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[Spoilers] About Aurene

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This is my theory. Aurene's death AND **RETURN** was all prohphesized by Glint. It was nessisary for Aurene to die in this battle so that we could deal enough damage to Kralkatoric, weakening him enough to allow us to kill him in the next battle. Of course, if Aurene dies, and we kill Kralkatoric without her, his rampaging magical energy will destroy the world, and of course, Glint probably didnt want to send Aurene to her death anyways. Thus she PLANNED for Aurene to consume Joko's magical energy, so that when Aurene died wounding Kralk, it would not be her end, and she would be able to return for the final battle with Kralk and thereby fullful her duty and consume his magic to become the next Elder Dragon.



1. Joko was an Undead Linch, who essentially, could be killed, but would come back to life shortly after and thus could never permanantly die. The only reason we were able to kill him, is because Aurene devoured his magic that made him unkillable. That magic is now inside of Aurene, and thus could potentially transform her from a dragon, into a Linch Dragon, that cannot be permanently killed unless her magic is taken.

2. When we meet Ogden at the priory, he mentions that one of the signs prophesized by Glint indicating that Aurene would be ready to battle Kralkatoric, is "the death of a Linch", coincidence or a well placed subtle hint? In my opinion, there are no coincidences in prophesies, and thus we must ask, why does a Linch need to die? The most obvious answer, is so that Aurene could die and come back.

3. There is an Awakened Sylvari in the "Expanded Pact"... we know Sylvari cant be effected by other elder dragons, because they are already under the control of an Elder Dragon, and yet, she was able to be effected by Joko's Linch magic. This implies, if dragon minions can be effected by Linch magic, maybe dragons can too.


In conclusion, even if Aurene does come back to life, and im certain she will, that does not make this episode/battle irrelevent or insignificant, because it was part of the plan, and was meant ro happen. When Aruene comes back to life, it wont be ANet just pulling somw random excuse out of their ass as to how she survived, it was actually well planed story telling. The story has been leading in this direction for months. Aurene will return, this battle/her death wasnt in vain, rejoice!

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Khanco.1584" said:

> > I'm wondering if we're finally going to get a canon explanation as to how Glint survived being "killed" by the heroes if GW1 when they stole her egg. That is an actual thing that happened rather than the Easter egg that it originally seemed to be, considering that egg grew up to be Vlast and Glint herself commented on it during Edge of Destiny.

> >

> > Perhaps whatever Glint used to survive then is what she taught Aurene privately after the final trial?


> As bizarre as it sounds... if Glint understood the trials of Ascension well enough that she could run them herself for Aurene, does it mean she knows how to create Doppelgangers? Maybe it wasn't even Glint they fought.


In my opinion, the option to kill her wasnt canon. Like playing Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic, you could choose the darkside or the lightside, but only the lightside choice was considered actual canon, the other options were just a fun, "what if" senario. The sequel game and companion books asumed you took the light side path. Of course, SW KOTOR is no longer considered canon after Disney took over, but thats not the point. Essentially, the killing of Glint never actually happened.

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> @"OtakuModeEngage.8679" said:

> > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > > @"Khanco.1584" said:

> > > I'm wondering if we're finally going to get a canon explanation as to how Glint survived being "killed" by the heroes if GW1 when they stole her egg. That is an actual thing that happened rather than the Easter egg that it originally seemed to be, considering that egg grew up to be Vlast and Glint herself commented on it during Edge of Destiny.

> > >

> > > Perhaps whatever Glint used to survive then is what she taught Aurene privately after the final trial?

> >

> > As bizarre as it sounds... if Glint understood the trials of Ascension well enough that she could run them herself for Aurene, does it mean she knows how to create Doppelgangers? Maybe it wasn't even Glint they fought.


> In my opinion, the option to kill her wasnt canon. Like playing Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic, you could choose the darkside or the lightside, but only the lightside choice was considered actual canon, the other options were just a fun, "what if" senario. The sequel game and companion books asumed you took the light side path. Of course, SW KOTOR is no longer considered canon after Disney took over, but thats not the point. Essentially, the killing of Glint never actually happened.


I had always thought that was the case. I mean, it really made no sense as a mission objective. "Hey, thanks for helping me, beneficient creature. Now, I'm gonna kidnap your kids and kill you. That's how heroes roll."


On the other hand, she certainly put enough effort into killing the heroes before they reached her. Frickin' environmental effects. Payback's a kitty.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> Her death didn't touch me. Never had a connection to her as she was sentient but not really speaking (aside from the through Caithe part). That didn't give me much empathy. I wondered why she never spoke. Glint could speak and the elder dragons too. Why not Aurene?


Exactly - I wasn't sad she died - I was actually relieved. Now the story can go in other interesting ways and stop focusing on the same boring dragon replacement we've been growing for so long.

