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Official Feedback Thread: LWS4 Episode 5: All or Nothing

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> @"Urocyon.8239" said:

> > @"Aleaxita.2041" said:

> > I don't have the energy to write more than just a couple comments:

> >

> > - Cinematics and sound are stunning. Mechanics are fun, aside from the charging crystals, since mob AI made it hard to get them to stay to be charged.

> > - I appreciate the QoL updates.

> > - The map's pretty (glad to see a Shiverpeaks map again), but it gives me Lake Doric vibes in playthrough (not a fan of that map, sadly).

> > - Killing off beloved characters is not good writing. I shouldn't expect any better, given the track record, but this is ridiculous. I'm so tired of the writing team relying on character death for shock value. It's not going to do much, but if I could even have one word with the writing team, _please stop._


> I completely and wholeheartedly agree. I had to log off after the end of All or Nothing because I was too upset. That's not why I play GW2. It's difficult enough dealing with this sort of thing (loss, grief, pain) in real life, and I am deeply disappointed in the writer's decision to kill off a beloved character, especially after building us up for so long. I still mourn Tybalt, for gods' sakes. I've given some thought to quitting GW2, which would be a shame. I've played since launch and have put hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars of real money into the Gem store. I have put countless hours into the game over the years and I've never before felt like quitting altogether until now. My son and his friends who also play say they feel the same way. **Arenanet, I hope you fix this because I think you're going to lose a lot of players who feel just like me.**


Apologies for being several days late, but I'm exactly here with you. I don't play for this -- I CAN'T play for story anymore. I play for the gameplay, for my own character stories, for the community, but no more for the story. Tybalt for you is Trahearne for me. Everything else this game gives is what makes it my favorite game, but by far the writing team is killing it for me. If they were any good, they wouldn't have to rely on character death for shock value to give their stories drama. I can only hope they learn for the future... PoF gave me hopes after HoT but this killed it.

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> @"Aleaxita.2041" said:

> > @"Urocyon.8239" said:

> > > @"Aleaxita.2041" said:

> > > I don't have the energy to write more than just a couple comments:

> > >

> > > - Cinematics and sound are stunning. Mechanics are fun, aside from the charging crystals, since mob AI made it hard to get them to stay to be charged.

> > > - I appreciate the QoL updates.

> > > - The map's pretty (glad to see a Shiverpeaks map again), but it gives me Lake Doric vibes in playthrough (not a fan of that map, sadly).

> > > - Killing off beloved characters is not good writing. I shouldn't expect any better, given the track record, but this is ridiculous. I'm so tired of the writing team relying on character death for shock value. It's not going to do much, but if I could even have one word with the writing team, _please stop._

> >

> > I completely and wholeheartedly agree. I had to log off after the end of All or Nothing because I was too upset. That's not why I play GW2. It's difficult enough dealing with this sort of thing (loss, grief, pain) in real life, and I am deeply disappointed in the writer's decision to kill off a beloved character, especially after building us up for so long. I still mourn Tybalt, for gods' sakes. I've given some thought to quitting GW2, which would be a shame. I've played since launch and have put hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars of real money into the Gem store. I have put countless hours into the game over the years and I've never before felt like quitting altogether until now. My son and his friends who also play say they feel the same way. **Arenanet, I hope you fix this because I think you're going to lose a lot of players who feel just like me.**


> Apologies for being several days late, but I'm exactly here with you. I don't play for this -- I CAN'T play for story anymore. I play for the gameplay, for my own character stories, for the community, but no more for the story. Tybalt for you is Trahearne for me. Everything else this game gives is what makes it my favorite game, but by far the writing team is killing it for me. If they were any good, they wouldn't have to rely on character death for shock value to give their stories drama. I can only hope they learn for the future... PoF gave me hopes after HoT but this killed it.


It's good, because they don't. But with a huge cast of characters comes death, otherwise no stakes are ever raised and no risks are ever worth anything. "We're the good guys, we cannot lose", but our path to victory is full of sacrifices because everything *else* would be awful fairy tale land writing.

