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Can't Complete HoT or PoF


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Hey, Kent. Sorry, but I didn’t get a chance to read any of the replies above me so I may be repeating what many said. I highly recommend that you don’t get a refund and give the expansions a try. It’s true that they may be hard for first time players, but once you stick with them, they’re excellent and you’ll be bored with core Tyria.


If you’re having trouble playing Engineer (I thought Engineer was not easy to play at first), I recommend trying a Necromancer or Ranger as your first character through HoT and PoF. They’re both great for first time players. I used them as my 2nd and 3rd characters and they’re great for learning. You can use a boost on of these, then play in core Tyrian until you learn to play them, then join HoT HP train to unlock elite specs. I recommend Reaper for Necro and Soulbeast for Ranger.


For gears, I recommend getting Valkyrie gears for now. I believe they can be bought from the TP for cheap. They have power, ferocity, and vitality so they’re probably better than Berserker for starting out. If you don’t mind crafting, Marauder is even better. As for trinkets, LWS3 has ascended trinkets that are very easy to get, though for now, you may need to seek other sources.


In the chat tab’s damage section, turn off everything except damage received and see what attacks are killing you. If you can’t figure out what’s killing you, stick with ranged weapons as they’re safer. Most of the enemies require learning, so don’t be discouraged if you die a lot.


Sorry I can’t give more tips right now. I really hope you stick with it and give it a try, because the expansions are amazing once you get used to them.

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Dear all,


Many thanks to all the suggestion and comfort.

ARENANET responsed to my refund ticket, they can refund my purchase for buying this game

But can not refund me the gems because I already spend them , it says :


If you understand and agree to the terms of the refund stated above, please reply with your approval so that we may begin the refund process of your Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Collection.

We are only able to refund a gem purchase if the gems were purchased within the last 30 days and none of the gems associated with the purchase you wish to refund were used in-game.


I bought this game for $49.99 and gems for another $30. So I decide to keep the game

not sure if I will play this game for a long time , but refund looks like not a good idea


Sorry I am still trying to survival in ToH & PoF, so I didn't response others in time

I still like engineer with holosmith

Here is my favorite combo , I found it by myself and didn't see others play this combo on Youtube

Prismatic Singularity - Magnetic Shield - Static Shield - Radiant Arc

So you first use the FORCE to pull foes into you , then pull them back with the SHIELD and throw the SHIELD ,

then jump to them and chopping with the LIGHTSABER

One Combo , Two Cosplay : ) , though it's not a good way to attack, just for fun


Thanks to whom helped me on the road

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> @"kent.4193" said:

> > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > Ok then. Let me ask you this - you are aware that everything beyond the personal story is considered "endgame content," since max level is 80 and everything in the game post personal story is level 80 content? If you were to go into all those zones and just roll over everything like they were level 5 mobs, would that be exciting? Most people would say no.

> >

> > Level 80 content is meant to be challenging, and trust me, once you finally get a grasp of your class and how it works, you'll find you CAN actually roll over the content like they were lowbie zones. It takes time to figure things out in this game, especially if you are learning a "new" elite spec, which in many cases completely changes the way a class can play.

> >

> > The game gets significantly harder with HoT and beyond, and requires some practice to get through it "easily." This isn't going to happen overnight.

> >

> > edit: if you need help with stuff (builds, rotations, fights), ask in map chat. There are always people out there willing to help.


> Yeah, I just go back to Lv.1 map and use my feet to walk to Lv.80 map

> Killing monsters along the road , from easy to hard , trying to understand holosmith

> If i died in a easy or normal map with holosmith with all orange equipments, it means that's my problem

> But I have already submit a refund ticket to the offical

> just wait and see if they can refund


They made hot harder for core is dirt easy. Engi is a conplex class but your experiance is same as rest overtime you get used to it. Learn some strategies of your own to deal with situations

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@"kent.4193" I hope you start enjoying the expansion areas a bit more soon, so you don't feel the money wasted!

Some advice to increase your survivability:

**1) Gear**

Make sure your gear isn't just exotic, but that everything meshes - As you're playing sword/shield holosmith (welcome to the club, btw - it's what my engineer does!) you're mostly dealing Power damage. Make sure your gear doesn't have a bunch of Condition Damage stat. Also, while you probably shouldn't use Berserker as it's all offense and no defense, don't use a *too* defensive stat combination, as that will make your kills take too long. Choose a defensive set of runes instead, like Rune of the Dolyak.