I dislike the character - i hope it stays dead.

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> @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> My hunch is that before they can ascend, a dragon (and perhaps any god-like being) needs to die. In other words, the final step to ascension is unlocking immortality by ultimately triumphing over their own death.


Yes, indeed. This is exactly what I'm thinking as well. It's one of Aurene's trials for ascension to become an elder dragon. ?

(could be the first one since the vision showed in previous episode that she died in same position over and over)


When I saw some ppl mentioned she consumed Joko and she might return as awakened, I also had another thought: the power she gained from Joko actually helped her even out the impact this time and she's now asleep/in a transitioning stage. Thought it might seem she's been impaled to death physically, but it's only from our perspective as mortals, as a mythic being such as a dragon, the term of 'death' might work differently and she shall return in its due time with a new status or even a new form.


We shall see...

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> @"OtakuModeEngage.8679" said:

> > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > > @"Khanco.1584" said:

> > > I'm wondering if we're finally going to get a canon explanation as to how Glint survived being "killed" by the heroes if GW1 when they stole her egg. That is an actual thing that happened rather than the Easter egg that it originally seemed to be, considering that egg grew up to be Vlast and Glint herself commented on it during Edge of Destiny.

> > >

> > > Perhaps whatever Glint used to survive then is what she taught Aurene privately after the final trial?

> >

> > As bizarre as it sounds... if Glint understood the trials of Ascension well enough that she could run them herself for Aurene, does it mean she knows how to create Doppelgangers? Maybe it wasn't even Glint they fought.


> In my opinion, the option to kill her wasnt canon. Like playing Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic, you could choose the darkside or the lightside, but only the lightside choice was considered actual canon, the other options were just a fun, "what if" senario. The sequel game and companion books asumed you took the light side path. Of course, SW KOTOR is no longer considered canon after Disney took over, but thats not the point. Essentially, the killing of Glint never actually happened.


That's what I was trying to bring up though. If the killing of Glint never happened then the egg would never have been stolen and so Vlast (originally Gleam) would never have been born. It's a weird plot inconsistency that I saw bought up a while back; in order for major plot points to happen canonically in GW2 then events that were previously considered non-canon in GW1 had to have happened. As of yet it hasn't been addressed in any form

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> @"Khanco.1584" said:

> > @"OtakuModeEngage.8679" said:

> > > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > > > @"Khanco.1584" said:

> > > > I'm wondering if we're finally going to get a canon explanation as to how Glint survived being "killed" by the heroes if GW1 when they stole her egg. That is an actual thing that happened rather than the Easter egg that it originally seemed to be, considering that egg grew up to be Vlast and Glint herself commented on it during Edge of Destiny.

> > > >

> > > > Perhaps whatever Glint used to survive then is what she taught Aurene privately after the final trial?

> > >

> > > As bizarre as it sounds... if Glint understood the trials of Ascension well enough that she could run them herself for Aurene, does it mean she knows how to create Doppelgangers? Maybe it wasn't even Glint they fought.

> >

> > In my opinion, the option to kill her wasnt canon. Like playing Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic, you could choose the darkside or the lightside, but only the lightside choice was considered actual canon, the other options were just a fun, "what if" senario. The sequel game and companion books asumed you took the light side path. Of course, SW KOTOR is no longer considered canon after Disney took over, but thats not the point. Essentially, the killing of Glint never actually happened.


> That's what I was trying to bring up though. If the killing of Glint never happened then the egg would never have been stolen and so Vlast (originally Gleam) would never have been born. It's a weird plot inconsistency that I saw bought up a while back; in order for major plot points to happen canonically in GW2 then events that were previously considered non-canon in GW1 had to have happened. As of yet it hasn't been addressed in any form


Vlast/Gleam wasnt stolen as an egg... he was hatched in an underground forgotten/Exaulted city in the crystal destert, later on, for whatever unknown reason, he went north with the dwarves, where we then had to protect him from destroyers.

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It seems that a lot of people support the theory that Aurene will come back from the dead because she ate Joko, but.... Kralkatorrik has been traveling through the Mists. From my understanding since Aurene is now dead, she is in the Mists, and since Kralkatorrik uses the Mists as a way to travel between places then it is still possible for Aurene to absorb Kralkatorrik's power by defeating him in the Mists.

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> @"Biohazard.2043" said:

> It seems that a lot of people support the theory that Aurene will come back from the dead because she ate Joko, but.... Kralkatorrik has been traveling through the Mists. From my understanding since Aurene is now dead, she is in the Mists, and since Kralkatorrik uses the Mists as a way to travel between places then it is still possible for Aurene to absorb Kralkatorrik's power by defeating him in the Mists.


So, why couldn't Glint have done that?

