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Another server bites the dust.


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Hello guys,


So today its official Gunnar's Hold is dead (We are not the only one).


Our last big guild left currently we only have 2 small guilds left 10/15 players ish on average for the 2 guilds (and tiny amount even smaller roaming guilds). Its a shame that another server has died, i feel like we are let down by Anet.

I don't feel like there is any place we can move that is not dead or way to stacked with players neither is fun. In the old days before the linking came in you could move to lower population servers as a smaller guild and have less fights but actually be able to fight and not get rolled by so many. If we were to stay on GH we would just get tossed around like a trash bag every linking but the other options are not better. Bandwagon is not the solution its what is ruining the game and destroying still breathing servers by completely steam rolling non stacked servers.


thanks for reading... :'( :'( FFF

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Another sad holdian here, this is most likely the worst we ever had it.

We had some links where the bandwagon server would empty in a day and we would be left with our last standing few and some links where we would lose KISSloads of people directly from GH, but now with RoF bleeding out and GH losing its last few guilds/only tag...



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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> Lol GH shouldnt have become the main server in the first place.

> AG had/has a far bigger WvW population then GH. So its fairly amazing that from the previous AG+ GH linking, its AG who ended up being a linked server.


Did you even read the post its not about that. Its about the game mode WvW being thrown in a garbage bin.

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> @"sander.5830" said:

> > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > Lol GH shouldnt have become the main server in the first place.

> > AG had/has a far bigger WvW population then GH. So its fairly amazing that from the previous AG+ GH linking, its AG who ended up being a linked server.


> Did you even read the post its not about that. Its about the game mode WvW being thrown in a garbage bin.


Its been in the garbage bin for many years. Your post isnt something new on this matter.

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> @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > @"sander.5830" said:

> > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > Lol GH shouldnt have become the main server in the first place.

> > > AG had/has a far bigger WvW population then GH. So its fairly amazing that from the previous AG+ GH linking, its AG who ended up being a linked server.

> >

> > Did you even read the post its not about that. Its about the game mode WvW being thrown in a garbage bin.


> Its been in the garbage bin for many years. Your post isnt something new on this matter.


Its not new but its getting worse way worse.

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> @"googel.3278" said:

> WvW bland now, give anet a round of applause for neglecting it, instead we get useless novelties and mounts. Let me correct, the whole game is bland


Its sad just watching a game/ game mode bleed out in this way. Many of people loved to play and still love to play but are getting more and more frustrated. I have seen so many people and guilds quit this year its insane.

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Servers have killed themselves and the hostility towards guilds from non-guild people certainly didn't help it. Transfers simply shouldn't have existed in the first place tbh.


> @"googel.3278" said:

> WvW bland now, give anet a round of applause for neglecting it, instead we get useless novelties and mounts. Let me correct, the whole game is bland


No need to spread useless stuff like that though. It's not like the mount team has anything to do with the rest of the game.

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The last round of links were done incorrectly on NA; Anet owned up to this and fixed it the following week (as far as I know). But what does not seem to have been raised is the mess that was the EU linking. I am one of those who is thankful that they invested the time and effort to do the relinking a week early (due to the holidays), however, one gets the impression that this might have been a rush job.


GH was a new host (compared to the previous linking, not compared to historical linking) and it was placed in T3 with its "medium" population, as a host, linked to an even small population link server. I cannot fathom why this was done; one can only come to the conclusion that this was a mistake. This is indicative of another issue, which is that there are too many tiers in EU WvW for the player population. There should be only 4. This has been spoken about on these forums for several months, but it does not seem to have gained traction with Anet, or should I say, the very small number of devs who are willing to invest work-time into WvW. Which is another problem: the scare dev resource available for the game mode.


Given the money that the bandwagonners throw at Anet, one would hope they would consider addressing all of these problems quickly (i.e. before Alliances).

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There come's a point when you all have to do something for yourself or for your guild.

It is a shame Anet underline the faults and ignorance to wvw system, its not fun people have to pay anet as well by purchasing gems to make the switch, for them it is flawless because it is win win for them.

From my personal experience in wvw with my guild KISS its our server gets punished for us being active in wvw, we stay active and try to hold everything we can in every game mode of wvw, ppt, fights what ever is needed. win or lose, it is still punishing when the majority of veteran wvw players, who are to scared to fight each other and make wvw into a prime-time game mode only- where you have massive veteran blobs destroying everything in world vs world, and if they fail they just move to a bigger more disciplined server to try again.


In my view wvw will be at its worst come 2020. Anet lose population including money. Its an ignored community and game mode.

Links should be reduced to monthly to cut drama and help populations sustain. but this will never happen because long term they will lose money in gems.

So either way long term Anet are losing. There was a time when they made for the communities.

I personally have no disrespect for arena-net they have done a great job with the game. people make communities because of them, but if they wish to turn this game around they really need to start listening to the players.


I am sorry for gunnar's we love you guys but as a guild and as an active commander I have to do right by my guild.

All the best in the future in wvw.


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band waggoners all stack on one server, complain that they dont get any fights, then move to the next server. Less servers, less tiers won't solve the problem.


There is only one way to solve the problem: prohibit bandwaggoning? A guild moves to a server? No other guild can move there for 2 weeks. For example. Or 30 players move in? No more moves to or from that server for 8 weeks.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> band waggoners all stack on one server, complain that they dont get any fights, then move to the next server. Less servers, less tiers won't solve the problem.


> There is only one way to solve the problem: prohibit bandwaggoning? A guild moves to a server? No other guild can move there for 2 weeks. For example. Or 30 players move in? No more moves to or from that server for 8 weeks.


Nah its easier:

- apply the full and transfer price calculation not on single server, but on the link, with all these 500gem targets, bandwaggoning is cheaper than ever

- immediately calculate the effect of every single transfer to the status, e.g. it took ANet 3 days to notice that Kodash was heavily overstacked some weeks ago.



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