm one of the no-mount people and I'm still here.


The mounts themselves were implemented better than I figured they would so that is a plus to their credit even though I'm iffy on the way they handle. I would be mostly unbothered by it if they remained in PoF only maps but it's the fact they are permitted through the rest of core Tyria and HoT and THAT is what still makes me unhappy about them despite the clever way they are utilized.


But they're in the game now and there's no sense in continuing to argue against them. It is what it is.

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I'm still a mount skeptic and I've never thought (or think) that Guild Wars need mounts because of the waypoint system. Teleportation makes travel by mount pretty useless and I used to think that the addition of mounts would just make the game messy. However, now there are mounts in the game and I like them. I like that they're not the typical generic mounts which almost every other MMORPG has, but that they each are bound to different masteries and have unique skills for transportation. They're all useful in their own way!

I still stand by that I don't think the game actually needs mounts, and that it would still be as great without them. Still, mounts haven't ruined the game in anyway, but contributed to it.

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Personally I was opposed to mounts before and I hated that it'd come with PoF. But what can I Say? They were very well implemented, with the content designed for them, the flavor they bring and how everything comes together ....

Tbh Im still not sure about the Griffon, but that's a discussion for another day

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