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People really need to stop taking this so hard.

Story is a huge deal to me, and when story is shallow and when there's no risks/consequences/darkness in story it loses depth.

This is something I expected from GW storywriting, it's what was needed.

Heck, it's clear people haven't played GW1. The story there was really dark, which is why I couldn't really 'grip' the story of GW2. It had too much of a cheerful/happy tone to it that just didn't match "my" liking. This has finally immersed me with the story and it finally got my interest after so long.


In all honesty, even with the hopelessness of the situation, we as heroes have to continue. It is what rise and fall is here for. (What do we do when we fall? We learn to pick ourselves up again)

We killed the Elder Dragons too easily imo, yet finally in this Living Story we had two impactful deaths that did shake us. Had characters we hated kept dying, what would the story look like? Honestly.


Look at all the deep films, books and series. Look at Tolkien's Silmarillion, LotR, Hobbit. Deaths happen there too, deaths of characters we really got to like, but it is a tale of courage, good, loyalty, honor and it shows that despite the strength of evil, the good will always prevail...but it will never be easy.

I am not sure why people take this so hard I mean...sure as heck it shook me but to the point to leave the game? No. It actually glued me to the game, interested to see what will happen after.

If anything this should pump you up to beat Kralkatorrik up even more, otherwise Aurene's sacrifice to protect you would've been for naught.


"On your feet soldiers! Stop getting depressed and focus up on kicking that Elder Dragon's tail! Are you Tyrian heroes, or are you a book club?!"

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I took some time before writing the feedback, to avoid what happened with Jahai Bluffs (very good story, very nice map, poor questing ruined by we-all-know-what).


I liked the story of this episode. For some reason I'm still not used to the Rox's voice, but her part in this story was quite minor in the end (not that it's bad, just still new for me). The big gathering before the last battle was also impressive (it reminded me a bit the cleansing of Orr, with historic characters came there for us) and there were very cool dialogues (like the 2 Charr friends reunited after the Joko's defeat, and yeah-YEAH!

Speaking of nice dialogues, also the map offers some gems here and there. I laughed when I found the 2 NPCs (a corsair and a vigil recruit) on one of the ships, trying to insult each other to start some sparring ("you... you wretched dog... oh I'm really bad at this" "no no, you're doing great."). Finding Rhoban was also a nice surprise. And I really appreciated that you gave some relevance to the Dredge (until now we just killed them). Sergei has very sad but also beautiful lines. Also the Skritt and the Priory agent talking about "true love" was funny.

In general, the staff that wrote the small dialogues/lines of the NPCs did a very good job. I'm always amazed to see such quality work on small details and minor characters.


The map is unexpectedly huge, a bit of a pain to navigate, but the waypoints are placed in good spots. And there is a lot of content. Many quests with few waiting time (also to complete the achievements), the 2 meta events are spaced with just 1 hour, fixed time (to please the people who complain about the lack of interesting meta in PoF), and I liked that this time you linked the weapon collection to the meta (so playing on the map, with account bound items), rather than buying items from the trading post. Lesson learned, well done!


There are only 2 issues for me: one is the amount of lights, glowing effects that make stressful to fight in the 2 meta. The landscapes are gorgeous, especially during the night there are a lot of nice spots to take screenshots. But all of those effects coming from (our) skills completely fill the screen with an indistinguishable mush of colours. Sometimes I see my character taking damage and I don't know why, since I'm not standing on any weird circle.

The second issue is the lag. Every time I teleport and mount, I see my character stuck on the ground for 5-6 seconds. Often also if I change mount. This was annoying during one of the adventures for example, as I had to unmount-mount-waste 5 seconds just to wait (and hope that some mob doesn't hit you). If I keep pressing "W", I can see me moving on the minimap, taking damage, use the endurance to sprint, all of this while in my main screen my character is still stuck on the ground, still. Maybe it's just my bad PC, but it never happened on other maps.


