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A question for a big problem in this moment


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I recently sent a video, which is currently on youtube and twitch of a person who used hacks, until today the person in question is still connected and many others who use macros, denounced without stopping and they are still there, I guess anet does not give So much importance, I would like to know if today you are trying to solve this problem that is currently growing enormously, as it affects the quality of play of all those people who play normally and try as I improve in the game, I personally discouraged me from playing , I just want to know if you have any solution on the way

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I definitely understand your frustration.


There are people who ‘cheat’ the game.


Then there are people who utilize mechanics that you may not be familiar with which may appear to be hacking.


Now, historically, Anet has done bans in groups, and may not do them individually to prevent the companies that produce the software from having an easy time adjusting.


That being said, Anet isn’t going to tell you nor us the specifics of bans.

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It's highly unlikely you're going to get a response from Anet any time soon, they close the studio for Christmas and New Year and only do essential work like keep the servers running. Which, depending on how long ago you reported this person, might also be why they're still in-game. It's possible no one's had time to investigate the report or take action yet.


Here's some other possibilities, in no particular order:

* Where did you send this video? If you mean you uploaded it to Youtube then there's no guarentee anyone from Anet even knows about it. You need to email exploits@arena.net with all the details (who it is, when you saw them, what they did wrong etc.).

* They may not actually be doing anything wrong. I don't know you so this isn't a judgement on you personally but I've seen people accuse other players of using exploits because they used teleport skills or mesmer clones, or simply because they logged in near a resource node and someone through they teleported to it.

* Sometimes Anet ban hackers and botters in groups - they find as many people using the same hack/bot as they can and then ban then all together, so they can't figure out how the others got caught and avoid making the same mistake.

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You have to truly send arenanet an email and a video of a person if you think it’s a hack. Also I believe it’s a bad thing if you post the person on YouTube. You can also get in trouble for it. However using macros are not illegal or breaking rules in game.


If a macro is using 1 feature at a time then actuality the macro is claimed legal within game. However if the macro is hitting 2 features/skills at the same time, then it would be illegal. Or breaking the rules. So if this macro is only portraying 1 feature it can’t be illegal.


For instance if this macro let’s you hit skill 8 since it’s far away from your fingers. It’s acceptable. But if the button lets you dodge and jump at the same time, then it would give you a ban.


Just give clear detail to arenanet.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> [...]However using macros are not illegal or breaking rules in game.


> If a macro is using 1 feature at a time then actuality the macro is claimed legal within game. However if the macro is hitting 2 features/skills at the same time, then it would be illegal. Or breaking the rules. So if this macro is only portraying 1 feature it can’t be illegal.


> For instance if this macro let’s you hit skill 8 since it’s far away from your fingers. It’s acceptable. But if the button lets you dodge and jump at the same time, then it would give you a ban.


> Just give clear detail to arenanet.


This is the strangest opinion about macros I ever read. A macro is a programmed sequence of keystrokes and as such is against the rules because it does not follow the "1 keypress/buttonpress = one action" rule. The only macros they officially and specifically allowed are macros for playing musical instruments.


The "macro" you mention to hit skill 8 consists of only 1 action and thus is allowed. However I would not even call it a "macro" if it only triggers one action. It basically acts like a keybind.

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K> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > [...]However using macros are not illegal or breaking rules in game.

> >

> > If a macro is using 1 feature at a time then actuality the macro is claimed legal within game. However if the macro is hitting 2 features/skills at the same time, then it would be illegal. Or breaking the rules. So if this macro is only portraying 1 feature it can’t be illegal.

> >

> > For instance if this macro let’s you hit skill 8 since it’s far away from your fingers. It’s acceptable. But if the button lets you dodge and jump at the same time, then it would give you a ban.

> >

> > Just give clear detail to arenanet.


> This is the strangest opinion about macros I ever read. A macro is a programmed sequence of keystrokes and as such is against the rules because it does not follow the "1 keypress/buttonpress = one action" rule. The only macros they officially and specifically allowed are macros for playing musical instruments.


