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Feedback on Pharus [Merged]

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I like the update but the skin of the legendary bow is super cheap. Its the chaos bow with Some light footsteps.


Please pimp that bow. The first gen i also didnt like. The short bow was awesome. Please make iT møre attractive for is to craft iT.


What you Guys think of the new bow?

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> @"Hawkerace.6320" said:

> I can't be the only one that thinks this new legendary longbow lacks the 'legendary' aspect to it. After making it, I felt like I wasted all that time farming for some gem store skin.


> Before I go on ranting and get off track. I think this longbow needs to get back to the drawing board and redesigned a bit. It's not legendary worthy. And for the time and material cost, it's no where near worth it. The design is basic and I feel like there wasn't much effort put into it.


> Kudzu has been out for years and still beats it hands down.


I find it unlikely that the are going to do a complete redesign or even a redesign. That would set a bad precedent. I think Twilight/Sunrise/Eternity look like cheap cardboard cutouts but that doesn't mean they will change it. In that regard, I would argue that more work went into making Pharus. I wouldn't even consider them basic but more or less uninspired and nowhere near worth having to make two weapons to get a third.


The thing about Legendaries, though, is that there are enough in the game right now that you are likely to find one that appeals to you. No one has to build to Pharus. I personally find the look of it amazing and definitely better looking than our current greatswords, which are just rectangle slabs with dark or light colors. However, I would never argue that they need to change the greatsword because some folks like it and they have every right to it. There are people who like Pharus and they have every right to it.


Also, Kudzu looks awful too.


> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"AzureTerra.1642" said:

> > Nice smooth lines and clean effects make a good looking weapon. Most of the legendary are way to OTT


> If you want something smooth and clean... use another 60+ longbow skins.... legendary must be above all LB skins... precious... like incenerator dagger (new dagger is also kitten and you see them just few ...)


> This LB skill is just cheap looking gem skin with some added shine effect.


> Dissapointed, and im saying it as player.... also as senior graphic designer.


No, I'd have to say it looks better than a Gem store skin. Also, the number of people who make it isn't a good judge. Incinerator has been out longer than Claw of Khan-Ur so it will naturally have more people using it. I would also argue that Claw is a bit more creative in its approach. All things considered, from a pure graphical argument the greatswords look closer to Gem store knock-offs than this. Again, rectangular cardboard cutouts.


Not sure why folks gotta be hatting on Pharus. There are a lot of other Legendaries for people to have. I can promise you there was no way that they were going to make a new Legendary and its appeal to everyone. I imagine when they release the new greatsword it will have its detractors.


> @"intox.6347" said:

> Ok we can take it from another side.

> That statetment about me being graphic designer, is about... art is my work, i sell things only if they look good, if it looks good for some minority but not for targeted group, im doing my work wrong.


There is no way for you to support the idea that only a minority of people like the new Legendary while a majority hate it. So this means your argument from the position of graphic designer doesn't hold much weight here.


Worth noting that you could hire two different graphic designers and get two radically different opinions on what constitutes good.


> But legendary is another type.... u dont have too much to choose... 2 legendaries to pick skin, yes some are both nice... scepter, sword.... but how many ppl did you saw with 2nd gen legendary rifle, dagger, hammer .... not much. Ppl dont like it that much.


That doesn't tell us much. The 1st gens are older and as such you will see more of them in the game. There is also the fact that the 1st gens let you skip steps and the 2nd gens don't. If I want to I can go into the game right now and buy a bunch of 1st gen Legendaries from the TP. Can't do that with 2nd gen. I can also go in and buy the precursors and just complete the last step. Can't do that with 2nd gen. I can also get the precursors as random loot drops or from the Mystic Forge unlike the 2nd gens. It is also the case that 2nd gens require more work. The 1st gens, for the most part, require three collections. Most of the 2nd gens require four.