**2) Get experience** (practical, not XP)

Heart of Thorns is quite a bit harder than Core Tyria, but there are areas that can be a kind of stepping stone. Southsun Cove and Silverwastes, if you avoid the large groups of players, are markedly more difficult than the central tyrian maps.

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> @"kent.4193" said:

> I bought the two DLCs HoT & PoF

> and sadly found that it's unfriendly for a newbie player

> 1. It's too difficult to finish a HoT & PoF mission alone even I have all orange weapons armors...etc

> 2. No one join my team , because they all finish the missions

> 3. No one join the initiate FOTM, because they all finished the initiate scales

> 4. There should be a data to reveal how a newbie played could get help or teamwork so I can consider should I buy the DLCs

> 5. SO...can you refund?


* HoT and PoF are **max level content**. Why you would attempt those at a low(er) level with low level gear is beyond me.

* "Orange" gear means golden gear, which means **exotic** rarity, _which is the second highest tier in this game_. However, the rarity says nothing about the gear's level (or your own). ;)

* Missions are usually solo content (with very few exceptions were a team is recommended), but you can always ask in **map chat** or use the **LFG tool** to find players who might help you out. This game is full of helpful experienced players. Also, finding an active guild could make your life easier as a newbie.

* This is not the place to ask for a refund (use the **support link** above). I don't see, though, why you would ask for a refund. Eventually, you will be the right level to play both expansions, so what's the point?


Edit: For further advice to a new player, please check out those links: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/581676#Comment_581676

If you keep having trouble with bosses, you should read up on one of the most important game mechanics, namely the [defiance bar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defiance_bar "defiance bar") and how to break it. In general, follow the advice from previous responses and learn the basic game mechanics etc. first before attempting end game content, so to speak.

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> @"kent.4193" said:

> Dear all,


> Many thanks to all the suggestion and comfort.

> ARENANET responsed to my refund ticket, they can refund my purchase for buying this game

> But can not refund me the gems because I already spend them , it says :


> If you understand and agree to the terms of the refund stated above, please reply with your approval so that we may begin the refund process of your Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Collection.

> We are only able to refund a gem purchase if the gems were purchased within the last 30 days and none of the gems associated with the purchase you wish to refund were used in-game.


> I bought this game for $49.99 and gems for another $30. So I decide to keep the game

> not sure if I will play this game for a long time , but refund looks like not a good idea


> Sorry I am still trying to survival in ToH & PoF, so I didn't response others in time

> I still like engineer with holosmith

> Here is my favorite combo , I found it by myself and didn't see others play this combo on Youtube

> Prismatic Singularity - Magnetic Shield - Static Shield - Radiant Arc

> So you first use the FORCE to pull foes into you , then pull them back with the SHIELD and throw the SHIELD ,

> then jump to them and chopping with the LIGHTSABER

> One Combo , Two Cosplay : ) , though it's not a good way to attack, just for fun


> Thanks to whom helped me on the road


A couple small hints along the way:


1. Definately try out a different class too. Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior and Guardian are a lot easier than classes like Mesmer, Elementalist or Engineer


2. I provided the link to metabattles open world section up top. Those builds are specifically community made for survival and maximum convenience without over specializing. Make sure to at least read some hints as to how to build and play your class of choice


3. try to see dying as part of the learning experience. Most people who hit HoT and PoF get smacked a cross the face difficulty wise. It makes becoming better and managing the content a lot more rewarding


4. Check the player helping players subforum for more help. This issue has come up before


Gl and hf

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> Don't boost yourself to 80 on your first character and jump straight into the expansions.

> It's a death sentence.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"kent.4193" said:

> > I bought the two DLCs HoT & PoF

> > and sadly found that it's unfriendly for a newbie player

> > 1. It's too difficult to finish a HoT & PoF mission alone even I have all orange weapons armors...etc

> > 2. No one join my team , because they all finish the missions

> > 3. No one join the initiate FOTM, because they all finished the initiate scales

> > 4. There should be a data to reveal how a newbie played could get help or teamwork so I can consider should I buy the DLCs

> > 5. SO...can you refund?


> * HoT and PoF are **max level content**. Why you would attempt those at a low(er) level with low level gear is beyond me.

> * "Orange" gear means golden gear, which means **exotic** rarity, _which is the second highest tier in this game_. However, the rarity says nothing about the gear's level (or your own). ;)

> * Missions are usually solo content (with very few exceptions were a team is recommended), but you can always ask in **map chat** or use the **LFG tool** to find players who might help you out. This game is full of helpful experienced players. Also, finding an active guild could make your life easier as a newbie.

