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The Crystal Dragon blocking instances

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This instance is horrible, truly horrible, how did it get past the Q&A seriously, its just broken.


The part where the dredge wall comes down, BAM stuck underneath it, NO way out, had to use the /stuck command twice before it moved me out, to YES the start of the instance where i had to try get to the party oh wait you cant, got downed and moved closer tried to catch up BAM wall blocking progress had to leave instance and entire party had to restart.


This is so poor you cant even laugh about it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok I Did It.2854 is absolutely right. Same thing happened to me about ten minutes ago. If you are killed by the wall, it sends you back to the beginning. I was able to glide over to the third area, but I could not rejoin my colleagues since a crystal wall blocked my way. I became ensnared in it. I typed /stuck and it had me appear at the beginning. Since it was my instance, my party was unable to finish the mission.


I'm okay with being crushed by the wall (I should have moved), but it should not send you back to the beginning. Let your party rez you there. This bug should be fixed so it doesn't happen to anyone else.

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This is not the only possibility to get stuck in this instance. :(


A few days ago I've played the story on another character with the goal to get the 15 minutes achievement. All went fine until the second to last platform of the fight. On arriving there I've got caught in an appearing crystal and could not escape it. I used /stuck and waited. Like OP I was teleported to the entry point of the instance and could not return to the fight. Already annoyed I wrote an ingame bug report and left the instance. I was playing it alone, so I couldn't just wait and let my party finish it.


But that was just the beginning of my problems. :( I restarted the instance and due to the checkpoint system had only lost a bit of progress. So much for the time achivement, but I could just finish the instance and restart the episode, right? Wrong. When re-entering the instance I did not get the buffs/upgrades you can get before the fight. And as a glass cannon, and at the moment not thining about the buffs, I died within like 10 seconds. Not a chance. Maybe I could, in theory, with ranged attacks and dying through. I called it a day and went to bed instead.


Now my problem: I cannot lose the "progress" and restart the story instance. I left the episode, started another story arc and reactivated it. Still starts halfway through. With this character I'm effectively stuck in story progress. Sure, the obvious solutions are getting a build that can fight through unwanted hardmode or find someone to open a fresh instance and hope it counts.


But I'd like to suggest another one: please Anet, add a button to reset a story instance and intentionally lose checkpoint progress in it. In this special case it would also have helped to automatically apply the optional buffs - the achievement for that is not doable at this state anyway.

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> @"Killerassel.2197" said:

> This is not the only possibility to get stuck in this instance. :(


> A few days ago I've played the story on another character with the goal to get the 15 minutes achievement. All went fine until the second to last platform of the fight. On arriving there I've got caught in an appearing crystal and could not escape it. I used /stuck and waited. Like OP I was teleported to the entry point of the instance and could not return to the fight. Already annoyed I wrote an ingame bug report and left the instance. I was playing it alone, so I couldn't just wait and let my party finish it.


> But that was just the beginning of my problems. :( I restarted the instance and due to the checkpoint system had only lost a bit of progress. So much for the time achivement, but I could just finish the instance and restart the episode, right? Wrong. When re-entering the instance I did not get the buffs/upgrades you can get before the fight. And as a glass cannon, and at the moment not thining about the buffs, I died within like 10 seconds. Not a chance. Maybe I could, in theory, with ranged attacks and dying through. I called it a day and went to bed instead.


> Now my problem: I cannot lose the "progress" and restart the story instance. I left the episode, started another story arc and reactivated it. Still starts halfway through. With this character I'm effectively stuck in story progress. Sure, the obvious solutions are getting a build that can fight through unwanted hardmode or find someone to open a fresh instance and hope it counts.


> But I'd like to suggest another one: please Anet, add a button to reset a story instance and intentionally lose checkpoint progress in it. In this special case it would also have helped to automatically apply the optional buffs - the achievement for that is not doable at this state anyway.


You wont get the achievement from entering someone elses instance but you should be able to finish the story that way.

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  • 8 months later...

This just happened to me. Was stuck in a crystal that appeared out of nowhere, and the /stuck command teleports you to a point where you can't return to the fight. It is unacceptable that this has not been fixed or that it could happen in the first place. This company only cares about and has the capacity to push items to their gem store at this point. It is incredibly sad. Especially coming from someone who poured so much time into the original glorious game that was Guild Wars 1. Heart breaking.

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  • 1 month later...

Still totally bugged... completely broken quest wise, if you die near the dredge you are respawned in blocked off areas totally screwed, i tried stuck but it did nothing.. This mission and the flying Aurene mission are completely broken..


While flying on Aurene my wasd keys were totally not working even though the game continually said to use wasd... Seriously totally screwed both my last season 4 missions.. Does this company not fix anything? Zaitan is still completely busted to this day with companions not helping so i guess these are toast a well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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