TL;DR: this time both the staff that worked at the story and at the quests did a very good job. The map is a bit less "cool" than Jahai Bluffs maybe, but it contains better quests and things to do (the dwarven chambers are a good idea). Special congratulations to the staff that wrote the dialogues of the NPCs. A slightly less farming for the ascended collection or making the full completion an optional (thus, not rewarding any AP) would have been probably better, but it's not a critical issue, unlike the lag.

We all got this for free, so thank you ArenaNet!

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i really loved the map design, beautiful (k, im partial to snow areas and really dislike desert-themed barren maps. but more than that, i appreciate the love poured into the intricate details of the map, from the cavernous forge, light-meta feels, the little caverns here and there, the art and architecture. one of the reasons i got into gw2 was the (psychotic but) passionate love that went into the crafting of maps, and i do feel that here. there was no artificial contrived mixture of terrains. of cos, im not fond of the brand landscape, but thats okayish.


(i did like sandswept too, but it wasnt as vast and vertical as this one)


but, please, give an option to reduce the flash from collecting volatile magic. the flash from unbound was okay, but the volatile is terrible. especially in lower lighting

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Calanthe.3857" said:

> > > @"Ordin.9047" said:

> > > The ending made my 10 yr old daughter cry herself to sleep. Thats not really cool IMO. I c an't say that I'm itching to get back to playing GW2 for a while myself.

> >

> > Section 9, part (d) of the [Guild Wars 2 User Agreement](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-user-agreement/ "Guild Wars 2 User Agreement") specifically states that, "You acknowledge that the Game is not intended for minors under age 13, and You will not allow access to the Game, or the viewing of any display thereof, by any minor under age 13."


> What the frack? What would be your argument if their daughter was 13? Also note you do not have to view the game to know spoilers, or even have an account, just go to youtube or something.


I wish I could give you more than one thumbs up. In my country, the game is rated M: "Films and games with an M label can be sold, hired, or shown to anyone. Films with an M label are more suitable for mature audiences." Our censor's office also comments: "A lot of blockbusters based on books popular with the 10+ age group are classified M, including most of the Harry Potter movies, The Hobbit trilogy and The Hunger Games."


Ratings really do not translate across countries/cultures.

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Very much enjoyed this episode for most of the reasons mapped out here and elsewhere: rich, immersive, and fun to return to, once you get over *that* event.


In particular, I like that there's so many achievement points to be had in the zone - with ~~176~~ 204? AP just from the Dragonsblood weapons. It's keeping me far more engaged than earlier maps - and will do for several weeks more I guess.

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A little parenthesis concerning landscape:

-Underwater design is awesome with all those corals and canyons.

-Dwarwen ruins as a whole are great, I like wandering around those corridors.

-I liked a lot plates rooms puzzles, my favourite would be the library.

-Dredge areas were well designed, I felt the same as dredgehaunt cliffs.



-The central area feel like a mess and randomly put stuffs.

-Maybe, not enough dredges around the whole map.

-Unnacessible auditorium

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I don't know if this is the right place for his, but I keep reading how much people loved this episode and how they want the character to remain dead and then I read how the writers wanted to make us feel hopeless. I guess you succeeded there.


I hated this story episode. So much so I haven't played the game since and really don't want to. I certainly don't want to force myself to play this over and over again like a masocist, getting all my toons through. I have enough hopelessness in life without my entertainment playing head games with me. I play to escape my crappy life, not double down. So kudos. You got me to feel despair over a fake character. You took away a little happy corner of my universe.


I don't know what your plans are and as of today I really don't care. You'll do want you do. I will just have to decide what I will do next.

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Design wise during the play of this episode was mindblowning, all this crystallization and spacey feelings to it was much loved and enjoyed


Without saying too much the end was really unexpected but i believe that there must be a bigger purpose of the way that it ended within this episode.


