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Fractal Firebrand and Quickness Thoughts?

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > > im playing Fb as a Celestial FB and it work wonders i dont have the magic number but i can support/dps and tank at the same time, The celestial Fb is jack of all trads but master of non i have no problem getting the DPS on 13-15 k dmg. FB can use the utility from all stats to help it and can be a good baby sitter in most dungeon/fractal here is my build

> > > > > >

> > > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVMQJARWnsADFBjtCBOCDEEhlACDbF8d2BWBgsVcaPieR7oA-jBCBABQcBBSUXDDHCBHVCamyPSV/Jm9HA4JFsOYAYmkJZm5MzMTjMzMzMzUEA7YA-e

> > > > >

> > > > > That build has 0 boon duration. Now with Fractal Potions and Boon duration food and Sigil of concentration that might be fine (you have neither boon duration food nor sigil of concentration in that build).

> > > > >

> > > > > What you linked to is basically a mediocre healer build and mediocre damage build with low boon support and duration.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sorry, but unless you forgot something, that build can be improved on, a lot.

> > > >

> > > > you dont know the meaning in jack of all trads, you dont have to use the same traits and that the point of the build u can go for what u need and is was never a full support or max dps but the utility is great i dont see use for boon duration but u can go and swap the runes out to get it, i have no problem having full uptime on Reg/Retaliation/might/fury/ i get about 70 % on quickness and about 40 % on stab. but u cant do dps when u laying down on u full max dmg build i see that way to offen, this way u can help the group and still do ok dmg. its only build for a team not to rush fractal or dungeon but the runs are way more smooth. if u look at it this way u have 5 player and ea player do about 20 % dmg. i give up 10 % dmg and i give quickness that give 50% faster attack speed so i can buff the team more then we lose from the 10% dps. I can still give out boons and heal if needed and its was never a T4 fractal or raid build but its soild

> > >

> > > What is the point of the build?

> > >

> > > I could rework the build with diviner and harrier to:

> > > - provide permanent stability, quickness, protection, fury and regeneration

> > > - provide way better healing and damage

> > >

> > > Those 30% quickness uptime you are missing (and I am going by your numbers, not saying that 70% uptime is achievable) are a dps loss to the group of around 3-4k per dps, so 10-15k total.

> > >

> > > The missing fury uptime is another dps loss.

> > >

> > > The missing protection uptime is a huge survival loss.

> > >

> > > Celestial stats are missing boon uptime. It is one of their main crucial flaws in the current game design. Your build is basically a jack of all healer/dps which lacks the essential boon support demanded from support builds. Making it a jack-of-half build in an arena where jack-of-all builds are already struggling.

> > >

> > > In short: any pure harrier support or quickness brand (either power or condi) would be of more value to your group. Give the dps loss due to lacking boons, a full harrier healer would improve the groups overall dps enough to make it surpass your 12-13k dps. A quickness brand would lose the mediocre healing and instead increase the groups dps through permanent boons and put out twice your personal dps at the very least.

> >

> > the dmg in harrier is low dmg and u cant get the fury 100 % uptime on that.


> Yes you can, I do so regularly. Axe 2 or even sword 2 (which is strait up inferior to axe) is sufficient. You are wrong.


> You also provide permanent protection (which will be a significant advantage over you mediocre healing).


> Permanent stability is not as required since an experienced Firebrand can trigger stability on demand if needed, it is nice to have though.


> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > When u do this build you have high dmg in burning book and i think you need to try it to understand.


> You do not have high burning damage or high damage. Check the math behind damage calculation, this is plain wrong. Also your assumption you are 10% behind a pure dps is hilarious. Damage calculation in this game reward stat and multiplier stacking. This has been known since 2013, back when celestial was semi good since boon duration did not exist.


Try it i said and see the burst that is power/condition dmg

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > when you have celestial stats most of the time i use the power part of FB i can go more into Burning and try axe but i dont have that yet so that why i use GS.

> >

> > -1 major give 1381 - 2 minor give 961 - 3 stats give Total 3303

> > here u see i get about 2/3 of what the minor get so i lose some but 2/3 its not that much. and if u look at Major stats that is power celestial give total in dmg stats 2556

> > power give 639

> > crit hit give 639

> > crit dmg give 639

> > condition dmg give 639

> >

> > -2 major give 1173 - 2 minor give 633 -4 stats give total 3612

> > and there i get more stats then the minor and that is why its not better if u go for minor healing or dmg

> >

> >

> > -7 major celestial give u 639 and total 4473

> > Celestial give 861 stats more then 4 stats in total and that is what im getting the free tank from and the 3 stats harrrier's have low dmg beside celestial. i think u see only full support and full dmg as a good build but you are missing the big picture.

> >


> This is 2019, if you don't understand how damage in this game works and how stat stacking works and still consider celestial good for pve, that is not my problem. Total stats matter not when 2/7th of the stats are strait up useless (vitality and toughness add nothing to your group) and the remaining stats lack one of the most powerful multipliers in the game (boon duration for boon up-time). You are now relying on a pure support or a second mediocre jack-of-all-trades build to come in and cover for the lacking boon support. Both are a significant dps loss to the group.


> I'm going to repeat again, celestial is lacking boon duration. The loss in boon up-time alone will let a pure support build boost the groups performance past your personal dps while providing way superior healing. The quickbrand offensive support build will destroy you in terms of personal dps and group boon support to group.


i dont think you know math i said that if you have 5 player and if all do the same dmg, ea player do about 20 % dmg for the team, if i go down in dmg to 10% but now i can heal/boons/utility/tank so lose 10 % dmg and get quickness that boost the attack speed 50 % is a big buff for the team. and i see player that give 0 boons for the team and have only dmg skills and this buff more then that kind of gameplay. (vitality and toughness add nothing to your group) ye i understand that but if you are down 20-50 % of the fight and we have to res you then we lost so much more dmg from that that is why i say you dont see the real picture i see that way to offen even exp player going down and the dmg is low on downstate. and after 10 times this is not Raids or T4 fractal so even when the other player give a little boons out and there is not problem in this kind of gameplay. but all i see u saying is that Boon spam/healing/max dps ye that work well in raid when u have more players. this can do a little lower healing then harrier and give a boons out at a lower rate, remove condition, reflect at a 10 % dps cost for the team.


but so many player think its all about max dmg and that kind of close minde. the game promode more build then just max dps/boonspam/max healing that make this game so boring to not trying new builds and ye i have full dps builds and its so boring to play



full zerker

full marauder



full harrier

full minstral



full viper

full grieving



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> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> i dont think you know math i said that if you have 5 player and if all do the same dmg, ea player do about 20 % dmg for the team,


Incorrect, with a support setup (assuming 2 supports since that's what most PUGs run), you have 2 dps, 1 bannerslave, 2 supports.


