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D/D Ele Roaming - Core, Tempest, or Weaver?


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Hey all! I am just fishing for some opinions on what build is better for roaming. To preface, I am planning on playing D/D; however I am not sure on which build would work best for 1v1 or 1vX roaming in WvW.


1. Core D/D

2. Tempest D/D

3. Weaver D/D


I am pretty familiar with core d/d from back in 2013-2014 - ish. I played Tempest D/D at HoT release for a bit. I am not that familiar with D/D weaver other than the bit of S/D weaver I have played.


Basically I am trying to get back to the old Celestial D/D of old; though I know that isn't entirely possible, but I would like to find a build that gives that same feeling.


(While I know that Mender's S/D Weaver is the closest to Meta we have, I feel that I hit like a wet noodle, though the surviveability and condi cleanse is pretty decent. The animation seem to be very long and obvious as well.)

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At the end of the day it comes down to what you find more comfortable, but personally I find that weaver breaks the flow of D/D too much, we lack inmmediate access to many #3 and #4 which are pivotal for might building, closing gaps or defense. I play D/D tempest cele in PvP and have actually found some success with it (I also play staff tempest mender).


There is a way to play D/D weaver, but you will have to build new muscle memory for the keybinds. It is actually not that bad, specially the water/earth combined skill, but the +3 secs between attunements kinda kills it for me, since I like comboing fields quickly.

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This is the build I've always played when I was D/D on Tempest; this is my way of saying I prefer Tempest for D/D.




This build is pretty much an even more evasive version of classic D/D; the amount of Vigor you get allows for you to evade really often and sustain a lot more. There are plenty of other amulets you could use to abuse the evasion, but I'm going for what allows for reliability to save effort for other things instead of being paranoid of one-shots. Granted, Chronomancers and Mirages can still definitely do that, but not as bad with the amulet I have on.


There are other rune sets you could use too; such as Earth Runes for that 10% incoming healing increase as well as the Protection duration boost.

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This is very experimental; in wvw I'm trying [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAoYncMAF5i94CGOAM5iFBAroT2ETD3v6Y9uOIAMBeAA-j1RGABCv/wjq/Elyv8UCCwDAgO9AGcCAAA-w "gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAoYncMAF5i94CGOAM5iFBAroT2ETD3v6Y9uOIAMBeAA-j1RGABCv/wjq/Elyv8UCCwDAgO9AGcCAAA-w") dual attacks of daggers are very nice, and mobility etc. Why antitoxin ? Because without water I can't handle condition, specially in wvw.

I'm not a big fan of celestial weaver, this is very hard to build weaver without water or arcane, but celestial is not sufficiant alone. In Pvp core elem fire/water/arcane do better.... or mender weaver.

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D/D cele ele core with fire is not really possible 1v X if your opponents are above average and using meta wvw bunker condi or damage builds or hybrids. If you are with other players you can kite around them or back in the tower. Cele ele core was powerful before POF and way before epic nerfs pre hot release. Because since HOT and now POF everyone has excess to prot and more boons than eles. The important boons. Sword/dagger is the only semi reliable vs meta. However a core D/D ele can still fight tempest or any form of Weaver with no problem at all. Ele can mitigate it self lol. I have 5645 hours on my ele from wvw and spvp my acct have 10274 ( I dab in profession). I mitigate my time when wvw server is bad pairing since I roam alone. Unless server defense is required. I stop playing Spvp in Season 2 after getting wings finished and before core and tempest ele was hardnefed into dead buff bots.

So I am stating from a North Americas POV, and on Borlis Pass since we get rotated everywhere and fight all tiers.


It's been a long 13-14 years of play ele pvx wise since the first game and working 40 work week slows me down but life is life.

Sadly ele is not what it used to be by far it's not a powerhouse let alone instant killer material and the risk vs reward is less.

PS I'm pushing 40 soon so if I lose 1v3 to or 1vs squads or 1vs Zergs be nice. My eyes aren't what they used to be.

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I run Tempest variants... The DD kit fits best on Tempest to be honest.


You can still run a decent celestial build, have a look at this video from PvP with the reduced stats. The stat window is up so you can see the boost to stats.