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> I'd rather they didn't bring her back. That entire scene was handled and directed quite brilliantly. It would really cheapen the moment if they just undid it with some _"LOLJK GUYS SHE'S OK BOSH!"_


> Death should be a consequence, not an inconvenience.


Its no less brilliant if it was intended for her to die and come back in such a way, if the story has for the last year slowly been leading in this direction, dropping little hint and lore that suggest her return, then its by no means cheap, but rather well staged story arch and character development.


In fact, I find her resurrection more realistic and acceptable than our own. When the commander died, they pulled a random excuse for us to come back to life, but when Aurene died, the lore is already there, the story has been leading up to it rather than randomly forcing it in.


As for death needing to be severe/threatening, i agree completely.. which is why they should never do this again. But given the situation, I think its acceptable this time.

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> @"Biohazard.2043" said:

> It seems that a lot of people support the theory that Aurene will come back from the dead because she ate Joko, but.... Kralkatorrik has been traveling through the Mists. From my understanding since Aurene is now dead, she is in the Mists, and since Kralkatorrik uses the Mists as a way to travel between places then it is still possible for Aurene to absorb Kralkatorrik's power by defeating him in the Mists.


No... why would she be in the mist? Joke revived almost instantly after we killed him. Honestly, I think thats why they ended the instance they very moment we found her dead. To leave the suspence, any longer and we might have seen her crystal begin to crack.

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> @"OtakuModeEngage.8679" said:


> Vlast/Gleam wasnt stolen as an egg... he was hatched in an underground forgotten/Exaulted city in the crystal destert, later on, for whatever unknown reason, he went north with the dwarves, where we then had to protect him from destroyers.


Oh hey yeah... Don't know how that one slipped my mind.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Biohazard.2043" said:

> > It seems that a lot of people support the theory that Aurene will come back from the dead because she ate Joko, but.... Kralkatorrik has been traveling through the Mists. From my understanding since Aurene is now dead, she is in the Mists, and since Kralkatorrik uses the Mists as a way to travel between places then it is still possible for Aurene to absorb Kralkatorrik's power by defeating him in the Mists.


> So, why couldn't Glint have done that?


The amount of magic Kralkatorrik has absorbed is through the roof and has a higher baseline than the first fight with Destiny's Edge. I don't think Glint could do it by herself alone, considering it wasn't enough the first time. But if Vlast and Aurene is with her, she might stand a chance.

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> @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > > @"Biohazard.2043" said:

> > > It seems that a lot of people support the theory that Aurene will come back from the dead because she ate Joko, but.... Kralkatorrik has been traveling through the Mists. From my understanding since Aurene is now dead, she is in the Mists, and since Kralkatorrik uses the Mists as a way to travel between places then it is still possible for Aurene to absorb Kralkatorrik's power by defeating him in the Mists.

> >

> > So, why couldn't Glint have done that?


> The amount of magic Kralkatorrik has absorbed is through the roof and has a higher baseline than the first fight with Destiny's Edge. I don't think Glint could do it by herself alone, considering it wasn't enough the first time. But if Vlast and Aurene is with her, she might stand a chance.


But if she really died how would the power she’s gained carry over with her into the mists instead of just being released back into Tyria? In which case the trials and changes this episode and all other events giving Aurene the power boost she had would have been pointless. There’s just no reason to have gone through what we went through from a story perspective if the solution all along was to get Aurene and Glint together. And if that were the case then why send Eir, Snaff and gang through the mists instead of Glint herself just entering Tyria to help Aurene.....


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This maybe wishful thinking at this point, but from everything I've seen it leads me to think Aurene may not be dead after all. When the blast occurred your character was thrown perhaps over a hundred feet she was unconscious, when she wakes up it all seems to me like she was in a dream state. Did your character really wake up or even in a coma? In her nightmarish mind it might be her worst scenario come true. In conclusion I think it is all in her mind and Aurene isn't really dead. If it's Anet's way of playing a trick on us by giving us a sad cliffhanger cool, if not it stinks. I don't like the idea of her going through training even getting a new power to then simply die not even full grown. I hope in episode six, she really wakes up and walks back to find that all is well and Aurene is Alive. B)

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Honestly since pof death means nothing to the story, and they kept making it meaningless. Pof you literally self resurrect. Episode 2, they show how you can cheat death by implanting your conciousness inyo a golem. Episode 3 show that being turned off does not kill you when you are in that golem. This makes episode 4s sacrifice kinda pointless because if we recover the "tracker", blish could be turned back on. Episode 3 show a character that can not die, until consume by a dragon, which can steal powers.

