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Bug Reports: LWS4 Episode 5: All or Nothing

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> @"Brin The Avenger.5201" said:

> DC'd twice during the cutscene after the dragon battle of The Crystal Dragon, so I have no idea what happens next. Second try I only had to do the final stage of the fight again thanks to the checkpoint and I made sure I had YouTube running muted in background but I still DC'd at same point. Tried resetting by ending the mission and restarting. I realise that *should* mean playing the whole of The Crystal Dragon from the start, but instead I lost EVERYTHING after Scion & Champion and am now back at the start of Dragonsblood. Have closed and reopened the game but the missing three chapters have not reappeared in my story log.


Same here, though I didn't get a DC. Resetting the instance puts you back to a checkpoint with NO achievement eligibility. Resetting the episode does not bring you back to The Crystal Dragon, it sends you all the way back to Dragonsblood. Really annoying waste of time.

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"You have already opened this chest today."


Despite reset and a new day, the hidden chests in the Dwarven Catacombs are not opening. So this means that the Light of Deldrimor was wasted. Please fix this or make a better way to not make an item that can be bought in the Trading Post from others be a 10g waste.



Some of the hidden chests are not giving loot at all. Its possible that chests from other chambers in previous day rotations are spawning in the wrong ones.

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Made my light of deldrimor, got the first plate gold, then thenext blue, then purple to go into the graveling room, No plate dropped after numerous kills a nd leaving the room and coming back in. My Light expired so was unable to get the green plate and the chest in the green room. Wasted time and effort with no result. Please reimburse me something for this.

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The game revert me back to Lonar Pass after a DC error that occured after finishing Scion and champion. Now **I CAN'T LOG INTO the character that played the story with this error here:** https://ibb.co/Pxk5wbn

I can however log into the rest fine. What kind of bug is this?


Update to this.

> @"Jawmeow.4502" said:

> **I got a dc after finishing the story instance that takes me to the new map.** It unlocked 1 waypoint so now whenever I try to use that waypoint in the new map I get keep getting a crash dc error. This happened yesterday when I tried getting to Jahai Bluffs using waypoints or tome, but it got fixed. Now, I can't get to Thunderhead peaks at all..



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> @"Wielder Of Magic.3950" said:

> Electrophobia simply does not trigger ( I avoided all of Kralkatorriks attacks, had the achievement buff icon until the final cutscene, never got the achievement).

> As an achievement hunter, this frustrates me.


I didn't receive credit for 1/10/2018

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Scenery pop-in seems worse in new zone. Mount not loading for 5 or so seconds after mounting up. If I mount near the steps entering the keep, I fall through the steps because of the load delay (happened four times so far - bug report submitted with screenshot) and have to use waypoint to get out. I've also fallen through the steps round to the right (towards the catacombs).


Please sort out the "mounts not loading" issue - it is such a massive pain in the bum having to wait five seconds to mount up and then fall through the floor when you try to dismount from a mount that never even loaded. It seems to be in high-population zones - I've fallen through the ground in Istan and ended up in scenery Auric Basin during metas, almost always when mounting up.


I've turned textures and character model count down in the settings, but it still seems very present. This is with game stored on SSD.

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> @"Wrax.4038" said:

> I'm working on the Dragonsblood Focus upgrade. Chasing Tales: Asaliea the Channelor seems to be bugged. I got heroic deed #1 and #3 done at the same time (and their respective achievements), then #2 (and it's achievement). It didn't count #3 under the Chasing Tales achievement, and it won't let me channel Asaliea.

Progress in the "Chasing Tales: Asaliea the Channeler" achievement for the Heroic Dragonsblood Focus seems to be blocked by a bugged. The prerequisite achievement "Chasing Tales: Torrent of Magic" currently rewards you with the "Chasing Tales: Storm's Eye" item -- which you can already obtain from the "Chasing Tales: Storm's Eye" achievement (i.e. two separate achievements grant the same item). Consequently, you can only acquire two of the three deeds for the "Chasing Tales: Asaliea the Channeler" achievement. I was able to get #1 and #2, however #3 is not finished, even though I completed all 3 the achievements.


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Chasing Tales: Asaliea the Channeler

stuck on 3/5 objectives even though i've done 4/5 of them

Acquire dragonsblood focus - check

Aquire heroic spirit deed#1 - check

Aquire heroic spirit deed # 2 - check

Aquire heroic spirit deed #3 -check


can't "meet with the heroic spirit of Asaliea at the font" because deed #3 isn't showing as done, even though i've completed "Chasing Tales: torrent of Magic"




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I've noticed two different bugs:

1. A typo. When you buy Branded Masses from the heart vendors in Thunderhead Peaks, you get a message saying "You can only buy 5 of this item per account per day. Are you sure you want to purchase it now?" I think this is supposed to say "You can only buy 5 of this item per character per day," as I can come back on a second character, complete the heart again, and buy 5 more Branded Masses.