In WvW I run pretty much the same build but 1/3 of my gear is Vipers to boost power damage and condition duration.

The old Celestial runs off cantrip might but they removed it so to keep high uptime on Might I used Fire/Air/Tempest with battle sigils and strength runes. Attuning to Fire can grant 8 Might before you lay out your fire fields and land those blasts and leaps, with fire aura up and feel the burn on the utility bar you can keep gaining might just by being in the fight.

Fire trait line also has really good condition removals from the aura detonation, DD kit has 2 detonators and also dishes out quite a bit of Auras if traited and played right which means you can drop water unless you want your auras to cleanse conditions and heal allies with aura share but its over doing it on the cleanses a bit especially if you also run cleansing sigils.


I run Air because I enjoy Lightning Rod traits personally but there's a lot of wiggle room in the build depending on what role you're aiming to fulfill.



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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I run Tempest variants... The DD kit fits best on Tempest to be honest.


> You can still run a decent celestial build, have a look at this video from PvP with the reduced stats. The stat window is up so you can see the boost to stats.

> In WvW I run pretty much the same build but 1/3 of my gear is Vipers to boost power damage and condition duration.


> The old Celestial runs off cantrip might but they removed it so to keep high uptime on Might I used Fire/Air/Tempest with battle sigils and strength runes. Attuning to Fire can grant 8 Might before you lay out your fire fields and land those blasts and leaps, with fire aura up and feel the burn on the utility bar you can keep gaining might just by being in the fight.

> Fire trait line also has really good condition removals from the aura detonation, DD kit has 2 detonators and also dishes out quite a bit of Auras if traited and played right which means you can drop water unless you want your auras to cleanse conditions and heal allies with aura share but its over doing it on the cleanses a bit especially if you also run cleansing sigils.


> I run Air because I enjoy Lightning Rod traits personally but there's a lot of wiggle room in the build depending on what role you're aiming to fulfill.




And it's proven yet again that you can run a random build in pvp (unless you're very very high in ranked) and still succeed because majority of players are bots.


There's nothing in the video that shows benefits of using tempest on d/d due to poor gameplay, but there's also nothing that says that it's bad since enemies were standing still and spamming skills, which is practically the only time you'd see ele doing some high damage.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > I run Tempest variants... The DD kit fits best on Tempest to be honest.

> >

> > You can still run a decent celestial build, have a look at this video from PvP with the reduced stats. The stat window is up so you can see the boost to stats.

> > In WvW I run pretty much the same build but 1/3 of my gear is Vipers to boost power damage and condition duration.

> >

> > The old Celestial runs off cantrip might but they removed it so to keep high uptime on Might I used Fire/Air/Tempest with battle sigils and strength runes. Attuning to Fire can grant 8 Might before you lay out your fire fields and land those blasts and leaps, with fire aura up and feel the burn on the utility bar you can keep gaining might just by being in the fight.

> > Fire trait line also has really good condition removals from the aura detonation, DD kit has 2 detonators and also dishes out quite a bit of Auras if traited and played right which means you can drop water unless you want your auras to cleanse conditions and heal allies with aura share but its over doing it on the cleanses a bit especially if you also run cleansing sigils.

> >

> > I run Air because I enjoy Lightning Rod traits personally but there's a lot of wiggle room in the build depending on what role you're aiming to fulfill.

> >

> >


> And it's proven yet again that you can run a random build in pvp (unless you're very very high in ranked) and still succeed because majority of players are bots.


> There's nothing in the video that shows benefits of using tempest on d/d due to poor gameplay, but there's also nothing that says that it's bad since enemies were standing still and spamming skills, which is practically the only time you'd see ele doing some high damage.


Be salty if you like and make your presumptions but Im only trying to help someone, its why I took the time to explain that 1 specific build that was related to the posted content as he did mention he preferred a DD Celestial build.


Elementalist is a great class, its why I have 6 of them all with different builds and specs.

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Thanks everyone for you replies and suggestions.