Which pretty much means there are a lot of factors at play here that can lead to a lower output for 2nd gen. Based on all the factors I listed above I would wager it is far more likely that the issue is one of them and not the fact that people don't like them. I love the look of H.O.P.E.. However, I am likely to finish the Predator first due to the fact that it is easier. I like the look of the Shinning Blade. Still likely to do Bolt first since I got Zap from the Mystic Forge. I think Xiuquatl looks amazing but I recently pulled Storm from the Mystic Forge. So overall the 1st gen Legendaries are just easier to get.



> And i get difference between subjective and objective.... but once major group take same subjective view on situation, it become objective.



That's not how objectivity works. Like at all. If the majority of people got together and decided a certain ethnic or racial group was inferior to them would you honestly consider that an objective viewpoint? Objectivity isn't about a bunch of people all agreeing on something. If that was the case the world would be flat. You also really can't claim the majority here. The forum is a bad measure of who has the majority in any given discussion.


> @"Sonam.3281" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> >

> > You being graphic designer doesn't mean anything, someone said its art and its a very subjective matter and they're right.

> > It doesn't mean your opinion is more superior than others!



> It means that he knows better than you if this is a ''cheap'' work or no ... so simple.

> And i dont believe that the majority are satisfied with this for Legendary Longbow (especially when the alternative is kudzu)



One really can't say that the majority of people like or dislike it. We simply lack the necessary information to make such judgment call.


> @"Funky.4861" said:

> If a legendary weapon is supposed to stand out from others of its' type, Pharus fails. That's why i made The Moot instead of Eureka (looks just like the Deimos mace only with more effects and colour). Even Frostfang and Rodgort are more unique than Pharus...


I like Moot because it reminds me of disco. Disco is life.


> @"Hawkerace.6320" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > Your completely subjective opinion on the appearance of something being given as hard evidence something needs to be redesigned because you personally don't like it. Did I get that right?


> It's not just my opinion. A lot of players are complaining it looks similar to the chaos longbow skin (which it does). Others like myself, feel that for a legendary it's too basic looking with a simple design and it doesn't carry that 'legendary' feel to it when compared to the other gen2 weapons such as Chuka, Nevermore, Khan'ur...


The fact that "a lot of players" are complaining doesn't make it any less of an opinion. This isn't how opinion and facts work (or subjective and objective for that matter). There are people, for whom, this Legendary is fine. Just like there are people, for whom, the great sword Tarantino trinity set looks amazing.



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Pharus is pretty cool. Between the amazing draw animation, the intricate detailing when you get a close look at it, the projectile animations, and the awesome critical strike animation where it calls down a pillar of light on an enemy I'm personally very happy with my decision to make it. It's a bit narrow in it's appeal, similar to Kudzu. Kudzu looks out of place on anything that isn't a super flowery looking sylvari, maybe human. Pharus looks only looks good with deliberately very paladin looking characters. It's not like Shining Blade or Chuka where you can just slap it on anything and it'll look good. Really my one complaint is that there's a bug that makes the bowstring disappear frequently.

![](https://i.imgur.com/o9rVu1f.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/BwbLWPt.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/lgVkxrN.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/extt5rn.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/Kl9gegk.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/7xH38Xu.jpg "")


Seriously look at how high up the crit animation goes it's litearlly out of this world. I think it goes maximum the up.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Pharus is pretty cool. Between the amazing draw animation, the intricate detailing when you get a close look at it, the projectile animations, and the awesome critical strike animation where it calls down a pillar of light on an enemy I'm personally very happy with my decision to make it. It's a bit narrow in it's appeal, similar to Kudzu. Kudzu looks out of place on anything that isn't a super flowery looking sylvari, maybe human. Pharus looks only looks good with deliberately very paladin looking characters. It's not like Shining Blade or Chuka where you can just slap it on anything and it'll look good. Really my one complaint is that there's a bug that makes the bowstring disappear frequently.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/o9rVu1f.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/BwbLWPt.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/lgVkxrN.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/extt5rn.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Kl9gegk.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/7xH38Xu.jpg "")


> Seriously look at how high up the crit animation goes it's litearlly out of this world. I think it goes maximum the up.


