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Solid Ocean - rework when?


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Solid Ocean seriously needs the full rework, because of those reasons:

1) there is no challenge in it - you skip all those mobs within 1 minute, and you must kill them all just for an achievement

2) seeing the new standards of fractals, this one looks so bland and so cheap that is just painful to see.

3) The final boss is the worst boss designed in this game, there is no challenge, it's boring, and underwhelming.

4) It's very short, there is only one boss that is the easiest in this game.



I hope it will be reworked soon, making us fight those mobs, putting at least one boss, and reworking fully the final boss.

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Didn't know I could find some nostalgic forumers in here.


Let everything stay as it is, because what's old is good, right? Well, it's not... The problem is you have to "calibrate" your mind to see some changes are needed, and if you can't see it, then time will show you. And I'm not being sassy, just wanted to share my point of view.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Didn't know I could find some nostalgic forumers in here.


> Let everything stay as it is, because what's old is good, right? Well, it's not... The problem is you have to "calibrate" your mind to see some changes are needed, and if you can't see it, then time will show you. And I'm not being sassy, just wanted to share my point of view.


Thats YOUR opinion. I have a right to my own. I love solid ocean exactly how it is. It doesn't need to change just because you want it to.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Didn't know I could find some nostalgic forumers in here.


> Let everything stay as it is, because what's old is good, right? Well, it's not... The problem is you have to "calibrate" your mind to see some changes are needed, and if you can't see it, then time will show you. And I'm not being sassy, just wanted to share my point of view.

Then remember that it's only that - your subjective point of view. I happen to disagree. I happen to also think that at least some of the reworks anet did made the end result worse, not better, so forgive me if i'm not eager to see more of those.


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I kind of like having one fractal that remains unchanged forever, that is easy enough that I don't have to think much about it. And I'm with others that some of the updated fractals are less fun now.


That said, I'm 90% sure one of the Bens said they agreed with the OP that the fractal needed some changes. As per usual, they haven't offered a timeline or any details about what they have in mind. (Although it's quite clear that they read in incorporate fractal & raid suggestions from the Peanut Gallery, including those made in this forum.)

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > Didn't know I could find some nostalgic forumers in here.

> >

> > Let everything stay as it is, because what's old is good, right? Well, it's not... The problem is you have to "calibrate" your mind to see some changes are needed, and if you can't see it, then time will show you. And I'm not being sassy, just wanted to share my point of view.

> Then remember that it's only that - your subjective point of view. I happen to disagree. I happen to also think that at least some of the reworks anet did made the end result worse, not better, so forgive me if i'm not eager to see more of those.



Theres one rework which could be said was made worse with little arguements against it. The majority of their reworks have improved upon their old form.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > Didn't know I could find some nostalgic forumers in here.

> > >

> > > Let everything stay as it is, because what's old is good, right? Well, it's not... The problem is you have to "calibrate" your mind to see some changes are needed, and if you can't see it, then time will show you. And I'm not being sassy, just wanted to share my point of view.

> > Then remember that it's only that - your subjective point of view. I happen to disagree. I happen to also think that at least some of the reworks anet did made the end result worse, not better, so forgive me if i'm not eager to see more of those.

> >


> Theres one rework which could be said was made worse with little arguements against it. The majority of their reworks have improved upon their old form.

Dredge one (clown car change), definitely, but that was done very long ago. Cliffside, Thaumanova, perhaps - there were some changes i liked, and some that weren't so good, so i'd call the end result even. Swamp did need a rework, but i'm not very fond of the new version. Mai Trin was a definite change for the worse for me. So was Molten Duo.


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> Theres one rework which could be said was made worse with little arguements against it. The majority of their reworks have improved upon their old form.

I think you'll find that there's no consensus for any particular change; there are always people who prefer it the old way. The current Cliffside gets kudos, but there were several in-between updates that weren't appreciated. Not everyone likes the new Mai Trin. Lots of people liked the old Swamp better (in some ways, the new Swamp is similar to the current Solid Ocean: one _real_ boss fight, tons of adds, hard to finish more quickly no matter how good one is). And Molten Duo gets very mixed reactions.


That's why it's more helpful to ANet if each of us sticks to talking about what changes we like (and why), rather than trying to claim a consensus where none exists.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Theres one rework which could be said was made worse with little arguements against it. The majority of their reworks have improved upon their old form.

> I think you'll find that there's no consensus for any particular change; there are always people who prefer it the old way. The current Cliffside gets kudos, but there were several in-between updates that weren't appreciated. Not everyone likes the new Mai Trin. Lots of people liked the old Swamp better (in some ways, the new Swamp is similar to the current Solid Ocean: one _real_ boss fight, tons of adds, hard to finish more quickly no matter how good one is). And Molten Duo gets very mixed reactions.


> That's why it's more helpful to ANet if each of us sticks to talking about what changes we like (and why), rather than trying to claim a consensus where none exists.



I wouldnt compaire swamp to solid ocean since the boss fights are like leagues diff and i personally would take the more active mai trin from the old when u stood there w8ing for the phases to end.


Molten duo is pretty bad tho.

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Not sure what the problem is. Not every fractal has to be as long as Shattered or Twilight. The Solid Ocean 'boss fight' is admittedly not a boss fight, but it's also nothing to sneeze at. If that were true every run of that fractal would end with no players getting downed and everyone getting the timed achievement. Needless to say, that doesn't happen.