All in all, gw2 is one of the few Mmo's that i actually enjoyed playing the stories in and it probably always be so huge credits for that .

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Omg the story.


So here’s the thing. This can be AMAZING. But it doesn’t feel like it right now. I’m distraught and grieving and angry. My baby dragon!!!! D’: 3 3 3 I can’t go into the egg chamber. I can’t look at her. *sobs*


IF she’s coming back (and far more than just pulling a Dumbledore at the end of Deathly Hallows!!) then I am breathless to see how she comes back, or we fight and get her back, which would be amazing, and what amazing places we go from here! There’s so many fantastic and wonderful possibilities and hints. IF she’s not coming back or being brought back...ANet, I will hate you forever. You betrayed my trust and betrayed every hint you laid out she would come back. You are Kralkatorrik. You killed her. >:( 3


This could be a “Damn GW2, why are you so good!” But we’ll see. We’ll see. The fate of my favorite game hangs in the balance.


For now I will beat the rest of HoT masteries while I wait.... I have hope. Even though it hurts.


Please don’t fail me ANet. :’( 3 >:(


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What to say? What to say? ... During the entire story I thought "ah well, so we kill another dragon, big deal" - a bit like when my character (female human, btw) says "I died before, it's no big deal" somewhere before. But then **this **disaster! It really struck me. And it was a very bad idea to play that last battle right before bedtime. Didn't sleep well that night... And yes, I did cry into my pillow, I admit it.

Anyway, some people complained that the story was too short. I agree with that. Even though it was part of the story, I really hope that the next episode won't keep us waiting for another 3 oder 4 months... more like this is one episode splitt it two (like Harry Potter's "Heathly Hollows" where they made two movies out of one book). As for killing dear characters... Yes, I admit it, this really struck me! I still cry when I think about Trahearne and his end at our hands. There have been many of those moments in the story sofar, but this one... this is a new level: another scion dead, another scion died because it tried to save me aka my character. Why?, I keep asking myself. Why would Aurene try to save me instead of flying out of harms way and make another move and win? - Okay, I don't ask myself that, I know why she did it, but it's my character that keeps juggling these thoughts, always thinking she doesn't deserve to live and that Joko and many other enemies from the past are now gloating. This is ultimate defeat. Our character came back from Death to save Aurene - only for the little one to sacrifice herself for you (as she did in Path of Fire during our 1on1 with Balthazar and gets kidnapped while we have a cuddle-up with death...).

I do understand the need to kill characters. Like in the Harry Potter Books, where the heros lose so many friends, new and old ones, I beliefe it is somehow necessary for the story to really cut deep. If nobody dies, how can this be a dangerous situation? As for this story arc, I don't see where this can possibly continue. It's like the one when we aka our character had this fallout with Braham and you can't for the life of you imagine how fix this. Aurene was destined to take her grandsire's place, to bring balance to this wartorn world. But now, even if we manage to kill Kralkatorik (and more than ever I doubt that we can), who could take his place? So, right now my character is like "I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed" and "we're doomed either way, what's the use to go on anyway?". And, like I said before, Aurene was the sole reason for us to come back from the dead... Now I feel like, my character is going to throw herself off a cliff - after all, she just lost her purpose, what is there to live for now? If Kralkatorik dies, the world is doomed; if he stays alive, he will just devour the world and go back to sleep and the survivors will rebuild - and forget. And the whole cycle will start anew.

Of course, these are just my muddled up ideas of the last story. My brain just hates cliffhangers and it's busy trying to find a path from here. Thing is, all those paths are very dark, very gloomy, very depressing. The Pact Commander is supposed to embody Hope, not only for Aurene but the world. All those soldiers whom we inspired; we gave them courage to face this epic battle with the Crystal Dragon, like meet a terrible end as Branded. We were like some Super-Chearleader, gathering Tyrias finest for this ALL OR NOTHING battle for all our lives and for the fate of our world. And we failed! Bigtime! In the end, we will win (because we are the heros after all and aNet has to keep selling us expansions so they have to keep our character alive and sorta well and in the position of the hero - no problem there, tough :smile: ), but I think this time it will take more out of us, our character, than ever before.