Nice screenshots. Reminds me of Moonfire from WoW, lol

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I mean it really comes down to personal taste with legendaries. Like I adore Kudzu and use it a lot on my Ranger but there is still people who call it ugly somehow. Phalus isn’t my style but it works as a simple legendary or one for guardians/Paladin themes.


It’s good to have a variety of legendaries for different tastes, not all of them need to have a lot of visual noise as long as they get cool effects.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I think it's fine. Not overly legendary, but I'm no longer sure what that even means given some of the skins in the set. My only disappointment is the colour since it doesn't match my ranger.


> If only it was gold, or black or orangey red! My hunt continues...


The days when you could colour your chaos axe are sadly gone. =P


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I wonder how the development process for Pharus went:


**Dev A: Okay need to come up with some stuff for a legendary longbow. I know, Kudzu works great with a nature theme, let's pick something which works with one of the other classes that can use longbows and fits thematically into the story.**

_Dev B: Sounds cool, so basically a modified chaos weapon?_

**Dev A: Yes, but you know how we started doing all these transformation effects on armor? I'm going to add that too and make the bow change shape while drawn.**

_Dev B: Sweet, I bet guardians in heavy legendary armor will enjoy this. Good Luck._

**Dev A: Oh but I'm not done. I'm going to add a huge pillar of light to when the weapon is drawn so people notice that a legendary weapon is drawn, something almost no other legendary weapon has.**

_Dev B: Okay, we might have to add graphical settings down the road to let people actually be able to see the screen. 1 effect should be fine though. How long will this take you?_

**Dev A: Hey, I'm not done yet, I'm going to change the basic firing animation too so that players shoot bolts of pure light energy.**

_Dev B: Okay, but at least let people be able to see the screen when a ranger uses Barrage, we need to get back to visual noise at some point. So nothing more on the visual side please._

**Dev A: No don't worry, only the custom sound for the shoots to make the weapon sound epic but not to annoying, we don't want a second quip on our hands. Might have to come in on saturday but it will be worth it.** (Dev A goes off to work)

_Dev B: Wait, wasn't this saturday your wedding anniversary? Well at least the players will be happy._


Player 95,672: WAAAAAHHHH my legendary weapon is not epic enough!


A truly thankful job.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> I wonder how the development process for Pharus went:


> **Dev A: Okay need to come up with some stuff for a legendary longbow. I know, Kudzu works great with a nature theme, let's pick something which works with one of the other classes that can use longbows and fits thematically into the story.**

> _Dev B: Sounds cool, so basically a modified chaos weapon?_

> **Dev A: Yes, but you know how we started doing all these transformation effects on armor? I'm going to add that too and make the bow change shape while drawn.**

> _Dev B: Sweet, I bet guardians in heavy legendary armor will enjoy this. Good Luck._

> **Dev A: Oh but I'm not done. I'm going to add a huge pillar of light to when the weapon is drawn so people notice that a legendary weapon is drawn, something almost no other legendary weapon has.**

> _Dev B: Okay, we might have to add graphical settings down the road to let people actually be able to see the screen. 1 effect should be fine though. How long will this take you?_

> **Dev A: Hey, I'm not done yet, I'm going to change the basic firing animation too so that players shoot bolts of pure light energy.**

> _Dev B: Okay, but at least let people be able to see the screen when a ranger uses Barrage, we need to get back to visual noise at some point. So nothing more on the visual side please._

> **Dev A: No don't worry, only the custom sound for the shoots to make the weapon sound epic but not to annoying, we don't want a second quip on our hands. Might have to come in on saturday but it will be worth it.** (Dev A goes off to work)

> _Dev B: Wait, wasn't this saturday your wedding anniversary? Well at least the players will be happy._

> ...........

> Player 95,672: WAAAAAHHHH my legendary weapon is not epic enough!


> A truly thankful job.


