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Elementalist Vapor Form skill bugged (since Christmas)

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> steki i like how you are trying to fix the issue but if you up the healing it can make inposible to kill someone when they geting healed making a new issue onto its self. think like this if you get 75k healing and are at like 15% hp and get healed now you are fully healed making you inposible to kill if the healing is a low cooldown skill that is healing you making it a pain to even fight you. dont get me rong i love how you are trying to fix the issue but remember we are trying to fix a issue and not add a new issue. i think it would be better if they just flat out make the mist form just turn you incaporial and making it so you cant be locked down by anything and remove the damage by moving and this skill will be mutch better for the ele but i do not see this coming any time soon.


It's not adding any issues, those skills are supposed to revive you when you're downed, they just work as a very strong heal that gets reduced by poison, making the skill not do what it's supposed to do. If you increase the heal you're just ensuring that the skill is doing what it's intended to do - revive a downed player. Those skills already have huge cooldown and vapor form deals a lot of damage when it ends so I dont see your point and how it's creating a new issue.


If you're 15% and use vapor form you're invulnerable whether you get 50k heal or 75k heal because max downed health is 50k and at the end of it you're back on 10-15% anyway. It doesnt make you any harder to kill, it just doesnt bug out when you're poisoned. I'd rather not change its functionality since it's unnecessary, I'd just like it to work consistently in all situations and this is the easiest way to fix it.

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dont get me rong here but if you up healing at all it ups all healing and makes the issue i have stated. now the issue is the bug that vap form couses for some reson that needs the fix. I am thinking the issue is a server lag that is stop the stuff to happen as intended so this needs tightened to fix it. im not trying to call you out or anything im just pointing out the stuff that if not stated right can make a hug issue even if its not intended to happen.

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> dont get me rong here but if you up healing at all it ups all healing and makes the issue i have stated. now the issue is the bug that vap form couses for some reson that needs the fix. I am thinking the issue is a server lag that is stop the stuff to happen as intended so this needs tightened to fix it. im not trying to call you out or anything im just pointing out the stuff that if not stated right can make a hug issue even if its not intended to happen.


We already tested how it works, there's no server lag because it was 3 people and we did it like 30 times in total with all mentioned skills and it triggered every single time with stated conditions.


And again, there is no issue because max health is max health, you cant go above that regardless of healing, but you can go below it if you get poisoned, which causes the bug since you don't get healed enough to trigger the effect of skills. So if you increase the healing you just prevent the poison to bug these skills, it doesn't do anything to make you harder to kill.

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