As far as people saying this or that is out of the meta; that doesn't really concern me. Very few players are actually in the top 5% skill bracket, and most that claim they are usually aren't. Therefore, meta doesn't really matter as much to me, especially since we are speaking about roaming and not ranked spvp. I realize that most meta builds have to put in a lot of less effort to perform at what an ele has to do at a higher skill investment, but meh. It actually baffles me how in GW2, as opposed to many other mmos, people jump ship from their entire class so easily.


I simply would like people's thoughts and explanations on why tempest and core does and doesnt work compared to weaver. Been watching Seven come back to GW2 and annihilate people on core D/D while still being rusty.


Anyhow, thanks again to those offering real suggestions and advice. I have been messing with the all 3 specs with various changes, and slowly narrowing down what I think works. Now I just gotta get back into shape. It'll def be easier to tell once ranked starts up again to test against a larger pool of skilled players


One thing I am debating for core ele is if I running [Water - Arcane - Air] would be better than [Water - Arcane - Fire]. From what I have tested with core d/d at least is that water and arcane are 100% needed, but I am still in undecided on the offensive trait line.

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> @"Knetik.4356" said:


> One thing I am debating for core ele is if I running [Water - Arcane - Air] would be better than [Water - Arcane - Fire]. From what I have tested with core d/d at least is that water and arcane are 100% needed, but I am still in undecided on the offensive trait line.


Fire is better imo after the Tempest Defense nerf. Air used to be strong with DPS on D/D Ele, good fury uptime and nice extra damage with lightening rod. But right now, Fire is def a better choice. Offers better condi removal with smothering auras and if you're using the new Sigil of Battle, I honestly have very little trouble maintaining about 20 stacks of might up between regular blasting and the extra might from Fire Aura/Arcane Prowess.


I run D/D Ele in WvW all the time. Weaver bores me to sleep and Tempest just feels like its missing something. It's still very strong in 1v1 situations but don't expect to be able to win anything more than 2v1 like the good ol' days. It's actually pretty strong against Mirages both condi and power. It's decent against Soulbeasts and if you can catch a thief/deadeye, its good against them too but if they catch you, you will mostly be 2 or 3 shotted. Most warriors can out sustain your damage with their ignoring damage traits and reset the fight easy. Core Necros are cake but Scourges can be annoying. Revs are usually 50/50 and similar with Guardians.


EDIT: Oh, Holos can be annoying with their stealth and high burst but its winnable. Don't bother with scrappers though, way too tanky for D/D right now. You can win against FA Eles pretty easy too, but if a Sword Weavers are running a high sustain/barrier build you will struggle and probably just wind up causing a draw.



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> @"Knetik.4356" said:

> Thanks everyone for you replies and suggestions.


> As far as people saying this or that is out of the meta; that doesn't really concern me. Very few players are actually in the top 5% skill bracket, and most that claim they are usually aren't. Therefore, meta doesn't really matter as much to me, especially since we are speaking about roaming and not ranked spvp. I realize that most meta builds have to put in a lot of less effort to perform at what an ele has to do at a higher skill investment, but meh. It actually baffles me how in GW2, as opposed to many other mmos, people jump ship from their entire class so easily.


> I simply would like people's thoughts and explanations on why tempest and core does and doesnt work compared to weaver. Been watching Seven come back to GW2 and annihilate people on core D/D while still being rusty.


> Anyhow, thanks again to those offering real suggestions and advice. I have been messing with the all 3 specs with various changes, and slowly narrowing down what I think works. Now I just gotta get back into shape. It'll def be easier to tell once ranked starts up again to test against a larger pool of skilled players


> One thing I am debating for core ele is if I running [Water - Arcane - Air] would be better than [Water - Arcane - Fire]. From what I have tested with core d/d at least is that water and arcane are 100% needed, but I am still in undecided on the offensive trait line.


To answer your original question : Core D/D Fire/Water/Arcana is without doubt the best out of all 3 , add triple cantrip ( obviously ) and you're good to go ; I use core d/d sometimes and it's far superior to weaver d/d which is pretty trash compared to sword weaver especially , the only worth to use dual skill on d/d weaver is Plasma burst..rest is to forget and not worth using in my humble opinion but again that's my playstyle.