> The "macro" you mention to hit skill 8 consists of only 1 action and thus is allowed. However I would not even call it a "macro" if it only triggers one action. It basically acts like a keybind.


Macros follow the function you put in. As long as the function is 1 input, it is considered not breaking the game. However most macros function 2 at the same time which is why most (think) macros have to have multiple inputs to make it a macro. For instance if people knew. A lot of keyboards have built in macro mapping that makes 1 key to be able to use a different key or function. As long as the function, or key makes it so gw2 character or action responds with 1 action, it is legal.


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Guild Wars 2 players are permitted to use macros as long as the macros are programmed with a one-to-one function protocol. This means the following:


If you program a macro, it must require one keystroke per action. You may not program a single key to perform multiple functions. For example, if you Press A and it results in the casting of a single skill, you're ok. If you Press A and it casts multiple spells, you're not ok.

You cannot program a macro to perform the same or multiple actions on more than one account at a time.

You cannot program an "auto-clicker" macro that, for instance, opens chests while you play elsewhere, or that opens a quantity of chests with a single click.

NOTE: We make an exception for macros used for music composition or musical performances. As long as a player employs such a macro solely for the performance of in-game music, we do not place restrictions on its use.

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I knew the text in your second post. I always assumed that "keystroke" refered to an **_actual_** keystroke, as in "you press the key".


The way I understood it was that if you make a macro to press "Ctrl+Shift+H" and then use one keystroke to invoke that macro (instead of having to press all three keys) then you have "1 keystroke - one action" (hide UI). If you make a macro to press "Ctrl+Shif+H", then "PrntScrn", then press "Ctrl+Shift+H" again, then invoking that macro with one keypress causes several actions and not only one (hide UI, take screenshot, show UI).


However, if my understanding is wrong and a macro that does several actions in sequence is allowed as long as they do not happen simultaneously, how is a macro to open chests forbidden then? You cannot open several chests in a stack of chests at once, so if you open a stack of chests (one at a time) by invoking a chest-opening macro with one keystroke, it should be allowed when applying your logic?

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Please also remember that it currently is still end of the year/holidays. Don't expect a lot of movement until the first week of January.


In general you will not receive a response to these type of reports. Also Arenanet bans in waves meaning they will not immediately take action against a player but might wait until they have enough players using similar exploits and programs and then ban all of them at once.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> I knew the text in your second post. I always assumed that "keystroke" refered to an **_actual_** keystroke, as in "you press the key".


> The way I understood it was that if you make a macro to press "Ctrl+Shift+H" and then use one keystroke to invoke that macro (instead of having to press all three keys) then you have "1 keystroke - one action" (hide UI). If you make a macro to press "Ctrl+Shif+H", then "PrntScrn", then press "Ctrl+Shift+H" again, then invoking that macro with one keypress causes several actions and not only one (hide UI, take screenshot, show UI).


This may be nitpicking but you may have chosen a less useful example here. You don't need a macro to do ctrl-shift-h, you just need to go into control options and reset the keybind. Combo keys are permissible keybinds, and so is changing them to a single press, right there in the game UI controls. I've had my hide-UI bound to F11 from the very beginning of the game since ctrl-shift-h is one to two more keys than I want to find in a hurry at one time, and F11 is not only near PrntScrn but also the key I used for the purpose in previous MMOs. I imagine that the default Ctrl-T for setting target could likewise be consolidated to a single key.


In other words, ctrl-shift-h as set by the game is several keys that press to make one action and other than finding keyboard real estate there is no problem mapping that action to a single key.


Your broader point is well made, though, multiple actions can't be executed with a single input.



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I once sent in a ticket regarding a botter I spotted teleporting around, instakilling enemies from 2000+range. I included a video and everything...I got a canned response about hall of monument rewards.

Since then I've only used the in game report feature to report botters/hackers, but based on the response I got for my support ticket, I don't have high hopes that any of them got banned.

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one of the solutions to my point of view would be to reinstate the teams to five players in the rankeds, today just with the problem of the amount of wintrader in the game currently, it is impossible to play, for me to return to the teams of five It would be a solution to reduce the problem, it would not solve it but it would be much less

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