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Please Change the Laruel Requirement

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > > > It's the same cost as the pieces of gear you get from a normal laurel merchant. I don't see any issue.

> > > >

> > > > The point is that, with the masses of such items _since PoF_, many people are running short on laurels and the insanity does not seem to end with further releases.

> > >

> > > I think that contrary to your belief there's more people out there with excess laurels than those just scraping by.

> >

> > Doesn't mean those "just scraping by" should be neglected.


> They are not neglected. In fact getting laurels is so easy and passive.


Nonesense. It is time-gated, and that is NOT "easy".


> And besides, those scrapping by probably dont need these stats for the type of endgame they play. Unless they raid or do fractals its really not worth it.


You need them for the weapons collection recipes, dude. Also, it is not up to you to say what people do or don't need.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > > > @"sniperman.1738" said:

> > > > > > > It doesn't make sense to have a Laruel requirement for the stuff in the new map, if you want people to play on your map it should require the new map currency, because at this point what were creating here is no incentive to really play on the map other than for achievement and to do the story, whats the point in that, as that feels like wasted content then if the map quickly dies out due to lack of long term incentive or incentive in general. There's no other way to earn laruels at the moment so right now this feels like a slap in the face because its like ooo new map oh wait gotta have laruels but I just spent mine on x, y and z so I have none so I dont get to work towards any of the new weapons or gear stats, doesn't seem right does it?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You can get laurels on the new map. Just like in any map where you receive the daily log in rewards, so what is your point? You can get laurels everywhere in the world in the same way you can get gold in the entire world. Does this mean in the new map shouldn't be any gold requirements?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Doesn't make any sense. This map is part of PoF, which is part of the base game, they're not isolated games. Everyone that has access to the map has access to Laurels

> > > > >

> > > > > Scratching my head if I am honest.

> > > > > You can get laurels everywhere, the same way we get gold across all of Tyria.. really??

> > > >

> > > > Yes, how do you get laurels? By logging in. Does it matter where you log in? Nope.

> > >

> > > That is not obtiaing the laurels on that map as you stated.. that is purely for logging in and that is it.. show me where you obtain laurels on the map not the login reward, I get that just sitting in my guild hall humming tunes.

> >

> > I am not arguing with you about this lol. Once again. Gaining Laurels is in no way restricted to any specific map or game mode. You can get them in any sort of content on any map, simply by logging into the game.

> >

> > There is not a single reason why you could say that on the new LS map you somehow don't get Laurels. You get them in the same way you you get them in Lionsarch for example where you also have a vendor that wants Laurels. So why shopuldn't there be a Laurel vendor in the new LS map?

> >

> > I want you to come up with the exact specific reason that makes the new LS map any different to any other Map or content in GW2 in regards to aquiring Laurels. If you don't have such an argument then there's also no more discussion from my part.


> Just stop trying to back peddle.. you know as well as everyone you do not get laurels for being on any specific map, they are a login reward and only on certain days of the cycle.. if you trying to be clever please enlighten us all how I get laurels when I pop over to Jahai Bluffs, or Auric Basic or.. any map today... cos I see no laurel rewards for events, for kills.. or actually for logging into the map today.

> Login rewards have nothing to do with where you are in game they are simply a login reward nothing more.

> Using map currency to purchase items that are specific to that map is the sensible thing to of done here, but ANET have a reason for choosing laurels instead, in order to create a further laurel sink to add to the increased push to sink gold from the game. The game is changing and not for the better imo.. but that is another topic all together.


I am not "back peddling" lol. I've said the exact same thing over 3 times now.


Somehow you're unable to understand that Laurels are a currency that is obtainable everywhere. There's nothing to argue about that. It is timegated yes and you might want to argue that. It is maybee too sparsely aquired by daily login rewards, yes, and you might want to argue that. It is a currency not available in masses for new players, yes and you might want to argue that.


But coming here and complaining that Anet uses already existing currency for new map vendor/items? That's absolutely ridiculous. Usually we only get one new currency in a new map, all the other currencies needed are old ones and why shouldn't they? Why should new content invalidate all the old currency or mats? Makes absolutely no sense.


You may have a point about Laurels being a bad currency for anything. This has nothing to do with the new map.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > > > > It's the same cost as the pieces of gear you get from a normal laurel merchant. I don't see any issue.

> > > > >

> > > > > The point is that, with the masses of such items _since PoF_, many people are running short on laurels and the insanity does not seem to end with further releases.

> > > >

> > > > I think that contrary to your belief there's more people out there with excess laurels than those just scraping by.

> > >

> > > Doesn't mean those "just scraping by" should be neglected.

> >

> > They are not neglected. In fact getting laurels is so easy and passive.


> Nonesense. It is time-gated, and that is NOT "easy".


So doing nothing and waiting is hard then?


> > And besides, those scrapping by probably dont need these stats for the type of endgame they play. Unless they raid or do fractals its really not worth it.


> You need them for the weapons collection recipes, dude. Also, it is not up to you to say what people do or don't need.



If you're scrapping by you're probably better off getting something else more useful to help your situation. I dont know though that's my opinion.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > > It's the same cost as the pieces of gear you get from a normal laurel merchant. I don't see any issue.

> > >

> > > The point is that, with the masses of such items _since PoF_, many people are running short on laurels and the insanity does not seem to end with further releases.