And you didn't even mention the ENDLESS PILLARS OF LIGHT you call down on opponents that you critically strike. Maybe Dev A didn't mention it because stuff like that it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission because it is without a doubt one of the most over the top things on any legendary.


Yeah, Pharus isn't as T H I C C as Chuka and Champawat, but it has it where it counts in it's own unique over the top way.

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> @"Sonam.3281" said:

> It means that he knows better than you if this is a ''cheap'' work or no ... so simple.

They illustrated their preference, rather than provide a professionally neutral review. They equated "not flashy" with "not legendary," for example.


> And i dont believe that the majority are satisfied with this for Legendary Longbow (especially when the alternative is kudzu)

And how have you determined this? There are a ton of people who prefer simpler designs. It's almost impossible for anyone to design a skin that everyone likes or even one that no one hates, and with only a limited number of legendaries to produce, I think it's fine if ANet sometimes caters to the 80% majority... and sometimes to the 25% minority, so that there's more likely to be something that appeals to more people.


I happen to like some of the flashiest and noisiest skins and I like some of the simplest too. For me, this is a very good and fun option and I'd much sooner make it than Kudzu.

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I think they need to fix a few things with pharus.


DragonHunter's Longbow skill 3 doesn't have shockwave with the arrow so you can't tell width of the attack, Would it be possible for them to add back into the animation. without it Longbow skills 2 and 3 for dragonhunter look the same.


For wherever reason Longbow skill 5 for Ranger and Dragonhunter don't have Pharus arrows, they use the normal ones

Could they change it to unique arrows it kinda looks plain without them. they could even use the same ones as the spirit bow(skill for guardian).

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> @"Hawkerace.6320" said:

> I can't be the only one that thinks this new legendary longbow lacks the 'legendary' aspect to it. After making it, I felt like I wasted all that time farming for some gem store skin.


> Before I go on ranting and get off track. I think this longbow needs to get back to the drawing board and redesigned a bit. It's not legendary worthy. And for the time and material cost, it's no where near worth it. The design is basic and I feel like there wasn't much effort put into it.


> Kudzu has been out for years and still beats it hands down.


Then why did you make it?


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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> I wonder how the development process for Pharus went:


> **Dev A: Okay need to come up with some stuff for a legendary longbow. I know, Kudzu works great with a nature theme, let's pick something which works with one of the other classes that can use longbows and fits thematically into the story.**

> _Dev B: Sounds cool, so basically a modified chaos weapon?_

> **Dev A: Yes, but you know how we started doing all these transformation effects on armor? I'm going to add that too and make the bow change shape while drawn.**

> _Dev B: Sweet, I bet guardians in heavy legendary armor will enjoy this. Good Luck._

> **Dev A: Oh but I'm not done. I'm going to add a huge pillar of light to when the weapon is drawn so people notice that a legendary weapon is drawn, something almost no other legendary weapon has.**

> _Dev B: Okay, we might have to add graphical settings down the road to let people actually be able to see the screen. 1 effect should be fine though. How long will this take you?_

> **Dev A: Hey, I'm not done yet, I'm going to change the basic firing animation too so that players shoot bolts of pure light energy.**

> _Dev B: Okay, but at least let people be able to see the screen when a ranger uses Barrage, we need to get back to visual noise at some point. So nothing more on the visual side please._

> **Dev A: No don't worry, only the custom sound for the shoots to make the weapon sound epic but not to annoying, we don't want a second quip on our hands. Might have to come in on saturday but it will be worth it.** (Dev A goes off to work)

> _Dev B: Wait, wasn't this saturday your wedding anniversary? Well at least the players will be happy._

> ...........

> Player 95,672: WAAAAAHHHH my legendary weapon is not epic enough!


> A truly thankful job.