As such you end up with:

- 2 dps doing the majority of the damage (in orders of around 15-30k depending on how good the players are)

- 1 bs doing in the order of 12-25k

- 2 supports which provide survivability and boons


and the total damage of that group will surpass any group without such synergy by a lot, or people would not be running this. It is the prime example and proof that support boons can swing a groups performance past individual builds. We are talking over 4 years of meta by now. You will not reinvent the wheel, especially not with celestial stats.


> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> if i go down in dmg to 10% but now i can heal/boons/utility/tank so lose 10 % dmg and get quickness that boost the attack speed 50 % is a big buff for the team. and i see player that give 0 boons for the team and have only dmg skills and this buff more then that kind of gameplay.


You are on a support slot, your damage is pathetic compared to a pure dps. The aforementioned supports will provide all those boons and more for the dps roles in your group. It's called group synergy. The dedicated healer will prevent people dying 100% better than you.


> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> (vitality and toughness add nothing to your group) ye i understand that but if you are down 20-50 % of the fight and we have to res you then we lost so much more dmg from that that is why i say you dont see the real picture i see that way to offen even exp player going down and the dmg is low on downstate.


So we are assuming people are bad, okay works for me. Then rework your build to have some boon duration while running remainder celestial. That way you won't be totally useless.


> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> and after 10 times this is not for Raids or T4 fractal so even when the other player give a little boons out and there is not problem in this kind of gameplay. but all i see u saying is that Boon spam/healing/max dps ye that work well in raid when u have more players.


Firebrand gives boons to 5 people (besides the recent change to "Stand Your Ground" which provides boons to 10 people) . Raids have nothing to do with any of this. What is so hard to understand that quickness provides a damage boost to your team. Permanent quickness provides an even bigger damage boost to your team.


Yes, T1-T3 fractals (and even T4) can be run by untrained monkeys and in pretty much any gear someone wants. That is no proof that a build works. This build works for you? Great, have fun on it. Please do not recommend it to any one else though, when there is tons of superior builds available. Even this build could be made workable by simply applying some brain and boon duration.


> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> this can do a little lower healing then harrier and give a boons out at a lower rate, remove condition, reflect at a 10 % dps cost for the team


This builds does a LOT lower healing compared to harrier FB, let's not sell the tripple +healing power short on harrier FB. Not to mention the lacking permanent protection which harrier FB provides.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > i dont think you know math i said that if you have 5 player and if all do the same dmg, ea player do about 20 % dmg for the team,


> Incorrect, with a support setup (assuming 2 supports since that's what most PUGs run), you have 2 dps, 1 bannerslave, 2 supports.


> As such you end up with:

> - 2 dps doing the majority of the damage (in orders of around 15-30k depending on how good the players are)

> - 1 bs doing in the order of 12-25k

> - 2 supports which provide survivability and boons


> and the total damage of that group will surpass any group without such synergy by a lot, or people would not be running this. It is the prime example and proof that support boons can swing a groups performance past individual builds. We are talking over 4 years of meta by now. You will not reinvent the wheel, especially not with celestial stats.


ok see here if you have 5 player all do about 15 k dmg that is low dmg u say but the trader off is that all can heal/boon/utility and you say that this is a bad setup that the 5 player is focus on the teamplay. raid meta have gone this far just to caiter to fractal. like i said u have a close mind and all u see is raid spec and only 1 way of doing things

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > if i go down in dmg to 10% but now i can heal/boons/utility/tank so lose 10 % dmg and get quickness that boost the attack speed 50 % is a big buff for the team. and i see player that give 0 boons for the team and have only dmg skills and this buff more then that kind of gameplay.


> You are on a support slot, your damage is pathetic compared to a pure dps. The aforementioned supports will provide all those boons and more for the dps roles in your group. It's called group synergy. The dedicated healer will prevent people dying 100% better than you.


in T1-2 fractal i see no real point in going full support you are just use to much of that to stay alive and dungeon its usefull to have utility

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > (vitality and toughness add nothing to your group) ye i understand that but if you are down 20-50 % of the fight and we have to res you then we lost so much more dmg from that that is why i say you dont see the real picture i see that way to offen even exp player going down and the dmg is low on downstate.


> So we are assuming people are bad, okay works for me. Then rework your build to have some boon duration while running remainder celestial. That way you won't be totally useless.


try the build and come back to me on in before u call it useless

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > and after 10 times this is not for Raids or T4 fractal so even when the other player give a little boons out and there is not problem in this kind of gameplay. but all i see u saying is that Boon spam/healing/max dps ye that work well in raid when u have more players.


> Firebrand gives boons to 5 people (besides the recent change to "Stand Your Ground" which provides boons to 10 people) . Raids have nothing to do with any of this. What is so hard to understand that quickness provides a damage boost to your team. Permanent quickness provides an even bigger damage boost to your team.

i have no problem getting boon in the fight im doing so i dont see the problem


> Yes, T1-T3 fractals (and even T4) can be run by untrained monkeys and in pretty much any gear someone wants. That is no proof that a build works. This build works for you? Great, have fun on it. Please do not recommend it to any one else though, when there is tons of superior builds available. Even this build could be made workable by simply applying some brain and boon duration.


i have no problem getting boon i need on this so i dont see the problem if we have all the boons we need. so we need more boons so we can play afk game braindead point

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > this can do a little lower healing then harrier and give a boons out at a lower rate, remove condition, reflect at a 10 % dps cost for the team


> This builds does a LOT lower healing compared to harrier FB, let's not sell the tripple +healing power short on harrier FB. Not to mention the lacking permanent protection which harrier FB provides.


no it do 2/3 of harrier in healing and ye swap the rune to support you can do that. if u know just a little about stats then go look at it first before saying that

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> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > i dont think you know math i said that if you have 5 player and if all do the same dmg, ea player do about 20 % dmg for the team,

> >

> > Incorrect, with a support setup (assuming 2 supports since that's what most PUGs run), you have 2 dps, 1 bannerslave, 2 supports.

