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Changes for Griffon/ Beetle Races regarding the leaderboard, cold start, timekeeping


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I want some changes to improve the Griffin / Beetle Races.


This is basically 3-4 changes that would make these races more attractive to many.


Before anyone here says that I want to complain because I'm not good at this races or anything like that, here's a link to my YouTube channel, where you'll find videos with a top 50 times for every griffon race.




1. The leaderboard should be completely visible. Here is my suggestion that the top 10 appear in the game, in addition to the top 4 of the friends list / guild / etc. and the best 1000 on the GW-HP , maybe with an ingame button, linked right to the list on the HP.


2. It should not be possible to make an approach start in the Griffon races (also roller beetle). The races should always only be able to be started from a standing position. Because the worst of the races right now is the start, see my videos on the Griffon races. You can not go to the top times without an approach start.


3. Because of point 2 the leaderboard should be adjusted to 0 and the old leaderboard can be documented on the HP.


4. After each trial, you should see the time that you had in the current run. It's shitty to see only the best time of the day. Also, in some races 1-2 split times are nice to have, so u can see at which sections you can / must work on.


5. A point that has already been suggested elsewhere. Prices for the best monthly (number depends on the prices, small prices the best 100, hammer prices, the first 3-10 would be my suggestion), which requires an additional monthly leaderboard. Maybe something for the best 10 active on the alltime list, as long as they are still active.


Here is another thread that I found, where many people have talked about the topic concerning the Griffon races over a year ago and that top people found the approach start very stupid.



I think that with these changes, the races will generally be more interesting, more people will enjoy improving their times and compete with others. Monthly prizes promote continuity and the races are even more important. Maybe there will be a whole league at some point. At the Beetle races, small league races with Gem prizes are already being held.


For those who dont like those races, just dont do em, noone forces u to. This should be changes for the people who want a little bit competitive stuff and got fun with it. Those who just want to grind there meaningless equipment, feel free to do so. But please stop crying according to mount races, which finaly brings a little bit fun into this solo grind game.


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I'm not wholly against this, but there are some fundamental arguments against. For starters, why should a very small piece of new content designed just for a bit of fun, have better and more regular rewards than any other part of the game, esp spvp or wvw where such communities have being crying out for improvements for years.


To do this leaderboard display, undoubtably requires UI changes. GW2 UI is extremely finnicky to alter and improve on as per dev comments. They may not want to make any UI changes in game just for this. They could (just to be balanced) do one identical to the AP leaderboard outside of the game I guess, but leaderboards aren't generally that popular in the game.


I'm not sure if it is even possible for the game to decide whether someone is approach starting or not (I'm no tech person). As a viewer, I kinda like watching those use it as it looks impressive and wouldn't want to see that removed.


Like I said, I'm not against it totally, I just don't think it should be given any additional priority over other parts of the game for rewards. We had 4 weeks of prizes, largely because either sponsors paid for it or because it was a cool introductory (and crucially - limited) marketing tool and that was fine. I'm unconvinced that continuous rewards for just this is healthy for the game, especially as ultimately it will boil down to just the same few players likely repeating it over and over. MMO populations are after all, notoriously fickle

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> @"ziozu.3514" said:

> The leaderboard should be completely visible.

I think the leaderboard should be completely invisible: leadboards undermine the cooperative principles ANet has worked hard to codify into the game.

(On the other hand, there's little sense in this neither-nor state when only friends show up on the list.)


> It should not be possible to make an approach start in the Griffon races (also roller beetle).

I don't agree that this is important. I don't see anything different about perfecting a running start than any other aspect of the race.


> Because of point 2 the leaderboard should be adjusted to 0 and the old leaderboard can be documented on the HP.

I think everyone would likely agree: if the rules are changed, then boards should be reset.


> After each trial, you should see the time that you had in the current run. It's kitten to see only the best time of the day.

I think everyone would also support this: it should be easier to see progress.


> Prices for the best monthly ..., which requires an additional monthly leaderboard. Maybe something for the best 10 active on the alltime list, as long as they are still active.

I can't agree at all. I think there shouldn't be any special rewards for people that just happen to be better than others at racing.




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I am completely on board with the racing component of this game evolving and improving over time. I am indifferent on the rolling or standing start. Having a monthly reward system that resets could be cool. It could also cause grief if implemented poorly. I completely agree with making the leaderboard visible so I can easily see the top times mostly because I want to see what is possible (I am only moderately skilled in the races.)

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