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Stop going far.


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Not that I have a problem with a good thief or mesmer decapping far, or a good warrior or SB holding +2 people there (some even win 1v1s and get a full cap). The issue comes from players going far and 1v1ing without even decapping for up to 100 points, some even dying in the end accomplishing nothing. Players should learn to realize when their strategy of choice works or not.


Same applies when the whole team goes far after getting mid and close, which most of the times ends up in a full wipe and a comeback chance for the enemy team.

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If you die in a 1vs 1 on far node, it should not, but can happen. But the worst are the ones regularly dying and STILL continue going there. Got a mesmer in my team today doing that, in total about 10 deaths, always on far. It's sad. If you want to practice 1 vs 1, pls do it unranked.

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To be honest, there are no good/bad situations, it's all about adapting. Even the player continuously dying far can be useful sometimes.


The common problem is that there are too many games where people cannot adapt and ending up like having people going 1v3 mid right after rezzing up, or afking if your all party wiped on mid.

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> @"Serenity.6304" said:

> If you die in a 1vs 1 on far node, it should not, but can happen. But the worst are the ones regularly dying and STILL continue going there. Got a mesmer in my team today doing that, in total about 10 deaths, always on far. It's sad. If you want to practice 1 vs 1, pls do it unranked.


Dueling servers is a better option for 1v1 practice.

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I was in a game where i went far and won my 1vs1 with a full cap.

The enemy respawned and i killed him again while keeping the hold on the cap.


And my team mates called me noob because i went far.


The problem is, the 1 3 1 tactic going far works only on good teams and not on wannabe pro players teams where the people have zero clue how to play to game.


Still if you go far and win the 1vs1 and get the ownership of the node you did a really big work for you team.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> I was in a game where i went far and won my 1vs1 with a full cap.

> The enemy respawned and i killed him again while keeping the hold on the cap.


> And my team mates called me noob because i went far.


> The problem is, the 1 3 1 tactic going far works only on good teams and not on wannabe pro players teams where the people have zero clue how to play to game.


> Still if you go far and win the 1vs1 and get the ownership of the node you did a really big work for you team.


It depends, if your team whipes in mid because they are in a 4v3 situation you‘ll have a massive problem. Imo the 1-3-1 split does often not work in ranked because no one seems to be able to use their brain and wait e.g. till the guy who capped close comes in. And if you die on far it‘s even worse.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> I have seen this weird ideas before. Don't go far, lets just keep home and mid. So you don't apply pressure on the map. The other team never has to bother caping their home, and then they can move as a block and outnumber your team, because you'll always have your home contested, what means the guy that just died on your team has to get home, while they 5v4 mid. I've lost all matches someone tried not to go far.


If your team is highly mobile, yes, go cap far. But if everyone on your team is slow (Engi, Necro, Guardian), you'll have a bad time trying to cap far.

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Had a game where the necro rushes far all game. I’m on thief asking him to stop and help mid, which is just barely losing fights. The guy says I should go mid and thinks that he’s carrying the team because he rushes into 2 v 1s where he lasts a short while before spending a long while respawning and slow running back to far.


Only chance I had for a decaf was once at the start of the game. Couldn’t even +1 him much because he was getting wrecked so badly.

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I've noticed a lot of necros trying to cap far when the match starts... Is it that they get over confident or something??? And also going close when the match begins, even when a thief runs in that direction... Maybe they wish to join the mid fight later on... Coz, mid fight often starts with ppl targeting necros as their appetizers and bunker classes as main course and respawn suiciders as desserts... :p


Three kind of necros...

1) over confident - 10%

2) scared and overly cautious - 5%

3) dependent on teammates and accompany the mid fight - 85%


Percentages are just roughly based on my matches... They're not derived or researched?

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Anyone who thinks going far is throwing a game could use a tutorial and a series of PvP challenges to learn about rotation.


Going far is good strategy sometimes. Going far in the start of the game is never a good strategy.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > Anyone who thinks going far is throwing a game could use a tutorial and a series of PvP challenges to learn about rotation.


> Going far is good strategy sometimes. Going far in the start of the game is never a good strategy.


Unless you know you can kill the other player and cap the two side nodes.


