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Problems with survability.


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Hi. I'm kinda of a new warrior here. I searched online for some builds and went with power warrior. I crafted myself a full exotic berserker gear (plus asceded rings and amulet via laurels)


Sure, I hit like a truck, but I don't seem to survive too much. I have a hard time versus som veterans, even being downed by a few. I seem to resist a lot less than, i.e, my power minion necro (also with full berserker exotic gear.) Sure, the minions tank a lot of damege, but still, that's a light armor wearer and warrs are heavy armor wearer.


Current build is dual axe / dual mace, specialization is Strenght 3-3-1, Discipline 2-3-1, and Arms 2-2-3. Selected skills are mending (heal), For great justice, Bull's charge, Stomp and Signet of rage (elite).


Any pointers? Am I evading too little? Wrong build? Wrong gear? Too noob? Any info is helpful. Thanks. (Also, no access to HoT or PoF so those specializations are out of the window.)

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Your problem is:

* Strength, discipline and arms

* Full zerk gear.

* mace

* Signet of rage

* Stomp

* Dual Axe


You are basically screaming "Come kill me"


A warrior must have Defense, discipline, and (your choice of X trait.)

Defense and discipline are mandatory or warrior becomes unplayable in competitive modes.

It is a real shame that warrior is held hostage by these 2 traits.



* Defence 1,1,1

* Discipline 2,3,3

* Strength or Spellbreaker


For utilities, you MUST USE:

* Endure pain

* Berserker Stance

* Your choice of X utility.


For weapons use:

* Sword or dagger main hand

* Shield off hand

* GreatSword

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I'm not too worried about competitive modes. Don't really care for PVP or dungeons / raids. Maaaaaaybe fractals, but **just maybe**. I'm more focused on roaming the world, completing the map (to the max extent considering I don't have the expansions) and helping in world bosses and stuff.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> Your problem is:

> * Strength, discipline and arms

> * Full zerk gear.

> * mace

> * Signet of rage

> * Stomp

> * Dual Axe


> You are basically screaming "Come kill me"


> A warrior must have Defense, discipline, and (your choice of X trait.)

> Defense and discipline are mandatory or warrior becomes unplayable in competitive modes.

> It is a real shame that warrior is held hostage by these 2 traits.


> Use:

> * Defence 1,1,1

> * Discipline 2,3,3

> * Strength or Spellbreaker


> For utilities, you MUST USE:

> * Endure pain

> * Berserker Stance

> * Your choice of X utility.


> For weapons use:

> * Sword or dagger main hand

> * Shield off hand

> * GreatSword


Kek, MUST USE, get out dude, not to mention that he is pretty obviously talking about casual pve.


And nobody MUST USE anything, i for example dont even play endure pain or berserker stance in pvp or wvw anymore, balanced stance and shake it off are just as good.




To OP, you can easily swap out arms for defense to get adrenal health healing, auto balanced stance and auto endure pain to avoid getting cced or oneshot


Also, forceful gs is way better than great fortitude, and if you need even more survivabillity you can take might make right instead of berserkers power, which is a big loss of dmg, but a deadman does 0 dmg afterall.


Weapons are fine, you can use gs instead of mace to kite around enemies, gs3 to avoid and deal nice dmg to them while doing so. In the base game thats basically all you need, fractals is a bit different, but there you often have more support than running solo open world



Check out this thread, where i already posted a build i use in open world pve with some additional thoughts



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It looks to me like your build is deficient in Healing (and since you only care about OW PVE, I can help you). Warrior generally isn't flush with defensive skills, boons, etc ... so you should try to pick up heals where you can from the 'triggered heal' traits when you need them. Luckily, warrior has lots of them so you can stack them from different trait lines as you need. Unluckily, you picked almost all the trait lines that don't have them.


First thing I would recommend it to try Heal Signet and use it only passively. While it's not the biggest heal values over the long term, it gives you more effective HP than a one time heal. It WILL affect the feel of how your warrior will play that I can't explain so just try it and see if that helps you


Second thing I would recommend is if you STILL need more healing, consider changing your build to supplement your build with at least one of the following traits. I put them in order of lowest impact to your build and coincidentally, the lowest additional healing for you:


1. If you generate lots of might, Might Makes Right is a good option but it doesn't look like you build does, so this would be the least effective choice in this list, but the least impact on your current build

2. Dump Discipline for Defense. You will get Adrenal Health

3. Dump Discipline for Tactics, take Vigorous Shouts and Shrug it Off; Dump Stomp for Shake it Off ... the biggest disruption, the best healing option IMO. The shouts are ammo based and Shrug it off will work with Vigorous Shouts as a big passive heal.


I also think the advice about getting a ranged weapon is good, especially if just making the change to heal signet works for you.



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I will write you a build, give me some time. For Open World PvE is has everything, great damage, great defense, great sustain.


EDIT: Read this thread from almost a year ago, it will give you a good insight into the build. My plan is to update this thread because few things have changed since then and people forgot about it. I will work on getting it on meta build.



a bit changed build:






Strength - run Great Fortitude trait


Runes - run all nightmare runes, it will give you a great sustain! Getting more than 2k healing on a kill is just awesome when fighting multiple foes!


Everything else is pretty much the same :)


Hope this works for you, enjoy!

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I'm not very experienced with warrior and I had the same issue.

I took defense line with shield master, last stand, and defy pain.

I'm playing full stances: defiant, endure pain, and balance/berserker depending on situation. Usually balance for obvious reasons.

I also took might makes right, restorative strenght, and forcefull greatsword. probably overkill.


I engage a pack of mobs (5+): endure pain and frenzy (+ signet of rage if necessary).

It's 5s of immunity.

Then I time well my defiant Stance for a full heal and 5s of immunity.

I still have defy pain in case of.

With all this, I can do great things in open world. I have solo a lot of champions. Sometimes, I drop very low until defiant is up again, then endure... It's that great!

Again big pack, I engage with shield block to get insta 10-15 might.


The best part is defiant stance, best heal with immunity as well. Sure sometimes I messed with it, but I still get healed by adren health and might make right. In fact, I don't use defiant very often.


Damage wise, it is obviously lower than meta. Mostly due to berserker power and peak performance. But it could be mixed in easily.

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So, I tried many of your suggestions. First of all, switched all berserker's gear to soldier's.. Following some of your advice (mostly Mikali's and Obtena's), got defense traits, for adrenal health and auto balance & auto endure pain. Also, dropped the maces in favor of a rifle.


I still feel I kill stuff fast enough to be comfortable, and resist a lot more. Got like 29k HP on level 80 maps. I'm using healing signet, on my mark, bull's charge, banner of defense and the signet as the final ability. All in all, it has given me newfound love for the character and I'm having a blast playing it.


Again, thank you all for your inputs.

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