> >

> > As such you end up with:

> > - 2 dps doing the majority of the damage (in orders of around 15-30k depending on how good the players are)

> > - 1 bs doing in the order of 12-25k

> > - 2 supports which provide survivability and boons

> >

> > and the total damage of that group will surpass any group without such synergy by a lot, or people would not be running this. It is the prime example and proof that support boons can swing a groups performance past individual builds. We are talking over 4 years of meta by now. You will not reinvent the wheel, especially not with celestial stats.

> >

> ok see here if you have 5 player all do about 15 k dmg that is low dmg u say but the trader off is that all can heal/boon/utility and you say that this is a bad setup that the 5 player is focus on the team, and the setup is worst then that the raid meta have gone this far just to caiter to fractal. like i said u have a close mind and all u see is raid spec and only 1 way of doing things


I don't see only 1 way of doing things. I see vast inefficiencies and not use of synergy. But be my guest, I'll wait till you actually meet difficult content or have played with adept people.


> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > if i go down in dmg to 10% but now i can heal/boons/utility/tank so lose 10 % dmg and get quickness that boost the attack speed 50 % is a big buff for the team. and i see player that give 0 boons for the team and have only dmg skills and this buff more then that kind of gameplay.

> >

> > You are on a support slot, your damage is pathetic compared to a pure dps. The aforementioned supports will provide all those boons and more for the dps roles in your group. It's called group synergy. The dedicated healer will prevent people dying 100% better than you.

> >

> in T1-2 fractal i see no real point in going full support you are just use to much of that to stay alive and dungeon its usefull to have utility


Yes, so go quickbrand and provide damage and permanent fury and quickness to your group.


> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > (vitality and toughness add nothing to your group) ye i understand that but if you are down 20-50 % of the fight and we have to res you then we lost so much more dmg from that that is why i say you dont see the real picture i see that way to offen even exp player going down and the dmg is low on downstate.

> >

> > So we are assuming people are bad, okay works for me. Then rework your build to have some boon duration while running remainder celestial. That way you won't be totally useless.

> >

> try the build and come back to me on in before u call it useless


I HAVE tried celestial. I have tried celestial back when it actually was okayish, when no 4-stat combinations were in the game and no boon duration OR condition duration (both which are not on celestial and are the strongest stat multiplers in game). Stop making assumptions. Nothing since then has changed, on the contrary, celestial has become progressively worse since then.


> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > and after 10 times this is not for Raids or T4 fractal so even when the other player give a little boons out and there is not problem in this kind of gameplay. but all i see u saying is that Boon spam/healing/max dps ye that work well in raid when u have more players.

> >

> > Firebrand gives boons to 5 people (besides the recent change to "Stand Your Ground" which provides boons to 10 people) . Raids have nothing to do with any of this. What is so hard to understand that quickness provides a damage boost to your team. Permanent quickness provides an even bigger damage boost to your team.

> i have no problem getting boon in the fight im doing so i dont see the problem

> >

> > Yes, T1-T3 fractals (and even T4) can be run by untrained monkeys and in pretty much any gear someone wants. That is no proof that a build works. This build works for you? Great, have fun on it. Please do not recommend it to any one else though, when there is tons of superior builds available. Even this build could be made workable by simply applying some brain and boon duration.

> >

> i have no problem getting boon i need on this so i dont see the problem if we have all the boons we need. so we need more boons so we can play afk game braindead point


You definitely do NOT have permanent boons on this build. For the x-th time, permanent boons would improve your builds performance AND your groups.


> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > this can do a little lower healing then harrier and give a boons out at a lower rate, remove condition, reflect at a 10 % dps cost for the team

> >

> > This builds does a LOT lower healing compared to harrier FB, let's not sell the tripple +healing power short on harrier FB. Not to mention the lacking permanent protection which harrier FB provides.


> no it do 2/3 of harrier in healing and ye swap the rune to support you can do that. if u know just a little about stats then go look at it first before saying that


Not even going to address this. You are stuck in 2013. Run your build. Don't come running here though when people kick you from T4 groups or question your usefulness or role. You want to occupy a dps slot with a celestial build, who am I to stop you from doing so.


You remind me of the healing renegade we had 4-5 days ago. He said he'd switch to heal renegade, the group was fine with it. He provided 0 alacrity and bad healing. He was removed 2 tries later. Don't know what gear he was running, don't care. The group vote came up and I didn't even have time to click yes myself before he got removed. I switched to harrier FB and we moved on with another dps.

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Healing and personal dps are mutually exclusive in gw2, for good reasons, or we would all be unkillable killing machines.

Hybrid builds in gw2 offer usually boonsupport + X, with X being either healing (most common) or dps. You can add some utility at cost of dps or healing, tanking for example, or aegis share, etc.


Here's some advice for making boonsupport builds:

1. Decide what you want to do with your build: dps or heal.

2. Only bring boons that are needed in your teamcomp. Dont waste traits/utilities/skills on boons that another build can provide more comfortably/with less loss.

3. You dont have to provide 100% Fury uptime, all power dps builds bring some already for themselves... or dont need it due to crit traits. Last I checked, holo with 50% uptime was the most needy dps, though that was in raids, in fractals its more like 43%.

4. Always make sure to have enough boon duration to cover "your" boons. Its quite easy to calculate too... for example you have your quickness mantra that offers 2.5sec quickness on a 12sec recharge... with alacrity thats 12/1.25 = 9.6, make it 10 to be realistic recharge time. Its 2.5sec every 10sec -> 2.5/10 = 0.25 ergo 25% quickness uptime through mantra with alacrity on you. Your elite skill is 45/1.25 = 36sec cooldown and offers 8sec quickness -> 8/36 = 0.22 -> 22% + 25% = 47% quickness uptime, so you'd need another 53% uptime. 53/47 = 1.13 -> 113% boon duration, but its capped at 100%, so you need another source of quickness in form of traits or skills.

