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High end Support pve chrono players, how much fun are you having now since Dec 11?


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I actually stopped playing GW2 completely atm.


The "balance" team is a joke, they aren't nerfing/reworking the functionality of the boons quickness and alacrity; just Chronomancer's ability to provide it consistently.


Their stupid intended nerf towards Chronomancer before the most recent balance patch turned out to be unchanged only to 10man Chronos, and made 5man Chrono crazy hard to play efficiently, even with the previous functionality of SoI still in place.


Then the most recent balance patch rolls around and playing a Chrono in 5man content is borderline trolling, and 10man Chronos are going to be suffering a lot similarly to how a 5man Chrono was in the Oct 2nd patch.

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> @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > Unfinished, unpolished, trapped in between patches without a clear vision. 0/10, will not play.


> Anet should find this poll very alarming


Well our community manager said devs should not have to justify their decisions, and on livestreams of anet you get made fun of in a condescending way and/or banned if you mention the state of the art of chrono, even in the friendliest way possible, so I don't have much hope. The bubble is very stronk.

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> @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > Unfinished, unpolished, trapped in between patches without a clear vision. 0/10, will not play.

> >

> > Anet should find this poll very alarming


> Well our community manager said devs should not have to justify their decisions, and on livestreams of anet you get made fun of in a condescending way and/or banned if you mention the state of the art of chrono, even in the friendliest way possible, so I don't have much hope. The bubble is very stronk.


At the very least anets goal should be for this poll to have the majority answer "about the same" or a little more fun... Seemed like they missed the mark completely. This goes beyond a simple balance rework. This is a castrophe. Putting in balance while decimating what should be the primary goal: fun, achieves neither. Without fun, people quit, as this poll overwhelmingly demonstrates.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> There are many ways to read this poll; I see it as ... whatever Anet did, it's working. People changing specs? Sounds to me like that's an expected result from the changes Anet made. Poll doesn't show people quit the game.


So anet made the changes with the primary goal of destroying fun to make people quit chrono, you think? What is the motivation to do that exactly, if that was the goal?

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> There are many ways to read this poll; I see it as ... whatever Anet did, it's working. People changing specs? Sounds to me like that's an expected result from the changes Anet made. Poll doesn't show people quit the game.


Since GW2 isn't a subscription-based game, quitting the game means little for Anet's metrics. You can read each of the bottom 2 choices as "player that will likely not spend gems on the game for a significant amount of time". Doubt that was their goal.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > There are many ways to read this poll; I see it as ... whatever Anet did, it's working. People changing specs? Sounds to me like that's an expected result from the changes Anet made. Poll doesn't show people quit the game.


> Since GW2 isn't a subscription-based game, quitting the game means little for Anet's metrics. You can read each of the bottom 2 choices as "player that will likely not spend gems on the game for a significant amount of time". Doubt that was their goal.


So what are you implying? Anet didn't assess how this (or any other) game change would impact their gemsales? You must take them for the ultimate fools. I think it goes without saying that there is always some group of people unhappy with a change. By that logic, Anet should never make any changes and leave the game in whatever broken state its in? That's some pretty short term thinking right there.


The reality is that we had changes for 6 years ... and the game is still here. SOMEONE is buying gems, despite the changes. Seems to me that whatever the impact of game changes have on gem sales is probably not as significant as this poll would suggest. Maybe if gem sales were more significantly linked to performance and not aesthetic and functional items, you might have more of a credible hypothesis there.


> @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > There are many ways to read this poll; I see it as ... whatever Anet did, it's working. People changing specs? Sounds to me like that's an expected result from the changes Anet made. Poll doesn't show people quit the game.


> So anet made the changes with the primary goal of destroying fun to make people quit chrono, you think? What is the motivation to do that exactly, if that was the goal?


Ouch, you have used your hyperbole limit for the day. Anet was pretty clear why the changes were made. Just because you don't like the after effects doesn't mean they didn't have reason to do so or give you reason to say they didn't. Your poll proves nothing but the obvious; Anyone could predict people would not like the change and move on. To be frank, I would think that's an expected and intended result.

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> > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > There are many ways to read this poll; I see it as ... whatever Anet did, it's working. People changing specs? Sounds to me like that's an expected result from the changes Anet made. Poll doesn't show people quit the game.

> >

> > So anet made the changes with the primary goal of destroying fun to make people quit chrono, you think? What is the motivation to do that exactly, if that was the goal?


> Ouch, you have used your hyperbole limit for the day. Anet was pretty clear why the changes were made. Just because you don't like the after effects doesn't mean they didn't have reason to do so or give you reason to say they didn't. Your poll proves nothing but the obvious; Anyone could predict people would not like the change and move on. To be frank, I would think that's an expected and intended result.


I am just trying to decipher your point. e. It is not about liking or not liking anything. This poll is about what is FUN, not the specifics of the changes made. If anet's intention was to kill fun, then anet is making a huge mistake. So I ask again, do you believe they are consciously trying to reduce the fun factor of pve chrono gameplay? If so, why would a reduction of fun be the goal? Do you believe balance could be achieved without reducing fun? If so, why did they not go that route?

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Obviously, Anet knew the change wasn't going to be fun for everyone, yet they did it anyways. So clearly, Anet understands they can't always appeal to everyone's sense of fun for the end good of the game. It's rather stupid to think Anet's purpose for the change was to kill fun ... so perhaps you should take a different tack.


I can't answer your question; Fun is subjective. That's why it makes no sense to try to correlate fun to balance in the first place. There are all kinds of game states that would be different combinations of 'fun' and 'balanced' to any individuals, but those things mean different things to different people, so it's rather ridiculous to speak in terms of a change being 'fun' for everyone in the game. It simply depends on the individual.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Obviously, Anet knew the change wasn't going to be fun for everyone, yet they did it anyways. So clearly, Anet understands they can't always appeal to everyone's sense of fun for the end good of the game. It's rather stupid to think Anet's purpose for the change was to kill fun ... so perhaps you should take a different tack.