Tempest d/d is middle of the pack , doesn't really excel at anything , be it support or pure dmg ( as they nerfed air/fire overload to the ground to a point where you can go full zerk and you will tickle current OP specs) and they ofc nerfed ( a recurring world for eles ) the main support trait on tempest so.....all in all d/d tempest is not good for roaming

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> Fire is more versatile, power bonus, burning, mights stack, condi cleanse... Air has ferocity bonus essentially, but with celestial you lack precision and power, you don't benefit that much. Air would be better with maurauder/zerk for example.


Air has permanent access to Fury via Auras and Fury also boosts damage/ferocity.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > Fire is more versatile, power bonus, burning, mights stack, condi cleanse... Air has ferocity bonus essentially, but with celestial you lack precision and power, you don't benefit that much. Air would be better with maurauder/zerk for example.


> Air has permanent access to Fury via Auras and Fury also boosts damage/ferocity.


D/d ele gets more from super speed air swaps or higher ferocity the air 2 main hand dagger give you enofe fury with the ability to get fury on crit from the air line.


Sad thing is d/d ele cant realty afford to run any thing but def lines going air you give up water or earth or arcain all must have to be in melee as an ele class.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > > Fire is more versatile, power bonus, burning, mights stack, condi cleanse... Air has ferocity bonus essentially, but with celestial you lack precision and power, you don't benefit that much. Air would be better with maurauder/zerk for example.

> >

> > Air has permanent access to Fury via Auras and Fury also boosts damage/ferocity.


> D/d ele gets more from super speed air swaps or higher ferocity the air 2 main hand dagger give you enofe fury with the ability to get fury on crit from the air line.


> Sad thing is d/d ele cant realty afford to run any thing but def lines going air you give up water or earth or arcain all must have to be in melee as an ele class.


Fire gives fury on blasting, which is quite common with d/d. You also get more power which is far more useful than ferocity on a build with low crit chance. It also provides huge cleansing capabilities so you can take improved soothing mist in water for more sustain.


Air is only good when you can abuse CC a lot, when you play as glass cannon or when you focus on one shots (most builds are usually combination of 2/all of these factors). Fire spec fits bruiser builds a lot more due to less reliability on crits and bursts.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > > > Fire is more versatile, power bonus, burning, mights stack, condi cleanse... Air has ferocity bonus essentially, but with celestial you lack precision and power, you don't benefit that much. Air would be better with maurauder/zerk for example.

> > >

> > > Air has permanent access to Fury via Auras and Fury also boosts damage/ferocity.

> >

> > D/d ele gets more from super speed air swaps or higher ferocity the air 2 main hand dagger give you enofe fury with the ability to get fury on crit from the air line.

> >

> > Sad thing is d/d ele cant realty afford to run any thing but def lines going air you give up water or earth or arcain all must have to be in melee as an ele class.


> Fire gives fury on blasting, which is quite common with d/d. You also get more power which is far more useful than ferocity on a build with low crit chance. It also provides huge cleansing capabilities so you can take improved soothing mist in water for more sustain.


> Air is only good when you can abuse CC a lot, when you play as glass cannon or when you focus on one shots (most builds are usually combination of 2/all of these factors). Fire spec fits bruiser builds a lot more due to less reliability on crits and bursts.


Aura clears / dentansion are nice but they never seem like enofe. Keep in mind your losing a lot of dmg to run aura clears over more dmg when in fire / cdr for fire skills. I also find the blind on burn in better in 1v1 or low man.


Water and Earth / arcain seems better for d/d ele then fire or air could ever be due to how glassly ele is to start with.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > > > Fire is more versatile, power bonus, burning, mights stack, condi cleanse... Air has ferocity bonus essentially, but with celestial you lack precision and power, you don't benefit that much. Air would be better with maurauder/zerk for example.

> > >

> > > Air has permanent access to Fury via Auras and Fury also boosts damage/ferocity.

> >

> > D/d ele gets more from super speed air swaps or higher ferocity the air 2 main hand dagger give you enofe fury with the ability to get fury on crit from the air line.