That the OP doesn't like the fractal is understandable, but that doesn't mean there is something wrong with the fractal itself or that it needs to be reworked.


Arguably the only fractal that should be reworked or removed is Aquatic Ruins. It holds exactly zero challenge beyond the dolphin/glowing weeds portion, and as it takes place underwater, even in T4, the lack of proper aquatic gear, utility loadout and attack rotation means exactly nothing. I don't think I even know the mechanics of the boss fight - you just pew pew until the chest pops out.


Funnily I enjoy Ruins because it's quick and often more than not I'll grab the Blood in the Water daily at the same time. But of all the fractals currently available, that is the one that just doesn't measure up.


But again that's like, my opinion, man.

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I love Solid Ocean, it's a nice fractal in my eyes. Great looks + interesting mechanic:

Once you get it down it's not challenging, but for players that encounter it for a first time it is not easy.


What i noticed today: It's simple to clear this fractal because tendrils spawns are limited and follow a pattern - you always have that safe zone in the top left corner, as long as you take care by killing Jade Colossi near this zone and stacking reflecting crystals in that part of the map, there are no problems. If Anet's team tweaks only this - get tendrils to spawn a little differently, in different places, and eliminate that safe spot in top left corner - that would be best of both worlds, rising the difficulty a little bit for experienced players but leaving fractal pretty much as it is for nostalgia sake.


(I think this is related topic - after a while if you play fractals daily, you will get to the point where at least 10 fractals becomes smooth sailing, with no hiccups in speed clears. Having some new elements would help to keep it fresh and challenging)

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> @"Arioch.4810" said:

> I love Solid Ocean, it's a nice fractal in my eyes. Great looks + interesting mechanic


A few days back when it was a recommended, I got distracted in RL by a family member and wasn't paying attention, ended up getting downed right before the last series of jumps to the boss. I hit /gg but the group had already started the fight so I couldn't respawn and had to sit in defeated state the whole fight. But from that far vantage point I had a great vista view of the boss and surrounding area. Very creepy looking stuff that I never saw before, as I was too busy paying attention to the fight mechanics.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Not sure what the problem is. Not every fractal has to be as long as Shattered or Twilight. The Solid Ocean 'boss fight' is admittedly not a boss fight, but it's also nothing to sneeze at. If that were true every run of that fractal would end with no players getting downed and everyone getting the timed achievement. Needless to say, that doesn't happen.


The op didnt say he want Solid ocean to be as long as some of the longer fractals (twillight, shattered at nowhere near as long).


The endboss of solid is a snoozefest, furthermore u severely underestimate the incompetence of some ppl.


Not trying to be rude but some ppl will die to an aoe even if they have an entire stadium sized arena to move around said aoe.


> That the OP doesn't like the fractal is understandable, but that doesn't mean there is something wrong with the fractal itself or that it needs to be reworked.



There is, the fractal isnt good enaging or fun and the developers have also voiced the same thoughts and opinions.


> Arguably the only fractal that should be reworked or removed is Aquatic Ruins. It holds exactly zero challenge beyond the dolphin/glowing weeds portion, and as it takes place underwater, even in T4, the lack of proper aquatic gear, utility loadout and attack rotation means exactly nothing. I don't think I even know the mechanics of the boss fight - you just pew pew until the chest pops out.


For exactly the same reasons solid deserves to be reworked or removed. Both hold exactly 0 chalenge beyond some arbitrary part of the fractal thats not even "challenging" its jsut ppl falling asleep and dying.


Lol even the end boss of solid requires the same strat to beat you just pew pew it with the shards till its dead.


> Funnily I enjoy Ruins because it's quick and often more than not I'll grab the Blood in the Water daily at the same time. But of all the fractals currently available, that is the one that just doesn't measure up.


> But again that's like, my opinion, man.



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Being one of the original fractals that hasn't really been changed (aside from instabilities), veteran players are definitely used to it and generally have an easy time with it. That's not necessarily a bad thing though. Fractals are all about variety, so having some easy ones we're used to mixed in with harder, newer ones makes for a more interesting daily set. It's short and quick, but that averages out nicely with the length of the average Twilight Oasis run.

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a lot of the reworks people dislike, because anet make the fractals longer and just add trash mobs to it which is extremely boring.


i.e. molten boss is a perfect example where you just get an extra 5 or 6 groups of useless adds that you mostly run past anyway, it's just a pain and no one enjoys it, surely there would have been a better rework to nerf 40 farm but not make the fractal annoying as a t4 daily.


the snowblind rework was really good i will say so props to anet on that, the constant fire lighting was replaced by one single longer event at the bottum then the ice elemental thingy had improved mechanics.


swampland is a pain people prefered the mossman fight on t4, the bloomhunger is unforgiving with constant 5 second CCs and long add clearing phases make it boring. IMO they should have buffed mossman to prevent power creep and kept bloomhunger the old way it was.


thaumanova also sucks and many many pug groups fail subject 6 multiple times, the golden oozes dont have a cooldown so if you dps the boss from 80% to 70% you spawn a gold ooze and you go kill it but if a blue one hits the boss in that time and bumps it up to 77% and you dps it to 74% or something another gold ooze will spawn, even if this all happens within 5 seconds. the last boss change is interesting they made that fight shorter but more spammy and the entire area shrinks, however it is bugged or inconvenient as if someone dcs and swaps toons or someone arrives late and the area has shrunk they instant die. this isn't a raid right ???


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