Okay, that much are my thoughts about the story. I think the map is gorgeous (I'll log in GW1 right away to revisit the old map). I love Gwen's appearence, though I was disappointed that she was only shown as some sort of tongue-in-cheek for long time players, who would recognize her right away (dispite the fact, that she lived long after EotN and probably looked different when she died, but that's just a side note). Maybe give her a bit more room later on? I haven't played the Meta(s?) yet. And I don't think the battles were too hard or too easy: As with all Living Story seasons you have to pay attantion to your surroundings to find out how to defeat your opponent (hardest fight I ever had was that fight Braham of that bloody scroll... I really hated that fight... hate), so this was no different. Of course, I played the story some weeks after launch, so many bugs were already fixed. I didn't have any trouble at all, not with the trials, or the instances after that. The oil-quest was a bit tiresome, I kept getting stuck and the oil on the ground disappeared but once I got a hang of it, it went smooth (that part with the fence, people, please! -.- it's a bloddy fence, not a wall).

Anything else? I'm almost done exploring the entire map, I just to wait for some Metas (that one Vista in the back of this Branded army is definitly tied to one: I got there via griffon just fine, but I was down and dead after maybe five hits o.O). I hope I discover more lore on the way.


Sofar I can only say, keep up the good work, Anet! Your team is doing an excellent job! The story goes bone-deep (forget "under the skin"-crap, this got waaaaaay deeper!) and please, please give us more GW1 related stuff. Maybe some GW2-players change their minds and they try out the old game... could be a new event... Just kidding :tongue:


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> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

>That's because she is still alive and kicking, I mean missing. Tell me that the Sylvari character training mission isn't done the same way, to me what we see at the end of the 5th episode is your character's unconscious interpretation, as in her worst nightmarish scenario made manifest. I say this because it looks like the same dream state with no UI and also because she was thrown over 100 hundred feet away because of the force of the explosion. Everyone seems to think ah being thrown over a hundred feet is cake walk and 3 seconds later she wakes up with a slight limp. Trust me it's a dream state this one and the Sylvari training scene are done in same identical way. In episode 6 she will truly wake and come back to see that Aurene is not only awake and well but she on the other hand is not limping. >


I don't know if discussion is allowed here or it's just a feedback thread, but I'll just say this.


"It was just a dream" is the cheapest trick in writing, and is widely despised in the writing community. Not to mention it being paired with a character death, which would make it all the more cheap on top of being cheap to start. Being a writer means getting your audience to trust you, and not betraying your audience's trust. Expectations are set from the start, and "It was just a dream" is a massive violation of that in most circumstances. Given that only a portion of GW2 players - people who have played Sylvari's and remember the training scene - would be in on this hint, it would be a huge betrayal, especially considering how many other hints they have set up about the many other ways she can come back or be brought back. I expect a massive effort with potentially heavy tolls to get her back. It could be really great....


> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

>I'm gonna lmao in 3 months, to me story wise you simply don't train a character give it a gift then have that gift transform another character completely to then say to yourself, this character is now too good too important so lets kill it after all the work we've done on her, besides she doesn't deserve to live. That's the thinkling of a Klingon or a Charr. ;)



This I agree with. You don’t do all the things they did with Aurene only to kill her off. Keeping her killed off would also be a major betrayal and destruction of expectation. Good writing keeps promises, while also surprising you. This is a great twist, and a great reality check for us. Killing dragons is hard. But we will come out on top, if not a little scarred. I suspect a heavy toll, but I do not expect the toll to include Aurene permanently. Aurene *is* the story. We and Aurene are the story. We and Aurene have to survive.


I'm tentatively excited. I could be enthralled when it finally works out. It could be a catalyst for Aurene and us. What I said in my first post... I have hope, even though it hurts. Please don't fail me ANet.... 3

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For the Dredge Fishing, it needs some "you shouldn't be unhappy to see other players" love.


