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[POLL] Would you change your character's race?


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can i change to no, i just realized, it's really cheap to get a new character with the ingame gold to gems. meaning you can just create a new character with the different race without having to change to old one. most of the fun stuff is account-bound anyway.


Ofcourse gear will be an issue if you have ascended and legendaries

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> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> can i change to no, i just realized, it's really cheap to get a new character with the ingame gold to gems. meaning you can just create a new character with the different race without having to change to old one. most of the fun stuff is account-bound anyway.


> Ofcourse gear will be an issue if you have ascended and legendaries


Ascended and legendaries are not soulbound.

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Because I love my precious little legion of Sylvari. I feel too uncomfortable playing as human females with my favorite light armor classes, the sylvari's small breasts and unnatural skin somehow get rid of that for me. Charr and Asura clip to much and I hate the female norn voice actress and their general egotistical nature.


I'm not opposed to it, but I'll never use it. Ever.

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After testing several different races, there is only one group I enjoy playing - the Norn. What I admire about them ranges from physical features, the culture to the areas they call home. This is pretty much the reason I continue logging in to play the game. Even though I have one Human character (alongside five Norn), sadly I have little motivation to run around with him.


To make a long story short, the other races just do not interest me at all.


> @thrdeye.1028 said:

> No. Norn4lyfe


Exactly. :)



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I made a new character when I wanted to change my mains race. Its been discussed hundreds of times and it wont happen because ANets spaghetti code means changing your race would break way too much of the game. Achievements, cultural armor, personal story, npc dialogue would all have to be fixed or totally disabled forever.

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I voted yes **if** there is an item do that, not that i am very much supporting yo add such item to gem store.


I have character that i regret his race choice so if race change is introduced, i may possibly take it; but i believe there is something we should not able to change once made the choice. Race change is one of them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nope. 23 slots, 23 characters. All races and armor tiers accounted for in there somewhere. Probably not done making characters anytime soon. I tend to put quite a bit of thought into making my characters, so there is no desire to reroll them as a different race. I know what I like by this point.


Besides, unless something has changed (which is always possible) Anet has told us that a race change isn't possible due to technical limitations. Things hard coded into the code base as opposed to be variables populated from a database, which makes it difficult to change such things. I believe the phrase "it would cause too many bugs" was used. I no longer have the post bookmarked. I don't recall if it was a reddit post, or on the old forums.

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> @Tyncale.1629 said:

> I do not like any of the other races, the Charr being at the bottom of the list. I do not want to play as a Cat (hate the walking on all 4s thing), leafy stick, miniature race or a big Oaf. Might also be of how Anet has stereotyped these races. Charr too warlike and aggressive, Asura arrogant and annoying, Norn "me not think me smash" and the Sylvari are just too 70's attuned to nature for me. :(



And humans are all perfect with their plastic baby faces and cringy dialogue right?

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> @LanfearShadowflame.3189 said:

> Nope. 23 slots, 23 characters. All races and armor tiers accounted for in there somewhere. Probably not done making characters anytime soon. I tend to put quite a bit of thought into making my characters, so there is no desire to reroll them as a different race. I know what I like by this point.


> Besides, unless something has changed (which is always possible) Anet has told us that a race change isn't possible due to technical limitations. Things hard coded into the code base as opposed to be variables populated from a database, which makes it difficult to change such things. I believe the phrase "it would cause too many bugs" was used. I no longer have the post bookmarked. I don't recall if it was a reddit post, or on the old forums.


So, what exactly would stop you from doing what you're doing if we had an OPTION for race change?

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> @serialkicker.5274 said:

> > @LanfearShadowflame.3189 said:

> > Nope. 23 slots, 23 characters. All races and armor tiers accounted for in there somewhere. Probably not done making characters anytime soon. I tend to put quite a bit of thought into making my characters, so there is no desire to reroll them as a different race. I know what I like by this point.

> >

> > Besides, unless something has changed (which is always possible) Anet has told us that a race change isn't possible due to technical limitations. Things hard coded into the code base as opposed to be variables populated from a database, which makes it difficult to change such things. I believe the phrase "it would cause too many bugs" was used. I no longer have the post bookmarked. I don't recall if it was a reddit post, or on the old forums.


> So, what exactly would stop you from doing what you're doing if we had an OPTION for race change?


The question was "would" I, not am I for or against it. Which, nothing in my response states whether I am for or against. Only that I wouldn't (which answers the question asked) and why if the option existed, and then goes on to cite (at least partially) why we may never see that option.

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