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Make Thief great again

Raiden The Beast.3016

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Focus on PVP


We are struggling hard as Thief, with each patch it is going more and more worse. Fixed in one role since years. No team fight value, no duelling, no substain next to evades, wet noddle dmg, ... but fast on the map.


For more discussion input please follow the Link to Noody tube. Ty Noody for bring up this topic on your channel.





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More QQ from people who want to play thieves like brawlers.


The class is in a fine spot and it's better than it has been in a while. The direct nerfs from last patch were pretty inconsequential, whereas the indirect buffs (i.e. nerfs to other classes) helped out thieves quite a bit.


I love this game, but the community is so hyper-focused on class balance or any other reason people can use to justify their difficulties being successful in PvP. There's almost no conversation about how what players have done to get better or how they can adapt to difficulty. It's all defensive excuses from people who want to justify their entitled whining.


This game really needs more people that can put on their big boy pants and stop being so damn emotional about everything.

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Haha wow,thief is literally being destroyed slowly and as usual we get a post saying their in a great spot,thief player I’m sure lol and another saying their enjoying the spec that’s literally half the reason core and DD are getting gutted and ontop mentioning not using certain traits that are what?are op? lol there literally some of the few ones left effective. Post like these may as well not exist,there’s far too many people that are babies that have got all but hurt when they got ganked by thieves and now have a hate on for them and just want to keep them weak so they can roll over them with there power crept class.if u lose to a core or DD in pvp or wvw ur a bad player or new

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People complain about a 4 sec on evade in dagger storm that does random aoe that’s not even doing high dps and whined to get stability removed from it yet having 6-8 sec or more in a lot of other cases totally invulnerable and blocks ontop etc on their op classes that arnt even as glassy as the thief haha such BS people are so transparent

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> More QQ from people who want to play thieves like brawlers.


> The class is in a fine spot and it's better than it has been in a while. The direct nerfs from last patch were pretty inconsequential, whereas the indirect buffs (i.e. nerfs to other classes) helped out thieves quite a bit.


> I love this game, but the community is so hyper-focused on class balance or any other reason people can use to justify their difficulties being successful in PvP. There's almost no conversation about how what players have done to get better or how they can adapt to difficulty. It's all defensive excuses from people who want to justify their entitled whining.


> This game really needs more people that can put on their big boy pants and stop being so kitten emotional about everything.


Every time there is a butchered underpowered profession almost everyone who doesn't play that profession will gather 'round and be like _"This is fine"_ just because they don't want to have one more profession they'd actually have to outplay, now I am not saying you are not playing Thief, I don't know anything about whether you do or not, but the points in the Video are all hard facts while all you say is literally _"put up with it"_, well that is bullshit. No. Ele should probably put up with their insanely fucked up state too I suppose? Everyone should bow down to Mesmers, Warriors, Rangers and Holos? "Put up" with them because its what big boys do? Big boys ignore problems according to you? They don't solve them? Big Boys don't stand up for what is right but rather silently take all the blows? I've seen this "argument" million times before, it's been always reactionary bullshit.


Also, it is objectively worse than it has **ever** been with an exception to DE which is what everybody complains about.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > More QQ from people who want to play thieves like brawlers.

> >

> > The class is in a fine spot and it's better than it has been in a while. The direct nerfs from last patch were pretty inconsequential, whereas the indirect buffs (i.e. nerfs to other classes) helped out thieves quite a bit.

> >

> > I love this game, but the community is so hyper-focused on class balance or any other reason people can use to justify their difficulties being successful in PvP. There's almost no conversation about how what players have done to get better or how they can adapt to difficulty. It's all defensive excuses from people who want to justify their entitled whining.

> >

> > This game really needs more people that can put on their big boy pants and stop being so kitten emotional about everything.


> Every time there is a butchered underpowered spec almost everyone who doesn't play that spec will gather 'round and be like _"This is fine"_ just because they don't want to have one more profession they'd actually have to outplay, now I am not saying you are not playing Thief, I don't know anything about whether you do or not, but the points in the Video are all hard facts while all you say is literally _"put up with it"_, well that is kitten. No. Ele should probably put up with their insanely kitten up state too I suppose? Everyone should bow down to Mesmers, Warriors, Rangers and Holos? "Put up" with them because its what big boys do? Big boys ignore problems according to you? They don't solve them? Big Boys don't stand up for what is right but rather silently take all the blows? I've seen this "argument" million times before, it's been always reactionary kitten.


> Also, it is objectively worse than it has **ever** been with an exception to DE which is what everybody complains about


Agree 100%

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thief being in the state it’s in currently and people in the community still crying for nurfs hoping for it to be rendered useless for whatever vendetta they have against the class with little regards for the players that actually enjoy the class is pretty disappointing but not surprising in any way, people are so transparent and petty lol the sad thing is we all kno most of our fellow players are cry for thief nurfs out of ignorance to how the class works and selfishly just want it to not challenge them or it’s because they got their weak pride hurt being ganked by one a few times and hurt their ego,how dare this class be able to compete with mine. I kno this sounds silly but what’s more silly is there’s a lot of truth to it

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Some games can rely on their community and is ahead because of it,warframe kinda like that but I think Arenanet needs to learn how to proper balance their own game and unfortunately ignore most of its community, not saying the whole community is the problem but this one in particular seems to not care as much for the game to be balanced as a whole but instead just want their class to over performing and the others gutted as if that will make the game more fun for them lol

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I will say I do agree with Noody opinion on these changes having a greater impact on Core and HOT build in comparison to the impact these changes are having on POF builds. I think in a sense, instead of Anet affecting older utilities and traits just address inconsistencies in the elite traits and utilities specifically or buff CORE and HOT traits. Maybe adding more utilities for each specific elite trait instead?

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Haha wow,thief is literally being destroyed slowly and as usual we get a post saying their in a great spot,thief player I’m sure lol and another saying their enjoying the spec that’s literally half the reason core and DD are getting gutted and ontop mentioning not using certain traits that are what?are op? lol there literally some of the few ones left effective. Post like these may as well not exist,there’s far too many people that are babies that have got all but hurt when they got ganked by thieves and now have a hate on for them and just want to keep them weak so they can roll over them with there power crept class.if u lose to a core or DD in pvp or wvw ur a bad player or new


I mentioned those traits because they're the common options for thief and the reasons for most of the hate directed at us, my point being that at the time I was playing well off meta and having fun regardless. If you're not having fun, play something else. It's really not that hard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

out of all the pvp season i have played with thief and this was the worst experience as thief in pvp i have had yet. i played other classes and it was 10x easier than playing thief and more useful. they say our role is to decap cause were fast hell ive seen Soul beasts outrun me as a thief. hell i would say a ranger pet is better than thief right now.

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