Unlike other resource nodes, everyone shares the water pools to fish, so it ends up being a bit of a throw back to older MMOs where you have to fight over resource nodes.


It would be nice if the pools behaved more like resource nodes, in that regards.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> For the Dredge Fishing, it needs some "you shouldn't be unhappy to see other players" love.


> Unlike other resource nodes, everyone shares the water pools to fish, so it ends up being a bit of a throw back to older MMOs where you have to fight over resource nodes.


> It would be nice if the pools behaved more like resource nodes, in that regards.


It's a problem now, but in a few weeks it won't be and I can totally see it be at least somewhat engaging when there is another person trying to get them too. It's sad that these classic MMO moments just can't happen in GW2, since they have their very own charme.

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So uh.. you just took all the setup and planning and backup planning and character development since HoT ended and just flushed it down the toilet in one moment, after Caithe was set up to do something special you killed it off in the same episode.. leaving us with what.. 1 more episode to conclude this arc with not only leaving us with some unseen Macguffin to deal with Kralkatorrik, but also a second Macguffin in order to explain how the world doesn't end AFTER killing Kralkatorrik? Aurene might have been a Macguffin but at least it was one with some plot development to her and we interacted with her, and she sort of made sense (being a dragon that can become a new elder dragon that shares magic harmoniously rather than going through cycles of waking and gorging creating destruction and just hoarding it all, but at the same time preventing it from tearing the world apart). Now we have nothing and it's just going to be Deus Ex Machina for a chapter?


Lemme guess, Taimi sacrifices her life and the power of frienship absorbs the wayward magic and prevents the destruction of the world? Is that our 2 Macguffins?


You might say "just wait and see what they do" but you've undone all the plot devices previously set up so whatever it is it will be brand new coming out of thin air and saving the day in 1 chapter with no development. That's quite possibly the worst thing you can do in making a narrative.


Next worse would be either somehow undoing the death because of Joko's involvement or any sort of resurrection, because that cheapens the impact of her death

"Don't worry about Aurene dying fam, now we have zombeh Aurene! owo"... or the "it was all just a dream/vision" trope. Please please please tell me you got something better than those 4 outcomes.. by those 4 I mean:

1. It was all just a dream

2. Zombeh Aurene (owo)/Aurene resurrection

3. "Tyria is saved by teh power of FRIENDSHIP! uwu"

4. Deus Ex Machina (or even Deus Ex Taimi (although if it comes from scruffy that'd LITERALLY be Deus Ex Machina wouldn't it?)) MacGuffin that is totally brand new with no development.


Other amateur ways to wrap this narrative up include:

1. Kralkatorrik decides to go back into hibernation (how anticlimactic..)

2. "It's only a model"/entire narrative is just a simulation/you're in the Matrix, it's a played out trope, but I wasn't even impressed the first time I saw it in Star Ocean 3.

3. "The bad ending" Kralkatorrik dies, magic runs wild and tears Tyria to pieces, thank you for playing Guild Wars 2, servers will be shutting down at the end of the month, although this at least would be fairly unique.


.. hopefully your narrative team isn't amateurs.. are they amateurs?

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I still love the new zone, esp the way completing the metas rewards you with the plate rooms instead of just a chest or something. But I have developed one complaint about this release: Inventory bloat. The dragonsblood weapon cheeves each yields an account bound item that you need to craft the asc version, and replacements for that item are 50g. So if you aren't inclined to craft them immediately, you've got 16 new inventory items, which seems like a lot from just one ep . . .

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > For the Dredge Fishing, it needs some "you shouldn't be unhappy to see other players" love.

> >

> > Unlike other resource nodes, everyone shares the water pools to fish, so it ends up being a bit of a throw back to older MMOs where you have to fight over resource nodes.

> >

> > It would be nice if the pools behaved more like resource nodes, in that regards.