> I can't answer your question; Fun is subjective. That's why it makes no sense to try to correlate fun to balance in the first place. There are all kinds of game states that would be different combinations of 'fun' and 'balanced' to any individuals, but those things mean different things to different people, so it's rather ridiculous to speak in terms of a change being 'fun' for everyone in the game. It simply depends on the individual.


You are straw manning me. I didn't say fun "for everyone" but the poll shows there is a huge issue with the fun factor of the pve chrono changes. Fun is subjective, I agree, hence the poll. Your response would only make sense if the answers to the poll were even across the board. They are not. They are heavily skewed towards the massively unfun side. So, I will refer you to my original questions.

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Again ... the purpose of the poll is what? To see if people think the change isn't fun? We don't need a poll to tell us that. It's obvious that nerfs aren't fun for people, even if in the end they could be really good for them, others and the game as a whole. Really, I think your poll is just another attempt to making yet another complaint about the changes to Chrono. We know. We heard the first time. We get it. We have to wait for more changes to see how this all works out.


One thing I am sure of: No, Anet didn't make the changes just to kill fun for people. That's just dumb. While changes can feel 'unfun' to people, the reasons that those changes are made are not because Anet doesn't want people to enjoy the game. Give your head a shake.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Again ... the purpose of the poll is what? To see if people think the change isn't fun? We don't need a poll to tell us that. It's obvious that nerfs aren't fun for people, even if in the end they could be really good for them, others and the game as a whole. Really, I think your poll is just another attempt to making yet another complaint about the changes to Chrono. We know. We heard the first time. We get it. We have to wait for more changes to see how this all works out.


> One thing I am sure of: No, Anet didn't make the changes just to kill fun for people. That's just dumb. While changes can feel 'unfun' to people, the reasons that those changes are made are not because Anet doesn't want people to enjoy the game. Give your head a shake.


The purpose of the poll is to grade anet on their ability to achieve balance while maintaining fun for the chrono players as a whole, on average. I am not making a complaint. I made a poll. I had no idea what the results would be. If anet didn't make the changes to kill fun for people, then they are bad at balancing in general, because if they were good at it then they should have been able to achieve at a MINIMUM, "about the same" levels of fun while simultaneously achieving their balance goals. This poll proves that is not the case. I did not say anet wants people to not enjoy the game. Another strawman. Stop that.

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Obtena's Schadenfreude is petty. Can we keep on topic? Poll clearly shows people are unhappy with Chrono. "We have to wait for more changes" means we don't play the game while we wait, because we value our time highly and don't want to spend it playing something that is not fun. Can't fathom why you argue for that, if not out of pure spite for chrono players. You paint a pretty clear picture here of what and how you think, and it doesn't make you look good.

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I'm not arguing you should play what you don't find fun so if that's what you got from my posts, it's clear you need to practice your comprehension, hard.


The only thing that doesn't look good is when people can't recognize game changes that benefit the greater good of the game. Yup, I got Schadenfreude, but it's not because I'm petty. It's because for the first time in a LONG time, Anet is moving in a direction they have to take for the long term health of the game, even if it's painful for some people. That shows commitment and it's needed.

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I wish Obtena went back to the Guardian forum where he was posting the same type of nonsense.


It’s pretty simple... we all knew that chrono support was over performing and needed a change. What ANet did was a complete nosedive into something that makes it not worth taking in almost any scenario.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> I wish Obtena went back to the Guardian forum where he was posting the same type of nonsense.


> It’s pretty simple... we all knew that chrono support was over performing and needed a change. What ANet did was a complete nosedive into something that makes it not worth taking in almost any scenario.


Right but even if it was not worth taking into almost any scenario, it could almost be forgiven if the changes made chrono fun. The lack of fun is the huge problem over the uselessness imo...even useless can be fun if done right...but both useless and not fun? That's a double whammy of bad design.


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This is a pointless poll as @"Obtena.7952" pointed out.


You are wondering if Chrono, players which have been OP META for YEARS and received a nerf out of their REQUIRED roll are having less fun.


Of course you had more fun when the spec was so OP that it was required and literally only the option.


This poll just shows me that a lot of people only played Chrono because it was OP and have "quit" when it lost the OP status. These were fair-weather flavor of the month [or in chronos position, flavor of the YEARS] players.



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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> This is a pointless poll as @"Obtena.7952" pointed out.


> You are wondering if Chrono, players which have been OP META for YEARS and received a nerf out of their REQUIRED roll are having less fun.


> Of course you had more fun when the spec was so OP that it was required and literally only the option.


> This poll just shows me that a lot of people only played Chrono because it was OP and have "quit" when it lost the OP status. These were fair-weather flavor of the month [or in chronos position, flavor of the YEARS] players.




All I can say is NOPE, almost 100% of what you said is wrong. This thread has almost nothing to do with what you just said and the OP even specifically said what the purpose of this pole was before you posted your comment.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I'm not arguing you should play what you don't find fun so if that's what you got from my posts, it's clear you need to practice your comprehension, hard.


> The only thing that doesn't look good is when people can't recognize game changes that benefit the greater good of the game. Yup, I got Schadenfreude, but it's not because I'm petty. It's because for the first time in a LONG time, Anet is moving in a direction they have to take for the long term health of the game, even if it's painful for some people. That shows commitment and it's needed.


. . . . But the reason you specified isn't a good reason at all for Schadenfreude. Surely you recognize that. Instead it appears you are disagreeing with anything possible just to support your interior motives. However, with that said, I applaud you for being honest at least.

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