2. The "Chasing Tales: Deadly Accuracy" achievement seems to be broken. I can guarantee I have killed far more than 30 creatures with a rifle and I haven't gotten credit for this achievement.

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Both chasing tales: like a wounded beast and chasing tale: enduring hatred are not working.

I tried to do these achievements both with the warrior and the necromancer, however you don't get credit even if you kill 5 creatures in a row while never recovering Hp. ( and still under 10% HP )

I even have a video that show that if needed.

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> @"bernstein adelheid.8590" said:

> Both chasing tales: like a wounded beast and chasing tale: enduring hatred are not working.

> I tried to do these achievements both with the warrior and the necromancer, however you don't get credit even if you kill 5 creatures in a row while never recovering Hp. ( and still under 10% HP )

> I even have a video that show that if needed.


I was able to get Like a Wounded Beast working eventually, although it took several tries. Seems a bit buggy, but I can confirm that it IS possible. I also think it's an extreme outlier in difficulty compared to the rest of the weapon achievements, but that's a different story.

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> @"Zarathorn.8259" said:

> > @"bernstein adelheid.8590" said:

> > Both chasing tales: like a wounded beast and chasing tale: enduring hatred are not working.

> > I tried to do these achievements both with the warrior and the necromancer, however you don't get credit even if you kill 5 creatures in a row while never recovering Hp. ( and still under 10% HP )

> > I even have a video that show that if needed.


> I was able to get Like a Wounded Beast working eventually, although it took several tries. Seems a bit buggy, but I can confirm that it IS possible. I also think it's an extreme outlier in difficulty compared to the rest of the weapon achievements, but that's a different story.


My several tries mean over 4 hours. So, yeah i'm sorry, however this is nowhere a forgettable bug, nor a "will work eventually". I also tried with different maps and enemies. Even doing a 10 enemies kill streak with no Hp regen at 10% HP while only using skill 1.


Considering you got it, please specify: profession, location, enemies, used skills, how long under 10% HP and on how many enemies you killed in a row.

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Can't even get past the first trial. First time, my husband (the owner) disconnected at the end after getting Aurene magicced up. The second time, she bugged out and we couldn't even exit the instance (only got out by logging out). This is insane. We wait a couple of days to see if the kinks get worked out, and this crap happen the first two times we start the story. When we can't get past the very first part, it makes it highly doubtful, we will continue trying...

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> @"bernstein adelheid.8590" said:

> > @"Zarathorn.8259" said:

> > > @"bernstein adelheid.8590" said:

> > > Both chasing tales: like a wounded beast and chasing tale: enduring hatred are not working.

> > > I tried to do these achievements both with the warrior and the necromancer, however you don't get credit even if you kill 5 creatures in a row while never recovering Hp. ( and still under 10% HP )

> > > I even have a video that show that if needed.

> >

> > I was able to get Like a Wounded Beast working eventually, although it took several tries. Seems a bit buggy, but I can confirm that it IS possible. I also think it's an extreme outlier in difficulty compared to the rest of the weapon achievements, but that's a different story.


> My several tries mean over 4 hours. So, yeah i'm sorry, however this is nowhere a forgettable bug, nor a "will work eventually". I also tried with different maps and enemies. Even doing a 10 enemies kill streak with no Hp regen at 10% HP while only using skill 1.


> Considering you got it, please specify: profession, location, enemies, used skills, how long under 10% HP and on how many enemies you killed in a row.


South of the renown heart near the Forge, there's some empty hallways with spiders in them. I gathered up several spiders, let them get me low health, then popped Endure Pain on my warrior and AoE'd them down with axe 5. The only surviving one I kited and threw axes with axe 3 to get it. There's a couple others on reddit saying that spot worked for them too.


Another thing that is hopefully a bug: the Heroic Dragonsblood weapons appear to lack infusion slots (at least the 3 I've crafted). If that's not a bug, I'm not even sure what to think.

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If it is not the edge or the ceiling of the map can you please... please remove invisible walls? please?! I dont care if there is nothing on a mountain top. But if a mountain top is there I want to be able get there somehow. But when you are blocked by invisible walls its just frustrating. Invis walls do not encourage to explore the map.

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