> * This is not the place to ask for a refund (use the **support link** above). I don't see, though, why you would ask for a refund. Eventually, you will be the right level to play both expansions, so what's the point?


> Edit: For further advice to a new player, please check out those links: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/581676#Comment_581676

> If you keep having trouble with bosses, you should read up on one of the most important game mechanics, namely the [defiance bar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defiance_bar "defiance bar") and how to break it. In general, follow the advice from previous responses and learn the basic game mechanics etc. first before attempting end game content, so to speak.


Please, people, the OP has already stated several times that they did *not* boost to 80. @"Ashantara.8731" - what gave you the impression that they weren't even 80?


The advice about the LFG tool and learning about breakbars are really good though!

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> @"Ashantara.8731" - what gave you the impression that they weren't even 80?


One would assume that at level 80 a player already knows terms like "exotic armor" and wouldn't call it "orange". The post in general sounded like "I just got started and don't know what I am doing", and the OP themselves used the term "newbie." All combined led to my assumption.

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Make a necromancer (or ranger), use your booster or lvl him.

Go minion master with Blood Magic (?-b-b) and Death Magic (t-t-?), and well Soul Reaping or what you like.

Go soldiers gear, or maybe minstrels (abit boring), or just valk gear.

Take Well of Blood, bone minions, shadow fiend and signet of locust (with Blood magic 2, you might take another signet or skill) and flesh golem.


Then everything should be easy as long as you are not standing in fire or forget dodging huge telegraphed attacks.

Remember to utilize pets abilities for CC.

Weapon is up to you.

As soon as you get reaper, get that as you third trait-line ;)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" - what gave you the impression that they weren't even 80?


> One would assume that at level 80 a player already knows terms like "exotic armor" and wouldn't call it "orange". [...]


Not a very well founded assumption, actually, since you can level manually to 80 in a week or two of active playing.


How many players refers to Masterwork gear as just "greens"? Using the color the refer to rarity is quite common in other games, as I understand it. It was in the few games I've played before, at least (gw1 and LotRO).

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" - what gave you the impression that they weren't even 80?

> >

> > One would assume that at level 80 a player already knows terms like "exotic armor" and wouldn't call it "orange". [...]


> Not a very well founded assumption, actually, since you can level manually to 80 in a week or two of active playing.


> How many players refers to Masterwork gear as just "greens"? Using the color the refer to rarity is quite common in other games, as I understand it. It was in the few games I've played before, at least (gw1 and LotRO).


It is funny how we call it trash, blue and green.

But with rare+ we name it..

Rare, exotic and ascended (legendary).. maybe because we value it a bit more... but it is kinda strange..

Or white, green and blue is easier to “say” than yellow, orange and purpleish (wrong pinkish)?


But yeah never thought at this before :0

I think even in WoW we just called out colours on trash, but named the good stuff :0

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While I walked from Lv.1 map to Lv.80 map in core world to train my holosmith

I finished a lot of dynamic events

So I think there are also dynamic events in HoT & PoF

Then I go to HoT , changes different maps , and do some dynamic events now

Players will join dynamic events so it's not that hard like before , and if I died others will save me

I found some dynamic event timers on web





By thw way. in my country , players don't say normal, quality , excellent ,legend

We just say the colors : white , green , blue , yellow , orange , purple

I remember we say in that way while the World of Warcraft began


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Do want I did. I didn't 'get' what to do on the first GW and left it for a bit. Then came back and never left. I know everyone will say, but do find a guild that's right for you, is friendly and helpful and if they aren't move on. If anything you might make some great friends :3

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" - what gave you the impression that they weren't even 80?


> One would assume that at level 80 a player already knows terms like "exotic armor" and wouldn't call it "orange". The post in general sounded like "I just got started and don't know what I am doing", and the OP themselves used the term "newbie." All combined led to my assumption.


It's common for a MMO player to call colors instead of quality of gear in new game.

I often can see new guys ask in guild chat 'gimme the gear colors in game pls'

Classic was and stays white-green-blue-purple-gold-orange (from lowest to top quality)

but colors vary from game to game. It's easy to remember colors then all those names to come. :)


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> @"kent.4193" said:

> Dear all,


> Many thanks to all the suggestion and comfort.

> ARENANET responsed to my refund ticket, they can refund my purchase for buying this game

> But can not refund me the gems because I already spend them , it says :



> I bought this game for $49.99 and gems for another $30. So I decide to keep the game

> not sure if I will play this game for a long time , but refund looks like not a good idea


> Thanks to whom helped me on the road


Glad to see you still consider going further with GW2. Don't let the difficulty of the start to stop you playing. Most of the today veterans encountered this.