This pretty much sums up almost half the other Legendaries. People come down hard against Pharus but this is a game where they took one Legendary and did a color pallet swap and then convinced people they needed two of the exact same looking Legendary to mash together to get a third Legendary that still looks like the first two, just with a different color pallet. And the great sword seems to be one of the more popular ones people make. The Predator is even more simple than Pharus. All it is is a cool rifle skin with a flame aura (and three times the work). The make-believe conversation for the Predator could be summed up in three to four lines.


> @"Gambino.2109" said:

> The flashy stuff doesn't sell it for me, I want the flashy stuff to be icing.. the bow design is very meh.. it needs to look legendary so when all the effects kicking in will make you say.. Oh man.


> I mean you kinda are tossing 2k gold on it after all..


It does look Legendary, especially in comparison with its peers. By most people standards for Pharus, I would wager that most of the other Legendaries don't look legendary either.


And the fact that you're tossing 2k gold at it is moot. No one is making you get Pharus. Thus the people who are spending that 2k think the Legendary is worth the costs. There was no way they were going to make a Legendary that everyone approved of. There was going to be some folks who did not like the Legendary. So I'm not sure why folks make a big deal out of it being as how no matter how they designed it someone was going to say it was ugly and someone was going to say it's not cool looking and someone was going to say it's not legendary looking.



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Pharus is already at 611 of 209,734 (0.291%) according to GW2 Efficiency, making it already more popular than Sharur at 593 of 209,734 (0.283%) and will quickly be more popular than the HMS Divinity, maybe by the end of the day. Heck it might end up being more popular than Ipos in a few months.


Anyway here's some more Pharus screens for appreciation.


![](https://i.imgur.com/CRg6YK7.jpg "")

Even with max camera distance you can't see the top of your own Pharus draw animation so it was actually really nice to see another player with it and draw it so I can actually see how high up it goes.


![](https://i.imgur.com/vg2a9EU.jpg "")


Even sheathed and not in combat mode the render is fantastic and highly detailed.


![](https://i.imgur.com/unweqOF.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/RYam6Sh.jpg "")


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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Pharus is already at 611 of 209,734 (0.291%) according to GW2 Efficiency, making it already more popular than Sharur at 593 of 209,734 (0.283%) and will quickly be more popular than the HMS Divinity, maybe by the end of the day. Heck it might end up being more popular than Ipos in a few months.


> Anyway here's some more Pharus screens for appreciation.


How do you check to see how many people have made an Legendary on GW Efficiency?



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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Pharus is already at 611 of 209,734 (0.291%) according to GW2 Efficiency, making it already more popular than Sharur at 593 of 209,734 (0.283%) and will quickly be more popular than the HMS Divinity, maybe by the end of the day. Heck it might end up being more popular than Ipos in a few months.

> >

> > Anyway here's some more Pharus screens for appreciation.

> >

> How do you check to see how many people have made an Legendary on GW Efficiency?




Stats > Unlock Stats > Select Skins > Search for skin by name.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Pharus is already at 611 of 209,734 (0.291%) according to GW2 Efficiency, making it already more popular than Sharur at 593 of 209,734 (0.283%) and will quickly be more popular than the HMS Divinity, maybe by the end of the day. Heck it might end up being more popular than Ipos in a few months.



Coz Longbow is one of main weapons.... you have here army of rangers... also berserker and dh use it. And ppl like me who doesnt like to run big norn / charr with flowery bow.... waiting for 2nd try in that.... now they dont have another option. I had all materials ready.... just when they release it... make prec and click it... now im hesitate... coz not so satisfied. Yeah lot of effects... omg ULTRA shine everywhere.... but thas not weapon desing, just effects... u can put them on any other longbow.


Dunno why is there not like 3-5 legendary skins for each type of weapon, omg its not that hard... and you can see on gem skins... that they have ppl to make it. Just legendary is not for gems... so fu it.

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It's brilliant because it's not so over-the-top but just well designed. I am working towards it as we speak. It's the first legendary I'm making because it's the first one I like enough to go through that effort. My main gripe with legendaries was always that they were just too much - in my opinion. I get that other people like it, but I'm glad I finally got one that I like as well.

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