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How can I get to raids without a static?

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Hello. I'm mostly a WvW player, however I have been looking for other things to do as my main game mode sometimes isn't exactly satisfying...

However it's been extremely hard to even find a pug group these days for me. Everytime I look at LFG [it's filled with only Raid Sellers](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/326118833670717441/529440884622622730/unknown.png "it's filled with only Raid Sellers") and the rare occasions a group show up, it's a 9/10 group looking for a certain profession and asking lots of KP and LI which I don't have.

One could say "Well, you could start your own group" but I haven't done raids in a while and even when I did them, it was relatively little (Xera for exemple I've only killed 2 or 3 times) compared to people sitting into 500+ LI on their banks.

Can't really ask my guilds too... They are mostly WvW players with little to no interest in PvE Raids.

So, how one is suposed to find a group when there are no groups looking for people?

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You'll never do raids today without guild.

"training run" are a joke for half : angry com and player who don't understand the point of "training", leavers who come to kill time, newbies who comes wihout proper gear, build, without skills rotation ...


Find a ~20 members guild with ~8 "uber" raid players who 're looking for stopgap players.

Have war banner + some "generic" dps like DH or SB.


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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> You'll never do raids today without guild.

> "training run" are a joke for half : angry com and player who don't understand the point of "training", leavers who come to kill time, newbies who comes wihout proper gear, build, without skills rotation ...


> Find a ~20 members guild with ~8 "uber" raid players who 're looking for stopgap players.

> Have war banner + some "generic" dps like DH or SB.

> Enjoy.


There is so much incorrect with these statements, I wouldn't know were to begin...


@TC I would definitely not recommend to PUG your way into raiding. Joining a casual raid guild would be the most efficient and fun way.


The second best approach would be to join one of the mentioned raid discord channels where people meet up for raid trainings. You'll usually have experienced players along too who will try to explain and support the run.


If you absolutely can't be bothered with the above, you can join PUG training runs which advertise their run in the LFG. Expect a lot of player fluctuation though.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > Can't really ask my guilds too... They are mostly WvW players with little to no interest in PvE Raids.


> It is very unfortunate that there is no way to solve this problem...




Yeah, I dropped the less active of my guilds and joined a guild that does some training raids... But I continue to look on LFG for the ocasional possible pug and it still mostly gold sellers which is kinda frustrating.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > > Can't really ask my guilds too... They are mostly WvW players with little to no interest in PvE Raids.

> >

> > It is very unfortunate that there is no way to solve this problem...

> >

> >


> Yeah, I dropped the less active of my guilds and joined a guild that does some training raids... But I continue to look on LFG for the ocasional possible pug and it still mostly gold sellers which is kinda frustrating.


There you go. The best thing you can do to succeed in raiding is to begin networking. Add people to your friends list that like to raid, and eventually find/form a static if you really enjoy raiding.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > > Can't really ask my guilds too... They are mostly WvW players with little to no interest in PvE Raids.

> >

> > It is very unfortunate that there is no way to solve this problem...

> >

> >


> Yeah, I dropped the less active of my guilds and joined a guild that does some training raids... But I continue to look on LFG for the ocasional possible pug and it still mostly gold sellers which is kinda frustrating.


How is the guild working out so far ? Have you been able to get into the training runs?

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> @"TokenG.7863" said:

> How is the guild working out so far ? Have you been able to get into the training runs?


The schedule for this week is pretty low on activity... I'm assuming people are still busy returning from holidays. We had to pug people for a W3 and ended up never getting past KC due the constant need to replace a pug that rage quit after 1 wipe consuming a lot of our time.


We also killed the Amalgamated thingy on W6 (Conjured Amalgamated I think? I never did that before) as a full guild group. Which ended up flowing much better than the aforementioned W3 due not needing to stop at every wipe for many minutes.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"TokenG.7863" said:

> > How is the guild working out so far ? Have you been able to get into the training runs?


> The schedule for this week is pretty low on activity... I'm assuming people are still busy returning from holidays. We had to pug people for a W3 and ended up never getting past KC due the constant need to replace a pug that rage quit after 1 wipe consuming a lot of our time.


> We also killed the Amalgamated thingy on W6 (Conjured Amalgamated I think? I never did that before) as a full guild group. Which ended up flowing much better than the aforementioned W3 due not needing to stop at every wipe for many minutes.


Nice. I haven't gotten into raids much either. Killed VG and did an escort but nothing outside of that. Have always been curious about doing them though.

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> @"TokenG.7863" said:

> > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > > @"TokenG.7863" said:

> > > How is the guild working out so far ? Have you been able to get into the training runs?

> >

> > The schedule for this week is pretty low on activity... I'm assuming people are still busy returning from holidays. We had to pug people for a W3 and ended up never getting past KC due the constant need to replace a pug that rage quit after 1 wipe consuming a lot of our time.