5. Dont neglect seemingly less useful boons like swiftness.


So, and because it has been a bit since I posted here... berserker firebrand + harrier renegade definitely works very well for more casual fractal cms+t4 clearing. Thanks to instability rework you can stack better now, so might from renegade is a nice addition to might from bannerwarrior. Compared to druid+chrono you get roughly 25-30k more dps out of it (firebrand dps + kalla elite + AP), with more healing/aegis/stability at the same time.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > i dont think you know math i said that if you have 5 player and if all do the same dmg, ea player do about 20 % dmg for the team,

> > >

> > > Incorrect, with a support setup (assuming 2 supports since that's what most PUGs run), you have 2 dps, 1 bannerslave, 2 supports.

> > >

> > > As such you end up with:

> > > - 2 dps doing the majority of the damage (in orders of around 15-30k depending on how good the players are)

> > > - 1 bs doing in the order of 12-25k

> > > - 2 supports which provide survivability and boons

> > >

> > > and the total damage of that group will surpass any group without such synergy by a lot, or people would not be running this. It is the prime example and proof that support boons can swing a groups performance past individual builds. We are talking over 4 years of meta by now. You will not reinvent the wheel, especially not with celestial stats.

> > >

> > ok see here if you have 5 player all do about 15 k dmg that is low dmg u say but the trader off is that all can heal/boon/utility and you say that this is a bad setup that the 5 player is focus on the team, and the setup is worst then that the raid meta have gone this far just to caiter to fractal. like i said u have a close mind and all u see is raid spec and only 1 way of doing things


> I don't see only 1 way of doing things. I see vast inefficiencies and not use of synergy. But be my guest, I'll wait till you actually meet difficult content or have played with adept people.


the 5 on a little lower dmg have better synergy and can do more when needed but this mindset come from wow and the way there doing that game Gw2 was never and have never been about the holy trinity and so many player force this on the game and want to be wow 2.0

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > if i go down in dmg to 10% but now i can heal/boons/utility/tank so lose 10 % dmg and get quickness that boost the attack speed 50 % is a big buff for the team. and i see player that give 0 boons for the team and have only dmg skills and this buff more then that kind of gameplay.

> > >

> > > You are on a support slot, your damage is pathetic compared to a pure dps. The aforementioned supports will provide all those boons and more for the dps roles in your group. It's called group synergy. The dedicated healer will prevent people dying 100% better than you.

> > >

> > in T1-2 fractal i see no real point in going full support you are just use to much of that to stay alive and dungeon its usefull to have utility


> Yes, so go quickbrand and provide damage and permanent fury and quickness to your group.


> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > (vitality and toughness add nothing to your group) ye i understand that but if you are down 20-50 % of the fight and we have to res you then we lost so much more dmg from that that is why i say you dont see the real picture i see that way to offen even exp player going down and the dmg is low on downstate.

> > >

> > > So we are assuming people are bad, okay works for me. Then rework your build to have some boon duration while running remainder celestial. That way you won't be totally useless.

> > >

> > try the build and come back to me on in before u call it useless


> I HAVE tried celestial. I have tried celestial back when it actually was okayish, when no 4-stat combinations were in the game and no boon duration OR condition duration (both which are not on celestial and are the strongest stat multiplers in game). Stop making assumptions. Nothing since then has changed, on the contrary, celestial has become progressively worse since then.


core and FB is not the same and FB came in PoF after 4 stats came so i dont get that point

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > and after 10 times this is not for Raids or T4 fractal so even when the other player give a little boons out and there is not problem in this kind of gameplay. but all i see u saying is that Boon spam/healing/max dps ye that work well in raid when u have more players.

> > >

> > > Firebrand gives boons to 5 people (besides the recent change to "Stand Your Ground" which provides boons to 10 people) . Raids have nothing to do with any of this. What is so hard to understand that quickness provides a damage boost to your team. Permanent quickness provides an even bigger damage boost to your team.

> > i have no problem getting boon in the fight im doing so i dont see the problem

> > >

> > > Yes, T1-T3 fractals (and even T4) can be run by untrained monkeys and in pretty much any gear someone wants. That is no proof that a build works. This build works for you? Great, have fun on it. Please do not recommend it to any one else though, when there is tons of superior builds available. Even this build could be made workable by simply applying some brain and boon duration.

> > >

> > i have no problem getting boon i need on this so i dont see the problem if we have all the boons we need. so we need more boons so we can play afk game braindead point


> You definitely do NOT have permanent boons on this build. For the x-th time, permanent boons would improve your builds performance AND your groups.


> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > this can do a little lower healing then harrier and give a boons out at a lower rate, remove condition, reflect at a 10 % dps cost for the team

> > >

> > > This builds does a LOT lower healing compared to harrier FB, let's not sell the tripple +healing power short on harrier FB. Not to mention the lacking permanent protection which harrier FB provides.

> >

> > no it do 2/3 of harrier in healing and ye swap the rune to support you can do that. if u know just a little about stats then go look at it first before saying that


> Not even going to address this. You are stuck in 2013. Run your build. Don't come running here though when people kick you from T4 groups or question your usefulness or role. You want to occupy a dps slot with a celestial build, who am I to stop you from doing so.


> You remind me of the healing renegade we had 4-5 days ago. He said he'd switch to heal renegade, the group was fine with it. He provided 0 alacrity and bad healing. He was removed 2 tries later. Don't know what gear he was running, don't care. The group vote came up and I didn't even have time to click yes myself before he got removed. I switched to harrier FB and we moved on with another dps.


you keep saying that i cant run it in T4 and i said that this was not that T4. you keep coming back to that raid/T4 mindless agument i have nothing to say here

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@"Sylli.3891" Im sorry, but this thread is about t4 fractals. Though even for other content your build really is quite inefficient. You are trying to do it all, but doing dps and healing others are two polar opposites in gw2. You have to sacrifice so much for the other, that in the end you dont end up with a 50/50 split, but rather with a 20/20 split. 20% of possible dps and 20% of possible healing. Which means, your build limits you already to only perform at 40% max.