Now if this is anets attempt to create an end times story, similar to warhammer fantasy battles, that would kill the franchise and my view of the company, just like gamesworkshop.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> Honestly since pof death means nothing to the story, and they kept making it meaningless. Pof you literally self resurrect. Episode 2, they show how you can cheat death by implanting your conciousness inyo a golem. Episode 3 show that being turned off does not kill you when you are in that golem. This makes episode 4s sacrifice kinda pointless because if we recover the "tracker", blish could be turned back on. Episode 3 show a character that can not die, until consume by a dragon, which can steal powers.

> Now if this is anets attempt to create an end times story, similar to warhammer fantasy battles, that would kill the franchise and my view of the company, just like

You could argue similarly about the existence of the mists and us being able to travel to them and that’s long before pof, no different than real life mythologies and underworld or afterlife travel really.

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If they bring her back, it just cheapens all the effort they put into the end of this episode. She should remain in the mists. And while we're at it, can we de-brand Caithe? That scene, to me, was garbage, nothing more than shock value. "Speak through me". Aurene and the Commander already had a bond. Aurene could have just as easily spoke to or through the Commander by telepathy without branding a core character. Personally it would have been more impactful if we started hearing a juvenile Aurene start talking in broken words in our mind than having Caithe get branded. Imagine how much more of an impact the ending would have had if the last thing you heard in your mind was Aurene saying "I love you" right before the end.

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>! The ending was perfect! I always thought it would end like a fairy tale and we would actually kill Krall. I am glad it did not happen. Arune's death was necessary. Overall I think the story in GW2 is a bit cheesy and laid back. I want more realness instead of pretentiousness. Aurene was a good character in the story and I actually felt shocked when I found out she was dead. It had impact. The way she was pierced by those crystals like she was a hero who died valiantly. The final hope to save Tyria. Now dead.


>! What will happen next? Interesting!

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> @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

> If they bring her back, it just cheapens all the effort they put into the end of this episode. She should remain in the mists. And while we're at it, can we de-brand Caithe? That scene, to me, was garbage, nothing more than shock value. "Speak through me". Aurene and the Commander already had a bond. Aurene could have just as easily spoke to or through the Commander by telepathy without branding a core character. Personally it would have been more impactful if we started hearing a juvenile Aurene start talking in broken words in our mind than having Caithe get branded. Imagine how much more of an impact the ending would have had if the last thing you heard in your mind was Aurene saying "I love you" right before the end.


Did the branded Caithe even get more powerful or anything useful. I don't think so. Maybe they wanted to show that Aurene can turn Kralkattorik's branded into Aurene branded. That would be something useful. Let's say there is an army of krall branded and all Aurene has to do is fly over them and turn them into her servants.

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My theory on this:


Initially I was angry about the way they _ended_ it, but then I sat back and replayed it over and over. My question is what did we really see? And what's being ignored or forgotten? Aurene foresaw her own death multiple times. I think no matter whatever outcome it was meant for her to 'die'. Or at least to appear dead. I think some of the NPCs were trying to intentionally evoke emotions of 'Oh no! We can't let Aurene die!' to throw players off. When Glint spoke to her about Ascension in secret this must be one of the steps. Also, Ogden either talks in first person plural often or something is up. (When Caithe and Commander talks to Ogden.)


There's a moment where we fight Kralk and it seems like he channels Balthazar's, Modremoth's, and Zhaitan's energies to nuke us (At the same time Braham tries to shield us, lol) and Aurene shields us from the blast. Then at the end Kralk plays possum and does it again, but doesn't channel? But she doesn't shield instead she does the same thing the vision showed.


Glint said you have to know when not to use power at all. Couldn't she have shielded us again? Or was she tired? We don't really see what happens after that. All we see is Kralk retreating and we see Aurene impaled. Shouldn't the magic she absorbed be released if she was truly dead? Was it absorbed by Kralk before he left? Who knows...


TLDR; I think she had to die to put Kralk in a false sense of victory. He's so afraid of the prophecy coming true that he would do anything to stop it. He believed that killing Aurene stops the prophecy. But, I believe it does the exact opposite. It continues. She's either dead to be reborn or in a coma/chrysalis state.


P.S. I love the ghostly messenger. And Kito was unusually quiet. He's always there but never says a word. Like a shadow...

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> @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

> If they bring her back, it just cheapens all the effort they put into the end of this episode. She should remain in the mists. And while we're at it, can we de-brand Caithe? That scene, to me, was garbage, nothing more than shock value. "Speak through me". Aurene and the Commander already had a bond. Aurene could have just as easily spoke to or through the Commander by telepathy without branding a core character. Personally it would have been more impactful if we started hearing a juvenile Aurene start talking in broken words in our mind than having Caithe get branded. Imagine how much more of an impact the ending would have had if the last thing you heard in your mind was Aurene saying "I love you" right before the end.


I love branded Caithe tho. And really want to be able to choose a branded look for sylvari now xD.

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