> > >

> > > You _cannot_ **farm** Laurels, so that's the biggest downside here. They need to finally introduce additional means of acquisition for them if they intend to continue down _that_ road. [Here's a suggestion](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65398/add-laurels-to-the-tyrian-exchange-voucher "Here's a suggestion").

> >

> > You do not need to spend laurels for ascended recipes for the vast majority of stats, because you can transform using the exotic insignia/inscriptions. You really only need recipes for a single stat. The reason this one is different is that there's a skin attached to it. The last time that happened, in Istan, you didn't need to spend any laurels.


> Thanks for the lecture, but I know all that and already told you on at least two other occasions that I spent my laurels on +5 attribute infusions for all my characters, and on several ascended trinkets (pre-HoT). Never said anything about stat changes.


You claimed that there are "masses of such items since PoF," which is not supported by the evidence. You claimed that many people are running short on laurels, which is also not supported. Had you quoted my entire response, you would have noticed that I agreed that _some_ people are low on laurels (and even admonishes ANet for not providing advance warning of a new sink), but it's not as widespread a problem as you claim. Currencies either have too few sinks (e.g. dungeon currencies, which have little to spend on once you max the relevant collections) or too many (e.g. gold, since our demand for it always exceeds our incomes).


Your personal choice to spend and spend and spend laurels on +5 infusions isn't going to stop you from completing the new weapon set. All anyone has to do to get more laurels is to logon. And even so, it's not directly relevant to the question of whether the laurel cost is too high.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > I have no real use for mine, I was closing in on 900


> I think we've hit on the reason for these requiring laurels. I've got 750 or so now after converting a bunch to crafting mats and selling them. :)


Is there a way to convert materials to laurels?!


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I hate using laurels to buy ascended trinkets. (I'm fine with using laurels to buy other things tho)


We get 35 (20 more from chest of loyalty) laurels **per month** . The random vendor sell ascended accessory for 40 laurels. Which is, apparently, not a good way to obtain ascended trinkets...unless you play the game very, very casually and don't have any other ways to obtain them. Not counting that some people like to gear multiple alts and new players won't swim in laurels like the veterans.


Also, I think the trinkets in LS maps should use the map currency to buy, just like the way LS3 maps did so that we have a reason to return to these maps. I find myself **NEVER** going back to Kourna again after I finished crafting the banner backpack, **EVER**. Same goes for Thunderhead Peaks, eventually I'll finish the Dragonsblood collection and have no reason to go back to this map again. Because the currencies in these maps will be close to useless (except use it for volatile magic, but we have Istan for that).


Jahai Bluffs is the exception because the meta has a rare chance to drop infusion, which is a good enough reward to attract people to do it again and again.


English is not my main language, apologize if this comment seems confusing.

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Honestly, the laurels should only be applied to the ascended recipes/items like they did with the rest of the merchants. It's inconsistent and an unnecessary time gate. It's far from hard, but it is annoying at best to login every several days instead of using the time given to make progress towards said item. We don't live in China here, where us actually playing a game over a long time will screw us over.

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People are complaining about a laurel time gate as though you aren't already time gated by the Serpentite jewels and branded chunks.


If you're new, how are you already at lvl 80 content that's after 2 whole expansions and yet don't have at least 35 laurels yet?


If you're not new, why are you spending hard gated currency on materials?

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> People are complaining about a laurel time gate as though you aren't already time gated by the Serpentite jewels and branded chunks.


Even those can be acquired faster than laurels, _plus_ many don't even know about these additional requirements **because they don't have enough kitten laurels to even get started**.


> If you're new, how are you already at lvl 80 content that's after 2 whole expansions and yet don't have at least 35 laurels yet?


My account was created at release and I play frequently since the winter of 2015.


> If you're not new, why are you spending hard gated currency on materials?


You obviously did not read any of the explanations already posted: I, for instance, used up all my laurels on ascended trinkets (before they were available via LWS3), and after that on fully equipping my characters with +5 attribute infusions (often for several build sets, like WvW).


Please stop being so patronizing and accept the fact that there _are_ people who are running low on laurels and that there is a good reason for that (i.e., that they are neither new nor stupidly wasting them).

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > People are complaining about a laurel time gate as though you aren't already time gated by the Serpentite jewels and branded chunks.


> Even those can be acquired faster than laurels, _plus_ many don't even know about these additional requirements **because they don't have enough kitten laurels to even get started**.


> > If you're new, how are you already at lvl 80 content that's after 2 whole expansions and yet don't have at least 35 laurels yet?


> My account was created at release and I play frequently since the winter of 2015.


> > If you're not new, why are you spending hard gated currency on materials?


> You obviously did not read any of the explanations already posted: I, for instance, used up all my laurels on ascended trinkets (before they were available via LWS3), and after that on fully equipping my characters with +5 attribute infusions (often for several build sets, like WvW).


> Please stop being so patronizing and accept the fact that there _are_ people who are running low on laurels and that there is a good reason for that (i.e., that they are neither new nor stupidly wasting them).


- So was mine and I barely play anymore outside of major content releases and even I have over a thousand

- That was quite a whiel ago, at 35 a month, you should have more than enough built up by now.

- lol @ buying infusions with laurels.


You made your choices.

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