Can you do t1 fractals or openworld with your build? Sure. But thats not because your build is good, but rather because the requirement in that content is so low. In content that requires you to pull your own weight and then some? Sorry, but no.

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> @"Yasi.9065" said:

> @"Sylli.3891" Im sorry, but this thread is about t4 fractals. Though even for other content your build really is quite inefficient. You are trying to do it all, but doing dps and healing others are two polar opposites in gw2. You have to sacrifice so much for the other, that in the end you dont end up with a 50/50 split, but rather with a 20/20 split. 20% of possible dps and 20% of possible healing. Which means, your build limits you already to only perform at 40% max.

> Can you do t1 fractals or openworld with your build? Sure. But thats not because your build is good, but rather because the requirement in that content is so low. In content that requires you to pull your own weight and then some? Sorry, but no.


but im not 20/20 if i do 15 k dmg then that is 50 % of max dps and the healing is 2/3 of healing stats so i get 66% the healing and still free tank stats so its more like 50/66 this can use for utility and alot more then full dmg


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> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > @"Yasi.9065" said:

> > @"Sylli.3891" Im sorry, but this thread is about t4 fractals. Though even for other content your build really is quite inefficient. You are trying to do it all, but doing dps and healing others are two polar opposites in gw2. You have to sacrifice so much for the other, that in the end you dont end up with a 50/50 split, but rather with a 20/20 split. 20% of possible dps and 20% of possible healing. Which means, your build limits you already to only perform at 40% max.

> > Can you do t1 fractals or openworld with your build? Sure. But thats not because your build is good, but rather because the requirement in that content is so low. In content that requires you to pull your own weight and then some? Sorry, but no.


> but im not 20/20 if i do 15 k dmg then that is 50 % of max dps and the healing is 2/3 of healing stats so i get 66% the healing and still free tank stats so its more like 50/66 this can use for utility and alot more then full dmg



Read Yasi's thread on Fireband. Here I'll link it:




If you are doing 15k damage when someone on your slot in the party should be doing 20-30k damage, then your damage is bad.


If you are not providing permanent boons or sufficient boons on your slot in the party, then your boon support is bad.


If you are not providing very good healing on your slot in group (and please once again notice, there are no pure healer builds of value in pve which do not also bring utility), then your healing build is bad.


This game is built around optimization and role distribution. I have already given you a recommendation as to how to remain a jack-of-all trades build but improving on your inefficient build: bring up your boon duration to a level where you can function as party support since that is the only slot your build might work on.


> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> you keep saying that i cant run it in T4 and i said that this was not that T4. you keep coming back to that raid/T4 mindless agument i have nothing to say here


Nobody cares about T1-T3. Nobody cares about open world. Everything works in those areas. A build working there means nothing besides personal enjoyment. Even so, with at least sufficient boon duration for permanent quickness, your own build would work better in open world too.


> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> core and FB is not the same and FB came in PoF after 4 stats came so i dont get that point


Yes it is, because damage calculations which are relevant did not change (well technically they did, but not in favor of celestial). As such it makes no difference.


If your Firebrand provides X amount of burning, and your guardian provided Y amount of burning, both builds provided respective amounts of damage meaning the base guardian provided Z amount more damage in condition gear over celestial (same as the Firebrand now). In all cases celestial was inferior back then.


Now add in that BOON DURATION and CONDITION DURATION were added to the game (both not present on celestial, both absolutely required for optimization) and it is easy to realize that celestial is in a worse place than during vanilla. Basic logic.

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> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > im playing Fb as a Celestial FB and it work wonders i dont have the magic number but i can support/dps and tank at the same time, The celestial Fb is jack of all trads but master of non i have no problem getting the DPS on 13-15 k dmg. FB can use the utility from all stats to help it and can be a good baby sitter in most dungeon/fractal here is my build

> > > > >

> > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVMQJARWnsADFBjtCBOCDEEhlACDbF8d2BWBgsVcaPieR7oA-jBCBABQcBBSUXDDHCBHVCamyPSV/Jm9HA4JFsOYAYmkJZm5MzMTjMzMzMzUEA7YA-e

> > > >

> > > > That build has 0 boon duration. Now with Fractal Potions and Boon duration food and Sigil of concentration that might be fine (you have neither boon duration food nor sigil of concentration in that build).

> > > >

> > > > What you linked to is basically a mediocre healer build and mediocre damage build with low boon support and duration.

> > > >

> > > > Sorry, but unless you forgot something, that build can be improved on, a lot.

> > >

> > > you dont know the meaning in jack of all trads, you dont have to use the same traits and that the point of the build u can go for what u need and is was never a full support or max dps but the utility is great i dont see use for boon duration but u can go and swap the runes out to get it, i have no problem having full uptime on Reg/Retaliation/might/fury/ i get about 70 % on quickness and about 40 % on stab. but u cant do dps when u laying down on u full max dmg build i see that way to offen, this way u can help the group and still do ok dmg. its only build for a team not to rush fractal or dungeon but the runs are way more smooth. if u look at it this way u have 5 player and ea player do about 20 % dmg. i give up 10 % dmg and i give quickness that give 50% faster attack speed so i can buff the team more then we lose from the 10% dps. I can still give out boons and heal if needed and its was never a T4 fractal or raid build but its soild

> >

> > You can't give 70% quickness with that build. It will drop during longer fights and you won't have short fights with this build. That build can't have more than 50% quickness uptime during longer fights.

> > Why don't you take the 2 quickness traits in the firebrand traitline? You could achieve 100% uptime with 12% boon duration and would lose nothing.


> if u go for that kind of traits then its best to build it full support and this is NOT a full support build its a jack of all trade u lose so much dmg from only 4 page and u cant get the dmg up on only 4 page that is why. offen the burst come when i go into burning book and its insane dmg


You are just wrong here and overestimate the damage of burning tome 1. Even a full condi fb doesn't take that trait because you would end with just 3 more tome 1 aa's. The damage comes from skill 2-5.