> >

> > Sad thing is d/d ele cant realty afford to run any thing but def lines going air you give up water or earth or arcain all must have to be in melee as an ele class.


> Fire gives fury on blasting, which is quite common with d/d. You also get more power which is far more useful than ferocity on a build with low crit chance. It also provides huge cleansing capabilities so you can take improved soothing mist in water for more sustain.


> Air is only good when you can abuse CC a lot, when you play as glass cannon or when you focus on one shots (most builds are usually combination of 2/all of these factors). Fire spec fits bruiser builds a lot more due to less reliability on crits and bursts.


DD temp has 7 CC's... I believe the setup runs more CC than any other Ele build...


Air 3 and the static detonation, earth 4 and earth 3 after your air overload. Air overload for the static aura and rebound proc in air. If you time your CC usage you can chain together more. Updraft too.


Ele is very versatile, has lots of wiggle room in its builds.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > > > > Fire is more versatile, power bonus, burning, mights stack, condi cleanse... Air has ferocity bonus essentially, but with celestial you lack precision and power, you don't benefit that much. Air would be better with maurauder/zerk for example.

> > > >

> > > > Air has permanent access to Fury via Auras and Fury also boosts damage/ferocity.

> > >

> > > D/d ele gets more from super speed air swaps or higher ferocity the air 2 main hand dagger give you enofe fury with the ability to get fury on crit from the air line.

> > >

> > > Sad thing is d/d ele cant realty afford to run any thing but def lines going air you give up water or earth or arcain all must have to be in melee as an ele class.

> >

> > Fire gives fury on blasting, which is quite common with d/d. You also get more power which is far more useful than ferocity on a build with low crit chance. It also provides huge cleansing capabilities so you can take improved soothing mist in water for more sustain.

> >

> > Air is only good when you can abuse CC a lot, when you play as glass cannon or when you focus on one shots (most builds are usually combination of 2/all of these factors). Fire spec fits bruiser builds a lot more due to less reliability on crits and bursts.


> DD temp has 4 CC's... I believe the setup runs more CC than any other Ele build...


> Air 3 and the static detonation, earth 4 and earth 3 after your air overload.


> Ele is very versatile, has lots of wiggle room in its builds.


Using tempest with air means that you need to slot a lot of auras to keep fury up and shouts dont really add that much compared to cantrips when it comes to personal defense and dueling capability (not to mention worthless overloads). That also means that you can either get water or arcane which means either no sustain+cleanses or no boon uptime+shield because tempest on its own doesn't provide enough of those.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > > > > > Fire is more versatile, power bonus, burning, mights stack, condi cleanse... Air has ferocity bonus essentially, but with celestial you lack precision and power, you don't benefit that much. Air would be better with maurauder/zerk for example.

> > > > >

> > > > > Air has permanent access to Fury via Auras and Fury also boosts damage/ferocity.

> > > >

> > > > D/d ele gets more from super speed air swaps or higher ferocity the air 2 main hand dagger give you enofe fury with the ability to get fury on crit from the air line.

> > > >

> > > > Sad thing is d/d ele cant realty afford to run any thing but def lines going air you give up water or earth or arcain all must have to be in melee as an ele class.

> > >

> > > Fire gives fury on blasting, which is quite common with d/d. You also get more power which is far more useful than ferocity on a build with low crit chance. It also provides huge cleansing capabilities so you can take improved soothing mist in water for more sustain.

> > >

> > > Air is only good when you can abuse CC a lot, when you play as glass cannon or when you focus on one shots (most builds are usually combination of 2/all of these factors). Fire spec fits bruiser builds a lot more due to less reliability on crits and bursts.

> >

> > DD temp has 4 CC's... I believe the setup runs more CC than any other Ele build...

> >

> > Air 3 and the static detonation, earth 4 and earth 3 after your air overload.

> >

> > Ele is very versatile, has lots of wiggle room in its builds.


> Using tempest with air means that you need to slot a lot of auras to keep fury up and shouts dont really add that much compared to cantrips when it comes to personal defense and dueling capability (not to mention worthless overloads). That also means that you can either get water or arcane which means either no sustain+cleanses or no boon uptime+shield because tempest on its own doesn't provide enough of those.