4 years ago I came in GW2 from a MMO where a good geared player was able to take tens of mobs at once. I started as a sylvari mesmer. At lvl 10 I died fighting 3 Kraits. One hour later I died fighting ONE single veteran Jungle Wurm. After that I ended a fight with a skale in a draw - he healed himself faster than I was able to do damage. After my first day of GW2 I asked myself: "What the .... " is this game? ONE mob is able to kill me? Should I stay and play or should I leave? Fortunately for me I decided to stay to see more. Now, after 4 years I'm glad of that decision.


So, nobody is happy when he dies in a game. But this is not the end of the World. Play the game. Day after day you will become better. After a while you will learn what content is designed for solo play and what content is for group. And even if you will be defeated by soloing a group event you won't be disappointed. This is GW2.

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For a variety of reasons, we've seen an influx of new players over the last few months which is **awesome**. Welcome to the game!


But please know up front that you have to learn how to play this game. "All the gear and no idea" I believe it goes - as attractive as that level 80 boost is, it's a bad place to start - any game worth playing will have a learning curve and this is no exception. There are lots of resources out there for new players and a few minutes on YouTube will go a long way to help you get started.


Make a new toon and walk through the level 80 progression just once - it's so worth it and will introduce you to the game's mechanics and concepts. It does not take long at all and you'll be playing end game content very fast. WoodenPotatos has a YouTube video specifically showing the path from noob to raid-ready and there are so many videos on how to choose and play your class.


At level 80, you want a set of Exotic Gear - Beserker's is a strong DPS choice if you aren't sure what you really want. The skills all follow the weapon choices and the ascended gear will follow - you can get it in a variety of ways, so I would recommend you play the game as you like, find a good guild, enjoy a couple of guides and go explore the world.

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I see lots of people both in HoT and PoF.

I see plenty of parties for Fractals T1.

Dozens of activities a new player can engage in.

In fact I see new players everywhere doing just fine.

My guild is full of new players doing all sorts of activities all over the world.

No clue what the OP is actually looking for.


On the other hand, I see that the new influx of players ask for help with the most ...let me find a nice word...mundane things. If they do not get the required help ASAP, which in most cases is worded like : "X boss on Mentor tag" or just tagging up as a mentor and expecting people to come to them for some reason, you can as well hide the map chat so you don't read what follows.

No matter how many times I tell my fresh guild mates to use /wiki shift+left click on an item, they constantly ask: what does this do?

If I dare telling them about dulfy.net....I am in deep trouble.

I understand that being new to a 6 year old MMO is not easy, but in my youth, achieving something meant hard work. And that made it worth while.

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If you like the game stick with the expansions. They are really great and a big upgrade to the original maps. You will get use to them and your character with time and see they are quite easy.

First POF missions are actually quite hard compared to the original story but I would recommend yo do them first so you get a raptor mount. Nowadays it is hard to keep up with people in expansions without them. Hot maps are more complex but in my opinion the best maps in the game.

Use LFG tool. You will see many groups doing stuff. Join them and have fun. Keep in mind you have to join them in their instance of a map (right click on player in squad and join map). Expansions maps, especially HOT are much more fun in a group with all the meta events.

As for the story itself. If you continue to play, with time you will return to it and will find it suddenly easy because you will get better and will know your character better.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" - what gave you the impression that they weren't even 80?

> >

> > One would assume that at level 80 a player already knows terms like "exotic armor" and wouldn't call it "orange". [...]


> Not a very well founded assumption [...]


Of course not, when you just quoted a small part of what I listed that led to my assumption. GG. ;)


> @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> It is funny how we call it trash, blue and green.

> But with rare+ we name it..


Exactly, because those are the ones you want to be able to call out correctly when you make references on gear, which happens a lot in map chat (especially when helping out newer players).


Anyways, back on topic: I think most people made it clear that asking for a refund, only to (likely) buy the two expansions _again_ later, doesn't make much sense. Just get better at the game by listening to all the helpful advice and links posted, then go back to those expansion zones once ready - it will be worth it.

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> @"iczek.9628" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > Don't boost yourself to 80 on your first character and jump straight into the expansions.

> > It's a death sentence.


> If you read his other posts you know that he did not boost his character. He leveled it normally.


I didn't. But I am leaving my post since its good advice regardless.

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As long as you are on an European server, I don't mind helping you out and doing FotM with you. Only reason I say European is because I cannot play with you if you are in a US server due to not being able to see you ?


But I don't mind giving the help of needed. Feel free to add me on friends. ?

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