I highly doubt that you can do 15k dps with that build. If you see a 15k number this doesn't mean 15k dps. What people here are talking about are 15-30k damage every second for fights that last up to minutes.

You don't have any condi duration -> condi damage only half as effective. You are not running condi weapons or traits either so most of your condi stats are wasted. A trailblazer fb with firebrand runes would have higher boon output, higher dmg and higher survivability. Seraph stats would you allow to heal aswell.

People here already pointed out that you try to do 2 things at the same time. But you actually trying to do 3 things. Condi dps, Power dps and healer. You waste way too many stats that way.

If you phase bosses in t2 or t3 fractals below 20seconds its not because of you but because of at least one good dps player carrying you hard.




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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > > im playing Fb as a Celestial FB and it work wonders i dont have the magic number but i can support/dps and tank at the same time, The celestial Fb is jack of all trads but master of non i have no problem getting the DPS on 13-15 k dmg. FB can use the utility from all stats to help it and can be a good baby sitter in most dungeon/fractal here is my build

> > > > > >

> > > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVMQJARWnsADFBjtCBOCDEEhlACDbF8d2BWBgsVcaPieR7oA-jBCBABQcBBSUXDDHCBHVCamyPSV/Jm9HA4JFsOYAYmkJZm5MzMTjMzMzMzUEA7YA-e

> > > > >

> > > > > That build has 0 boon duration. Now with Fractal Potions and Boon duration food and Sigil of concentration that might be fine (you have neither boon duration food nor sigil of concentration in that build).

> > > > >

> > > > > What you linked to is basically a mediocre healer build and mediocre damage build with low boon support and duration.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sorry, but unless you forgot something, that build can be improved on, a lot.

> > > >

> > > > you dont know the meaning in jack of all trads, you dont have to use the same traits and that the point of the build u can go for what u need and is was never a full support or max dps but the utility is great i dont see use for boon duration but u can go and swap the runes out to get it, i have no problem having full uptime on Reg/Retaliation/might/fury/ i get about 70 % on quickness and about 40 % on stab. but u cant do dps when u laying down on u full max dmg build i see that way to offen, this way u can help the group and still do ok dmg. its only build for a team not to rush fractal or dungeon but the runs are way more smooth. if u look at it this way u have 5 player and ea player do about 20 % dmg. i give up 10 % dmg and i give quickness that give 50% faster attack speed so i can buff the team more then we lose from the 10% dps. I can still give out boons and heal if needed and its was never a T4 fractal or raid build but its soild

> > >

> > > You can't give 70% quickness with that build. It will drop during longer fights and you won't have short fights with this build. That build can't have more than 50% quickness uptime during longer fights.

> > > Why don't you take the 2 quickness traits in the firebrand traitline? You could achieve 100% uptime with 12% boon duration and would lose nothing.

> >

> > if u go for that kind of traits then its best to build it full support and this is NOT a full support build its a jack of all trade u lose so much dmg from only 4 page and u cant get the dmg up on only 4 page that is why. offen the burst come when i go into burning book and its insane dmg


> You are just wrong here and overestimate the damage of burning tome 1. Even a full condi fb doesn't take that trait because you would end with just 3 more tome 1 aa's. The damage comes from skill 2-5.

> I highly doubt that you can do 15k dps with that build. If you see a 15k number this doesn't mean 15k dps. What people here are talking about are 15-30k damage every second for fights that last up to minutes.

> You don't have any condi duration -> condi damage only half as effective. You are not running condi weapons or traits either so most of your condi stats are wasted. A trailblazer fb with firebrand runes would have higher boon output, higher dmg and higher survivability. Seraph stats would you allow to heal aswell.

> People here already pointed out that you try to do 2 things at the same time. But you actually trying to do 3 things. Condi dps, Power dps and healer. You waste way too many stats that way.

> If you phase bosses in t2 or t3 fractals below 20seconds its not because of you but because of at least one good dps player carrying you hard.





and you'r thet 1 that dont understand FB and ye 15k is the dmg ea sec for a min its dmg is not that low i did that when i have 0 buffs from food and 0 fractal buffs so i think u can even go higher but like i said come back to me when you know how to play it and have tryed the build, so many of you guys dont understand all u see is full meta close minded and raid/wow mindset go player wow if u need to use the holy trinity this is not wow and you have to understand what balance stats is and jack of all trade. this is pointless to keep going on and on

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> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > > > im playing Fb as a Celestial FB and it work wonders i dont have the magic number but i can support/dps and tank at the same time, The celestial Fb is jack of all trads but master of non i have no problem getting the DPS on 13-15 k dmg. FB can use the utility from all stats to help it and can be a good baby sitter in most dungeon/fractal here is my build

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVMQJARWnsADFBjtCBOCDEEhlACDbF8d2BWBgsVcaPieR7oA-jBCBABQcBBSUXDDHCBHVCamyPSV/Jm9HA4JFsOYAYmkJZm5MzMTjMzMzMzUEA7YA-e

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That build has 0 boon duration. Now with Fractal Potions and Boon duration food and Sigil of concentration that might be fine (you have neither boon duration food nor sigil of concentration in that build).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What you linked to is basically a mediocre healer build and mediocre damage build with low boon support and duration.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sorry, but unless you forgot something, that build can be improved on, a lot.

> > > > >

> > > > > you dont know the meaning in jack of all trads, you dont have to use the same traits and that the point of the build u can go for what u need and is was never a full support or max dps but the utility is great i dont see use for boon duration but u can go and swap the runes out to get it, i have no problem having full uptime on Reg/Retaliation/might/fury/ i get about 70 % on quickness and about 40 % on stab. but u cant do dps when u laying down on u full max dmg build i see that way to offen, this way u can help the group and still do ok dmg. its only build for a team not to rush fractal or dungeon but the runs are way more smooth. if u look at it this way u have 5 player and ea player do about 20 % dmg. i give up 10 % dmg and i give quickness that give 50% faster attack speed so i can buff the team more then we lose from the 10% dps. I can still give out boons and heal if needed and its was never a T4 fractal or raid build but its soild

> > > >

> > > > You can't give 70% quickness with that build. It will drop during longer fights and you won't have short fights with this build. That build can't have more than 50% quickness uptime during longer fights.