Tempest comes packed with Auras? And who uses the overloads for damage? Best to use for effects such as Air overload > leap for CC.

I also edited my post, sorry... Temp has 7 CC's, not 4.

Shouts are extremely undervalued lmao but that's ok


One last thing: There's no right or wrong with elementalist, it's very versatile and a lot of builds work for it. I personally could never make Sc/F work, not my playstyle but I have never discredited another player for it, I think this is a class that players not only need to practice quite a bit for each build but also needs to work with thier own grooves into the kits... ( I used to think duelling with staff was impossible for example till I practiced it with a friend from DOLO years ago then we were trolling 1v2-1v3 with staff only, then he went a step further and did weaponless duels and still won, then he did weaponless on thief and a few other classes)

Point being: People find what works best for them and their playstyle, I can help OP with a video and specific build but it doesn't mean it's going to work for him like it does for me and vice versa. It can be very versatile and it can be quite disheartening to see players propose changes to the class without keeping in mind the other ele players and thier own playstyles.. (someone wanted to merge scepter and dagger skills for example without acknowledging those who prefer scepter or dagger as is)


I have a lot of builds for Temp and quite a few different playstyles associated with it, my favourite being Arcane control but sadly only works with friends on TS due to the build being purely control. (immob/CC spam build)



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  • 8 months later...

OP, > @"Knetik.4356" said:

> Hey all! I am just fishing for some opinions on what build is better for roaming. To preface, I am planning on playing D/D; however I am not sure on which build would work best for 1v1 or 1vX roaming in WvW.


> 1. Core D/D

> 2. Tempest D/D

> 3. Weaver D/D


> I am pretty familiar with core d/d from back in 2013-2014 - ish. I played Tempest D/D at HoT release for a bit. I am not that familiar with D/D weaver other than the bit of S/D weaver I have played.


> Basically I am trying to get back to the old Celestial D/D of old; though I know that isn't entirely possible, but I would like to find a build that gives that same feeling.


> (While I know that Mender's S/D Weaver is the closest to Meta we have, I feel that I hit like a wet noodle, though the surviveability and condi cleanse is pretty decent. The animation seem to be very long and obvious as well.)


Im just coming back also and left in 2014 during the daphoenix/taugrim ele days.


Your post describes exactly what im trying to do. What did you come up with for the closest build? How does it compare to before?

Im pretty frustrated with the class atm so looking for some hope on what used to be the best class in the game.

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> @"rudyboysilva.6804" said:

> OP, > @"Knetik.4356" said:

> > Hey all! I am just fishing for some opinions on what build is better for roaming. To preface, I am planning on playing D/D; however I am not sure on which build would work best for 1v1 or 1vX roaming in WvW.

> >

> > 1. Core D/D

> > 2. Tempest D/D

> > 3. Weaver D/D

> >

> > I am pretty familiar with core d/d from back in 2013-2014 - ish. I played Tempest D/D at HoT release for a bit. I am not that familiar with D/D weaver other than the bit of S/D weaver I have played.

> >

> > Basically I am trying to get back to the old Celestial D/D of old; though I know that isn't entirely possible, but I would like to find a build that gives that same feeling.

> >

> > (While I know that Mender's S/D Weaver is the closest to Meta we have, I feel that I hit like a wet noodle, though the surviveability and condi cleanse is pretty decent. The animation seem to be very long and obvious as well.)


> Im just coming back also and left in 2014 during the daphoenix/taugrim ele days.


> Your post describes exactly what im trying to do. What did you come up with for the closest build? How does it compare to before?

> Im pretty frustrated with the class atm so looking for some hope on what used to be the best class in the game.


Hey bud. I did a lot of testing on feel and talking to other eles. If you look up Chill_Seven on YouTube, he primarily runs core d/d ele and has his build and guide there. I think it works really well for wvw roaming still, you just aren't anywhere near as tanky as before.


I have actually grown to like s/d weaver myself lately. Running Marshall's gear with celestial trinkets has been that same sort of bruiser feeling for sure.


If you have a bud or two to run with if you like the tempest auramancer it works really well still.

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