> It's a problem now, but in a few weeks it won't be and I can totally see it be at least somewhat engaging when there is another person trying to get them too. It's sad that these classic MMO moments just can't happen in GW2, since they have their very own charme.


You're probably the only person here who think getting node ninjaad having someone killsteal from you has "charm"

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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > > For the Dredge Fishing, it needs some "you shouldn't be unhappy to see other players" love.

> > >

> > > Unlike other resource nodes, everyone shares the water pools to fish, so it ends up being a bit of a throw back to older MMOs where you have to fight over resource nodes.

> > >

> > > It would be nice if the pools behaved more like resource nodes, in that regards.

> >

> > It's a problem now, but in a few weeks it won't be and I can totally see it be at least somewhat engaging when there is another person trying to get them too. It's sad that these classic MMO moments just can't happen in GW2, since they have their very own charme.


> You're probably the only person here who think getting node ninjaad having someone killsteal from you has "charm"


That stuff builds character :)


I'm saying that things shouldn't be changed because of what happens during the absolute peak of player numbers. Never again will there be as many players as on release who attempt to do something, making it not a problem for people to come.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > > > For the Dredge Fishing, it needs some "you shouldn't be unhappy to see other players" love.

> > > >

> > > > Unlike other resource nodes, everyone shares the water pools to fish, so it ends up being a bit of a throw back to older MMOs where you have to fight over resource nodes.

> > > >

> > > > It would be nice if the pools behaved more like resource nodes, in that regards.

> > >

> > > It's a problem now, but in a few weeks it won't be and I can totally see it be at least somewhat engaging when there is another person trying to get them too. It's sad that these classic MMO moments just can't happen in GW2, since they have their very own charme.

> >

> > You're probably the only person here who think getting node ninjaad having someone killsteal from you has "charm"


> That stuff builds character :)


> I'm saying that things shouldn't be changed because of what happens during the absolute peak of player numbers. Never again will there be as many players as on release who attempt to do something, making it not a problem for people to come.


Not the kind of characters you want to be.. it makes people jerks to each other, I'd know, that's what it made me into, a jerk towards other people. Maybe if MMO's in my earlier days had been more like GW2 I'd be nicer. But I spent 10 years wishing I could reach through the screen and strangle the other guy any time I saw another player mining in the same area as I was.

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All right, I am now solidly on the bandwagon of wanting the Consul Tomb poi (purple plate room) to be reachable by hugging the gate same as green room is. I've been running alts through the map, doing metas for plates, occasionally buying plate halves on the TP. And half the time the purple room isn't one of my three plates on the chain to green and I have to spend a good while finding someone who can let me teleport to them. Please make this happen.


(Yes I could do the whole story to that point if I really had to but that would get very old very fast given the number of alts I have available to farm map completions).

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(apologies for the mis-post in the bugs forum)

I have to say I don't like the latest chapter. The zone might grow on me with time but on first experience, it is hard to navigate and things like the "simon-says" mastery and achievements just seem like a tedious way to delay me for a few hours.


Coming from someone who doesn't mind a little grind, the new weapon set locked behind a seemingly endless meta grind is off-putting. Why? well other grinds I could do at my own pace but having to hit 2 metas a day at the right time just seems a bit too much.


Having talked to guildies, I know this is fine for some players but for me, it is over the line. Coupled with a festival where the focus is on mastering games that have little bearing on normal content, this seems time for a break from the game. I'll be back at some point; I enjoy gw2 overall and I get that this is all that the devs can afford at this time, but it does leave me wondering if this game is going to last more than a year or two.

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There is an unreachable POI on this map (or an randomly time gated one)


"[The Consul's Tomb](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Consul%27s_Tomb "The Consul's Tomb")" is unreachable if you don't get it a purple key.

This is the 2nd day I have NOT got access to the purple room in the Dwarven Catacombs. Making it impossible for me to complete the map.

Why put a POI behind something like that? It's stupid and stops map completion.

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