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Character slot sale reminds us we need a better select screen.

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As an alt-oholic, I usually get excited when character slots go on sale. But, this time around, I had a serious pause on the idea.

..Because gods help me if I have to click-scroll through *even more* pages on that character select screen.


And that screen is well overdue for a revamp:

* Character finding is abysmal. No search tools or sorting.

* Entirely too much scrolling.

* Characters, especially large ones, don't fit well on the screen.

* No extra information on the page to hint at what to play.


It's all stuff we've been asking for since years ago, but the character sale makes the sting fresh.


If there's one thing GW2 frequently shines on, it's quality of life improvements, so I have my fingers crossed that this is on the "quiet surprise" list. That we'll sign on one day and it'll be awesome. But as I'm wishing, here's what I'd like to see:


*Many* more characters visible per "page". Preferably all of them visible.

Search and sort tools: By last played, Created, Profession, Race, some flags for roles (tank/heal/etc), Agony Resist, Crafting

Re-fit the character so it fits on the screen.

List of dailies and event promotions.


Anyone else have things for a wish-list?

Or some interesting mock-ups that would be a QoL boost?



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IF it just listed chars in the order the player wanted to be in (rather than recently used) it avoid most of the complications of finding them. Have an organised drop-drag interface for that. Maybe have a screen select option with just char portraits displaying 30+ chars at once on the screen too.

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GW1 has options to sort by name (alphabetacal), age, class.


i'd like to see those options PLUS race, custom (choosing a primary sort category, and then sorting secondary, such as: choose race / class... then all Asura would show first, and each race would be sorted by class... while class / race would sort all Elementalists first, and sort them by race)


i also would like all characters models to be displayed their actual height. i don't like it when i see my shortest human appearing the same size on select screen as my tallest human. i hate that my shortest charr still takes up more screenspace than my tallest norn.


but i suppose i'm repeating myself from last year's thread...

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'd love a bit of information about each character...such as whether that character has completed a map, or story instance.

> But, I'm guessing that's just too much to ask for, so I doubt it will ever come to pass.



Speaking of map comp, I'd love the world map to show core/HoT/PoF completion as 3 separate things on the side of the world map

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > Would like to sort other than most recently played, and see backpacks/weapons on the login screen


> My unlikely wish is to see what harvesting tools they have equipped, so I can figure out who ran off with the unbreakable ones THIS time.


For this, gw2efficiency works, I think. Not so for map completion (individual maps, that is), as far as I can tell.

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I very much like the idea of toggling the character select screen so that the portraits of all characters (or at least several rows, depending on the amount of characters) can be displayed at once. I play most of my characters too frequently to have much use for any of the other sort options, but displaying e.g. 3x7 rows of portraits at once and/or giving a filter option (show only asura or only mesmers) would go a long way towards helping me finding charcters more quickly :D .

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Useful features for a login screen:


1. any type of sorting of characters by name, crafting skills (and level), level, class, race, etc.

2. a list of favorite characters for quick selection

3. a possibility for hiding less played characters unless specifically toggled


Now some of these issues are of little concern when having less than 7-8 characters (the maximum viewable amount of characters is 7). But the login screen grows very troublesome once you are beyond 10 and even more so when above 30 characters...

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Arrange characters two-dimensionally (e.g. 5 x 5), so we can use all four arrow keys instead of shuffling them through with just 2 arrows.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> There has been a thread just a week or so ago, in addition to the many others that were already created in the past. ;)


Do you mean this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas - I think that's the "official" QoL thread :)


Anyways, yes, please. If it is much too hard to show enough wanted information (map completion, WP unlocks, gathering tools, ...) in logging screen, then please give us possibility to write character description so we know it's current status.

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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> Arrange characters two-dimensionally (e.g. 5 x 5), so we can use all four arrow keys instead of shuffling them through with just 2 arrows.


Lol, not sure if they were trying to be special, but yeah, I think a vertical column of portrait tiles would have been much more efficient.


Perhaps if you only have, like, three characters, this wouldn't be an issue.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > Would like to sort other than most recently played, and see backpacks/weapons on the login screen


> My unlikely wish is to see what harvesting tools they have equipped, so I can figure out who ran off with the unbreakable ones THIS time.


I started using gw2efficiency after losing my watchwork pick *for the last kittening time.*

Bonus, I found all those stray Nullification sigils from my alts. ^_^


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> even more so when above 30 characters...


:cry: It's like I'm being punished for loving the game too much.



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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> Do you mean this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas - I think that's the "official" QoL thread :)


No, I mean actual threads about the CSS with tons of criticism of it:

* [search parameter 1](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?adv=1&search=&title="character+selection+screen" "search parameter 1") (character selection screen)

* [search parameter 2](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?Search=CSS "search parameter 2") (CSS)


Threads I started:

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1563/new-pof-character-selection-screen-your-wishlist

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/33364/character-selection-screen-estimated-time-of-fix

* (there might be more, but too tired to look them all up)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"TamX.1870" said:

> > Do you mean this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas - I think that's the "official" QoL thread :)


> No, I mean actual threads about the CSS with tons of criticism of it:

> * [search parameter 1](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?adv=1&search=&title="character+selection+screen" "search parameter 1") (character selection screen)

> * [search parameter 2](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?Search=CSS "search parameter 2") (CSS)


> Threads I started:

> * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1563/new-pof-character-selection-screen-your-wishlist

> * https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/33364/character-selection-screen-estimated-time-of-fix

> * (there might be more, but too tired to look them all up)


Glad you linked 'em! Lots of good thoughts in those threads.

I didn't want to go around necro'ing stuff, but we should definitely keep asking for improvements!

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