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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > Anyone who thinks going far is throwing a game could use a tutorial and a series of PvP challenges to learn about rotation.

> >

> > Going far is good strategy sometimes. Going far in the start of the game is never a good strategy.


> Unless you know you can kill the other player and cap the two side nodes.



Yeah... Once the enemy team done wiping your team mates on mid 4v3 and stomping the close capper , they'll be coming to you... What will you do then??? Expect your entire team to assist you in far battle??? Leaving the two nodes already capped on their favor????

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> @"TheMaverick.6104" said:

> Also... when four players go mid to suicide repeatedly, stop doing that too...



/ˈmid sinˌdrōm/

_proper noun_


a condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms while playing Guild Wars 2 Conquest.

"die mid instead of decap far" "go to mid and let home get back capped" "believes mid is the only important node at all costs"

_synonyms:_ condition, illness, complex, disorder, affliction, sickness

This condition is known to turn one's skin golden or sometimes silver.



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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > Anyone who thinks going far is throwing a game could use a tutorial and a series of PvP challenges to learn about rotation.

> > >

> > > Going far is good strategy sometimes. Going far in the start of the game is never a good strategy.

> >

> > Unless you know you can kill the other player and cap the two side nodes.

> >


> Yeah... Once the enemy team done wiping your team mates on mid 4v3 and stomping the close capper , they'll be coming to you... What will you do then??? Expect your entire team to assist you in far battle??? Leaving the two nodes already capped on their favor????


um, actually it should be 4v4. (I only go far after capping close, as mesmer. I stay with my team as a scourge/reaper. )


Usually the lone capper you killed on the far node comes back for you to kill again.

Or 1 from mid leaves for the far node.



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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > Anyone who thinks going far is throwing a game could use a tutorial and a series of PvP challenges to learn about rotation.

> >

> > Going far is good strategy sometimes. Going far in the start of the game is never a good strategy.


> Unless you know you can kill the other player and cap the two side nodes.



How he fuck do you know you can kill the other player? How are you sure enemies will not quickly retaliate? How are you sure that your allies, outnumbered mid are not going to get wiped?


Basing your movements assuming that the enemy team sucks is a formula for disaster. Also, since you have a necro tag, please do not tell me you do that with necro.

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If you read my previous post. I said, I go close with mesmer, than far. They shouldn't be outnumbered unless the opposing team decided not to cap far, which would be odd.


It's the mesmers role to duel.



With necro, I follow my team like a dog. (Not that you can make any guesses from an icon).


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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > Anyone who thinks going far is throwing a game could use a tutorial and a series of PvP challenges to learn about rotation.

> > >

> > > Going far is good strategy sometimes. Going far in the start of the game is never a good strategy.

> >

> > Unless you know you can kill the other player and cap the two side nodes.

> >


> How he kitten do you know you can kill the other player? How are you sure enemies will not quickly retaliate? How are you sure that your allies, outnumbered mid are not going to get wiped?


> Basing your movements assuming that the enemy team sucks is a formula for disaster. Also, since you have a necro tag, please do not tell me you do that with necro.


When i'm going far, i'm checking who's there. If i'm not 100% sure i will kill the player within 15 seconds, there is no reason for me to go there.

However, that implies my team to also not play aggressively on mid, since they will be 4v3 for a few time.


Also, it can be good to constantly drag a good player on far point, even if you're always going to die there. Your teammates may have it easier doing 4v4 against other players, rather than having a 5v5 that isn't going well.


Like i said however, going far is debatable and very situationnal. I think the most annoying point is


> @"TheMaverick.6104" said:

> Also... when four players go mid to suicide repeatedly, stop doing that too...


Too many games i experienced players going straight to mid in 1v3 right after they rez, and it gets old..

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A bunker on far is kitten for the enemy team. Usually they try to 2v1 which doesn't work. Then they either give up, or force the entire team to finally handle the situation. By that time, the other two nodes are taken and the score is like 300-100 or so.


Just don't go far at the beginning of the game. Especially if you don't even tell your team that you're going far. The best scenario is that by the end of the first round, the score is even. And that's only for a short while cause your whole team just got wiped at mid. If anyone is going far, it should be the highly mobile teammate who just took home.

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