> > > > Why don't you take the 2 quickness traits in the firebrand traitline? You could achieve 100% uptime with 12% boon duration and would lose nothing.

> > >

> > > if u go for that kind of traits then its best to build it full support and this is NOT a full support build its a jack of all trade u lose so much dmg from only 4 page and u cant get the dmg up on only 4 page that is why. offen the burst come when i go into burning book and its insane dmg

> >

> > You are just wrong here and overestimate the damage of burning tome 1. Even a full condi fb doesn't take that trait because you would end with just 3 more tome 1 aa's. The damage comes from skill 2-5.

> > I highly doubt that you can do 15k dps with that build. If you see a 15k number this doesn't mean 15k dps. What people here are talking about are 15-30k damage every second for fights that last up to minutes.

> > You don't have any condi duration -> condi damage only half as effective. You are not running condi weapons or traits either so most of your condi stats are wasted. A trailblazer fb with firebrand runes would have higher boon output, higher dmg and higher survivability. Seraph stats would you allow to heal aswell.

> > People here already pointed out that you try to do 2 things at the same time. But you actually trying to do 3 things. Condi dps, Power dps and healer. You waste way too many stats that way.

> > If you phase bosses in t2 or t3 fractals below 20seconds its not because of you but because of at least one good dps player carrying you hard.

> >

> >

> >


> and you'r thet 1 that dont understand FB and ye 15k is the dmg ea sec for a min its dmg is not that low i did that when i have 0 buffs from food and 0 fractal buffs so i think u can even go higher but like i said come back to me when you know how to play it and have tryed the build so much that you guys dont understand all u see is full meta close minded and raid/wow mindset


Put on arcdps, see for yourself. Or go to the damage golem and run your rotation for 1 minute at least. Then come back to us and tell us you were doing 15k dps.


You are literally telling multiple people who have a way better grasp and knowledge of this game, it's mechanics and proper builds (not to mention your class, you weren't even aware FB can provide permanent fury) that they are clueless. That is some arrogance right there.


As they say though: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > > > > im playing Fb as a Celestial FB and it work wonders i dont have the magic number but i can support/dps and tank at the same time, The celestial Fb is jack of all trads but master of non i have no problem getting the DPS on 13-15 k dmg. FB can use the utility from all stats to help it and can be a good baby sitter in most dungeon/fractal here is my build

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVMQJARWnsADFBjtCBOCDEEhlACDbF8d2BWBgsVcaPieR7oA-jBCBABQcBBSUXDDHCBHVCamyPSV/Jm9HA4JFsOYAYmkJZm5MzMTjMzMzMzUEA7YA-e

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > That build has 0 boon duration. Now with Fractal Potions and Boon duration food and Sigil of concentration that might be fine (you have neither boon duration food nor sigil of concentration in that build).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > What you linked to is basically a mediocre healer build and mediocre damage build with low boon support and duration.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Sorry, but unless you forgot something, that build can be improved on, a lot.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > you dont know the meaning in jack of all trads, you dont have to use the same traits and that the point of the build u can go for what u need and is was never a full support or max dps but the utility is great i dont see use for boon duration but u can go and swap the runes out to get it, i have no problem having full uptime on Reg/Retaliation/might/fury/ i get about 70 % on quickness and about 40 % on stab. but u cant do dps when u laying down on u full max dmg build i see that way to offen, this way u can help the group and still do ok dmg. its only build for a team not to rush fractal or dungeon but the runs are way more smooth. if u look at it this way u have 5 player and ea player do about 20 % dmg. i give up 10 % dmg and i give quickness that give 50% faster attack speed so i can buff the team more then we lose from the 10% dps. I can still give out boons and heal if needed and its was never a T4 fractal or raid build but its soild

> > > > >

> > > > > You can't give 70% quickness with that build. It will drop during longer fights and you won't have short fights with this build. That build can't have more than 50% quickness uptime during longer fights.

> > > > > Why don't you take the 2 quickness traits in the firebrand traitline? You could achieve 100% uptime with 12% boon duration and would lose nothing.

> > > >

> > > > if u go for that kind of traits then its best to build it full support and this is NOT a full support build its a jack of all trade u lose so much dmg from only 4 page and u cant get the dmg up on only 4 page that is why. offen the burst come when i go into burning book and its insane dmg

> > >

> > > You are just wrong here and overestimate the damage of burning tome 1. Even a full condi fb doesn't take that trait because you would end with just 3 more tome 1 aa's. The damage comes from skill 2-5.

> > > I highly doubt that you can do 15k dps with that build. If you see a 15k number this doesn't mean 15k dps. What people here are talking about are 15-30k damage every second for fights that last up to minutes.

> > > You don't have any condi duration -> condi damage only half as effective. You are not running condi weapons or traits either so most of your condi stats are wasted. A trailblazer fb with firebrand runes would have higher boon output, higher dmg and higher survivability. Seraph stats would you allow to heal aswell.

> > > People here already pointed out that you try to do 2 things at the same time. But you actually trying to do 3 things. Condi dps, Power dps and healer. You waste way too many stats that way.

> > > If you phase bosses in t2 or t3 fractals below 20seconds its not because of you but because of at least one good dps player carrying you hard.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > and you'r thet 1 that dont understand FB and ye 15k is the dmg ea sec for a min its dmg is not that low i did that when i have 0 buffs from food and 0 fractal buffs so i think u can even go higher but like i said come back to me when you know how to play it and have tryed the build so much that you guys dont understand all u see is full meta close minded and raid/wow mindset


> Put on arcdps, see for yourself. Or go to the damage golem and run your rotation for 1 minute at least. Then come back to us and tell us you were doing 15k dps.


> You are literally telling multiple people who have a way better grasp and knowledge of this game, it's mechanics and proper builds (not to mention your class, you weren't even aware FB can provide permanent fury) that they are clueless. That is some arrogance right there.