> >

> > We also killed the Amalgamated thingy on W6 (Conjured Amalgamated I think? I never did that before) as a full guild group. Which ended up flowing much better than the aforementioned W3 due not needing to stop at every wipe for many minutes.


> Nice. I haven't gotten into raids much either. Killed VG and did an escort but nothing outside of that. Have always been curious about doing them though.


Tbh, it feels the hardest part of raiding is getting a group. W1-W4 are relatively easy. Mechanically speaking, after watching the fight a few times one should already be aware of what will happen at certain moments. There are some few exceptions tho, like Sabetha, where you may have players that won't understand all the fight mechanics by just watching the fight simply because they aren't assigned to deal with them (cannons).


But if you stop for long periods every few minutes, you break the fluidity of the group and end up failing on somenthing you should have succeeded after a few tries.

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I got my start just by trolling LFG for groups... It's just you gotta know when to do this. There are TONS of groups in LFG earlier in the week, and especially right after daily reset when the bulk of the groups run. There's also a fair deal of lfg action earlier in the day (like 5-7 hours before daily reset), but these groups tend to fall off hard later in the week... Like even after Wednesday it'll be tough to find a group at that time.


People talk about it being hard to get into because of KP/LI's, but honestly, nobody even cares about kp anymore unless it's Dhuum or w6. And if a group is being spectacularly jerks about kp on like anything w1-4 (except maybe xera or deimos), then they aren't very good in the first place. You could always fake kp too, but you really shouldn't even bother... At this point in the game's life, most kp is 100% devalued because so many people have been straight carried through enough content week after week that it's lost all meaning. You'll see people ping all sorts of stuff and still be clueless.


The key though is to do you homework... Show up on a meta build, and know that build's role in the fight. The worst thing you can do is finally get into a group, but then blow all the easy mechanics... Because the raid community is quite small, and people will remember you, and that's 1000x worse than not having kp and is also quite irredeemable even with kp.


I would recommend making a Bannerslave (warrior) to start. Literally every group/boss requires one, and it's often the role that's pugged if there's a group who's 9/10. It's relatively low pressure because nobody cares that much if your dps is off (unless it's like, insanely off), and is never really in charge of key mechanics (other than cc). Once you know the fights better, I would consider making a druid or chrono to find groups faster, as these are the top two most sought after professions, but like don't just make one to find groups faster and not bother to learn it... Most people would rather just wait in LFG longer than take somebody that they have flagged as "20% quickness uptime chrono" or "can't heal" or whatever.


Also, if you have a tag (you probably do cuz wvw), you can just start your own groups. Just make groups for the face-roll easy bosses (w1, Escort, w4b1-3, ca) and post for exp players. Nobody really needs you to be like, a commander on those bosses... And if they do, they're not really exp. You'll have your share of missteps, but you'll start getting that sweet, sweet experience.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"TokenG.7863" said:

> > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > > > @"TokenG.7863" said:

> > > > How is the guild working out so far ? Have you been able to get into the training runs?

> > >

> > > The schedule for this week is pretty low on activity... I'm assuming people are still busy returning from holidays. We had to pug people for a W3 and ended up never getting past KC due the constant need to replace a pug that rage quit after 1 wipe consuming a lot of our time.

> > >

> > > We also killed the Amalgamated thingy on W6 (Conjured Amalgamated I think? I never did that before) as a full guild group. Which ended up flowing much better than the aforementioned W3 due not needing to stop at every wipe for many minutes.

> >

> > Nice. I haven't gotten into raids much either. Killed VG and did an escort but nothing outside of that. Have always been curious about doing them though.


> Tbh, it feels the hardest part of raiding is getting a group. W1-W4 are relatively easy. Mechanically speaking, after watching the fight a few times one should already be aware of what will happen at certain moments. There are some few exceptions tho, like Sabetha, where you may have players that won't understand all the fight mechanics by just watching the fight simply because they aren't assigned to deal with them (cannons).

Exactly :smile:, just need a crew to set sail and its just following the winds after. Understanding mechanics and the fight; experience will come slowly (just like there's almost no fail in fractals Amala anymore, that's what I believe). Like "thrag.9740" said above; networking, get in contact with raiders you're okay with or training group discords. If there is such a "wall" some spoke off, you've already passed it with your effort.

> But if you stop for long periods every few minutes, you break the fluidity of the group and end up failing on somenthing you should have succeeded after a few tries.

and when such group needs a replacement, tends to LFG. Low morale after a fail, losing a member and wasting time in LFG looking for replacement (more than 1 time) will stress the players especially for those with time constraint. Inevitably, there will be expectations for the PUG that joins in :frown:.

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