> As they say though: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.


i have allways said u can have 100 % uptime on fury go back and read before speaking and make bad statment


first of all stop this about that i dont understand the game and if you have to roste me for 0 reason and the arrogane and ignorent that you have and dont understand what balance stats and dont know jack of all trade. like i said its pointless going on and on

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> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Sylli.3891" said:

> > > > > > > > > im playing Fb as a Celestial FB and it work wonders i dont have the magic number but i can support/dps and tank at the same time, The celestial Fb is jack of all trads but master of non i have no problem getting the DPS on 13-15 k dmg. FB can use the utility from all stats to help it and can be a good baby sitter in most dungeon/fractal here is my build

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVMQJARWnsADFBjtCBOCDEEhlACDbF8d2BWBgsVcaPieR7oA-jBCBABQcBBSUXDDHCBHVCamyPSV/Jm9HA4JFsOYAYmkJZm5MzMTjMzMzMzUEA7YA-e

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > That build has 0 boon duration. Now with Fractal Potions and Boon duration food and Sigil of concentration that might be fine (you have neither boon duration food nor sigil of concentration in that build).

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > What you linked to is basically a mediocre healer build and mediocre damage build with low boon support and duration.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Sorry, but unless you forgot something, that build can be improved on, a lot.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > you dont know the meaning in jack of all trads, you dont have to use the same traits and that the point of the build u can go for what u need and is was never a full support or max dps but the utility is great i dont see use for boon duration but u can go and swap the runes out to get it, i have no problem having full uptime on Reg/Retaliation/might/fury/ i get about 70 % on quickness and about 40 % on stab. but u cant do dps when u laying down on u full max dmg build i see that way to offen, this way u can help the group and still do ok dmg. its only build for a team not to rush fractal or dungeon but the runs are way more smooth. if u look at it this way u have 5 player and ea player do about 20 % dmg. i give up 10 % dmg and i give quickness that give 50% faster attack speed so i can buff the team more then we lose from the 10% dps. I can still give out boons and heal if needed and its was never a T4 fractal or raid build but its soild

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You can't give 70% quickness with that build. It will drop during longer fights and you won't have short fights with this build. That build can't have more than 50% quickness uptime during longer fights.

> > > > > > Why don't you take the 2 quickness traits in the firebrand traitline? You could achieve 100% uptime with 12% boon duration and would lose nothing.

> > > > >

> > > > > if u go for that kind of traits then its best to build it full support and this is NOT a full support build its a jack of all trade u lose so much dmg from only 4 page and u cant get the dmg up on only 4 page that is why. offen the burst come when i go into burning book and its insane dmg

> > > >

> > > > You are just wrong here and overestimate the damage of burning tome 1. Even a full condi fb doesn't take that trait because you would end with just 3 more tome 1 aa's. The damage comes from skill 2-5.

> > > > I highly doubt that you can do 15k dps with that build. If you see a 15k number this doesn't mean 15k dps. What people here are talking about are 15-30k damage every second for fights that last up to minutes.

> > > > You don't have any condi duration -> condi damage only half as effective. You are not running condi weapons or traits either so most of your condi stats are wasted. A trailblazer fb with firebrand runes would have higher boon output, higher dmg and higher survivability. Seraph stats would you allow to heal aswell.

> > > > People here already pointed out that you try to do 2 things at the same time. But you actually trying to do 3 things. Condi dps, Power dps and healer. You waste way too many stats that way.

> > > > If you phase bosses in t2 or t3 fractals below 20seconds its not because of you but because of at least one good dps player carrying you hard.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > and you'r thet 1 that dont understand FB and ye 15k is the dmg ea sec for a min its dmg is not that low i did that when i have 0 buffs from food and 0 fractal buffs so i think u can even go higher but like i said come back to me when you know how to play it and have tryed the build so much that you guys dont understand all u see is full meta close minded and raid/wow mindset

> >

> > Put on arcdps, see for yourself. Or go to the damage golem and run your rotation for 1 minute at least. Then come back to us and tell us you were doing 15k dps.

> >

> > You are literally telling multiple people who have a way better grasp and knowledge of this game, it's mechanics and proper builds (not to mention your class, you weren't even aware FB can provide permanent fury) that they are clueless. That is some arrogance right there.

> >

> > As they say though: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.


> i have allways said u can have 100 % uptime on fury go back and read before speaking and make bad statment


> first of all stop this about that i dont understand the game and if you have to roste me for 0 reason and the arrogane and ignorent that you have and dont understand what balance stats and dont know jack of all trade. like i said its pointless going on and on


You earlier today:

> @"Sylli.3891" said:

> the dmg in harrier is low dmg and u cant get the fury 100 % uptime on that.


Anyway, it's okay. You don't want to take advice. Fine. Play your build. We tried.


For anyone reading the thread, here some links:

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/64123/the-mysterious-fb-ren-comp#latest - Yasis's summery and guide on Firebrand with discussion

https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Support_Healer - the metabattle guide to support Firebrand

https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/guardian/firebrand/support/ - the snowcrows support Firebrand build

https://snowcrows.com/raids/guides/guardian/firebrand/support/ - the snowcrows support Firebrand build explanation and how to play guide


If building one, make sure to decide on fractal or raids as build, since fractal potions can change the gear used in fractals (the innate low hit points of guardian can make it tricky to play if inexperienced). Second decision would be if to run pure healer, or quickbrand support.

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> @"Malpractice.7850" said:

> How about this: If I have two ascended armor sets on Guardian, as im coming back to the game, what should I make those two to get the most out of Fractals/Raids?


> I'm not interested in using them on warrior/rev at this moment.


If you are dead set on guardian, I'd say one of the sets should be berserker for power Dragonhunter. The benefit here is you can use this set for core bannerslave as well.


The second set is up to you. You can go with harrier for heal/support Firebrand (and heal/support Renegade) or viper for burn guardian (and condi bannerslave/warrior, condi renegade).


I would probably start with berserker DH and get back into the game a bit. Then decide which other role you want to learn to play.


Bannerslave (core warrior as well as condi) is probably the most sought-after build from the heavy classes.

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